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Why does Western culture encourage tolerance of others while other cultures don't?


>Why does Western culture encourage tolerance of others
The last 500 years of history beg to differ.


Hey, retard, we're discussing the present


Multiracial/cultural society in america forces them to push this to maintain internal stability. In Europe it has something to do with an austrian painter who got rejected from art school.


You're such a little bitch you can't even answer the question in good faith. 500 years ago I was fucking your (whore) mother


The present is included in the last 500 years. That's how that works. I don't see "other cultures" going around the world bombing and sanctioning people they don't like.


Bourgeois individualism, for better or worse. Culture is a private affair.


This must be the same retard that makes those Islam threads




>Western culture encourage tolerance of others
this is not inherent to "western" society but is rather inherent to a globalizing bourgeois superstructure. As capitalism develops and moves outward from where it first showed up, there becomes a strong incentive to do consumer demographic research. Consumer demographic research means tayloring to more and more specific types of people, to claw back declining profit rates. This results in an idpol matrix focused on bourgeois tolerance. This idpol matrix extends into the work place, because workers need to be respectful towards diverse customers, and diverse coworkers. Since capitalism also seeks out cheap labor from foreign lands, either by outsourcing, or importing immigrants, it becomes important for the bourgeoisie to inculcate tolerance in the proletariat. This still has its root in the economic base of production, and does not preclude fascism or nationalism or chauvinism or violence. In fact, reactionaries, wishing to turn back the clock, are outraged at having to display tolerance. This does not mean intolerance is revolutionary, however. It is just reactionary. An attempt to put the genie back in the bottle when the historical development has already happened. Globalization will continue because globalization is economic development, and economic development heightens the contradictions of the mode of production, and brings it closer to its inevitable replacement.


They're right though, your question is based on a false pretext. Suck it up and delete the thread.


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>superstructural elements that are socially constructed, socially inculcated, and socially performed are private affairs
massive cope if i ever heard one.


> Why does Western culture encourage tolerance of others
aren't they genociding an entire people like right now


>12 replies in four minutes for a post destined get bites
siberia never changes


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>western country
>9/11 happens
>terrorize several muslim nations for two decades by bombing the shit out of them, couping them, putting neoliberals in power who take out IMF loans, etc.
>help israel genocide palestinians
>this is called "tolerance"
<Eastern country
<CIA-backed ETIM members keep doing terrorist attacks in Xinjiang
<give people more jobs. Give them counter-terrorism education. Don't bomb them. Their birth rates increase and they are happier. Don't suppress their indigenous culture. Terrorism drops.
<this is called "uyghur genocide"


they're all me bitch


Also now that I think about it, colonialism. Effective governance of multinational empire inevitably requires some degree of tolerance towards you subjects culture.

They become a private affair when people are turned into private individuals. Which holidays you celebrate, what clothes you wear, what gods you pray to, (in theory) nobody cares, because those are all thing that can be subsumed within the market.


Btw big fan of cat and fox pretty, cant really see a difference between them, both have more sharp features, as oppose to softness of deer and bunny.


>first reply
>reveals he can't read
why does this always happen to paragons of the west? is this a chinese plot?


>people's socially constructed, socially performed and socially inculcated superstructural behaviors are private affairs because they can be subsumed by a privatized market.

You are confusing the colloquial definition of "private" (private affair) with the economic definition of "private" (privatization). You may as well have just said that the characters on your keyboard are like the characters in a TV show. Please stop being confused.


I am not confusing anything, culture (in a narrow sense of a word) within a multicultural western society is primary performed privately.


Or you know what, nevermind, this is a stupid argument to have, as if there is a line drawn in a sand separating private and social.

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