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Talk space socialism to me. Was recently rewatching a few series with my fiance, both old and new Trek, and we both feel like Deep Space 9 is our favorite series (closely followed by TNG).

Everything else in order from best-to-worst would be:
Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
Voyage Home
Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country
Picard Season 3
Lower Decks
Motion Picture
Strange New Worlds
Original Series
First Contact
Star Trek 2009
Into Darkness
Picard Seasons 1&2

Skipped a couple of the TOS movies we haven't seen cause it wouldn't be fair to rank them. Also split Picard up since the 3rd season is basically a different show both in quality and tone.

Previous thread:


The only season I've seen is enterprise, I enjoyed it relatively speaking

I guess I wanted to go in chronological order for whatever reason


Personally I recommend starting with TNG, then watching DS9 and Voyager. There are parts of Enterprise that you appreciate more after seeing those shows first. TOS is fun but has aged the worst by far, with certain plot points like women not being allowed as captains being completely ignored by other shows, so don't stress about watching it if you wanna go in chronological order. Watch the TOS movies (I-VI) for a much better experience with that cast.



IMO, Enterprise kinda clashes with the style of all the other Star Trek series.
Like everything is "Woah, space, discoveries, unknown" while Enterprise is "[Random ass song about some random bullshit]"


>I recommend starting with TNG, then watching DS9 and Voyager

I pretty much did this and it was great.


I've come around to Enterprise's intro a lot more after this new era of Trek came about. I can't stand Discovery's intro, it feels like if Steven Moffat produced Star Trek. It's the most vacuous, surface-level presentation of "Woah, space, discoveries, unknown" presented as if it were deep.


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So it seems that in the world of Star Trek, Posadaism was right.


I hated discovery so much.
Yeah, solid advice. You'll be watching enough ST for a while. TNG and DS9 are long series.



Kinda. Posadas' whole thing was that we should intentionally instigate a nuclear war so that capitalism would destroy itself. It's generally uncontroversial that socialism would eventually emerge from the ashes of a nuclear war, what got Posadas kicked out of Cuba was that he wanted to do it on purpose.

Posadas is objectively right about aliens tho.

>Michael Burnham crying compilation
>Almost 6 minutes of just mugging at the camera and crying and it doesn't even include seasons 3 and 4
In all seriousness though it's kinda crazy how hard they fumbled Michael's character. Sonequa Martin-Green isn't a bad actress but the melodrama is all she has to work with here. That Discovery has gone back on pretty much every single one of its basic premises (TOS prequel, time of war, focusing exclusively on first officer) shows that even behind the scenes people are aware that the show doesn't fit in with the rest of Trek.

I'm still not a fan of the later seasons but I appreciate the attempt to reorient and create a new era of Trek to explore in the 32nd century. With Discovery getting cancelled my one regret is that we wont be getting an actually good show set in this time period.

Gonna post one of the few Discovery episodes that was decent, ironically in its worst season. S2E2 "New Eden"


Ok here's my controversial opinions:

Discovery Season 1 was good
Picard was good
Enteprise was incredibly mid
OG series sucked, movies were great though


Thanks to this thread, went back to watching DS9. Currently watching a banger of an episode that surrounds female rights in Ferenginar. Basically mostly surrounding Ferengis, as opposed to the DS9 starfleet crew. (S6E23: Profit and Lace)

Discovery season 1 wasn't ridiculously bad, but it was bad. It was more about action in space than the star trek character. I was genuinely optimistic and I obviously appreciate the enormous production value it has, but all the characters lack the depth that any character in TNG or DS9 has. Like take Rom or Nog, they have such a unique and deep character despite not even being central characters. Even Leeta, Rom's wife. Any fucking character was a believable, thinking individual. But on STD they feel so flat.


