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I was at a supermarket today, when two gypsy children approached me and, I am not even 100% sure because they phrased it weirdly, begged for money. Every time something like this happens, I am faced with suffering, I get washed by a wave of overwhelming anxiety and my brain starts screaming at me to get out, I mumbled "no" and basically run away. Couple seconds later I regained my composure, felt horribly bad, looked around for them to give them some money but didnt see them anymore. Figured they are somewhere in the store, probably begging other people. Saw them across the aisle, went towards them but they were just leaving the store, didnt buy anything. I quickly finished my shopping and hoped to find them hanging out somewhere outside, near the store or nearby streets, but to no avail.
I have felt like shit entire day, thinking, maybe I was the only person in that store they asked for help, maybe they looked at me and though "that looks like a good person, lets go to him", and I fucked up, impaired a lesson of indifference and cruelty, no different from all the other indifferent and cruel subhumans this world is filled with.


Eh, just try to wave at them next time you see them. Anxiety is tough and chances are they didn't think much of it.


ion think u made a sin anon. its a tough situation.


You made the right decision. If you had given them money they probably would've snatched your wallet, or marked you as a target to be mugged by their older relatives. Those things are fucking dangerous.


>im le bad person im such a sinner
lol you sound dumb


If you really want to help them you build socialism instead of giving a few euros to them.


Capitalism is a system and its ills cannot be fixed by individual charity, either proletarian or bourgeois. You are not obligated to give people the money you need to survive. I have both given people money and declined to give people money, based on where I'm at personally, but it doesn't really make that large of a difference.

That being said anti-romani sentiment is very strong and I'm sure they were thankful you didn't do some sicko reactionary shit like vid related.

(gypsy is a slur I guess, and the romani made a world congress in the 1970s and claimed romani as their official name over gypsy, not to go off on an idpol tangent I just wanted you to know)


Putin needs to NUKE lvov.


Its not your responsibility to help people though
This is like corporations telling you to stop littering when theyre dumping waste into oceans
If you pay taxes you pay into the safety net, no matter how flimsy it is - otherwise you just become a martyr


the east has fallen, billions must die


No, it actually is my responsibility and you should stop littering. Understanding need to systemic change is not an excuse for individual indifference.


Its ur responsibility to give money to beggars?
Not to be a typical europoor, but if youve encountered gypsies you know they dont need your change
Also not littering is just good manners, but its not a huge moral quandry


No, not responsibility, but conscious choice. When I go to a store, to buy something that strikes my fancy, a sweet, nice clothing, when I spend money on whatever, doesnt matter, I choose to do it over giving to those poor unfortunate souls I pretend to not see on my way there. And you do too.


Yes, but i have given money before and it goes nowhere
I once helped a homeless guy by letting him live in my home for a few days. Once he left i heard news he died a few weeks later. While he was with me he was incredibly dysfunctional and obnoxious. An alcoholic.
I can give people stuff, but i cant "fix" them
Some people are fucked


>Understanding need to systemic change is not an excuse for individual indifference.
It actually is, sorry.


You can fix some, and you never know unless you have already try. As I said, its not my responsibility to fix people, but if someone needs help it is my choice whether or not I give it.


But i also think we reserve the right to say "no" loud and clear without feeling guilty


Quality post


You have no right, and no responsibility. Stop hiding behind abstractions. You choose to help, or you choose not to.


Then i choose not to help strangers
But i'll help people i know


They probably ask everyone they come across anon idk why you think you were the only person that could help them. They also probably have resources other than the charity of strangers to get by on. I gave a homeless guy that didnt even ask and was in the middle of scarfing down a bag of chips and a coffee 20 bucks yesterday and didn't feel any better for it

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