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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images anonymously.
>blocks VPN's and Tor
what the fuck is their problem?


you show up as anonymous dont you
waste of a thread with a filler template format


You know what OP meant, don't be thick.


You do not sign posts with a name or pseudonym, so they're anonymous posts. Anonymous in the data security sense is not the original meaning of the term.


Just buy a 4chan gold pass bro, everything just werks




>allowing tor on 4chan
you want 24/7 pedo spam or something?


>what the fuck is their problem?
Their problem is that they're liars.


Actually, yes, let the pigs crack down on this place.


I'm not a big tech expert, but is it theoretically possible, that governments can ban TOR and vpns completely? I mean, the infrastructure of the internet is owned by states and corpos. So in the end, they are only "tolerating" vpn, but if they want, they can shut it down anytime,right?


Usually internet filtering is done on a blacklist basis, like in China. They almost certainly know that vpns exist, but they seem not to care enough about tech savvy users getting around the great firewall to crack down. You could block vpns and tor definitely by using a whitelist approach to internet access, but that makes internet access quite useless. The glowies also have a (currently dormant I think) way around this kind of filtering, by having important internet companies like microsoft, google, facebook host tor entries as a subdomain of their main site.


Word on the street is that 4chan is going to implement user IDs on every board. They recently removed the IP counter from threads and mods have been very vague as to why.


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another 4chan exodus incoming


You vill enter ze email adress to 4chan and you vill like it.


Apperantly 4chan has a problem(?) with AI generated threads/posts. How will leftypil prepare to the bots? I'm quite surprised, that there isn't even a captcha here.


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Yeah but you gotta fucking verify you're human on cloudflare every 2 minutes.


There is a guy that said he had proofs that there are actual bots doing bot stuff in >>>/siberia/523120


What if… this is only the tip of the iceberg…?


old school internet anonymity is slowly going extinct isn't it?
and the worst part is that no one cares.

Unique IPs: 11

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