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>burgers try to make a movie about stalin
>scene with stalin/lenin
>lenin has had his stroke
>stalin walks into lenin's house
>lenin has portraits and busts of himself in the room just after the antechamber
what did they mean by this?


>lenin has portraits and busts of himself in the room just after the antechamber
probably gifts


This scene is Trotskyian propaganda. Actually, Stalin was the best disciple of Lenin. The Testament is a forgery by Krupskaya.


Maybe they dont know that Stalin started Lenins personality cult by having him mummified and erecting statues for him.
>However, during his lifetime, Lenin vehemently denounced any effort to build a cult of personality as in his eyes the cult of personality was antithetical to Marxism.


Found your problem


File: 1715157923528.jpeg (33.13 KB, 750x376, 7i7juEz.jpeg)

Forgot picture


File: 1715361373435.png (189.88 KB, 705x940, feuchtwanger stalin.png)

ironically stalin was also opposed to his own cult of personality


Stalin literally invented leninism and dialectical materialism as fornal doctrines and state philosophies.

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