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"Whoever condemns Jewish capital, gentlemen, is already engaged in the class struggle, even though he does not realize it." - Ruth Fischer
Well, is it true?


>implying capital has a national character


Sussy rhetoric. What is "jewish capital"?


File: 1715222930524.jpg (450.78 KB, 1200x1532, Henry_ford_1919.jpg)

Marx even talks about the class atruggle within the bourgeoisie itself, between industrialists, landlords and bankers (money-capitalists) for example.
I recently read an article about how the banking school of economics shafted out keynes to forward its own agenda (even killing all the people on the titanic).
I think like adam smith, there can be animosity toward landlords while praise is bestowed on industrialists. A lot of classcucked lolberts will even say they hate international bankers most.
So you can hate parts of the ruling class more than the others. This is why i think a post 1913 world fits lenin's "imperialist" conception best. We have transitioned from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism. Michael hudson also talks about this.
Think also of the fascist "business plot" and ford's association with the third reich - here we see the industrialist beat off the banking cartel. It reminds me of ayn rand's celebration of the industrialist and entrepeneur against the stagnant old-money powers and affiliated politicians.
Clearly the class war of the elites is also a relevant factor, and a right wing socialism, or a conservative capitalism can facilitate these fluctuations.
Capital that jews own?


It's me. That's my name.


Thx. I don't actually support Iran, I just wanna see this board opinion on this.


nope youre as stupid as the libs who root for the "little guy"


I never said i was a simp for victorian factory owners, im just saying there is an inherent class contradiction in the elites


My politics are judeo-bolchevism. We will destroy the economy, human rights and bring an end to the white demon reign.

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