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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1815771[Last 50 Posts]

From what I can tell, they've actually fixed many of their cringe tendencies after the 2004 merger. I know Mao didn't like them and criticized Majumdar for the "China's president is our president" line, but he is long dead and Ganapathy isn't really a Chinaboo. They have actually defended marginalized communities from landlord militias and fascists. And given the horrible conditions of minority communities in India and many neighbouring countries who got caught off guard is, is it really a bad thing that they picked up arms? Look at the Lhotsampa, Rohingya, Tamilian, Balochi, Kashmiri and many others peoples. They all got whacked for not organizing within time. Chip in your thoughts.


They're hostile to China and take their ideology from Abimael Guzman despite predating the Peruvian by 20 years


I believe picking up arms could have waited a bit more, but the indian secret services are shit enough that insurgency wont be put down in the neae future so i believe it will be sustainable for now. As for their ideology i dont have much against them even if they are mautists. As long as they believe in the cultural revolution they are comrades.


>They're hostile to China



t. NATO ultra




Not everyone who is against China is a NATO supporter. I do recognize their anti-imperialist and poverty-alleviating role, but they don't deserve to be venerated this much while they actively support fascist regimes.


Don't know how real the Gonzalo are tbh, maybe he was cringe, maybe not. It doesn't matter because they're literally the only effective communist group in India now.


>Not everyone who is against China is a NATO supporter
Yes they are, Washington already declared total warfare against all ethnic Chinese in 2009. China takes practical steps to make sure it can stay the headquarters of the revolution which it has been since the end of the cultural revolution.


>Saying that while CPI - Marxist ran Kerela has by far the best QOL indicators in India


They're succdems and their QOL is dependent on remittances from gulf nations.


Ok, but the fact that American/Euro communists get so mad whenever someone criticizes them is kinda dumb. People have genuine grievances with them.


*Gonzalo allegations


You idiot. Go away.


OP said criticism.


>China takes practical steps to make sure it can stay the headquarters of the revolution which it has been since the end of the cultural revolution.
Maybe it should start acting like it is the headquarters of the global revolution then. All I see them do is fund fascists and comperadors.
For example, China was found sponsoring neo nazis in europe to destabalize the EU through euroskeptic parties. There are no communists parties in those countries that receive funding, training, or have CPC agents/agents of the non-existing international working there to establish said parties. And they don't do that in any other country either.

China is not the headquarters of global revolution. It does not aid communists. It does not promote communism. It does not spread communism. It supports Marcos, Modi, Solemeini, trades with israel, and support many other anti communists explicitly. China has done nothing in the past 30 years to warrant support from communists.


>headquarters of the revolution
<isn't even a dictatorship of the proletariat
fucking dumbasses lmao


Neither have any of your retarded maoist faggots.


>Supports 0 active communist movements
<Headquarters of the revolution

Beyond parody


I disagree. Being wholly against China, that's pretty naive of not ultra. When China is worse to you than NATO (like for Vooosh) that's reactionary. SPD in 1914 shit.

Having critique of it, or not believing that the "communism by 2050" button will be pressed - that's more than legit.


Every dead naxallite is a step forward for communism. kill em all I say. Any communist hostile to China is the enemy.


Maotism vs Deng Beetles round 683927


Maoists support 0 communist movements and are 9000 years away from developing the capability to even begin doing so.


<The second most powerfull country on earth cant claim to be the headquarters of revolution if they dont do anything and do the opposite in fact

>When China is worse to you than NATO
Litterally nobody said this and the naxalites dont think this either.


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Which side would Mao pick?


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>Maoists support 0 communist movements and are 9000 years away from developing the capability to even begin doing so.
You're completely right but not for the reason you think.


Naxallites need to become CPC proxy army before they are worth supporting.


Wow, bad for them.
Shameful I'm not a Maoist though.


>anti-china faggot moves goal posts
So typical.


CPI Marxist has a far better policy than any other communist group in India.


>Naxallites need to become CPC proxy army before they are worth supporting.
The CPC doesn't support anybody.
If there isnt a communist party worth shit, it is the task of the global vanguard to establish one. This is how it was historically done to great succes, the cpc itself was founded this way.
But China does not do this. It does not support any group. And it does not establish any group which it would hypothetically support.
Instead, the fund neo nazis in europe and whoever can fuck with their enemies.

Dungbeetles are absolute clowns for supporting such a retarded fantasy. The CPC to you it a fascists stance. Simultaneously the leader of global revolution and at the same time too retarded and weak to establish its own proxies, so they need white american teens to whine about it for them.

