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Philo fags explain dis 2 me


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Wheres da expl.?


As far as i know, deleuze holds a positivist view of reality (which is why he hates hegel and psychoanalysis) and concords that with nietzsche's "will to power" as the very scene of a poststructuralist "difference" that underpins reality in the same way.
Deleuze was very interested in biology and didnt believe in the homeostasis of freud, but saw that nature self-transforms itself into revealing its "substance", the same substance of spinoza, as the force of life, or vital "power", which is also why foucault praised deleuze so well (where foucault also considered himself a nietszchean, which is why his analyses are about "power" generally).
Also, deleuze invented the signifier of "accelerationism" from nietzsche's notes about accelerating the forces of modern nihilism.


what bout guattari??



Idk much about guttari except that some people say he was a bad influence on deleuze
I heard guttari liked to make diagrams



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>virgin nietzscel cope when god is not real
<chad stirner morality is a spook and everything is my property including you


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umm sir excuse me i am actually a "Basedpilled Übermensch Führer" and my will to power is about to beat you up if you don't respect my choice


Is my will 2 powa considered weak if I have constipation and simply cant will the poop out?

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