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 No.1732849[View All]


How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
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Except the Soviet Union had its NEP phase and continued to retain black markets until the point of its dissolution. And the Chinese flag has stars for petit bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie; it’s been hybrid since its birth.

China is socialist to a greater degree than any other economy besides the planned economies of Cuba and North Korea.

Marx wrote, anyways, that socialism would naturally develop out of capitalism as capitalism resolved its contradictions. Until a full replacement can be found for the national and petit bourgeoisie, these two classes will remain, albeit subordinate to the dictatorship of the proletariat.


Remember, the textbook teaches us that these laws of socialism are universally applicable to all socialist mode of production.


look at this cat, dude


this is all so wrong I won't even entertain dealing with your points legitimately. stop watching youtube pederasts like Hakim or Second thought and get halfwit slop down your throat and read EVERYTHING from the three heads of marxism. if you haven't (and you haven't) don't talk. i can see through your illiteracy.


>this is all so wrong I won't even entertain dealing with your points legitimately.
If I am so incorrect, then why can't you prove it? Why bother typing a paragraph of fallacy?
>stop watching youtube pederasts like Hakim or Second thought and get halfwit slop down your throat and read EVERYTHING from the three heads of marxism.
Youtube is for children. I read and re-read the Marxist classics. I cite from the official USSR textbook regarding this matter, which was written by Stalin's greatest theorists and then approved by Stalin himself. The textbook agglomerates the theories of the greats you mention and condenses them for neonate Marxists. I teach while you conceal and confuse.
>if you haven't (and you haven't) don't talk. i can see through your illiteracy.
You see through nothing, while I see straight through your fallacy. My literacy skills were college-level in elementary school, and my academic achievement proves this, but I am not the focus of this discussion. You bring no counterpoint. What do you disagree with?


So, did we reach a conclusion yet?


The endless Dengist / anti-Dengist trolling continues, as does the expansion of Chinese GDP, and more importantly, the continued and furthered development of socialism in China. 🇨🇳


Dear China Anon: what are your takes on Mohism in ancient China? What is the official stance on Mohism?


I’m going to DC next week and plan on visiting the Smithsonian. Is this lupus-ridden uygha’s drum machine worth seeing?


Communist China's copyright law is socialist


Sounds like queer nonsense.
Read the Daodejing.


Under full communism I would expect that Artists™ would have to draw from the lottery to either maintain the robots or clean toilets for 1 hour a week just like everybody else and that they wouldn't be compensated extra for their hobby.


You keep saying this yet still haven't shown how.


theres no partial communism


File: 1711009288066.png (132.58 KB, 424x380, reaganomics8.png)

> The USA was socialist until Regan


>waaaa hip hop isn't real music because it uses SAMPLING
Daily reminder the Beatles "stole" other people's music all the time.


There’s a huge difference between being influenced by a particular sound or riff vs. copying an entire song, chopping it up and repackaging it as a new song. Sampling keeps getting lazier and lazier.


Actually sampling was alot of lazier back then



Rap and techno are satanic gayuyghur shit. The Beatles were programmed by the Tavistock Institute under Theodore Adorno to make gayuyghur music to brainwash Americans.


Remixing, sampling, covering, who cares. It is about the final product not the process idgits.


Go to therapy, Maupin.


Dengists would defend this if it happened in a socialist country…


The fuck does this have to do with Deng? Are you looking for some shoehorn award?


Dengists will defend IP if IP laws are implemented by "socialist" countries.


I think that blurred lines lawsuit was the stupidest shot I ever heard, but I think people should get paid for their work. Problem is the rights holders are often not the people who did any work and the people who worked get nothing because they have no rights.


That's not even the Smithsonian but the Black History Museum which is literally run and organized by PMC black academics. The same people who think pushing buttons on a sampler counts as 'making music' are the same people teaching and pushing critical race theory and DEI programs.


The museum is fairly breadpilled for an elite institution. I highly recommend.


u gay bait



And there are plenty of "PMC academics" who openly admire Marx and Lenin, teach the Russian Revolution from a point-of-view that tankies would agree with, and admit CPUSA did some good things.

What's your point?


LOL that museum is just basically: blacks are weak and inferior, here's all the evidence of them being nothing but subjugated cowards. And that “j dilla timefeel” AKA the way he took pre-existing music snippets and added his sole contribution (and black people as a collective’s sole contribution) (his timefeel drum patterns) in the “beat making” section is the only thing noteworthy.


>blacks are weak and inferior, here's all the evidence of them being nothing but subjugated cowards.
>(and black people as a collective’s sole contribution)
Keep your white supremacy in 4/pol/.


>LOL that museum is just basically: blacks are weak and inferior, here's all the evidence of them being nothing but subjugated cowards.
Black history is a history of resilience.


>How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?
None should exist.

>Would it be abolished or just reformed?

Abolished hopefully.

>How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

For their original work.

>Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Depends on the context. Overtly hateful and inciteful is probably gonna have its vigilantes. No need for a state to categorize which is which, as that is just a venue for censorship and being a white knight for other people's cultures.


Dafuq is up with all the racism on this board all of a sudden?


“The Smithsonian” is a collection of public museums, retard.


I rather enjoyed the buck breaking exhibit.


Lefties try not to be horrible people challenge: impossible


Copyright abd IP have zero place or need under socialism.


Wrong. See Communist China



And who made most of those “pre-existing music snippets” by chance?


So what’s the argument FOR copyright/IP aside from “China dies it”?


Why is the discussion on copyright and royalties solely limited to music? Why no discussion on literature or movies? How would actors or film directors be paid?


Well how do they do it in China?


It brings a smile to my face every time I see artists who are critical of IP. Usually artists flip their shit over “art theft” or whatever.


bruh if private property is abolished how the fuck is intellectual property not going to be abolished? lol

cultural appropriation would simply be a cultural faux pass like it is now (at least among the "woke"), no law against it needed.


Easy, copyright is a form of property and will be nationalized along with other key industries. IPs or whatever they’ll be called will belong to the party-state to use as they see fit


>Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?
there will be a people's commissariat of twitter affairs in order to punish cases of cultural appropriation that only a couple literally who's on tumblr care about

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