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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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So as people here probably wouldn’t know or care and I can’t blame them really, Reddit has a shit ton of third party apps like Reddit is Fun and Apollo that many of its users have in order to customize their experience on the heckin wholesome website. However, spez (shit janny) has decided that as of July, those third party apps will have to charge a premium to its users in order to continue using their services. Around 7000 subreddits, including a lot of popular ones with millions of subscribers, have gone private permanently and Reddit’s servers crashed earlier today as a result.

As another result, btw, we might end up having a lot of refugees here in the coming days because there are a lot of people who don’t want to continue using Reddit as it vies to join the open market and likely go the way of MySpace or Digg. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? I tend to browse genzedong, thedeprogram and fuckcars because they’re useful subs that share a lot in common with us.



A crosspost is necessary because Reddit going down effects a lot of our users here even though they won’t admit to browsing a lot of the socialist subs


I wasn't saying to fuck off, just pointing out a thread already exists if people are curious about the topic.


So genzedong is still a thing? What happened to it exactly? Quarantined?




Quarantined subs still exist, they’re basically just slapped with a warning label


Redundant thread topic. Will be merging into /tech/ shortly.

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