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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1532795[View All]

Previous thread: >>1263434

Talk about job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
303 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Every corpo is a cult fixated on "corporate culture" because of HR departments getting too powerful. Just be paranoid and never think of them as true friends and youll be in the correct mindset about them.


Got it, they've been training me since last week and I kinda took some calls today. I got my A+ at the end of 2022, anyone got a good tech support pdf to share? I want to have the basics internalized so solutions develop in my head faster when I'm on the phone with a caller.


Failing my studies again, despite having been a good high school student. Late twenties. No work experience apart from dead-end shit jobs. Parents getting older. 25k in debt in an high-interest rate climate. It's unironically over now.


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>be me
>20 year old uni drop out
>apply to a paintball center thing
>no certifications or education needed. just don't be a convicted felon or significantly retarded basically
>they have a phone interview (I've never heard of a phone interview for non-skilled blue collar service industry work except maybe during the height of covid)
>at the end of the brief 5 minute interview they mention ANOTHER phone interview should they take interest in me
>never hear back from them again

I feel like this has to be some tax thing. some sort of "look we are hiring people!" scam but its just the owners family and friends who work there.


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>bring unseasoned white rice
>not even salt or pepper used
>if they give you shit just say you're poor


After years of NEETdom, got a decently cushy job as a teacher, making about 55k in a not particularly high COL area. That said, I want to start making a difference politically but no groups are around me except Democratic party crap. I'm trying to get a foothold in my union, which is awful with leadership full of Trump fans, but I didn't have enough support to win an election this year. They decided to hold elections literally one week after I started and no one knew who I was. Any politically active comrades in here with suggestions of what to do in the meantime while I bide my time for next year's eleciton?


This thread is pretty slow considering how getting and having employment is like the key factor of adult life under capitalism.


>CS Employers do not give a fuck about personal projects unless you invent a new JS framework. They don't fucking care about your minecraft mods, or your spigot plugins, or your web scrapers… Almost always they don't give a fuck. If they ask to look at your portfolio, they'll dismiss it unless you wrote everything with the most corporate style architecture, and even then they won't give a fuck because there is always someone with more experience than you that they will hire.

You are a retarded person, this is the worst advice you could possibly give. I'll expand on this later but in short, no one has ever been this wrong on this website before


>but its just the owners family and friends who work there.
Yea before I even hot to this sentence I was gonna say that kind of small business it's usually about who you know.


>This thread is pretty slow considering how getting and having employment is like the key factor of adult life under capitalism.
Probably in part to do with it being on a politics forum not a life help forum.


I was actually looking for this thread a couple weeks ago cause I'm looking into getting out of tech.


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> I'm looking into getting out of tech.
Learn2farm bro.

>With coding taken care of by AI, humans can instead focus on more valuable expertise like biology, education, manufacturing, or farming, reasoned the Nvidia head.


>almost no storytimes


Farming is increasingly becoming automated too.


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mfw i dont even do the minimal work
mfw if my manager wasn't chill and actually paid more attention to me id be fired years ago
mfw i panic every time they're on leave because i barely know how to do my job
mfw i found out i can steal gourmet treats from the exec meeting rooms due to a camera blindspot

I've literally gone to protests on company time.


>Theres a camera at the post where I'm sitting above me on the corner of the wall, but whoever's watching never gives a shit either.
Have you met them? Sounds like a smart thing to do.


Security guard (night) anon here
>Have you met them? Sounds like a smart thing to do.
You can't know who's watching and if they're even watching at all. They are connected from the control centres, but that is not their only job.
And you can't just ask your boss to introduce you to the people working in the control centres so you can become their buddy, because it is out of your job duty.
And why tf would I bother? My 'work' is next to nothing and I have had no issues with whoever is monitoring me.


>Security guard (night) anon here

Sweet, me too


>getting out of tech.
why? every other job is worse anyway


I very much doubt anyone is actually watching them anon, could he wrong idk your workplace
but they probably use them if an alarm goes off or if anythings called in.


