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How do you fellow leftoids on this dead site cope with the fact that you're never gonna see socialism in your.lifetime?


I have already seen it in real life, in reality
Then we had to go home or the cops showed up or we had to get back to work



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Actually existing cope.


Better than being born during previous modes of production relatively speaking



im going to write the chronicles of grace and alunya: A love story


I mean you could experience socialism in some kind of commune


Wise men plant the seeds of trees they'll never feel the shade of, we are part of something greater than ourselves, we are but one drop in a raging stream of struggle etc etc


File: 1715249863559.jpg (119.89 KB, 640x746, karl-marx-652768.jpg)

Its ok maybe my grandchildren will enjoy the freedom of communism.


Marx always seems to have a line for everything lol.


Do you plan to treasure the tale for yourself or share it?


I will. Maybe you won't, but I will. <3


40% maladaptive daydreaming, 40% writing essays about how useless and incompetent the left is, 20% relaxing walks outside.

most of the left plants nothing and then crows about how in short order you'll be thrown to your death from their treehouse because you've deviated from their understanding of forestry. the metaphorical situation gets bleaker the more you think of it: we have no seeds, no plan to get seeds, the soil is barren and we're in the midst of a drought, our only respected guides to forestry were written before the polio vaccine, before man went to space, before the integrated circuit. still, no plans, no strategy, no acceptance of this bleak reality: strategically retreat to the imaginary treehouse. will there be tea inside the treehouse? what does The Madras forest manual (1947) have to say on the matter? (if you disagree with my interpretation, you will be thrown to your death… once the treehouse is built… once the tree has grown… but that's the easy part…)


I will see communism
I will move to communist china


Chances are it won't happen in centuries but that doesn't mean we should stop trying to unite the proletariat as one.


He had a way with words, though a few quotes were translators taking some artistic liberties that didn't distract from the main point but still sound prettier than the original German.


Positive spin: Lenin didn't have any respected guides to forestry, so he wrote them himself! :D

We just need to keep building on the movements we have, learning and correcting their deficits, understanding and building on their successes, and formulating our forestry guides from there, once we can better identify soil because we've experimented with it more, and once we've turned our few seeds into many seeds. (still, the science of planting seeds isn't the science of protecting trees from fungus, drought, and insects! There's always more we don't know. But people have gotten relatively far regardless of that fact. That proves that not knowing isn't a real obstacle, it's a cry for our parents to help us that keeps us from getting up and doing it ourselves!) <3


>let's make communism about whatever the fuck we want
Why are lib leftoids like this??????


what is communism about and how do you contribute to this. answer immediately and honestly so i can brand you a naive imbecile or an honest loser, otherwise you will be forever branded a coward. if you answer with anything except (a) a definition of communism or "what communism is about" and (b) an explanation of how you contribute to this cause, you will be branded an imbecile coward.
do what i say: answer now or never post again.

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