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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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 No.20257[Last 50 Posts]

For those who don't know, a bunch of major subreddits (at least 3000 in total) are going to go private for 48 hours to protest Reddit killing third party use of its API. It's technically supposed to start tomorrow but a bunch of subreddits are getting a head start already.

More info:

Thoughts? There's more backlash than I expected, and I'm all for it, but I think going with a 48-hour blackout with no demands is basically a toothless gesture, much like the 24-hour protest strikes some unions do. Doesn't really mean anything.


>for 48 hours
dead on arrival


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>a bunch of major subreddits (at least 3000 in total) are going to go private
That's great!

>for 48 hours

Ah, this sucks ass.

Couldn't expect more from liberal central.


Yeah, essentially my thoughts. Just sucks because I definitely like where the mood is at, but trying to get online forums to actually commit to something is basically impossible.
lmao, gamers are the least principled people on earth, it is known


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It doesn't matter if they had demands or anything like that.
Reddit is happy for them to leave. They want them to leave.
Like any other website currently they are only interested in users insofar as they can use them as a data farm. Being a discerning user, creating quality content, anything along those lines is irrelevant to the bottom line. Reddit and all other social media sites just want the users to be like the people from Wall-E. The ideal site user is a literal child - no impulse control, lots of free time. Under capitalism this is inevitable.

And for anybody who isn't aware, Reddit is currently trying to go public and get an IPO (initial public offering, basically market value for the company) but they are currently not profitable so they are trying to squeeze money anywhere they can. The inciting incident for the blackout is that Reddit announced they will start charging comically high prices for API calls, making 3rd party apps that use the site non-functional because none of them can pay on the order of tens of millions of dollars per year. The goal here is to reduce the load on reddit's servers and funnel more users to the site and official app so their usage can be monetized through data mining.

This is a controversial move not just because of how it's obviously shitty, but because the official means of using the site is often borderline (or actually) nonfunctional, poorly designed, and unlike some 3rd party apps does not support accessibility at all (fuck blind people lol).

It's also worth noting among all of this that reddit was originally conceived as a "content aggregation" website, to the point that it used to be actually against the rules to post original content instead of linking externally to something that already existed. It was never really meant to function as a social media site. Part of why it sucks as a "community" or "culture" is because it was never designed for that in the first place. From the beginning Reddit was just meant to optimize funneling content to users from around the internet, hence calling itself "the front page of the internet." So ultimately Reddit is just RETVRNing to its roots.


>The ideal site user is a literal child - no impulse control, lots of free time.
Oh and also very susceptible to the ads.


So, that raises the real question: How do we get those discerning, quality posters you mentioned on to leftypol.org, where they belong?


Also it's such bullshit that Reddit is obsessed with becoming "profitable". They could absolutely keep their servers running indefinitely purely on donations, but they're porky scum so that's not enough for them.


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anyway theres a whole stream about watching reddit go down
https://www.twitch.tv/reddark_247(Suggestion: Use the cytube instead of promoting your own channel)


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People are saying this. You can believe it or not, but a lot of people are saying it.
Allegedly the CEO of reddit, Steve Huffman aka /u/spez used to be a moderator of a certain subreddit that got banned a while back, when reddit started to go mainstream. It was called /r/jailbait


nah what happened is that one of the moderators of that place was buddy buddy with the admins of reddit including this guy and thats why it took so long for it to go down


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Oh boy. I'm a chinlet myself, but that's not gonna stop me from making fun of him for it lmao


the big subs controlled by feds (all the news and politics ones) arent doing it as youd expect


turns out the #resistance crowd don't actually resist anything, what a shocker


>for 48 hours
meh, make it 27 years or it will have no effect


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what made him think hosting that AMA was a good idea?


Hubris. I'm sure his PR team told him it'd be a disaster, but narcissistic tech CEOs always think they're smarter than the people around them.


It's not about server load, third party applications do not show ads, and ads is where the money come from. That's also why they are not RETVRNing to their roots, they are doing everything to keep the users on reddit hence the internal image host, video player, chat, etc. Users leaving by outgoing links is bad for ad revenue so it is discouraged.


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holy crap reddit isnt loading for me


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I got that earlier as well

what a shithole


True, but it's not just ads either. Reddit collects a ton of data and they get basically nothing when you use a 3rd party app. TV/streaming providers have a similar issue with over-the-top applications like Roku and have been trying to kill those platforms for similar reasons.