So I spent my early twenties crashing in and out of academia due to various family issues, mental problems, neetdom and financial issues etc, however in my late twenties I pulled through, I went back to school and graduated with a good stem degree.

However I am quite concerned with my cv that features these multi year gaps in my early twenties were I alternated between studying something else or neetdom.

What's the best way to lie about them? I taught myself a few foreign languages on my own to fluency what I should have recognized as my true passion earlier maybe. Should I just make up a story about how I lived abroad during these years or how to go about this?


Nobody cares about resume gaps if they want to hire you. "Resume gaps" is only an excuse they give if they didn't want to hire you anyway.


Fuck bros I might get laid off tomorrow. Im a nervous wreck right now. The ceo sent an e-mail saying they want to review the timesheets I submitted. They might be trying to stiff me and lay me off. Fuck man I have bills to pay, this is a horrible time.

I was working as a contractor and pretty sure they misclassified me since they were the ones assigning me work. If I get laid off I wont be eligible for unemployment as a contractor, so I'm going to go file with the DOL that I was misclassified so I can get unemployment and the backwages they owe me if they try to stiff me.

What are the do's and don'ts for my meeting tomorrow, they're going to want to question the hours I turned in and grill me. Should I give them specific details, or deflect?


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Should I commit suicide? Better put, should I fucking =ROPE!?

I'm almost thirty, a virgin with no friends and am going to graduate in two semesters with a degree in computer science from a shitty state university. I spent the vast majority of my degree (which will have taken me almost SEVEN years to complete come graduation, not including the time I spent farting around with a different major) depressed and floating around in shitty service sector jobs when I wasn't attending classes.

I wasn't raised right in a lot of ways and have struggled with my mental health since I was a child and have barely figured out how to socialize or even display basic manners until I was 26 and feel completely and utterly unprepared for adult life. I've worked full time on and off at my jobs (mostly during COVID when I took almost two years off from school) but have always struggled even at those jobs.

I literally just don't even know how in the fuck I'm going to manage to get hired anywhere being that I have no internships and have had shitty grades from fucking around on the internet too much and feeling either depressed, actively suicidal or some other variety of fucked in the head. I possibly have autism so I don't really interview that well and only have my current job because they didn't interview me and just needed a warm body with some work experience.

I'm not fucking kidding, the walls are closing in and my dad (who is poor) can't really support me much longer. My younger brother is a NEET and my older brother is a weirdo narcissist who saves up all his money from working IT so that he can play NEET for months on end on my parents dime and I feel incredibly trapped. All of my issues have been compounding and I'm almost thirty and I don't even know how I'm going to support myself.

Killing myself genuinely seems like the only reasonable option these days. I'm tired.


I'm sorry anon. I advise you to at least try and get a job before doing anything like that, it might not be as hard as you think. You don't really have to interview that well if you're in IT and wiling to take a job without great pay. Even if you can't get an IT job there's infinite jobs in retail to tide you over a while.

Have you ever tried getting assessed for ADHD? It seems like you struggle to stick with things.


2nd on the ADHD diagnosis. At the very least, you could fake it if you think don't have it and get some sweet stims to boost productivity and ward off the depression.


Just lie and say you were running a small business - I've done this several times and it's difficult to check if you're lying.


>med school
Congrats, you won the fucking lottery. Are you insane? None of your complaints are valid now.

t. another Canadian med student


<nobody's my life's so bad I could afford to go to university, I could afford to stay for 7 years and I live with my parents!!!
<its over should I kill myself?
Yes but for being a privileged cunt laying in misery of your own making because you've decided that you're not privileged enough despite more so than the vast majority of us will ever be.
All the benefits in the world, still cries and acts hard done by…
Fuck I hate you.


Fuck off man, everyone has their own struggles.


