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How is this not considered cruel and unusual punishment, even by American standards?




I have autism, and I often wonder how I'd fare in prison. Part of me thinks I would unironically enjoy prison more than the real world, since everything in prison is handed to you and you don't have to guess at people's motives. Prisoners are more open with each other. Guards don't lie to you. Not to mention free food and housing sounds better compared to the hell of capitalism.


And what if you get thrown into an unlit cold rusty cell a few meters wide with a sadistic guard who gives you shit for breakfast and forces you to do unpaid labor? I mean, people starve themselves to death in protest for a reason, one doesn't do that without being forced into it.


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I was overhearing this cholo gang banger kid in jail talking about as long as he could fuck women, he wouldn't mind getting locked up forever. Just get to hang out with the boys and work out all day and play cards or whatever they do


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>opens video to see title, closes video.
Because it's not unusual. Cruelty on it's own has never been unconstitutional.


Autistic people do much better in prison than allistics do. We prefer routine, alone time, etc.


Idk. You proabbly would get ired of beung locked in a metal cage surrounded by others. You barely get any alone time and every amenity you have is barely enjoyable.


Better than being a wage slave in capitalism. A lot of autistic people can’t live alone anyway.


You would get eaten alive by psychopaths in prison.


Still better than living without assistance in capitalism.

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