OK but isn't data for ads? What else could they legally use it for?


Research of various kinds, including for ads. Reddit specifically has ties to US intelligence agencies too.


What does this accomplish other then pissing off visitors?
I bet regular reddit users will just switch to another one of their social media feeds. Meanwhile the only search results that could help me fix my alsa effect chain are from a currently private tech advice subreddit.

A userbase pressuring a for-profit service will always lose, even if they take it down with them. Scraping existing subreddits, making a bridge between them and a reddit clone, posting a sticky to discuss exploits for the paid api, anything would have been better than this.


I don't disagree with the blackout being pointless, but your specific complaints ("it's inconvenient") make you sound like a scab anon


what does this accomplish other than its main objective


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>What does this accomplish other then pissing off visitors?
I mean customer dissatisfaction is part of what makes strikes effective: quicher the boss gives in, sooner they got the joint running again.
>Meanwhile the only search results that could help me fix my alsa effect chain are from a currently private tech advice subreddit.
Imagine thinking you'al get useful tech advice from reddit lmao. The existence of reddit & fbi.gov is why there isn't more detailed documentation.


Reddit is astroturfed cancer and we should critically support its owners destroying their own website.


That's the thing, Reddit is one of the most used websites in the world. It won't get "destroyed" by not allowing third party apps, but it *might* get destroyed by its users throwing enough of a fit over the API.


Though I don't think actually it will be destroyed, unfortunately. To my knowledge, none of the community-run Reddit clones are in any position to actually replace it, so I think the users will probably bitch and moan but continue using it like always.


Idk about this API thing, but Reddit is either going to die or be bought up by someone bigger in this tech recession


People don't usually use 3rd party apps out of some abstract principle though. It's because they have core QoL or accessibility features that most users would not be willing to give up.

If reddit had a functional app/site then they probably wouldn't even have that kind of competition in the first place.


Probably true. Introducing Google Reddit™ (disclaimer: requires connecting a Google account, browsing with Chrome, and disabling third-party adblockers in order to view.)
That's fair, but Reddit has always had dogshit functionality. It's quite possibly the most poorly designed UI of any major website I've ever seen. I think its users are willing to put up with a LOT more bullshit than they should.


I just realized my point's probably unclear, so let me revise: Before third party APIs were made for it a lot of people used Reddit despite its abysmal functionality. So, I think it's very possible they'll continue using it.


third party APPs, goddamn it I can't fucking type today


Reddit is way less functional today than it was 10 years ago though.


It's only one of the most used by the current "platformized" internet, it's popularity, and therefore importance, is exaggerated.


Fair, I actually use old.reddit.com anytime I have to go there, so I sometimes forget how shit the redesign was.
Also probably fair. I don't really know how the rankings work, but it seems Reddit, while not on the same level as normie social media, is still pretty gigantic.


Old.Reddit is also going to be broken by the changes I hear.


Oh fuck.

Well, I don't know about everyone else, but that's personally enough for me to stop using it. Half the time the site doesn't even load correctly when I try to use the new design.


Reddit embassy thread, the thread. Thoughts?


We’re going to have a lot of refugees in here in the coming days. I’m actually excited in us branching out and having a larger base of anons (who mostly share our same views on topics) because of spez being a spaz.


Fascists like yourself are cancer. Reddit has a lot of problems but it’s a very useful aggregate for news and content. A lot of their users are similar to us in mindset, but no people like you choose to stay in echo chambers and whinge about people who use another platform.(Spam IP)


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So as people here probably wouldn’t know or care and I can’t blame them really, Reddit has a shit ton of third party apps like Reddit is Fun and Apollo that many of its users have in order to customize their experience on the heckin wholesome website. However, spez (shit janny) has decided that as of July, those third party apps will have to charge a premium to its users in order to continue using their services. Around 7000 subreddits, including a lot of popular ones with millions of subscribers, have gone private permanently and Reddit’s servers crashed earlier today as a result.

As another result, btw, we might end up having a lot of refugees here in the coming days because there are a lot of people who don’t want to continue using Reddit as it vies to join the open market and likely go the way of MySpace or Digg. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I tend to browse genzedong, thedeprogram and fuckcars because they’re useful subs that share a lot in common with us.(thread merge begin)



A crosspost is necessary because Reddit going down effects a lot of our users here even though they won’t admit to browsing a lot of the socialist subs


I wasn't saying to fuck off, just pointing out a thread already exists if people are curious about the topic.


