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make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after chopping peppers. DO NOT take a piss without first washing your hands after chopping peppers.


1st lesson in cooking but its good to reiterate it for someone who doesn't knows it


sounds like you know from experience anon


what if i'm into cbt


i wonder what using pepper spray as lube is like


>he doesn't deliberately jack off after cutting peppers to enjoy the tingling sensation




Once i was chopping vegetables for a curry. Not a good curry mind, just one of those daily curries that you gotta make to keep yourself alive. I chopped a chili and i swear a fucking chili seed fleck flicked into my eye.
It hurt, but not as much as the disappointment i got from my dad. Watching across the kitchen was Jamie Oliver, my father. "it's alright mate" he sighed. "you get em next time" he tapped my back but it was clear that his heart wasn't in it anymore.
He needed me to soar but all i was capable of doing was getting chili in my eye.
It was burning really hot at this point but i couldn't let down my father. I couldn't add insult to injury by screaming out like a usual person would. We were fourth generational chefs. We do not show pain.
He slowly left the room, a cold chill ran down my back. What if my father wouldn't let me take over the family business? What if Olivers olives fell into the hands of another.
I thought about that and concluded that that would be a bit shit.


Why would you use your hands on your PP? Personally, I just piss in the bathroom with a superman pose.


> Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.
- Oscar Wilde


one time my friend was fingered after a guy ate spicy wings, when will men learn


Not OP.
Bruh, I'm born and raised in Mexico, I forget EVERY FUCKING TIME. Washing your hands doesn't even do much if you're cutting actually spicy peppers. Your fingertips will burn all day, and you'll be like fire Midas, making everything you touch turn into fire.

Don't touch your eyes either. Fucking suuuuucks. The best you can do is use gloves or use a fork to avoid touching the peppers.

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