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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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siberia archives

File: 1715081946898.png (1.33 MB, 4032x3024, ClipboardImage.png)


do you like my room


just kidding i took it from 4chan haha


File: 1715082497563.png (544.62 KB, 828x814, ClipboardImage (1).png)


I have a Mao alarm clock where he shakes his fist with the time


just kidding i took it from 4chan haha


How much chin do you all think the owner of that room has?


As much as >>530970


But what about the memes?


Ought to be purged.


Is this a girl's room?


The fingernails at the sign should give it away


Do men grow no fingernails?


File: 1715099068549.jpg (730.7 KB, 4032x3024, no fingernails.jpg)


File: 1715099320886.png (33.37 KB, 120x161, xigma.png)



"classical liberal" vibe


Looks like my room — except I'm more of a fluttershy guy.

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