So genzedong is still a thing? What happened to it exactly? Quarantined?




Quarantined subs still exist, they’re basically just slapped with a warning label(Thread merge end)


not even reddit likes reddit and youre calling someone a fascist because its finally going down lol


Sorry didn't see this, you can post in a /leftypol/ general about this like isg as well though


both. if theres something that leddit holds over 4chin is that they havent got a superiority complex over the platform they use


i think you really need to improve your reading comprehension because i havent stopped talking about reddit


>If you want an echo chamber, go to 4chinlet.
i mean holy shit you faggot cant even read


>you’re STILL insinuating that Redditers hate using the site
i didnt even bring up the issue again in the post youre now replying to? am i being gaslit? or are you actually this retarded?

>if you’re just mad because some Redditers are cringe then I implore you to take a look at leftypol for 5 minutes

youre misreading shit nobody has said and then getting defensive about it. fuck off dude


Why are people still pretending that channers and Redditors are two completely species and that there isn't a substantial crossover? Are we larping like it's 2012 or something?


Also, I'm usually opposed to banning people, but this guy:
is really shitting up the thread. He called the other anon racist for a post that literally had not even the barest trace of anything a sane person could construe as race-related in it. He's either trolling, severely mentally ill, or likely both.(>>>report button)


They’re not the same lol take your meds


This API stuff is irrelevant. Redditoids will be back on Wednesday and act like they tried everything while paying a premium for third party apps, because they’re bootlickers of liberal capitalism.


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what are they suppose then?


An indefinite blackout would be better even though it would still fail.


>I mean customer dissatisfaction is part of what makes strikes effective: quicher the boss gives in, sooner they got the joint running again.
Most active users likely have no problem with using another cancerous social media for the time being. It will only annoy visitors arriving from other sites, that don't drive much activity either way. I loathe not being able to access important information, because the redditors are doing retard earth day.
>The existence of reddit & fbi.gov is why there isn't more detailed documentation.
True. I fucking hate those meme programmers so much, who install zsh plugins, write on github blogs, use js for everything, have emojis in their docs and build software with cmake, meson, a docker recipe, or ide project files.


Reminder that reddit has been utterly infested with bots since 2016 at the latest, and even some mods seem to be professional shills or even bots. Nothing of value would be lost if it goes under.

see >>1497801


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Well reddit developer Aaron Swartz got suicided in the battle for reddit's le soul, so that should probably be taken as the high water mark for what (some people think) the stakes are and how far the powers that be are willing to go to have things their way. Maybe redditors should take that as a hint for how serioius their adversaries are and the kind of struggle that would be necessary to defeat them.


>Github blogs
Eh, I understand how those emerge, I keep my notes / diary folder in a private git. Seems like a clunky way to present what ya want shown publically when a neocities isn't that much harder so set up.
>Emojis in docs
I don't see the issue w/ that one, at least it's plain unicode and not something like fontawesome.


Has a cooperative funding model been developed yet?
As in, can, say, a group hosting a server/servers set up a link for collaborative funding of their cooperative?
As a technical solution (via some protocol or code that guarantees the transfer not ending up in the hands of one individual for example)


Can't you just register a cooperative with the people involved and open a bank account for the co-op? And then link it to a PayPal or Venmo or whatever for online funding?



The reason why not is because it's way more complicated than vs the highly streamlined, simplified, efficient and ultimately attractive solutions like Patreon
I'm saying techies need to release a cooperative Patreon (if they haven't already) and risk radicalizing even more people towards what's being cultivated; a productive cyber-syndicated socialist space online
We're at an interesting juncture right now (the younger generation of working classes in the imperial core/anglophone west)
FOSS has developed to the point where Linux desktop is here and the hurdle for Winbabbys to jump systems (gaming) is gone
Encryption/online privacy are far more normalized, widespread, and beginner-friendly thanks to a decade of blowback past Snowden/Wikileaks/NSA scandals
Invidious, Mastodon, Lemmy, Matrix, Signal has already been set up and made itself known. Big Tech now freaks out in sheer desperation about their ever-tanking profits and in a class-united move of oppression they lose face (big mistake). Class consciousness has jolted the mass userbase out of their cognitive dissonance as a result (the Youtube-Discord-Twitter-Twitch-Reddit wide userbase) and registration to federated, open source, socialist administered alternatives are rising exponentially.
I say act now and force through agitation for important changes while the tumult is still happening. Are there cooperative patreons?


