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 No.1803703[View All]

>Have military and tactical capabilities to damage the Russian war effort
>Choose to kill innocent civilians for no reason and accomplish literally nothing
What the fuck were they thinking? Isis also attacked Imran Khan supporters in Pakistan for no reason. I smell the CIA.
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>ISIS doesn't exist except for a bunch of sub 75 autism score retards talked into mass murder by CIA operatives


Zigger cope


Uyghurs please…
Even the Manchester bomber in England was ratlined to Libya by Mi6 to overthrow Ghadaffi.

Islamic terror is a Anglo-israeli creation to justify their foreign policy in the same way FBI hands out guns to mentally ill young men so they'll go shoot up a school
<There are essentially three wars being waged in Syria: one between the government and the rebels, another between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and yet another between America and Russia. It is this third, neo-Cold War battle that made U.S. foreign policy makers decide to take the risk of arming Islamist rebels in Syria, because Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, is a key Russian ally. Rather embarrassingly, many of these Syrian rebels have now turned out to be ISIS thugs, who are openly brandishing American-made M16 Assault rifles.

<ISIS is not merely an instrument of terror used by America to topple the Syrian government; it is also used to put pressure on Iran.
<America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance.


Of course, a too small muzzle brake would either be blown off by the first shot or explode the barrel.

I see these sparks all the time in the indoor gun range, where I occasionally practice. I always check my guns for damage and there is none.


why are you reposting state department propaganda?
has russia claimed it was ISIS?


Guys trust me ISIS are just totally natural Islamic terrorists. Please ignore the fact that they’re almost always pasty white in appearance, use an ENGLISH ACRONYM for an Egyptian pagan deity as their name, and just so happen to never attack the Imperial Core…


>use an ENGLISH ACRONYM for an Egyptian pagan deity as their name
Are you really that Anglo-centric and retarded, or is this bait? The name of ISIS in other countries like France is Daesh, and in Arabic it's الدولة الإسلامية which means "State of Islam".


Which conveniently appeared absolutely nowhere in the Arab world or anywhere else until a couple years later when the feds realized ISIS was too on the nose. “Daesh” is uttered by nobody except spokespeople for America’s gulf state allies


why does this radical islamist and antisemetic group "ISIS" never attack israel? shouldn't that be like their main thing or something? why do they only attack america's and israel's enemies?


Love this bit you're doing.
Unlike most trolling here genuinely funny.


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Right after Niger ordered US bases out. How convenient.
Another piece of evidence for the 'ISIS is a US tool" case.


Survivor account indicated the FSB took the U.S. alert seriously and which contradicts a narrative I've seen in pro-NATO/Ukraine spaces that Putin wanted to do a false flag or just dismissed it.

I think ISIS is a tool for the U.S. (or France) in the sense that America can go to a country in Africa and say "we'll help you kick these guys asses" in exchange for building a drone base and keeping the Russians out and being on Team America and integrating into the American "system." Then the generals in Niger got tired of this game and kicked the Americans out. But it's not the first time ISIS has killed dozens of troops in an ambush there.

The counter-narrative is that the region is fucked up because the U.S. (and France) was there, but now they're gone and it's going to get worse, which means the CIA is behind it? But the U.S. is in retrenchment. ISIS is a McDeath franchise model that goes to anywhere they can get a toehold, extorts the locals, counts not on the leadership, and targets anyone and anything for regeneration and flow. Because they can, because they have a self-funding mechanism, and there's no plan to stop them and so it's going to get worse. States have also been wrongfooted by terrorist attacks before which forced them into large, disastrous responses and bureaucratic situations that grind down their own resources and support for the governments.



Anon ISIS isn't even their official name anymore. They changed it to just "Islamic State," and a lot of US officials including Obama referred to them as "ISIL". People just continue to call them "ISIS" out of habit and because its recognizable.


Retweeting nations' embasies is cuck behaviour


no but caring about it is
>i will not retweet this funny meme because… le embassy tweeted it


riddle me this ziggers what does the us have to gain from this


>what does the US gain by causing instability in a country they’re trying to destabilize
/isg/ is proof that containment doesn’t work, delete that shitty thread


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>N..N..Nooo! You can't retweet bangers by Russian Embassy!