No goalposts were moved, proxy troll.


>they actively support fascist regimes
Useful idiot


I'm Chinese bro and I'm tied of seeing western pseudo communists disparage my motherland. I wish death upon anyone who calls himself a communist but stands against China.


>hey guys, what do you think of Indian communists?
The absolute fucking state of westoid posters, man.


Agreed, sadly 24/7 anti-China propaganda works.


Im western bro I'm tired of chinese demanding undying loyalty to China when they actively fund the people who are attacking the working class in my country. Do better. Be the vanguard you fantasise china is. When Mao was in power our forefather founder traveled to china, met with mao personally, received training, received books, and received an entire printing press. Modern China does not do shit for communists. You living in a country does not make you immune from critique when you claim shit that simple is a lie. China is not the leader of the global revolution, it is simply doing geopolitics for its own benefit, and damaging the global communist movement in the process.




Fuck off, We are the leader of communism, and we are the savior of human civilization since only China is making meaningful progress against global warming. Join our club, advocate for our interest in your country, or let your reactionary governments crush you.
We are the saviors, get over it.


>Join our club, advocate for our interest in your country, or let your reactionary governments crush you.
You are litterally funding the climate denial, covid denial neo nazis in my country and other countries in europe. Holy shit get in touch with reality.


>Join our club
Also there is no club to join because you guys dont establish any fucking parties and dont even fund dengist groups. You're a clown. Your entire story you wrote here is a simple lie to get communists to do your geopolitical realpolitik for free.


Of course, when your CIA funded media claims China is funding your right wing you believe them. You a gullible retard. You are programmed to hate China to be used as a pawn by the American imperialists.


Then who IS funding them.
>Inb4. You are sgitting up the thread
On my fucking hands and knees asking you to explain where their endless money comes from and how it's not reactionary russia and china funding friendly movements on enemy territory.


Why the fuck would the USA say that and discredit these parties when they are also funding similar or the same parties?
You live in a delusion. Not only is china not doing any thing whatsoever for the communist movement globally, you deny everything that your country does do as fake news so you can keep feeling correct.

Where is the international?
Where are the parties founded and funded by china to spread the revolution?
Where is the training provided to communists in china?
Where is the marxist leadership for said parties other than "do whatever makes china's economic and military position stronger"?
Where is any thing whatsoever, anything, that the leader of the global revolution would do?
Why are there more parties globally following Gonzalo of all people than parties following Xi Jing Ping thought? Why does China keep regimes in power that massacre communists? And no, you can't just say "they're the wrong type of communists", because then you have to explain why they haven't intervened into those movements or established better ones yet. And no, you cant just claim every maoist group in the world is secretly a CIA plot against china, since in 90% of the cases they are fighting US alligned dictatorships.

You absolute clown. You are so divorced from the realities of the world. Not only do you not contribute to communism whatsoever, you have a nationalist mindset about China where every criticism is waved away with "fake news", "well we didnt want to support them anyway" or "its not my job as the global headquarter of revolution to lead the revolution globally, you guys need to try harder, and maybe then we will give you money and support even if we have an active policy of not doing so".


You're right, the Maoists who oppose China are doing it for free. What a bunch of cucks, they can't even get some funding for their loyal service to American imperialists, at least, such knowledge is not public.

The rest of your post is eulogizing a mythical past of international communist cooperation that never existed. It is you who does not realize that real politic is all that has existed back in the cold war and today in the present. Why do you assume that your misguided interpretation of the past, where selfless cooperation supposedly existed, is even feasible, desirable, or productive to moving the present towards a communist future? You're a fascist. you are like Musolini pretending to be Roman. China is developing the future of productive forces, that is the real base for revolution. Go start a company, import Chinese machinery, build up your country's failing industrial base, help your working class by giving them the expertise to use the technology of the future.


>The rest of your post is eulogizing a mythical past of international communist cooperation that never existed.
The CPC, founded, guided, trained, armed at the direction of the comintern, founding meeting with help of agent Henk Sneevliet. Every party in the soviet block, founded by the comintern. Every ML party, led and funded by moscow. Every maoist party until the late 80s, trained, funded, ideologically led by China.

>Just start a company bro, building capitalist relations is the real way to socialism

Ah yes, building factories, historically the way to build communism. Oh wait. No. It was all the non-industrialised places that first had revolution, then used their position to spread the revolution abroad.

