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420chan.org redirects here. Communists have finally triumphed the libertarians


post BP


I'm newfaggy as fuck, so can anyone try explain to me why?


Hotwheels owns 420chan and is planning a relaunch next year but until then likes this board and redirected here for laughs


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who do you think the original libertarians(and only ones that actually combat state power) were anon


I wouldn't call these middle class leftists communists.


Marx: Son of vineyard owning petit bourgeoisie, married into old aristocratic family
Engels: Heir to bourgeois factory owner, eventually became bourgeois himself after receiving father's inheritance to fund communist operations
Lenin: Well-to-do educated middle peasant, family had local school board officials
Fidel: Son of a plantation owner
Che: Educated and from a wealthy family, medical professional
Mao Zedong: Came from a prosperous peasant family
Kollontai: Came from a well-to-do Ukrainian military family that traced its ancestry to the 13th century
Trotsky: Born into a wealthy family

Only Stalin and Deng had proletarian roots


the petit bourgeois have to demonstrate theyre an addition to the movement instead of proles having to cater to them

stalin, fidel and mao werent even marxists. che was but barely

>proletarian roots

fucking irrelevant if their position changed later on


>fucking irrelevan
Not completely, blindspots are all over upper class leftists takes, all of them. That goes for proles too, we need each other's understanding of class relations. We need the educated and trained but they need our direct experience with class struggles to round out their understanding. It matters, but I wouldn't use upperclass roots an excuse for dismissal.


I noticed a pattern that people who make comments like these seem to for some reason also vehemently oppose any criticism of rulling communist parties abandoning working class base in favour of middle class.


b-but they call themselves communists. ignore that theyre part of the bourgeois electoralist machine!

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