Backup of r/piracy megathread


Very interesting.
Thanks, I had heard of "opencollective" but never looked into the details of what it was.
But it seems more of a symbolic gesture than a technical mechanism? The idea is certainly in the right direction, this could/should be forked/imitated somewhat, but enforce the distributed funding (technologically cooperative payment mechanism tied to work/input), cut down on mediation, offer plurality of currency options.

<Relevant links, Opencollective:

>Dubious philosophical meanderings:

>Defining terms concretely, technical details:

How do I pay people? [Part 1]
''Money contributed to a Collective goes to the bank account of the Fiscal Host*.
*Fiscal Host:
What is a Fiscal Host?
Fiscal hosting enables Collectives to transact financially without needing to legally incorporate. In other contexts, this is sometimes called fiscal sponsorship.
A fiscal host is a legal company or individual who holds a Collective’s funds in their bank account and can generate invoices and receipts for supporters and sponsors. You can think of a fiscal host as an umbrella organization for the Collectives in it.
The fiscal host is responsible for taxes, accounting, compliance, financial admin, and paying expenses approved by the Collective’s core contributors (admins).
The Open Collective platform makes the job of fiscal hosts a lot easier by providing our software platform for tracking budgets and expenses, generating reports, and automating bookkeeping. Fiscal hosts have a dashboard where they can see their Collectives and perform common actions.
Do all Collectives need a Fiscal Host?
Every Collective that receives or pays out money needs a fiscal host because they need to connect the host's bank account, Stripe account, and PayPal account to activate Open Collective’s payment features.
<That's a lot of trust and responsibility outsourced to another entity that makes you use Paypal and without option for cryptocurrencies. Is this 'External Central Bank Authority'-Client relationship not kind of redundant in the information age of digitization of currencies?
How do I pay people? [Part 2]
Money contributed to a Collective goes to the bank account of the Fiscal Host. When someone wants to be paid, they submit an expense through your Collective page. After you approve it*, the person is reimbursed via PayPal.
<*The pay should be according to labor contributed combined with a trust/reputation system, not the whim of some arbitrary authority.
What do Collectives spend money on?
Some communities delegate financial decision-making to a specific person or role*, some develop policies about what should be funded, and others have processes to make spending decisions together as a group.
<*Should not even be an option. All-in-all this really puts the initial From Firms to Collectives blogpost into question.

While the "fork" (or subsidiary?) Open Source Collective recreates the same model, just catered for the open source Collectives™ and with option for bank transfer and bitcoin, even they don't use FOSS platforms as seen in the Contact links, which link socials going to Slack, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube and their email. Even their codebase is hosted on Microsoft's Github. These really are not committed socialists pushing for a principled FOSS cooperative model.


Again, is there an explicitly cooperative liberapay/opencollective type of digital solution?
Or does it need to be created? This is really important going forward.


Is it over? Who won? Should reddit be nationalized so that it can be subsidized from taxpayers money since it very clearly can't turn a profit?


>Is it over


>Who won

the feds

>Should reddit be nationalized so that it can be subsidized from taxpayers money since it very clearly can't turn a profit?

its already controlled by the feds, for social capital; profit isnt needed when you have the narrative.


Isn't the whole thing because Reddit is trying to go public and need to make a profit or their future shares will be worthless as investors realize that they can't make money out of it?


yeah pretty much, it wont matter though because reddit is under control by the CIA and as such it will not die from no-profit as long as the internets eyes remain glued too it and it provides foriegn policy benefits


>She is Director of Policy for Reddit, the online discussion platform. In this capacity, she addresses a range of online and technology policy issues, from fake news to online terrorist recruiting. Previously, from 2015 to 2017, Ashooh served as Deputy Director for Madeleine Albright and Stephen Hadley’s bipartisan Middle East Strategy Task Force at the Atlantic Council. In this position, she focused on long-term strategy to more comprehensively address state failure and violent extremism in the Middle East and set the region on a more positive trajectory.

