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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1815596[View All]

>Be white man
>Extract psychotropic drug from indigenous culture you invaded
>Prepare it improperly
>Have absolutely no connection to the culture, probably could not locate the tribes that made ayahuasca on a map, have learned none of the history, art, language, literature
>"Dude I saw a reflection of my own consciousness in the universe!"
>"Dude I saw a literal evil demon trying to steal my soul!"
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If you take OP seriously you are a Fascist


The real drug imperialism is how unregulated cheap drugs is responsible for the destruction of agriculture and growth of psychotic rapist gangbangers across South America


Psychadelic culture is revolutionary. Acid communism wasn't enough. Never forget - Lenin was a mushroom.


Just a tool for Reaganomics as they usually spew the same shit takes that neocons have had from the war on drugs they created.


My man, if you are on this site then you aren‘t getting pussy either and if you have one then nobody wants it


They have had a cultural signifiance for thousands of years until Catholics decided to colonize the people using them and ban them. Paul Staments despite being a retarded pseudo-conservative wrote a great book on this topic in his early days where he talked about the history of the Maya civilization and a ton of others which have had a large culture revolving around the use of psychadelic psilocybin mushrooms.

There has also been evidence of rituals in Greece revolving around the use of said mushrooms (The Eleusinian Mysteries) and even famous philosopher such as Plato and Aristotle participating in them.

Paul Staments makes a lot of strong arguments that they have contributed to a large part of our evolution. Albeit I still think the stoned ape theory is something to be skeptical about.


Here are a few of the first pages of his book (
Psilocybin mushrooms of the world) where he started off with the history of the psychadelic mushrooms. It is a bit hard to read from these scans, but I think its manageable. I have a physical copy of the book and I found it to be very enjoyable with little to no conservative agenda. The large part of the first chapters if anything is an anti-imperialist stance.


>uhm have you paid tribute to the heckin indigenous folx before drinking the shit tasting juice that makes you hallucinate
cmon m8, doing drugs isn't settler colonialism. you can call them retards without doing that. who cars (2006)


Day 3
Jesus tapdancing Christ, how are you "guys" getting this defensive over this? All I'm saying, all I was ever fucking saying, in case any of you have some good faith confusion about this, was don't necessarily trust a western "psychonaut's" take on a thousand year-old tradition from another culture he's not a part of. That's it. I didn't say "kill all white people" but fuck me if this isn't making me want to do that anyway lmfao.


No one is defensive, your op was just retarded and you are a faggot and everyone agreed because you are objectively so.


you'd think the board would just have fun dunking on lolbert idealism but its the usual "ackshually this violent austerity policy implemented by every capitalist regime is TRVE socialism and if you disagree get executed degenerate. yes I am serious marxist" debate again


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Based!!! Execute all sober moralfags.


You're right m8 & might I add this is the actual white fragility, the grain of truth underneath that stupid woman's book. Unable to self-reflect even in the anonymity of an Internet forum. They just have to chimp out because they know it's true. Case in point:


Plants don't "belong" to cultures. Nor do drugs. You think the people doing cocaine on someone's ass is thinking "omg I'm doing a hecking andean ritual".

Your OP is dumb as hell, extremely liberal, patronizing and colonial. Not surprising coming from an American, entitled pricks.

Yeah all the woowoo new age people are crypto or outright fascist. They're filled with petit and booj bon vivants. Surprise surprise, this has been a thing since the nature fucks and deep ecology Schizos who later on became the Nazi youth and Nazis in general.

Plants aren't sacred. Plants don't belong to cultures. Smoke weed. Smoke DMT. Do whatever the fuck you want and stop listening to american fucktards clutching pearls about fucking anything except their bloody fucking foreign policy killing millions and being the #1 barrier to world progress and the end to the destruction of our planet.



It's this exact essentialising of schizo drugs that makes your thread shit, actually.


One more fucking thing.
You, American OP dumbass MF, do NOT use any food that comes from a culture your country has ravaged.

>Be fucktard burger colonial liberal moron

>Extract food from indigenous culture you invaded, colonised, ravaged, couped, destroyed
>Prepare it improperly
>Have absolutely no connection to the culture, probably could not locate the tribes that made tomato, potato, avocado, corn, paprika, bell peppers, chickens, cows, pigs, rice, flour on a map, have learned none of the history, art, language, literature
>"Dude I like burger!!!"
>"Dude I burger is so good!"

