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File: 1715190000501.jpg (35.13 KB, 450x529, LatAmMap.jpg)


Is it part of the West™?



File: 1715190274270.jpg (54.1 KB, 450x528, correct-map.jpg)

also, here's the correct map.


Why not? Its full of spaniards and spain is part of the west™


west, yes. West, no.


There's not many Spaniards. Probably less that. 0.05% of the population.


Some countries have more Spainish ancestry than others. Even Bolivia is not going to be .05% Spanish.


Spaniard ancestry doesn't mean they're Spaniards. They're not. They're their own nationality.

When people here refer to the West, it is a geopolitical grouping. Not an ethnic, nor a national, nor a racial, nor cultural one.


File: 1715191302500.png (1.59 MB, 1320x1451, ClipboardImage.png)

vvest be like


Waiting for the leftoid who will say only the latam countries with high GDP are and we need to critically support the poor bourgeois nation-states.

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