Historical reivisionist cunt. You should try reading your own countries history for a change.


Answer the fucking questions. Where is this "revolutionary leadership" you claim china does. Huh? WHERE? SHOW ME ONE EXAMPLE YOU NATIONALIST PIECE OF SHIT.


Yes, all parties created by the USSR and later China to pursue our (legitimate) geopolitical goals. That strategy failed btw. A new strategy is needed, which is to out compete the west on delivering rising living standards to the people. This is done through technological development. Stop fetishizing the past, the rural base for revolution was composed of autarkic peasants who could make a living when cut off from trade with the world economy. That doesn't exist in most of the world today. Apply all that theory you learned and make some innovative plans, it's for your own success.

Fuck off faggot.


>(legitimate) geopolitical goals
the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of (legitimate) geopolitical goals, according to our local stalinist.


Not wasting my time interpreting your under-determined non-argument.


Internet MLs really are just out to suck the biggest dicks that aren't the hegemon. If NATO is the bull, BRICS are the cucks, and these MLs are the cuck fluffers, hoping to upgrade to fluffing the new bull. Meanwhile the active revolutionaries anywhere in the world are ignored or combatted by the hecking based multipolarinos.


You are a textbook example of glorifying failure as long as it remains ideologically pure (not that your favorite larp group even meets this criteria).


>Fuck off faggot.
Not an argument.

>A new strategy is needed, which is to out compete the west on delivering rising living standards to the people.
Then you're not the fucking headquarters of the global revolution are you eh?


>Le fascism is winning
Westoid radlib detectino


This post perfectly captures the essence of the predetermined failure of 20th century comintern shit when it came to funding back-stabbing and spoiled Western "Marxists":

I hope you get executed.


Critically supporting this


I'm gonna critically stab you


<Join our club
If only there was one to begin with


>China is simply doing geopolitics for its own benefit
Just say it. Critical support for NATO defending us against the main anti-communist country, China.

Agent Kochinskifag


<Every criticism of China's inaction ever is Agent Kochinski
Nice encirclement syndrome on display


Dishonest copes. The fascists are on the rise all over the world. China is persuing a winning strategy clearly.

Here we have an example that examplifies dengists. To them, the revolution is not international. To them, any request for help is being a welfare queen.
They don't want to provide training.
They don't want to provide analyses that can help these parties.
They don't want to spread their ideas.
They don't want to even spend a single rmb on helping out their comrades abroad.
And if you ask them to do so, because they claim they are the leaders of the global revolution.
They will call you lazy.
They will call you backstabbers.
They will call you not real communists.
They will call you feds.
They will call everything fake news.
They will twist and turn your words to weasel their way out of the simple fact that they do not want to help other communists, despite claiming to be the vanguard of the world, and at the same time demand undying loyalty back from those same communists.


Perfectly put.


>glorifying failure
the only ones doing that are the people sucking off formerly socialist countries


Ok, anglo, whatever you say, anglo


fuck yeah keep that chauvinist clown in his toes comrade


>The fascists are on the rise all over the world
>China is persuing a winning strategy clearly.
You have received (1) kek


Mods, there are several posters ITT who claim that China "funds" first world country fascist parties without any solid evidence.

Mods, there are also several posters ITT that claim that China doesn't "support (enough)" global socialist projects, while the latest China-Cuba transfer debunks this.

How come we tolerate such crucial disinfo from the supposed "left?"


>mom, they are saying things i don't like hearing,how can we tolerate such naughtiness from your supposedly well behaved kids?


This site is for people who have completed middle schooling, go back to Reddit please




>peasant socialism
>modern post-industrial societies need less than 5% of their workforce in agriculture to sustain rest of society


Where are the proofs?


>[Naxalites] take their ideology from Abimael Guzman
This is blatantly false. Why are you lying?


Here is a grab from the bucket



China is paying neo nazis to destabalize the EU and bring up things in their favour. Among the things paid for for these guys were expensive lunches together with Golden Dawn and AfD leadership.
Euroskeptic nazis being funded by the US, Russia and China is an open secret.


>Here is a grab from the bucket
>China is paying neo nazis to destabalize the EU and bring up things in their favour.
lmao Put your retard bucket on your head and gtfo. China doesn't need to pay neo nazis to improve it's position. The EU shooting itself in the dick constantly does that.


10/10 bait


>china funds nazis
any source that isn't blatant NATO propaganda?


Hey faggot, your fake ass communist movement is the wahhabism of Marxism. Stop treating communism as religion. Go lobby for PRC interests in your country.


