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It's never been so over for Millennoids. It was over for them before it began.


>people over 25 are uncool
it doesnt matter when you read this


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>There are zoomers who are 27 years old right now


I would say the tipping point is 28.

One decade after you left high school, you're both officially not a youth and are basically locked out of ever being in touch with the youth ever again.

Which is fine and just something you have to accept. If you remember being a youth, the worst thing in the world was the older person desperately trying to keep in touch with youth culture. You have to accept your age because the you're not going to win any fights against Father Time.


>desperately trying to keep in touch with youth culture
Examples? I can only think of old people dressing like hypebeasts or forcing themselves to use the latest lingo.


Millennial culture was shit


Nothing concrete. Mostly adults saying things like "Sup Dawgs, ya'll are looking pretty crunk" (I was a teenager in the 2000s)

Or maybe that time McDonald's ran an advertisement saying "Double cheeseburger? I'd hit it. I'm a dollar menu guy."


>I'd hit it
Fucking classic.


Arbitrary but I felt this way around 23-24. I should've been married with a bunch of kids by now and not being concerned with "clout"/e-drama. Everything is just downhill after high-school.


Its a positive sign imo. Being 35 and being fluent in zoomer memes would be concerning.


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>I'd hit it
>I'm lovin' it
It's making me see their catchphrase in a new light.


But I never got to smash when I was <28
<tfw my first had been bonking since 14


iktf bro


>millenials have no rizz
boomer hands wrote this


Boomers will curse millennials with their dying breath for avocado toast and starbucks




where's any proof for this? the article advances this thesis without even so much as an online poll based on the fact that people say gyatt now. online millennials are just as online as online zoomers. like people don't just stop using the internet when they turn 28 or whatever, i hate generation bullshit


a thread died for this


> You have to accept your age because the you're not going to win any fights against Father Time.
Fuck that shit, I’m going to be a god damn superstar


Actual grass touching children don't talk about skibidi toilet, rizz, gyatt, etc. The millenials writing these "millenials are out of touch" articles are marketing freaks trying to convince you that people actually talk like this, when really only 35 year old marketing weirdos and chatbots talk like this. Find me a single child who says rizz, gyatt, skibidi etc. in a sincere conversation. Even millenials weren't serious when they said shit like epicsauce and win, they were just making fun of how people on the internet supposedly talked, and then it became associated with them for some reason. The irony becomes sincere once people who are listening to you have no context.



>Muh kids are cringe

Bruh "zoomer" shit is just millennial stuff.


Age numbers are far too much treated like personality traits. People talk about ravism and sexusm but generation gaps are the biggest divide in our society now.


Again, age numbers are terrible metric of maturation.
Theres not much differemce between teens and twenties amd thirties. Its all marketing and bullshit legalities


>>Muh kids are cringe
Nobody said that, autist.


Not autist but it was implied.
Also, I find it funny how adults complain about youth culture for trends when adults themselves create their own trends and slang.


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Here's proof that it is NOT TRUE!


you are all wrong
the whole point of the boomer meme was that anyone that is older than a zoomer is a boomer, millennials have always been boomers
btw both of them are equally out of touch with reality, ageism reveals nothing about society but alienation


Millennials arent boomers.
Theyre Gen X second edition.
Zoomers are Gen X third edition.


you are all confusing marketing/anthropology generationism with meme generationism
meme generationism is a dichotomy between the zoomer and the boomer where everything past zoomer is boomer with no inbetweens, a satire of srs business generationism


No, >>531858 is right, there is virtually no difference between a teenager who listened to Nirvana in 1991 and a teenager listening to Sewersvlt today, it's all the same angst in reaction to an absurd neoliberal world.


>there is virtually no difference between a teenager who listened to Nirvana in 1991 and a teenager listening to Sewersvlt today, it's all the same angst in reaction to an absurd neoliberal world.
the historical conditions are not the same even if they are alike, that doesn't mean we cannot be empathetic to those who have lived or will live in other conditions, feelings and emotions have always been the same
but also my point is not that the zoomer generation is essentially different to the ones before, i only support meme generationism because it takes the reductionism of srs business generationism and takes it to the absurd where it cannot be taken as an unironic arguing point and i believe that generationism should never be used as an arguing point because it doesn't take in account everything that the historical conditions entail


> the whole point of the boomer meme was that anyone that is older than a zoomer is a boomer
i know dumdum, the joke was that only old people use "rizz" unironically


> historical conditions are not the same even if they are alike
Name them.


If everything is downhill after high school then why do people hate/cringe at kids?

Also if everything is downhill after high school then maybe things never began for you in childhood


this shit gave me cancer


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>like people don't just stop using the internet when they turn 28 or whatever
I wonder what they think people over a certain age should be doing? Watching Friends reruns?
It's more that we never became their Neocon stormtroopers imposing the New American Century on China and Iran like Howe and Strauss said we would be.


>It's more that we never became their Neocon stormtroopers imposing the New American Century on China and Iran like Howe and Strauss said we would be


>If everything is downhill after high school then why do people hate/cringe at kids?


People in their thirties aren't exactly of draft age, though.


cringekino, i wonder if its intentional


>I wonder what they think people over a certain age should be doing? Watching Friends reruns?
No you're just supposed to stare at the wall until it's time to work. Didn't they taught you that in adult courses?


the kids at my job say these things every once in a while but only, as you say, ironically


I want to live forever.


>burger high school slang


skibidi edge rizz
skibidi edge rizz
skibidi edge rizz

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