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Why are leftists unable to give a coherent reason for incest being bad?

>muh crippled kids

You can have sex and not procreate.

>le power imbalance

isn’t exclusive to incest, nor is it inherent to incest

>abuse is more likely

Incest doesnt lead to abuse; it’s the opposite. You’d be banning the symptom, as well as banning cases where there is no abuse

am I missing anything except for “destroys integrity of family structure” (which you won’t argue because you think that’s a good thing) and “it’s icky because uh I said so” (which you won’t argue because aesthetics is a spook)

Social norms, rules, and taboos are ABSOLUTELY political


>You can have sex and not procreate.
Ok now please explain how a socialist state or society can exist if the majority of the population isn't having kids and attitudes such as yours become mainstream. You can't? Ok then sounds like you just answered your own question. If total societal suicide is your fetish don't do the rest of us the disservice of trying to disguise it by claiming a political ideology instead.


we get it you want to fuck your sister


Where do I say that the majority of society needs to not be having kids? And do you want to force people to have kids? Attitudes like mine are already mainstream, I’m just taking them to their natural conclusions. Can you give me one reason incest is in itself bad?


Not really without either invoking abrahamic moralism or eugenics.


Ah, I forgot sex is entirely and only for the purpose of procreation, I've been out of Catholic school for a while so you'll have to forgive me.
Just roleplay that she's your step-sister or call out daddy like a normal person, this just isn't practically worth it.


You can fuck your grandmother all you like if you ask me but who cares?


You forgot your flag, anfem anon
now go back to >>>/siberia/


Power imbalance.
>isn’t exclusive to incest, nor is it inherent to incest
Agreed but they often go together. Let's bd materialists.
Before you chimp out: I'm sure there are situations where incest is perfectly okay but we have to look such things at a social scale, not individuals. I'm not morally against it either, it's just that most incest cases are fucked up situations for one or both parties whether you like it or not.


le power imbalance is my usual reasoning but if you know of cases of incest free of that then probably not as big of an issue as I assume.

Also defects thing only really happens with repeat cases, really. As long as you get tested before hand, like you should before any sexual activity, you can probably catch cases where inbreeding might go wrong beforehand.

>the majority of the population
Where did OP say that?
>attitudes such as yours
<You can have sex and not procreate.
It's an objective statement, it's already mainstream by default.


>le power imbalance is my usual reasoning but if you know of cases of incest free of that then probably not as big of an issue as I assume.
Most cases of incest are parents abusing children. Siblings or cousins or other peers are less likely to be interested because there's some psychological effect that makes you not interested romantically or sexually in people you grew up around.


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When this become the new status quo and undergoes modernization and hypernormalization, they will extend their right to incest to a right to procreate and eventually people will begin to look back at the victims of agent orange as something to strive for.
I think it would be more preferrable if all disguisting meatbags got exterminated for a posthumanist sexless utopia, but that's just my opinon.


white people problems


>Ok now please explain how a socialist state or society can exist if the majority of the population isn't having kids and attitudes such as yours become mainstream.
People actually want to have kids but don't due to financial reasons. Thinking that things such as fertility rates are entirely controlled by social attitudes on the matter is idealism. Sure, social attitudes about the # of children one ought to have can be partly to blame, but the primary cause is relations within the base structure of capitalism itself, namely that of the family unit & its relation to labor.

Capitalism has forced the family into a dual-income model where there is not enough spare time and money to raise a lot of kids.


>implying Marxists give a shit about bourgeois moralism


anon wants to fuck their sister :(
>Why are leftists unable to give a coherent reason for incest being bad?
<muh crippled kids
>You can have sex and not procreate.
not sure if u've eva had sex, but there is no "not procreate", even with birth-control tools and condoms, there's always a probability in 9 months u'll hve a fucked up mutie kid to look afta.
<le power imbalance
>isn’t exclusive to incest, nor is it inherent to incest
yes its not exclusive bu that don't make it right, silly argument.
<abuse is more likely
>Incest doesnt lead to abuse; it’s the opposite. You’d be banning the symptom,
i agree, incest is a product of abuse, hence it's bad an in actin in good faith agents of whtever agreed upon nature of protection shld act upon the inflicter.
>as well as banning cases where there is no abuse
no such thing anon.
>am I missing anything except for “destroys integrity of family structure” (which you won’t argue because you think that’s a good thing)
strawman, the nuclear famly sucks.
>and “it’s icky because uh I said so” (which you won’t argue because aesthetics is a spook)
i will argue this, actually, incest is icky bc i said so. also its indicative of ur use of spook ur a leftist, from this i approach u w/ goodwill and good intentions in my heart: get help, immediately, anon.
>Social norms, rules, and taboos are ABSOLUTELY political


>not sure if u've eva had sex, but there is no "not procreate", even with birth-control tools and condoms, there's always a probability in 9 months u'll hve a fucked up mutie kid to look afta.
gay sex does the no procreate thing pretty good tbh so thus it is 100% possible to have sex w/ no chance of procreation at all


There's no "marxist argument" for or against incest, only what you already stated, that social norms aren't universal and fixed in time.


>there's always a probability
Doesn't matter. Abortion is a thing.


>Why are leftists unable to give a coherent reason for incest being bad?

Well, there may not be a proper 'true' reason which everyone accepts. It seems moral values arise spontaneously in oneself, a mythical mystery, then follows its 'reason' if the matter is being need to be 'reedemed valid' in the systemicity of a discourse.

It's like how the God has been a myth-revealing interlocutor of the man from ancient times, in abstract sense, dialogue with the God made the value reedemable.


yea this's a good point, i stand corrected. i'd rescind my argument, but its indicative by >>531137 that OP aint talkin bout doin up the butt.
yea so i take it u don't rly hve sex alot. there's two wayz to look at this:
1.) u got kids who are unda sum kinda pressure from their parents or theyselves or their friends where they don't hve accsess to these things. there been countless times as a kid i'd fuck raw or anal since i didnt hve a condom, so point stands ppl gonna hve sex even w/out accsess to birth control. dont even get me started on abortions, i aint nvr paid for a plan b or scheduled an abortion, and as a kid ion think i'd kno how to. i'd jus spray and pray.
2.) and this can include that same demographic of kids above, but ppl is broke, and they may not be able to afford condoms or prescribed birth control. how much u think the avg pack of condoms cost? or prescribed birth control? shit can start to get expensive, and that's not to mention the costs of abortion or plan-b, sum ppl jus can't afford it, or hve accsess to it. and that coathanger shit is jus not safe.
so no, abortions aint readily avaliable, so this don't rule out the fact that u could hve a three-eyed kid w/ ur sis, so don't fuck her anon!!!


I'm not OP though.
Anyway, everything you just mentioned is just differential cost accessibility caused by capitalism.


>Why are leftists unable to give a coherent reason for incest being bad?
exactly because theyre leftists and not communists


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this character looks better without the ponytail


Those exact same counter-arguments can be used to justify pederasty.
Wouldn't (old) Land say that incest is fascism fuel since Capital has a tendency towards expansive exogamy, which contradicts the values of the patriarchal Ancient Regimen that supports insular endogamy. The synthesis would be fascism, which promotes endogamy at the level of the State through xenophobia and violent racism, while keeping oppressed populations in a simultaneous state of economic proximity but political distance. If I understood his paper correctly, he probably has the best arguments against incest.


I'm too hungry for meth to research it.
Idk, it's probably because it inherently causes brain damage, like eating any amount of human flesh

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