>They will twist and turn your words to weasel their way out of the simple fact that they do not want to help other communists, despite claiming to be the vanguard of the world, and at the same time demand undying loyalty back from those same communists.
AKA you got owned in a debate. GET REKT RETARD. Go back to the asylum, you don't deserve to lead anything.


>Stop treating communism as religion
>Go lobby for PRC interests in your country.
common dengsister L


>Go lobby for PRC interests in your country.
Me lobbying for PRC interests at home


I mean, it's the kind of thing a national intelligence agency would gladly do.
Remember, China is a nationalist project first. They will gladly kill you, comrade, to accumulate capital.


>leftypol is my safe space!
Fuck off, invader.


I like this post


>China was found sponsoring neo nazis in europe to destabalize the EU through euroskeptic parties
Ultra victim complex is such a beautiful thing to watch in motion. It's so funny how Euros think they invented the Russiagate/perfidious Oriental infiltration bullshit. The other criticisms boil down to China not boycotting the global trade system when it's in the middle of getting rid of rural poverty. Meanwhile it's still developing most of the third word where the rest of the global financial system only wants to sell chains.


We meant criticism, not positives and slander.


>vibes tell me it's true
That's groovy, man. Americans have been talking about how China is undermining their social order too. You should pow-wow, brother.


boil them babies
more, more
kill, kill, kill
Kill for your god
It's all you are good for


Meanwhile Indians are worried China is funding the Naxals lmao. You guys are so aggrieved constantly. You know you don't have to give up your insane addiction to whining online if you get a life? Just become a debased phoneposter


Chief Blood Quantum
Chief Split Tongue


Yeah they are good. When you let ideology go, practise becomes standard. That's why there were similarities between bolsheviks and spanish anarco-communists in actual organization. So I don't care what stupid name you call yourself if you are doing good.


exactly. support socialism with chinese characteristics and also beheading hindutva faggots


Great bit anon, at one point I thought you were serious but I now recognize the brilliance of your parody.
Great job, nearly identical to a real Dengist


Many don’t know this but the USSR was funding RIGHT WING NAZI parties in Europe:



Did China maybe also fund Milei?


>Prove a negative to disprove my positive claim asserting without evidence!


There is litterally proof posted that china funds neonazis.
Dengists are coping ITT.


Holy shit, China is funding anti-Chinese Meloni?!???


Clearly, China is bad and anything bad happening is the fault of the See See Pee, did you consider that Gladio and Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Brigades were secretly funded by da See See Pee?

Yes, climate denial and all that stuff is detrimental to EV adoption where China is out producing all, but did you consider See See Pee?


*checks notes*
bourgeois governments cracking down on the Shining Path? Wait a second….


Gee it's almost like everyone will ignore all evidence of the USSR or North Korea or *insert favorite communist nation here* cutting deals with imperialists in order to try to mythologize a purity that has never existed.

Gee it's almost like people treating Marxism as a religion where deviation from Saint Marx and Saint Engels is blasphemy, without acknowledging the realpolitik compromises all successful socialist leaders and states have made both historically and in the present era, aren't actually Marxists rooted in a materialist understanding of the world.

Gee it's almost like Ultras are receiving a massive help from NATO propagandists who are currently training their eyes on China and who will adopt even "leftist" critiques to hit on their enemies just like how they used Solidarity in Poland to undermine the USSR.

Gee it's almost like this anti Dengists are terminally retarded and don't read or research anything but like to spit out CNN talking points on China anyways.


The bordigites will love this one


Two words, Russophobia and Sinophobia. When in doubt always remember that ultra-Maoism, Trotskyism, and other “left wing communist” movements that are seemly dedicated to ranting and raving about how those dirty non-Europeans are doing socialism wrong, they’re always based around one of those two prejudices


DPRK also funded and supported the Palestinian and Lebanese struggles against Israel.
China is Israel second trading partner.
Also Gonzalo nutjobs were the first to sperg out against the DPRK unsolicitedly.


I just want the Stalin era economics and international solidarity back, but recently even the Bolshevik Centre is being considered as ultraleftism by Dengists.


Point proven. This literally exists today but you can’t get over your internalized hatred for those scheming orientals so you gravitate to the hilariously incorrect conclusion that they’re not communist enough


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Whoa, it's almost like China is everyone's number 1 trade partner…


Okay? Good for them? What part of that implies that China is morally obligated to damage its economy and the prosperity of its citizens by funding some doomed moral crusade?


