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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1710785185567-1.png (1.8 MB, 1133x629, WTO protests.PNG)

 No.1798029[View All]

Under a popular front for issues such as drug decriminalization / legalization, opposing corporate interests, opposing bad government policies, antifascist demonstrations and many other single-issue politics - is marching alongside liberals viable?

A prime example of such a case would be the 1999 Seattle WTO protests. And the point of it is often not to endorse liberal reformism or even more pointless voting - but to be used as a means of spreading propaganda and solidarity among the working class. More recent examples would be the 2023 French pension reform protests, the Framers' protests in all of Europe, the 2021 Brazilian protests and thousands upon thousands more.

A leftcom Bordigist for example would oppose such activities as antifascism in general, because of these features of influencing the broader masses (including liberals) which are dubbed as class-collaboration and denounced.

It ultimately also becomes a debate of big-tent organizing and secular puritanism.

I also made this thread to mention the upcoming protest in Bulgaria - Sofia called 'Use is not Under the influence of' (Протест - "Употреба" не е "въздействие") which seeks to protest against the unjust laws that have come through the infamous american so called War on Drugs. The bulgarian people have been getting arrested and facing prison time for up to 8 years for possesing one joint. The protest against such laws however is mostly driven by liberals. Although I have heard that some Anarchists from the organizations of FAB (Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria) & The Bulgarian Prisoners' Association will also likely be attending. The anarchist faction does not attend hoping to change things through voting or reforms, but rather seeks to spread awareness about the sort of police brutality that is enacted onto victimless crimes.

Is all of it worth it? Has it yielded any results, historically speaking?
70 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>without even individually bothering to distinguish them and address them.
This is also what anticommunists do when talking about communism. To them Anarcho-Communism and Marxism-Leninism are the exact same thing.
To Leninists its a bit more simple - anyone against Lenin is an anticommunist.


S'cuse me typos


>For you to claim to have read something you will need to actually refer to an idea within it. So far all you have done is discuss what you associate with a text, and grandstand about how you are being persecuted by communists.
Just proves what I wrote here:
>To Leninists its a bit more simple - anyone against Lenin is an anticommunist.
I'm not being persecuted by communists, since to me you aren't communists to begin with.


Honestly this is not going anywhere, you keep doing false acusations, he defends himself, and the cycle repeats. Ima go do some reading, Gn guys, Solidarity forever, Long live the international. I will see this thread tomorow to check if anyone says an interesting analysis


>Which of his ideas is most hostile to religion. How does he ridicule it? How does he wish it will be destroyed?

I mean it takes a second to see
>I reverse the phrase of Voltaire, and say that if God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him.
And as to how? He probably punched Church windows or something. The rest of it is up to us to decide how.


Fuck off don't ruin my fun.


>guys I'm not a redditor I just think that Bakunin is the most important leftist because he's the best at ATHEISM
Back to what I wrote earlier. >>1798663
<Bakunin was also bad. An anarchist can swear at Bakunin for being an awful person and Leninists won't care.
And you do realise Anti-Theism and Atheism are two different things right? Opposition to religion is not the same as rejecting the concept of god or gods existing at all.


Wait i actually came back, i was dying of curiosity to see what would happen, i could not resist.

Guys, remember the guy that asked about "What that image meant" in the start of the thread, the one that created all this mess? It was me all allong, the jew among the ranks


also i still don't know what that image means


please don't ban me i am not actually a nazi man


Its about the Situationist International & Guy Debord. Its makes Leninists more mad than when they have to talk to an anarchist.
Yes to make it seem as though theres a naziflag on my side. Genius.


>Its makes
I couldin't correct it lol. Had to delete the original only to see your retarded reply. You've got some fast keyboard hands though.


ok man but, wasn't there a way to make anons not be anonimus? Like there is no way? Like, i live in Brasil, you can know that i live here someway somehow right?


oh shit wrong flag, i am the nagi guy wait


Ok there we go>>1798728


Come on answer it - why would I need a naziflag on my side? It only discredits me. So why would I be false flagging pretending that a nazi agrees with what I write?
There is no logic to it. Much like your rants earlier.


Guys, i think the awser is the jeus, yo guys need more jeus in your hearts


>Uygha thinks he is Columbo
You can't answer it lol. You have to derail the thread to shit.
>Uygha you literally said BY YOUR OWN LOGIC you are steaming mad lmao this is insane i can't believe ur real lil uygha
Im not the one writing in all caps to express anger lol.


can we talk about books? I like books, books are good, and this is the only place in the world i can talk books


You couldin't even read the title of the thread, letalone read a book retard.



Why lukacs suck?


Ok guys good night comrades, hope you all have a nice day, also yes, you can befriend liberals, they can be cool with most things, they are quite nice people


Op, you are awesome, hope you come back tomorow. Gn


Love u


Lmao, i guarantee the moment most blatant rightoids fash ghouls will add "put whatever shit you want that makes your brain short circuit" into their program - all leftism of those dopamine button monkeys will disappear.