>From 2011 to 2015, Ashooh worked as a senior analyst in the UAE Foreign Ministry’s Policy Planning Department in Abu Dhabi. She specialized on the crisis in Syria, and worked in close cooperation with the UAE special envoy for Syria to support the Geneva II peace process and with moderate elements of the Syrian political opposition. Ashooh also spent time in Erbil, Iraq in 2010 working as a consulting adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Minister of Planning.

She worked for the CIA


I'm glad the Apollo app is shutting down tho.



unoffically APIs are a thing bros??
awesome, never knew about this wtf


my opinion is that i like the strike, it's high time that redditors learn about organized strikes and why they're important

it's good that the idea and knowledge is being imparted

but also fuck the a.i companies that use reddit for that shit,
they really do need to be blocked

i wish reddit had a brain to be able to whitelist these apps, but no, they want to have everything

was it possible for them to share the api with just the app makers?




Why? Just because it is proprietary, or did they do something else to wrong you?

It's a game of cat-and-mouse, like with yt-dlp.


It was a propietary app made by an apple fanboy.


>“I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public,” CEO Steve Huffman says in an internal memo.


It sounds like something they just made up to make their workers feel like they are personally under attack, instead of just the company.


Im on Lemmy already so I don't care


I originally liked the word "heckin" but now I wish it autocorrected to something less retarded.


This dude got caught committing acts of piracy and the government threw the book at him because he had leftist politics. He wasn't killed over reddit.


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is that why reddit got turned into a division of the doe


The problem with conspiracies like yours is that they're based on conjecture and nothing more. If you had hard proof, it'd be easier to believe you.


Most people use Reddit to get advice on fixing something or sharing videos of cats or whatever
Also you can't complain about Reddit being targeted by geopolitical actors when places like Twitter are even worse in that respect


feds detected



(me) like this arguement is completely retarded, its like pointing at a neo-liberal tabloid publishing pictures of cute cats next to calls for genocide of the working class and going 'look its not controlled it has funny cat pictures'


>posts more conjecture
Wow some CEO was involved in NGO shit, what does it have to do with the CIA? Do you know what the CIA is? Fucking nut


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>what does it have to do with the CIA


Looking through this pic for "CIA" but I can't seem to find it. Why are you derailing this thread over your paranoid obsessions, again?




>The Atlantic Council is the de-facto brains of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and takes funding from the military alliance, as well as from the U.S. government, the U.S. military, Middle Eastern dictatorships, other Western governments, big tech companies, and weapons manufacturers. Its board of directors has been and continues to be a who’s who of high U.S. statespeople like Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, as well as senior military commanders such as retired generals Wesley Clark, David Petraeus, H.R. McMaster, James “Mad Dog” Mattis, the late Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, and Admiral James Stavridis. At least seven former CIA directors are also on the board. As such, the council chooses to represent both political wings of the national security state.


tl;dr you are a faggot kys glowie


I know what the Atlantic Council is, it's some think tank for producing worthless papers. Where is the evidence she worked for the CIA and also why are you so passionately derailing this thread over this?


It's fine to say it's infiltrated/answers to the cia. Plenty of actual newspapers work that way. Was it created by the government like Google? IDK, Where's proof of that?


how is it derailing to point out she was a deputy head in the fucking alantic council, a CIA ran org based out of washinton DC you retarded glowie, she literally runs reddit.


Literally just mumbling to yourself at this point


How is it derailing to point out that my wife left me and took my fucking kids with her you CIA glowie kys(Spam IP)


r/Ukraine mods said they won't strike. They obviously said something about fighting disinformation. But tre truth is that that subreddit is a very important asset.


Some massive subreddits have surprisingly announced they're going to stay private indefinitely, including r/videos, r/music, etc.

Only time will tell if they cave, but interesting development nonetheless.


Also, I know there was speculation that /leftypol/ was gonna see a traffic spike because of this, but has that actually materialized?
Looking at the IP count and it doesn't look higher than what I usually see, but I don't keep a close eye on it so maybe I'm wrong.


just provide some actual evidence instead of being a retard. I can prove that Google was started with government funding, but I can't say the same about reddit


There was intra-network spikes on the subreddits that didn't strike. But overall, yes Reddit during those days lost traffic.


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hell no
redditors begone


I see people call subreddits "servers". fbi.gov really did fry people's brains.


the evidence has already been provided, the CIA took control of reddit and currently control its direction, narrative, censorship and content.

It literally doees not matter how it started, only what it is now in the present day.