The DPRK hasn't funded shit. They've given out weapons to tons of groups, sure, including bourgeois governments.

That doesn't meant they they've helped build up infrastructure or help any other nation other than their own develop. It's China that does that. China is EVERYONE's second largest trading partner. To put it into context, China's trade with Mexico, hardly a major power, is anywhere from 3x to 4x its trade with Israel. Israel is not a major market for China whatsoever and idiots who have never looked at the economic data continue belaboring this point as if it means anything. China literally stood up in front of the UN and said the Palestinians have the right to armed struggle. When Covid came it was China who were supplying vaccines to the Palestinians. Hell even in Afghanistan with the Taliban starving to death it was China providing them humanitarian aid. What did the DPRK do? Nothing. Fuck off retard.


>Stalin era economics exist
Based. Show me a country with nearly 100% non private sector, I'm eager.
>Stalin era international solidarity exists
Even more based. Show me 1 non ruling communist party actively being financed and supported.
I have no vested interest and no alignment with radlib bullshit, but I need to see the proofs.


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>China is Israel second trading partner.
China is the biggest trading partner with the whole world, lmao.

Lemme guess, China sending aid to Cuba right now is fake news CGI.


China sending aid to Cuba is like the bare minimum for a supposedly socialist country.
Benchmark should be Stalin Ussr or also the DPRK for most things, especially from a country which hosts more than 16% of humanity


>China isn’t helping
>Okay maybe they are helping but it’s bad actually
Theres no winning move.


DPRK is the reason why Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine still stands, given that the tunnel systems of these groups are adaptations of DPRK schematics, especially in Lebanon.
>Damage its economy
By giving out 0,001% of Gdp to fund allied parties?
Iran funds Resistance Axis factions with mere tens of millions and look what they mamaged to obtain over time.
A similar contribution from China would cover like 1/100000th of Gdp if not even less.
It really would be imperceptible.
Also nobody would be sanctioning them cause doing so would mean making global capitalism implode on itself.


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So what happens when Xi Jinping dies or is out of power? The situation in China is not a cut and dry, but there is enough evidence that whenever a socialist state abandons class struggle, it demobilizes its population, making it unable to defend socialism when the time comes. But let's assume this is not a problem for the Chinese approach to socialist transition. How is Xi going to alter to social formation of the entire country? Maoism/Ultralefts generally have political objections to Dengism. I am asking for economic examples that China will carry a transformation forward after Xi. How will China alter the law of value? Or change the relationship of people between things. Will commodities become produced in a way that satisfies use instead of exchange? Socialist calculation is not capitalist calculation. Socialist distribution is not capitalist distribution. So if China asserts itself to be in transition, surely there is more evidence to it being in motion? After all the USSR went through a clear change in the relationship of property between all its eras. I get the impression that here in the West no one has a fucking clue since nothing is translated. So forgive the skepticism or reliance of vulgar economist cope such as "developing productive forces."


One article is paywalled, and the other two are cases of Chinese espionage and lobbying of individual politicians to further their geopolitical interests. The payments involved went to one person, not an organisation. Bribing elected politicians is espionage 101 and is not at the same thing as your claims. There has been zero evidence posted in this thread to suggest that China have been funding right wing political groups as you have claimed. All you've offered is 'well where else is the money coming from?', which is demanding your opponents prove a negative. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


You're probably going to object that sending right wing individuals money isn't funding right wing political projects, but by that logic the CIA were one of the biggest funders of the CPSU and the KGB one of the biggest funders of the American military.


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>friendship ended with xi
>erdogan is my new best friend


>Meanwhile it's still developing most of the third word
not true, but since you are not a third worlder you can only limit yourself to speaking out of your ass
>Gee it's almost like people treating Marxism as a religion where deviation from Saint Marx and Saint Engels is blasphemy
<menshevism good because material conditions be different
>Gee it's almost like Ultras are receiving a massive help from NATO propagandists
<every criticism i dislike is funded by the cia
>you no like chauvinism and revisionism CUZ U RAYCIS!!!


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<Modern China supports 0 communist movements and are 9000 years away from developing the capability to even begin doing so.


>CPC and KRPF are the most powerful communist parties in the world


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>one of the most powerful communist parties in the world
<literally licks the boots of anti-communists
Project a little harder you racist dumbass.