>Discovery Season 1 was good
Not a crazy take. There are parts of season 1 that I like. The mirror universe stuff is alright imo and if judged purely as a sci-fi action show it works well. Still though it's probably the last show I would recommend to someone wanting to watch Star Trek. Discovery season 2 was ridiculously bad though, with 3 and 4 being its strongest seasons.
>Picard was good
Seasons 1 and 2 make my blood boil. Season 3 is probably the biggest 180 I've ever seen a show make. I ended up really enjoying it, though it still didn't redeem the first two seasons in my eyes. Season 3 should've been the first season.
>Enteprise was incredibly mid
That's how I felt until about midway through season 3, then my feelings towards the show turned around. Season 4 is legit great though

Finale? what finale?
>OG series sucked, movies were great though
This is true. TOS has aged very badly, and though I have some gripes with the way its been visually updated in Discovery and Strange New Worlds, I'm glad we aren't forcing ourselves to pretend that 60s drywall/cardboard sets and soundstages look like the future.

Not a huge fan of Profit and Lace compared to other episodes about Ferengi feminism (like Rules of Acquisition), but still even most of the bad DS9 episodes were decent scripts overall.


>Discovery Season 1 was good
>Picard was good
Have you ever seen TNG? Because Picard is new-age popsci garbage that not only has terrible messaging and ideas but also retroactively shits on the entire preceding series.
>Enteprise was incredibly mid
Common opinion, even if I disagree.
>OG series sucked
It was fairly primitive, but it had a lot of good stuff, and yes the movies were good.


>Deep Space 9
Ngl, some episodes bored me to death especially in the first seasons, I found the Ferengi stuff to be too heavy-handed slapstick - the Ferengi in TNG were menacing, the DS9 Ferengi are basically a joke, how did they even acquire an interstellar empire. But the serialized stuff was the best Star Trek ever did, and was one of the first serialized Sci-Fi/Fantasy show on TV ever. I feel like the low ratings actually helped because it allowed the showrunners to do whatever they want. Mirror universe story sucked except for Kira.
Has the best stand-alone episodes after DS9 and VOY, don't know what else to say about it. Pretty much everything has been said, but first and last season kind of sucked.
>Voyage Home
The hippie/UFO mania was a bit too much on the nose for my taste, but it is really entertaining cinema. This movie spawned about a dozen epigones in the other shows, but no other time travel episode actually sucked.
>Wrath of Khan
Absolutely love the submarine-type space battles that I wished would see more often in Sci-Fi like in Star Wars. Khan was cartoonish but it actually worked. Very good movie but also a cesura in Star Trek as it moved to more Hollywood-esque blockbuster type movies that are more action-oriented and more black-and-white, with less moral and ethical dilemmas.
>Undiscovered Country
Nice spy thriller and the Shakespearean villian is kind of cool, but politically questionable as it clearly references Chernobyl and the end of the USSR.
Last "true" Star Trek and the old schema of "mission/alien of the week" gets old already but it works for this one. Cancelled too early, season four was great but the Xindi stuff really did bore me. Would have loved to have seen the Terran-Romulan War.
>Picard season 3
Best of the Picard series but that is a really low bar. It helped that they cut a lot of fat from the horrible seasons 1 and 2.
>Lower Decks
Family friendly version of Rick and Morty.
Really? That low? Voyager is underrated af, many episodes are as good peak TNG era, especially the ones with the Doctor and Seven.
>Motion Picture
Underrated, most people find it slow because they don't appreciate the cinematography. Also the most truthful to the TOS.
Best NuTrek show but still not as good as the original shows, besides the set design and aesthetic which is on point while everything until VOY looked a bit a clunky.
Come on, it's cheesy at times while working with a low budget but absolutely legendary in terms of the history of Sci-Fi. And one of the few shows that has episodes that are almost 60 years old and are still watchable in 2023.
Never watched it but I heard it's the best of the Abrams Trek.
>First Contact
Star Trek goes action and horror for the big screen. Entertaining with some good dialogue, but not really typical for Star Trek.
Underrated. I liked it a lot. Why do people actually have a problem with this one?
As bad as Picard. Some elements actually showed promise at some point, but Jesus Christ they squandered all of it in Warp Speed.
Corny, but watchable.
Felt more like a double feature in TNG than a movie, but not that bad, I see nothing wrong with it.
>Star Trek 2009
Better than:
>Into Darkness
Horrible. Ruined Khan for me.
>Picard 1+2


That's because DS9 had 3 seasons with tons of episodes to build up the characters, whereas in STD you are thrown into shaky-cam action and are supposed to feel for characters you barely met an episode ago.