It must be remembered that despite the modern visual methods and sadism, terrorism is still a old trick designed to drag larger clumsy forces into a prolonged conflict and to turn the population by overreaction. Something that is as old as warfare and worth keeping in mind if Putin wants to weave the attack into his narrative and go harder on Ukraine, just as Bush used 9/11 to attack Afghanistan and then tried to link Saddam to AQ.


the K refers to Khorasan, which historically included plenty of central asia outside of afghanistan


Destabilize the russian nation




buck wild that an embassy is posting this hilarious shit






the opposite of stabilization


Russian nationalists chimping out
They got what they wanted btw


>buck wild that an embassy is posting this hilarious shit
A lot embassies post such things.
They're staffed by freaks who don't have real job and are so heavy in their twitter addictions, reinforced by news media and their circles of failspawn friends, that they believe everyone's on twitter and that's the way to act.
Retards faggots who sit in an office with mac'books' and suits stuck in their gay bobo echo chamber.


theyre pretty well known in pakistan


Create distrust between the people and the government and also Russians and (muslim) ethnic minorities with the maximum program of stoking a civil war in the RF.


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They did, once, by accident, and apologized for it. Really makes you think. They also receive healthcare in Israel and Turkey.


No way are we doing Puyi apologia, dude was an enthusiastic collaborator of the Japanese and the only reason he was spared was not because he was actually innocent but because Mao wanted to have the last monarch say in public that he supported the People's Republic to permanently BTFO monarchism.


ISIS is CIA-Mi6 and Mossad

<Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims former commander



Oh look CIA-Narco-Organ and Child Trafficking Ukrainian State also welcomes "ISIS"(CIA) because they fought against Russia in Syria (now against Russia in Ukraine).

<How Ukraine became the unlikely home for Isis leaders escaping the caliphate

<Al Bara Shishani’s dramatic reappearance in the dock of a court room in central Kiev was shocking not only for the fact of how alive he was.

<As details emerged about his miraculous resurrection – how he dodged what had been reported as a fatal air strike in Syria, then used a fake passport to travel to Turkey and Ukraine, where he would live untroubled for two years – a number of questions came begging about Kiev’s capacity and willingness to deal with terrorists taking shelter within.

<According to the SBU, Ukraine’s admittedly unreliable security agency, Al Bara Shishani even continued to coordinate Isis terror operations from Kiev.

<In 2013, for example, Chatayev was able to return to Pankisi despite being subject to an Interpol wanted notice.

<And Ukraine, once again, is key to understanding how he did it.

<Ukraine offers several advantages over the competition too: the common Russian language, chaos of war, unprofessionalism of local security services, and the low risk of extradition to countries such as Russia.


Be for real. We are retarded. What do we GAIN from it??? Not "did USA successfully provoke Russia further". No operational let alone strategic gains from the tactical (the tactic being killing random civilians anon :3 this is not a new tactic) success here. We are talking about people who do not understand anything other than pain compliance and bombs


Back in the 70s Hoxha was writing about how terrorism is always a bourgeois tool to prepare for fascism. He didn't have false flags in mind, but in hindsight it's obvious.


copy pasting an image is not retweeting


>90% of people are social media addicts who work in office
>the remaining 10% of grass touchers continue to cope by insisting that the other 90% are weird and not normal


ISIS-K, who have become famous because of this attack, have also formulated and extensive manifesto again China, as well as Russia and Iran. Mass murder and terrorism against Chinese in mainland China is to be expected soon.



Look carefully at the image


holy shit i didn't know Obama was this powerful


I mean he literally is the reason Biden won the last primary and became president instead of Bernie.


Robert Kennedy Junior
"We created ISIS"


>How Australian undercover police ‘fed’ an autistic 13-year-old’s fixation with Islamic State


Awesome, looking forward to every dipshit liberal saying "that's a right wing talking point" now.


I doubt the Chinese intelligence services are as incompetent as Russia's


this I doubt the chinese would take an hour to respond to a mass shooting

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