Maybe they are talking about federative alternatives to reddit.


I wish, but they do not.


Still pisses me off that disc0rd called them servers I’m the first place. I get they were going with the “we are le new IRC” pitch, but “server” is a word that actually means something.


Slack calls them workspaces. Did other irc killers have a name that would have fit for fbi.gov?



based reddit preventing digital vandalism?


does anyone here use kbin / lemmy?

i'd reccommend lemmy but some people like kbin's interface better


GDPR is a regulation demanding sites like reddit allow users to have their stuff deleted (among other things).

tl;dr is that this puts them in legal trouble with the European Union.


Both interfaces suck, why can't they make it like old.reddit or lobste.rs? Even raddle is better.


I only heard rumors but it seems the Reddit mods had basically folded to the demands of the Reddit CEO. Because CEO threatened to remove the Mod's powers if they continued to protest.


they should nuke the subreddits


You know I would agree on that, would hurt Reddit in the long run and show that the jannies over there aren't just some ego tripping power hungry bastards. Doing something good for the internet and destroy Reddit and the Main website for US disinformation campaigns and glow ops.


Reddit probably has backups and would just replace them with new mods


Yeah it's pretty trash at the moment, and everyone is just circlejerking about Reddit instead of trying to talk about anything interesting. Also it's infested with fedlibs.


You might be right but still but funny to watch as it becomes more and more clear to people. Fun times ahead I suppose I really hope the Website gets bought out by Musk too and gets ran into the ground.


> they should nuke the subreddits
Reddit is restoring posts deleted by the poster: >>20457


They will if they think they need to, although it's a lot of work to do that for the entire site. Which means in the meantime it's possible for the mods and users to scuttle the userbase and undermine reddit's value significantly. They are planning to go public and all this was started as an attempt to boost their perceived value for their IPO.


Have reddit jannies been BTFO yet?


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>Meanwhile the only search results that could help me fix my alsa effect chain are from a currently private tech advice subreddit.
Oh shit it looks like loonix guy needs to RTFM


documentation in general is terrible and theres so many ways shit can go wrong on a computer, linux or not


buy mac then computers are not for you


Don't worry, people only stopped writing documentation because they found a better way to help people: closed, unsearchable fbi.gov channels!


The issue was that one slave device didn't go through a plug, a relatively common occurence in alsa.
My problem was that the error message didn't give any indication of this. You had to know that ladspa only accepts floating point pcm and what that would imply.


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The problem is the site is still plagued by technical issues, half the time your posts won't go through. I was willing to give them a chance but it's been weeks now.


Which instance? Some are buggier than others.


I've tried lemmy.world and vlemmy.net and both of them are bad


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Google admits Reddit blackout tanked search results
>In the last few weeks, most users browsing for answers by stringing “Reddit” to the end of their Google search would have been met with a locked community warning. Answers were taken away and unless you knew how to use the unhelpfully hidden cache button, it was hard to get back in.

<According to CNBC, an all-hands-on meeting in June was focused on getting back to business, as Google had noticed a hit with its user satisfaction. Senior vice president of search, Prabhakar Raghavan, said that new methods were going to be put in place to avoid this.

>Google has been working to integrate its AI into search in recent weeks, and one of those changes has been to introduce search filters.

<However, Raghavan has admitted that Google search in its current state is not good. In audio acquired by CNBC from the meeting, he said:

>Many of you may wonder how we have a search team that’s iterating and building all this new stuff and yet somehow, users are still not quite happy.

<“We need to make users happy.”

>Also in the meeting, Google CEO Sundar Pichai mentioned that users want “comprehensive answers”. Adding Reddit to the end of a search will often bring that up and without those resources for Google to rely on, it has begun to turn off users from the search engine even more.

<A staff member asked whether the influx of advertising and bad search results. Google execs seem to be relying on the Perspectives tab to ensure a return to success for the search engine.



>>Many of you may wonder how we have a search team that’s iterating and building all this new stuff and yet somehow, users are still not quite happy.
They are gaslighting us and have been wasting our time since they removed the forum search feature from google search a few years ago. That's why people add "reddit" to searches. They don't want people to find what they search for. Choose your reason why this is.


They should ranther build own, free infrustructure than begg a big business boss to do it for them.