I thought the idea of a human brought up in Vulcan culture was really interesting, but Michael Burnham was retarded.
>i am cold and logical and vulcan
>uuuuuuh except every action i take is driven by my emotions


I just watched an episode where Sisko's dad appears. Even he has more character depth than most DS9 characters.

Also, was watching DS9 and something happened.
An important character fucking DIED. I actually really liked that character :"( one of my favorite of all the series


>Ngl, some episodes bored me to death especially in the first seasons, I found the Ferengi stuff to be too heavy-handed slapstick - the Ferengi in TNG were menacing, the DS9 Ferengi are basically a joke, how did they even acquire an interstellar empire. But the serialized stuff was the best Star Trek ever did, and was one of the first serialized Sci-Fi/Fantasy show on TV ever. I feel like the low ratings actually helped because it allowed the showrunners to do whatever they want. Mirror universe story sucked except for Kira.
For me it was really hard to choose between DS9 and TNG as my favorite, but the serialized stories and characters were enough to pull it ahead in my eyes. I feel the opposite about the Ferengi stuff tbh. In TNG the Ferengi never felt like a real threat, the writing basically said outright that they were never a real threat to the Enterprise. DS9 fleshed out their culture in a way that made them a genuinely interesting critique of libertarianism, and showed that through the cowardice and bluster there was genuine cunning there.
>Has the best stand-alone episodes after DS9 and VOY
TNG has the best standalone episodes PERIOD. I only rank it marginally below DS9.
>Family friendly version of Rick and Morty.
Oh come on Lower Decks is better than that. I'm sure that's how it was sold to CBS executives, but it's so much more than that in execution, especially the latest season with Mariner's past in the Dominion war being fleshed out.
>Really? That low? Voyager is underrated af, many episodes are as good peak TNG era, especially the ones with the Doctor and Seven.
I didn't really want to rank Voyager low per se, it was the first Trek series I properly watched so I naturally like it a lot, but it completely squanders its premise just to be TNG 2.0. That Year of Hell got taken down from a season-long arc with permanent consequences to a retconned 2-part episode is a travesty.
Oops meant Prodigy. I was expecting "baby's first Trek" to be hot garbage and was pleasantly surprised with a Voyager sequel series instead. Animation is good and the later half of Season 1 was pretty well written.
>Underrated, most people find it slow because they don't appreciate the cinematography. Also the most truthful to the TOS.
This is true.
>Come on, it's cheesy at times while working with a low budget but absolutely legendary in terms of the history of Sci-Fi. And one of the few shows that has episodes that are almost 60 years old and are still watchable in 2023.
I get where you're coming from, and agree that there's some episodes which still hold up, but the majority of the show has aged BAD and I'm not gonna rank it higher than SNW just because of its historical role.
>As bad as Picard. Some elements actually showed promise at some point, but Jesus Christ they squandered all of it in Warp Speed.
Discovery's issue is that it's never once been able to write a satisfying conclusion to a season's arc. Each season has decent episodes and good ideas, but it stumbles at the finish line every time, oftentimes being written into a corner due to the need to keep Michael and the Discovery crew as the most important crew in the whole universe. I still consider it significantly better than seasons 1&2 of Picard though, as Discovery is at least coherent most of the time, while both those seasons of Picard were bafflingly bad. Discovery is salvageable sci-fi and bad Trek, while Picard is 2 seasons of raspberry noises and then season 8 of TNG.


Honestly Redmoa has a lot of animation talent, I'd like an animated Star Trek show in this style; the animation is smooth and clearly detailed enough to permit space-ship special effects, and the characters are cartoony but clearly within realistic limits… but R34 is more lucrative.


>Discovery season 1 wasn't ridiculously bad
It starts off with the captain and her first officer breaking the prime directive, the ship coming down into the atmosphere after making the starfleet symbol in the sand to somehow signal them through the clouds, and then the dipshit that pretends to be logical and emotionless starting an interstellar war out of irrational emotion. How is that not "ridiculously bad?"


whats the joke of this vid? I don't get it


>Family friendly version of Rick and Morty.
The only thing rick and morty-like about it is that it's painfully self aware.


