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>have to Spend almost all of your time being the central fbi.gov moderator of the land, the main janny, the admin.
>have to solve everybody's problems.
>have to never act yourself, but to keep the same manners as your father as to keep respect from your subjects. have to also never go by a name picked from birth like (inset popular name here) The (insert Ordinal Number here) of the house of (insert shithole here)
>have to keep entertaining diplomats and dignitaries and pay tributes to another much strong kingdom checking in to see if you're still a submissive bitch to them.
>Get an absolutely minuscule amount of time for yourself
>and you're expected to also have a wife and family, inceldome goodbye, and you have to spend this already small free time with them.
>during wars you have to bribe mercenaries because your army of farmers and the few knights mustered by your nobles isn't enough, have to pay them with money you borrowed from some italian banker or da jooz
>have to bribe your lords to stay happy under their liege with feasts, titles, letting them fuck your daughter, gibbing them more clay and pray to god(s) this is enough not to get killed by a conspiracy, or to have their asses wanna be independent and declare their own kingdoms
>have to always keep a strong "friends with benefits" relationship with your kingdom's high clergy and make em richer cause they can tell the people you're a heathen or you got "bad virtues" whenever they feel like it and incite revolting.
>Meanwhile you are having to dodge getting killed by nizari assassins, fringe knight orders, the elite guards supposed to protect you, the troublesome and powerful chief of the vikangz/mongols/turks on your border, plots by your distant family, all whilst trying to keep the population and the nobility happy so they don't overthrow you.

sounds like hell desu


Being a high noble isn't all that good either, since you'll always be in the forefront of any random conspiracy that can get your head chopped off.
I think the most stable noble job is to unironically be this small baron-tier landlord. Especially in places like India where you have a very dispersed population distribution and your lieges have to bend over backwards to appease you since administering the land is nearly impossible without your cooperation.
Obv the downsides is that you'd be the first target of any angry revolting peasants and bandits but other than that there were 0 occupation hazards whatsoever


they were usually born into it


wow you have responsibilities if youre the head of a state? deep


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>have to Spend almost all of your time being the central fbi.gov moderator of the land, the main janny, the admin.
Division of labor, dawg. Local officials, tax collectors, judges, magistrates, knights, etc. take care of most of this for you
>have to solve everybody's problems.
No you don't. In fact like most ruling classes you have an incentive to create a problem that didn't exist before and then "solve" it (not at its root cause but superficially) through your "services". With medieval kings your main job is to grain tax your tenants and then "protect" your tenants from other rulers who want to grain tax them instead.
>have to never act yourself, but to keep the same manners as your father as to keep respect from your subjects. have to also never go by a name picked from birth like (inset popular name here) The (insert Ordinal Number here) of the house of (insert shithole here)
this is called living in a society and we all do it
>have to keep entertaining diplomats and dignitaries and pay tributes to another much strong kingdom checking in to see if you're still a submissive bitch to them.
more living in society
>Get an absolutely minuscule amount of time for yourself
le society. The part you keep missing is where they lived better than 90% of people at the time.
>and you're expected to also have a wife and family, inceldome goodbye, and you have to spend this already small free time with them.
wow classes reproduce themselves through sexo? First time I am hearing of this.
>during wars you have to bribe mercenaries because your army of farmers and the few knights mustered by your nobles isn't enough, have to pay them with money you borrowed from some italian banker or da jooz
Court jews were scapegoats. In truth Christian kings wouldn't let jews get "christian" jobs (i.e. anything but usury) and so jews became usurers by default, some rose to the level of "court jew" but many were just lynched. Court jews were basically used as scapegoats. They extract usurious interest rates on behalf of the king, and then when the peasants get pissed the king hands the court jew over to their wrath and blames it all on him. Meanwhile the king gets to keep all that usurious money. Using despised minorities as scapegoats by forcing them into despised social roles in order to deflect blame from the ruling class is an old trick. Do it for long enough and you get a caste system.
>have to bribe your lords to stay happy under their liege with feasts, titles, letting them fuck your daughter, gibbing them more clay and pray to god(s) this is enough not to get killed by a conspiracy, or to have their asses wanna be independent and declare their own kingdoms
wow you mean to tell me these powerful men had big parties where they ate all the food they stole from the peasants, drank all the wine the peasants produced, and then fucked each others' big titty 18 year old daughters? They must have really hated doing this! What a pain in the ass!
>Meanwhile you are having to dodge getting killed by nizari assassins, fringe knight orders, the elite guards supposed to protect you, the troublesome and powerful chief of the vikangz/mongols/turks on your border, plots by your distant family, all whilst trying to keep the population and the nobility happy so they don't overthrow you.
this is overstated and yawnworthy


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this, unironically OP would be fine if he was to become a king, just do what the guy before you was doing.

now if you were a woman, a Regent queen, per say, it's way harder, you'll have to deal with everybody hating you, and if you get married, the husband will become the new head of state by default and take away your powers.
it's hard to be monarch when you're a single woman, take Grace-chan for example, she claims she's leftypol's holy Girlboss queen, yet nobody pays her respects.

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