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Can a straight person have intense homoerotic fantasies? I know this sounds like trolling but the only reason i don't call myself a bisexual is because this happened very, very rarely to me. Like i can count on one hand how much this has happened throughout my whole life; the rest of the time i am overwhelmingly heterosexual.
Was just wondering whether this is just some biological quick in our sexuality evolution hasn't solved or something


And by homoerotic fantasies i don't mean with fake shit like femboys, but rather with random ass guys i've seen. I remember in senior high when i see my substitute math teacher, who is a guy, and i can't focus on the lessons because i keep fantasizing about sucking his dick


I don't know, do you consider sexuality to be historical? if it is historical then you are homo, if not it depends whereas you have sexually desire a male right now


I'm a proud straight man and I've never had fantasies as strong as yours to another man BUT I would say it's only gay if you act on them.


sounds like you may be repressed or haven't investigated it enough


Straight heterosexual people are as real as unicorns.


You're actually gay.



Lmfao straight*ids have such a fragile snowflake sexual identity they even think washing your own ass is le gay

I'm ACTUAL gay and if I had fetishes/sexual urges about women I would act on them without even thinking


Yikes! Do you rape men too?


You're either in the closet or a porno addict





Sexuality isn't "gay, bi, straight", nor is it " a spectrum ", nor any other liberal fucking hogwash.

Yes. A straight person can even be in a homosexual relationship having homosexual sex.


No, you know what, hell no.
I can draw a diagram but if you have sex with a "same-sex-presenting-person" or whatever the fuck, you're not straight. The only way this could possibly happen is if you read the other person in a different way than they see themselves.
I am with you on it's complicated but hell no, this is a simple scenario. This isn't a fringe case. It's a non-binary person or a homosexual person or a lesbian person or whatever the fuck. I do not care. If you consider yourself straight or gay or whichever the case may be you cannot have regular sex with the same gender or vice versa.


i've had a couple of erotic dreams with a college friend so i think it's normal


>orientation policing
stfu cop
Masturbation is gay. Deal with it.


Also you're an ignorant gender cop like the rest, since it's very common for gay men to be in loving relationships with women. If you deny this, then you deny reality. Suddenly when it's a straight MAN (because misogyny says all women are "at least a little bisexual), then the possibility of a loving homosexual relationship goes out the window.
Get real bitch.


I don't intend to police. The reality is much worse, if you walk out of that experience thinking you are not "bisexual" you are delusional.


>I NEEEEEEEED to label my interests and fit them into a category!!!!!!!!


>0 investigation on the subject
<if you don't believe me, you're delusional!


it is completely normal is some rural parts of the United States for men to fool around in the locker room after a football game, or for men to give a beej to a bro in need. these are good old country boys who go church and have families and present as heterosexual


>0 investigation on the subject
No arguments, only slander


>no arguments
uygha, you literally just fucking said
>if you walk out of that experience thinking you are not "bisexual" you are delusional.
>trust me bro, you're delusional!
As I said, what do you make of gays in loving straight relationships? This is way more common than you think. Just ask gay people. Many have had straight relationships, including sex. Do you deny their sexuality?


>i keep fantasizing about sucking his dick
you kinda gay anon. thinking about sucking mens dicks as a man is gay. its ok you don't have to give up ur straighter side just b/c you have some gay thoughts nor do you have to make being semi-gay your whole personality and identity, but ur still probs a bit gay anon.


You sound deeply closeted.


Nothing wrong with being a gay man, anon. You're a gay man btw.


If I was actually gay and not just ''"I only like femboys when I'm really horny and drunk"'" gay, I'd have a bf before the end of the month.


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Why do you care if you're "straight" or "gay"?
Just live your life.


>Do you deny their sexuality?


I'd respect confused people a lot more if they simply did away with labels altogether instead of insisting they're straight or whatever when they clearly are not.


Words have meaning you know. Sexual terms aren't even vague exactly because they're reductive. You're describing bisexuality.
This sounds like people who became so attached to a label they turned it into a part of their personality and once they realized they were actually bi and not gay couldn't let go of something they used to define themselves.


Bruuuuuuh gay people have been forced into straight relationships for centuries. What the fuck are you on about?


Well according to the red pill now you may be straighter than any guy having casual sex with women.


Bro, you’re gay


Is only gay if the balls touch.


I'm obviously talking about people who do it willingly.

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