You fucktards make my blood boil.


True but a lot of communists could benefit from tripping there balls off every now and then.

Besides, mushrooms grow pretty much all over the world, even more fun you can look for them like a real oogabooga cave man!


chill out man, imperialism and shit aside, people eating food 'they have absolutely no connection with' doesn't harm anyone


I think he was parodying op anon…


It was clearly ironic


Hardcore projection


>kill all white people
i would have less of a problem if you said that tbdesu, i'm just extremely confused about your op and what you express here, especially since these are 2 different things. how does the act of drinking ayahuasca invoke a specific culture? does this mean the tribes who used it for ceremonies "own" it? is their purpose in gaining insight, spiritual experiences, and healing of the mind different from what most people in the west already use it for? is it wrong to use recreationally if that is truly the case? what harm does it do when a jre fan takes it and says something stupid? if he's referring to the cultures that used it historically, does that constitute the practice of settler colonialism? i just don't get your point, the only way to interpret this is as ayahuasca holding some essential connection to the native groups who used it and anyone who uses it without their permission is being a settler, and if that's your point, then i disagree, it's silly to say that apes getting high and spouting stupid shit could be anything other than a racist or insensitive remark from a historical angle.


OK, non-whites can keep their drugs while whites get exclusive access to white inventions like firearms, toilets, and trains. Sound good?


shut the fuck up retard


Whether you're jesting or a /pol/yp taking potshots, you're still right. This is the logical conclusion of this type of schizotypic associative thinking.


Pigskins didn't invent gunpowder, firearms, or algebra, is this really the route you want to go down, disgusting pigger?




>guys isn't funny that silicon valley tech bros think they're deep for popping psychs and doing noble savage theory but with ayahuasca ceremonies


<[insert /pol/ talking point here]


>scoll up
Quote the first three words in op
>>Be white man


omg some said wyt man im so scurred!!!!! fuckin pussy just post some stale ass 2016 "its ok to be white" meme and go back


Damn what triggered you?


did you time travel from the gamer gate era? go back




Psychedelic mushrooms weren't introduced to the west until 1955.

>So you willing to go vegan too?
The solution to the horror of the meat industry is state regulated production, and not just banning meat but starting from the bottom up by investing in education to produce scientists capable of research to replace meat with cost effective mass produced alternatives and by removing the profit motive from work in general. In other words the cows will have to wait for communist revolution because individualist consumer boycotts dont work against billions of dollars of subsidies grants and propaganda advertising. but i guess thats authoritismo or something

psych thread without psymposia?




>Psychedelic mushrooms weren't introduced to the west until 1955.

<  The first reliably documented report of intoxication with Psilocybe semilanceata—Europe's most common and widespread psychedelic mushroom—involved a British family in 1799, who prepared a meal with mushrooms they had picked in London's Green Park.
< Flemish botanist Carolus Clusius (1526–1609) described the bolond gomba (crazy mushroom), used in rural Hungary to prepare love potions. English botanist John Parkinson included details about a "foolish mushroom" in his 1640 herbal Theatricum Botanicum.


And people in Europe have used fly agaric forever.


which is not psychedelic


>white inventions like firearms, toilets, and trains.
China invented firearms.
Toilets were invented in ancient mesopotamia during the neolithic, if not earlier.
Wagonways (proto-trains) were invented in Babylon.


No airplanes, or ice engines, or electric motors then


no but ergot is.


good luck making any of those without algebra


You gotta give up your guns then whitey


a couple individuals getting poisoned on accident isn't the same as having a culture of regular use for centuries. sure people used them in europe thousands of years ago but christianity put a stop to that.


brvther im not a history buff and even i know this is a losing battle. europe was a warlike intellectual backwater for most of its existence


>>Have absolutely no connection to the culture, probably could not locate the tribes that made ayahuasca on a map,
So uhhh, can you locate the tribes who "invented ayahuasca" on a map, OP?


Meth seems to invoke the spirit of the esoteric fascists, nick land, and homosexuals.


Meth unlocks the spirit of hyper autism. Methheads like dissasembling appliances just for fun.


thats normal, i used to do this as a kid when i was bored sometimes


File: 1712781549947.jpg (38.24 KB, 580x319, F-18t-0XMAAIZwQ.jpg)


i once did this with a bionicle and couldn't figure out how to put it back together because i didnt have the manual, so i cried for weeks and never took anything apart ever again


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tfw no shroomfriend

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