woa i did not think bringing up that hakim bey was a pedophile rapist would make this happen. anyway OP, communists should always enter coalitions with clear short term and long term strategic goals in mind, and while maintaining the independence of the organization in question. its the flipside of the issue where communists orgs try to absorb movements by disguising their aims/infiltrating the leadership, but it has the same effect of fucking up clarity and discipline. its fine to enter into coalitions with any number and type of interest groups so long as it does not compromise the independence and integrity of the communist org in question. in the context of the US, that means its fine for a communist gun club to hold joint events with an NRA chapter if the latter is willing. in most cases the latter wont be willing because just short of all NRA chapters are also deeply anticommunist, and most are generally reactionary. if an NRA chapter was somehow willing to do joint events, but the leadership and/or many members were vocally and/or materially supporting reactionary causes, it would endanger the integrity of the communist gun club to work with them. if however a single chapter of the NRA was for the most part genuinely a single issue group, it wouldnt only be fine but absolutely should be done, with transparency and good faith.

the same goes for liberals, who will much more often have orgs and events in which coalitions with liberals are favorable. abortion rights, drug decriminalization, housing reform, etc., are all great examples. but as soon as these compromise the independence and integrity of the communists involved, they need to be avoided. its funny though, in most cases where this happen the communists join up with liberals thinking that theyre infiltrating or evangelizing, but then unsurprisingly once they become invested & friendly its the entryists that get converted to liberalism. "communists do not disguise their aims" isnt an ethical statement, its a pragmatic one


>doing psychonalaysis on annonymous posters online
Well funny story about that


Cat got your tongue?
It's been 5min since your last deranged message.
I'm just sitting here, listening to music, doing hot girl stuff.


Cock in hand


Yep I'm pretty much always drunk


I'm also a single mom, I work two jobs. I enjoy domestic violence and long walks on the beach. Face it, you have no clue.
Now go find a softer target to live out your psychotic abusive fantasies.


Just putting an idea out into the air is a small victory because you're possibly planting a seed in their head. Generally, the liberals are more socially accepted so it's more likely to benefit the far-left by showing up than the liberals because the liberals are just doing what they always do.

As for historical cases of it working, it worked for Mao and the CCP. I don't endorse what China ended up becoming, but the united front strategy objectively worked for him. You need numbers and just being a dogmatic, crust-punk anarchist living in a van won't achieve anything.


Didn't read what happened the thread. But these questions can be kind of abstract: does my far-left sect march with liberals y/n? What are you trying to accomplish? Do you not participate in a strike because politicians are showing up to take photos of themselves for the next election?


You can meat cool people and make friends in there that are not completely bigoted, even though they are corrupted by liberal propaganda, at least they have the will to do something in real life


The fuck happened in this thread lol


Schizo autist having repeated tantrums. People are just inducing episodes in him for fun. Sad situation.


Good morning guys! Have a nice day!


The psych stuff really hit you like a freight train.
You know, I like to dabble. One would think getting test subjects for psychological experimentation takes effort but no. They are free on the internet.


oh no it really is bingus. I was just guessing based on gossip I half-listened to.


Anyway I always wanted to have a superfan


You are, no joke, at the same time completely disturbed yet utterly boring. How did you manage to end up like this lolz


Imagine being so mad at someone, getting banned from an imageboard, and then come "protest post" gore in all boards that you can for hours, using Tor.


Thats cool.
I always wanted a supersaiyan.



The difficulty with any big-tent strategy is that you have to corrupt them, instead of letting them corrupt you. It takes a lot of discipline and will to see and implement negotiation without giving away the core values.

See: Communist Party of Japan, as an example of where it went wrong.


Replies got purged


Marching with liberals is more than viable, it's a radicalizing opportunity. Get them into situations which expose them to police oppression. Get them to talk with socialists in a crowd,talk with unionists flying flags, and to see fliers for more intense talks and actions.
A protest is a platform, not a strategy in and of itself like a liberal may think. Use it or don't bother.


The bulgarian anarchists (in peculiar the Federation of Anarcho-Communists in Bulgaria) have announced on their communiques that they will not be attending the demonstration.

This is a translated version of their message:
We are an anarcho-communist group. Our focus is class struggle first, authoritarianism second. The reasons for the protest can only answer to the second point. But we do not consider the demands for reform in the current repressive system to be adequate. If the cause is worth it, we would support a protest that is reformist, if for no other reason than to draw public attention to the problem.
But we cannot support this protest!
Liberals are our class enemy. We consider it inappropriate to legitimize our enemy in the eyes of the people or to present ourselves to him.
Unless the numbers of your groups are significantly larger than ours, it seems to us that we do not have the resources to take over the protest and replace liberal demands and rhetoric with anti-capitalist and anti-system ones.
Taking into account the low chance of a positive change in the situation and the unpreparedness of the participating organizations. Either through negative PR from the mainstream media or the subsequent "untying" of the hands of repressive authorities for official prosecutions.
We consider the event to be high risk with a low degree of importance and unfortunately we will decline your proposal.
We are ready to cooperate on other topics. Especially problems affecting the struggles of working people and large groups of people. Unfortunately, our forces are few and we cannot waste them on petty causes. -FACB (Federation of Anarcho-Communists in Bulgaria)




>Personally I disagree.
its not a matter of personal preferences
>Drugs are a cope
we dont want a society of cope. the use and abuse of drugs speaks about something else and is not just a matter of leisure
if anything, leisure under socialism shouldnt consist of drug usage


File: 1712959413601.png (443.34 KB, 390x395, Lenin was a mushroom.PNG)

>its not a matter of personal preferences
>Drugs are a cope
>we dont want a society of cope
>leisure under socialism shouldnt consist of drug usage
WRONG. Drugs are the only way to reach true dialectical enlightenment and class consciousness, anyone not using drugs should be punished by DEATH BY BEATINGS.
Do not forget, Lenin was a mushroom.

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