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>never seen working a stable job
>still has moneh to spend on food and commodities

does patrick like, receives parent money or a welfare check?


eh to spend on food and commodities


Disability neetbux


In one of the later episodes we find out he's part of an experimental UBI program bikini bottom is running. Its the one where his landlord tries to evict him and after a struggle session at the Krusty Krab the rentier-landlord class of bikini bottom is liquidated. iirc the only reason Mr.Krabs is spared is because he acted as guarantor to a printing press that was being shipped out to somewhere in Shandong but somehow mysteriously ended up in a liberated area being used by the 8th route army


nygha b srs


Bikini Bottom is a socdem utopia with a universal basic income and universal at-cost cooperative housing. Notice how Mr. Krabs is always making huge profits but doesn't live a very luxurious lifestyle? That's because of how much he pays in income and capital gains taxes.


average rich parent college student life. trust fund people go crazy i bet patrick's parents pay to keep him away. legit i have seen/know parents like that


I've only watched up to like season 3 or 4 so idk if there's more lore revealed later but from what I've seen I think between living very frugally and the occasional bout of gainful employment and working odd jobs he gets by. His living situation is pretty grim, he's under a rock that is furnished with only the bare essentials if anything at all and half the time those items are made out of sand so one can assume it costs him close to nothing. If not for the fact that he has utilities I would assume he's squatting. Besides that what commodities is he buying other than food? When left to his own devices he seems to spend his time sunbathing and hunting jellyfish. There are a few episodes where he's gainfully employed and when he and Spongebob sell chocolate the episode ends with him pushing a wheelbarrow full of money around so it's not like he's never making an income. That said if I was to choose between the two suggestions you raised I'd lean towards being on welfare, he seems to be largely estranged from his parents
Mr. Krabs is just a massive cheapskate who hoards money rather than spending it. Evidence of him beings rich are his preppy and spoiled daughter, the episode where he earns his millionth dollar and there's plenty of instances where he's seen with huge sums of money. When he does spend it's for the sake of earning more money, such as when he opened up a second Krusty Krab right next to the first one or when he turned the restaurant into a luxury hotel. Finally there's an episode where Squidward quits his job and quickly becomes destitute so I think that refutes the notion that Bikini Bottom is a socdem paradise


>the episode where he earns his millionth dollar
if you earn a million dollars over the course of your career but 900,000 of them went to paying your capital gains tax, you still "made" a million dollars


There's no reason to assume that he pays any taxes at all but assuming for a moment that he does and considering the other expenses like labour costs etc. that he must pay I would expect a capitalist like Krabs to be well aware of the difference between his net and gross income. It wouldnt make much sense for him to get so excited over earning it and later on so distraught over losing it otherwise

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