You are healthy, you are going to have a degree in an in-demand field, you have no other responsibilities. You are just one internship/entry-level away from a cushy middle class existence. Take the chill pill dude and maybe talk to a therapist or counselor.


And the struggles of wallowing middle class hofh educated failsons for not getting their prestige 2% job is worth mocking..
Boo hoo he'll have to get a normal job and pay rent what a world ender….. ffs.


I know you're an American and thus incapable of understanding anything but many countries in the world have severely reduced or even free tuition for university.

Hell even Argentina had free university until quite recently. Higher education is by no means a sign of privilege because there are many poor countries where the government will find you.


*fund not find
stupid autocorrect


This, I was out of work for half a year after a layoff. I put it down as independent contracting with some fake but believable projects tailored to whatever job I'm applying to.

How did it go anon?

Stop catastrophizing you're in your 20s for fucks sake. You have a CS degree. Nobody gives a shit about your grades don't list your GPA. If you can actually program you will find a developer position eventually. It will be a lot of work applying and interviewing. If you can't, I still have good news. Your degree will also open doors for an IT career, which is generally easier to get into and more stable. Instead of whining on image boards you should be writing cover letters and making connections with your peers. I hate that your post reminded me I was like this right before I graduated. Wahhhhh I'm weird because I chose to spend all my time online, I didn't have sex in college, my life is over. Get over it and live your life.




We have free tuition in America. You just have to have high autism score


based word filter


Having a bit of a mental crisis right now because I decided to choose a stem degree. I like science and I like maths but I am actually living in a country that has a few cool economics and politics departments that aren't completely neoliberalized. Been reading course decriptions and requirements of master programs for the past 2 hours, as well as biographies of research assistents working there, imagining how my life would have been different. On the other hand I can't see myself just writing essays and papers all day that no one will read and not building shit. Thinking of pivoting to Data analytics/engineering/econometrics or something related at least. No idea what to do.


Hey anon if you're still alive, I strongly suggest taking the ayahuasca before you consider ending it all. You seem stressed, therefore this might just solve most of your problems. If you don't believe this, then it won't hurt doing your own research about the properties of the ayahuasca or just doing it anyway since you have got nothing to lose and everything to gain.


I'm a habitual bohemian/socialite/homeless vagrant/busker but I have a GF I love now and need to get my shit together and get a job, any job

how easy is it to mass apply and get something like hotel cleaning? Not going to do Amazon again


Do you have a criminal record?


nope, no criminal record


Everyone at work got a measly 2% raise and a tiny bonus today and they are PISSED. Straight up stopped working for most of the day. You already know I'm taking this opportunity to agitate for a union


Strike the iron while it's hote. Make those 2% 12%. I am sure the company made record profits this year.


Well an update, they cut my hours to below minimum wage levels. I wont be able to make rent and barely am able to feed myself now with the amount they cut me. Ceo gave some sob story about how business was bad, meanwhile I can see on their sheets they make 80k a day and still arent doing that bad. They were on call questioning how long it takes to do the work on the timecards I was submitting.

They'll probably lay me off outright soon enough. Just feels humiliating to be tossed scraps. I dont know how people put up with this shit. Im looking for work but chances are slim Ill find anything in this economy. It took me 7-8 years to find a job the first time after the recession so I have no hope.


>they cut my hours to below minimum wage levels
Absolutely vile. They do this to make you quit because you might file for misclassification and cost them. I hope your DOL complaint goes through and you can find something soon anon. What type of work do you do?


Yeah they put me in a bind because I need the scraps theyre tossing me too. But if I wait too long, I wont have enough income to make as much in unemployment as I think it goes only off the previous year.

Yeah theyre probably hoping I quit and dont file the claim. When they lay me off I intend to file anyways, fuck em. I recorded the boss on the phone saying he considers me an employee.


its easy to get a job, its hard to get a good job


>going to graduate in two semesters with a degree in computer science from a shitty state university
bruh this already puts you above like 60% of US jobseekers

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