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a thread died for this


John lennon, david bowie and sid vicious also liked the austrian painter. Its just an artist thing.




Maybe he really did bleach his skin…


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Bolsheviks also wore red armband


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I originally searched for soviet red armband but that Mao pic turned up and it was better.


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>During one interview, Jackson said: "Hitler was a genius orator. To make that many people turn and change and hate, he had to be a showman and he was."

>Boteach then asked the star: "You believe that if you had an hour with Hitler you could somehow touch something inside of him?"

>Jackson replied: "Absolutely. I know I could."

>He went on to argue that nobody is totally evil, adding: "You have to help them, give them therapy, teach them that somewhere, something in their life went wrong."

>Boteach, 42, who recorded more than 30 hours of interviews with Jackson, told The Sun: "Michael despised what Hitler had done. When it came to believing he could heal Hitler, that was hopeless naïvety."

He just wanted to Captain EO him. (Zoomers won't understand this reference)

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