While I think that Lemmy and KBin instances (two of the most Reddit-like federated FOSS alternative projects that are most frequently updated) are worthwhile, I think if they're going to be able to offer true alternatives they need some improvement to the projects. For instance, awhile ago Lemmy had some privacy/security issues that at the time it seemed the devs were not too interested in fixing , if what I read was accurate. I really hope there has been an update or positive resolution to this and I'll have to go and check on it again.
>technical issues, posts not going through
Some of this may simply be that most of these Lemmy / KBin instances were used to operate at a MUCH lower traffic level to date before the Reddit FUBAR drove many new users. I am guessing it falls into two groups
<Instances that are self hosted at someone's residence or have some relatively inexpensive web hosting resources
These are the situations where the admins could in theory beef up their hosting ASAP, though if they have the money and other resources to do so is questionable. While wanting to capitalize on new interest in Lemmy/KBin instances is predicated on new users seeing them work well, its also potentially expensive and short lived to buy or rent much more capable servers or hosting services only to find out that people "give up and go back to Reddit, or otherwise find Lemmy unsuitable" in a a few weeks.
<Bugs or other issues in the Lemmy/KBin codebase that are exposed only with higher activity either per instance or between nodes
There may be some issues that only arise with a more concentrated userbase and/or a higher degree of communication between different nodes than Lemmy/KBin normally experiences. Vast new interest may overwhelm or make inefficiencies more apparent, but once revealed this can only be improved by contributions to development.

Neither of these need be fatal flaws, but if they are not addressed it may result in making less of the opportunity the distaste for Reddit's policies has provided; after all, an exodus from Reddit, should a meaningfully sized one happen, does not necessitate that it move to a better, more open ethos federated alternative as opposed to simply the next iterative centralized, proprietary site that can capture enough userse to become "THE" successor.

There have been multiple attempts to do just that but as with everything else in the social media era, the users and network effect are the problem. Otherwise, you only get a fraction of the userbase which are mostly made up of those with some motivated interest - from ideology, to money, to some objection to how the original was run or what conduct was permitted; all niches that can be offputting to building a large userbase of more general, wider interests.

Something like Lemmy/KBin or the other "Fediverse" alternatives are the best chance for a meaningful alternative at current, but the experience needs to be there so that those coming from Reddit can feel its more or less meeting their needs. Time will tell how this works out and the rationale behind any degree of success or lack thereof.


what if lemmy added in donation drives and targets for instances? to give the ability for instances to have them individually in order to help with funding


This would be one route, provided that the main software devs were open to it. Of course any instance can also run their own, but having an official module for such things (ie integrations with varying donations, payments for subscriptions etc.. ) would make it easier and more uniform for any given instance and their users.

Of course one of the big questions is if the devs are willing to step up and take the additional burdens of crowdfunding development (ie you can't just absorb money for long without providing progress notes, implementing features that donors are seeking , and needing to expand your team possibly by hiring using some of that money etc.). The other bit of course is about taking certain concerns of a more mature alternative seriously, such as the privacy/security issues I referenced previously.

I'm not sure about Lemmy's governance infrastructure at current and I think KBin is pretty small as well, compared to something like say… PeerTube and Mobilizon which are developed primarily by French nonprofit Framasoft which is a certain degree of organizational structure and who have successfully crowdfunded and delivered on improvements to their projects and instances they host; though much smaller, they're closer to a Mozilla type organization vs "just a couple of people running a project on Github/Codeberg etc".

Still, none of this is beyond Lemmy or KBin's possibility and I do hope they can take advantage of the issues with Reddit currently to grow and move some users over to fediverse type alternatives .


Some instances have patreon sites and other funding channels set up. Some seem to make a decent stable bank from donations.


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>In an interview Thursday with NBC News, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman praised Musk’s aggressive cost-cutting and layoffs at Twitter, and said he had chatted “a handful of times” with Musk on the subject of running an internet platform.

<“Long story short, my takeaway from Twitter and Elon at Twitter is reaffirming that we can build a really good business in this space at our scale,” Huffman said.
>“Now, they’ve taken the dramatic road,” he added, “and I guess I can’t sit here and say that we’re not either, but I think there’s a lot of opportunity here.”


Top Fucking KEK this guy sucking off Elon so hard that he thought that doing the same thing was going to be good for Reddit. Despite the fact that Twitter has been losing money and is a giant echo chamber for far-rightoids as Twitter will finally die.


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what's this bruv
it looks tasty

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