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There's no joke it's just a cute video and a cool animation of the ship. If there's any 'joke' its the fact that Redmoa makes a lot of high-res 3D pr0n with his character models.


>If there's any 'joke' its the fact that Redmoa makes a lot of high-res 3D pr0n with his character models.
God bless him.


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Finally finished DS9. Great show.
It's up there with TNG. What should I watch next?




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1. Once you have their money, you never give it back.
3. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
6. Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
7. Keep your ears open.
9. Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10. Greed is eternal.
16. A deal is a deal.
17. A contract, is a contract, is a contract… but only between Ferengi.
18. A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
21. Never place friendship above profit.
22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind.
31. Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother.
33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
34. War is good for business.
35. Peace is good for business.
47. Don't trust a man wearing a suit better than your own.
48. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
57. Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
59. Free advice is seldom cheap.
62. The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
75. Home is where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.
76. Every once in a while, declare peace; it confuses the hell out of your enemy.
102. Nature decays, but latinum lasts forever.
103. Sleep can interfere with profit.
109. Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
111. Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them.
112. Never have sex with the boss's sister.
139. Wives serve, brothers inherit.
194. It's always good business to know about new customers before they walk in your door.
211. Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success… don't hesitate to step on them.
214. Never begin a business negotiation on an empty stomach.
217. You can't free a fish from water.
239. Never be afraid to mislabel a product.
263. Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.
285. No good deed ever goes unpunished.


I preferred the episodes where Quark is a portrayed accurately as a villain.



I just finished S02E25 and it's the dumbest shit ever


I really wish whoever got the VPN IP banned for posting "anti dependency theory clause" shit a really bad day.

Of what series? I absolutely loved TNG and DS9. Some episodes are silly but you kinda just overlook them.



Solar Craft Deep Endrocrine 9


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Names shall not be made (outside of matrix)


the writers literally have a 'lets fucking torture O'Brien episode" once a season for no reason


Honestly I love how much of a Porky caricature the Ferengi are.


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Why did nobody tell me about the Marxist episode in Star Trek?
>Marx quote
I uploaded it here, available for 7 days: https://we.tl/t-y43zW2cM4B


Was in DS9, right? Yeah, it's a fun episode.
Which is the rule referred to in OP pic?


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>202 The justification for profit is profit.

>54 Rate divided by time equals profit. (Also known as "The Velocity of Wealth.")

240 Time, like latinum, is a highly limited commodity.


This pleases my earlobes 👄👂


don't you oomox on this board


Have you seen the ST thread on hobby BTW?


Here's the Marx quote if anyone is interested.


based comrade Rom refusing bribes from his brother-boss



>it's the 99th "i made a /hobby/ thread in /leftypol/" in the past couple of days

Weird trolling technique?


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Alex Kurtzman talking shit about filler episodes when he's a writer for goddamn STAR TREK is completely crazy. You are not going to fucking make it.


I watched this epsidoe for the first time just when the IsrPal conflict started, it really hits different. The federation is evil man


Kuntzman is such a brainlet piece of shit. I wish he'd get in a car wreck and have a steering column plunge through his spine.


>The federation is evil because it doesn't want to trigger an interstellar war with fascist space snakes


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Eh, that's a bit much. It'd be more satisfying for him to just get fired and sued for all the money he laundered through different TV-shows, leaving him to scrape by.

>DS9: Eddington's Federation Rant
>4x22 "For the Cause"
Star Trek, especially DS9 never had a narrative that the Federation was always right, however the situation at hand is greater than the situation described in the rant. The statements made by Eddington have merit, however he ignores the geopolitical (or rather galacto-political) implications of the Federation going to war with Cardassia again. The Federation is not in a position where it can assuredly take-on Cardassia and win a victory that isn't pyrrhic and the colonies in question would most certainly be wiped out during the conflict with the loss of life and political fall-out from such a war causing immense problems and possible destruction of the Federation in the long-run, that would harm and kill many more lives. It's a complicated question and most certainly not some black and white idea of evil and good.


