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This is like the ultimate test to determine a person's view on art and what should be its purpose to them depending on whether they think the winner pic is cute/funny and more memorable or if they think it's a fucking crime that it won against the more skillfully done and technically impressive 2nd place.


I think art contests shouldn't be a thing at all.


This. The real missing the point is thinking art is something to be arranged into a hierarchy and rewarded accordingly


> Remember that the winner of this contest was chosen through Likes
This was not an art contest, but a popularity contest.


art is subjective


Imo the most creative piece of art should be awarded instead of the most skillful or the most funny/adorable.


art is art


Fully agree, though I do think it being called the doggo drawing contest may have skewed it in favor of the sillier looking one, as doggo is silly tense for dog.

Both capture the essence of dog wonderfully by different means.


then everyone starts tryharding to make something unique (and failing)


better than everyone just being a jobber that tries to painstakingly copy what's already popular.


I think art contests shouldn't be a thing at all.


i love how people argue about this like it was some big official art contest by the CEO of western civilization and not a random fucking facebook contest. the desire for discourse transcends any sense of proportion. nobody will ask "does it matter?" if they can instead think: everyone must know my opinion on this! i love it.

wait actually i don't love it, i hate the dynamics of internet discourse, i hate the dynamics of a petty squabbling village re-established without any of the bonds of solidarity that a village economy made necessary, i am bored of seeing the same basic dynamics play out time and again. i am tired, i am so tired. i want to buy a boat and just sail out to sea and disappear. i want to sail directly into a big wave. i want my boat to come out the other side minus its crew of one. i want to go into the waves and feed the fish, to experience the novelty of the social life of a school of fish and contrast it with the tedium stretched out to infinity that is life in the internet era. please, please donate to my kickstarter so that i can buy a boat.



you're a fagtron


I meant that it is a popularity contest among the artists, to see who can convince more of their friends and families to like some random Facebook page.


I'm mad that they're being compared at all.

I dislike the view of art as a sport, where quality can be judged on a linear axis of "good" to "bad". Different styles are good for different reasons, and having more variety between them is only ever a good thing. I like Carvagio, Salvador Dali, and Keith Haring all for different reasons. To chose only one is to chose monotony.

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