Yeah, on the one hand you've got the federation committing ethnic cleansing, but on the other if they don't force these feddie citizens to move then the cardies will come and make them wish they had.


But why the obsession with hunting down the Marquis? Just because they're not part of the federation


The federation can't just let rebels/terrorists/whatever operate out of their territory (I guess they technically seceded? I dunno I haven't watched DS9), they would end up like Afghanistan.


I always interpreted Eddington as kind of phoney. The whole bit about food just doesn't make sense. If they have the tech to re-materialize an entire working human body with full function, how does it make sense that they struggle to replicate food? Surely it doesn't cost more to replicate the best food ever? It's the same amount of matter and energy. If the food is really so shitty because replicators need to use fake proteins or whatever, doesn't that imply everyone who's been through the transporter is equivalently reproduced with synthetic biochemistry? Wouldn't that make all of them some kind of homunculi? Obviously not, since they indicate that the person on either end of the transporter is indistinguishable.

If anything, the replicators would unleash greater culinary potential. Imagine having the equivalent of save-states for cooking. You could perfect your recipe by scanning and saving each step at its very best version. You could also experiment more easily and just replace any failures with a previously-made successful version. Sisko's dad is an old curmudgeon who wants to cook the old fashioned way, but he could be cooking like he was doing a tool-assisted speedrun.


The episode where Sisko tricked the Romulans into the war by faking evidence was inspired by the incubator lie that launched the first Iraq War. What were the writers even thinking? We are clearly supposed to still root for Sisko and the Federation, but I think especially Rick Berman's Trek was written by neocons that accidently ended up portraying an utopian society.

Which is ironic because modern NuTrek is written by social "progressives" but completely forsaked the progressive of Star Trek.


There's some in universe shit about replicator food being kind of generic compared to actually grown or hand made foods but I always felt like that was kind of a silly limitation. Like it can make a great martini, but it makes the same great martini every time. That sounds like the sort of shit geordi would fix in an afternoon.


For Sisko it was a mixture of personal Animus towards Eddington for betraying him and for the maquis in general for walking away from star fleet.

IIRC the cardassians were treating them as a federation problem , which I guess legally they were. If they're operating out of federation territory and the feddies dont recognize their independence then yeah, it's a federation problem.


Yeah it doesn't seem like it would be particularly hard to either expand the library of items or (more realistically and scalable) have some kind of smart system that could modify the food procedurally according to request. Like if Picard can order his Earl Grey tea at a specific temperature, presumably you could order a steak to different levels of done-ness, different marbling, grass-fed vs corn-fed, etc.

This, the Maquis are rebelling against the Federation but they're still people from the Federation. There's no reason for the Cardassians to treat them as a separate entity, especially considering it benefits them to use the Maquis as an excuse to engage in hostilities against the Feds.


The maquis act so tough and brave but it was only the protection of the federation that was keeping them alive. The second the cardassians had a free hand they were wiped out.

What was their game plan, really? If they actually achieved independence, either the cardies or some other power were going to clobber them, maybe even some fuckers no one had ever even heard of, like those fuckers that attacked the colony in that tng episode about the two old people.

The maquis had to use jury rigged milsurp shit that was only effective because it was going up against cardie colonist milsurp shit. What were these backwater yokels going to do against an actual military power with industrial fabricators and actual warships and shit.


They kind of feel like they were shoehorned into the story so the writers could take potshots at the federation, which was something DS9 did quite a bit. Mostly from a cringe liberal perspective.


I think the maquis are kind of a mixed bag. On the one hand a doomed but spirited resistance based on pluck and ingenuity does seem in keeping with the kind of starfleet ethos all these former officers are coming from. On the other, it's hard to imagine anyone from a starfleet background thinking that they stood a chance between taking on the federation and cardassians at the same time.

I feel like Sisko's takedown of Eddington as not being a serious terrorist out to win like the Bajorans and more a romantic idealist is supposed to underscore that. The maquis never had a chance because fighting for The Cause was an end in itself for them, because anyone realistic enough to appraise the situation would see that trying to fight The Good Fight federation style while being a threadbare insurgency is just a recipe for disaster.

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