>United Russia, a united front coalition of which the KPRF is a major faction and ensures socialist compatible domestic policy, is anti-communist
>but random terrorists in the jungle that just so happen to be anti-China are not anti-communist
Your brain on anarchism


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>The DPRK hasn't funded shit. They've given out weapons to tons of groups, sure, including bourgeois governments.
Lets not forget how the DPRK also entertained American white nationalists. Big dprk L imho…


>falling for the meme flag
Not an anarchist.
>but random terrorists in the jungle that just so happen to be anti-China are not anti-communist
A hundred years ago would have called the Bolsheviks terrorists and called for the CPC to abandon its national liberation war against the KMT.


Ah yes because the material conditions famously have not changed since the 1920’s


hello dengsister! despite your bad faith argument i will entertain you with a little story from my country
during the 40s, the stalinist-moscow aligned communist party, under kremlins orders, entered an electoral bourgeois coalition to form a "united front against fascism", blind to the interests of the working class and the evident class struggle during those years. 80 years later, the movement they opposed is still ideologically encrusted in the working class' minds
during the 70s, khruschevite moscow ordered them to support a reactionary military dictatorship under the pretext of "peaceful coexistence". outcome? the murder of 30k leftist activists, trade unionists and intellectuals (kremlin sponsored™), which in turn massively receded class consciousness in the country
i know you chauvinist brain cant wrap your head around it, but class struggle is the engine of history. not inter-countries conflict. there is no government in the world better positioned (militarily, intellectually, technologically nor economically) than china to spread the revolution
if they dont do it its because they dont care about it, not because theyre "thinking tactically"


>KPRF is a major faction
nothing happened during the 90s, every communist party always tries to build socialism and supporting an autocratic bourgeois government is actually revolutionary
>socialist compatible domestic policy
again, the ussr has not dissolved and putins russia is actually the bulwark of the revolution. people dont suffer from high crime rates nor deficient, underfunded public services. cutting budget for welfare while oligarchs make millionaire deals is socialist compatible domestic policy, dont worry about it


Khrushchev was a fascist though so this argument doesn’t even make sense. Yes, fascists hate communists, thank you for this stunning revelation! Doesn’t suddenly make Russia evil and deserving of destruction
>class struggle is the engine of history
No, struggle itself is the “engine of history”. Class struggle stopped being relevant when China proved that patriotic elements of the bourgeoisie not only can be integrated into a proletarian economy but is in fact vital for the nation’s growth and development. The era of class warfare has come and gone, and in the 21st century is simply pointless destructive. Do you desire civilization? Or barbarism?


>>falling for the meme flag
>Not an anarchist.



-1/10 not even trying anymore


I accept your concession of defeat



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>proved that patriotic elements of the bourgeoisie not only can be integrated into a proletarian economy
Idealistic nonsense or trolling, I can't tell anymore. Guess we better throw out the entire history of 20th century Marxism. What the fuck is "struggle" can you show it to me? Was it struggle when the Cultural Revolution's gains were reversed in favor of empowering local bourgeoisie? Or were these the good bourgeoisie as opposed to what? The non-national bourgeoisie. Even Deng would laugh at this cause if true, there was no reason to retain political control of the Communist Party.


dont waste precious time trying to debate that brute


>What the fuck is "struggle" can you show it to me?
It’s called “contradiction”, it’s a fundamental force in physics and a fundamental aspect of any materialist analysis of the present state of things. This is a pretty basic Marxist concept, are you sure you’re a communist?
>Was it struggle when the Cultural Revolution's gains were reversed in favor of empowering local bourgeoisie?
Ahistorical nonsense. The GPCR hasn’t been “reversed” as it represents the perpetual struggle of the Chinese people against exploitation. That it has abandoned its quasi-anarchist leanings from when Mao went insane (and that western “Maoists” pretend was all of Mao Zedong Thought) doesn’t mean the Revolution itself has been undone or reversed, just that it has sublated into a more refined form, as is the goal of communism and always has been. I know you really want to LARP as some mighty white revolutionary fighting against those evil tankies of duh See See Pee but I’m afraid reality has a thing or two to say about your dreams, none of them kind


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>That it has abandoned its quasi-anarchist leanings from when Mao went insane
>are you sure you’re a communist?
Maybe you should ask yourself that same question bud.


We are talking tangible changes in the social formation of China that were observable during a set period of time. You speak in vagaries and a quasi-Orientalism of the exceptional nature of the Chinese as if China itself isn't a diverse country with a myriad of competing (struggling perhaps?) class interests.
>’s called “contradiction”, it’s a fundamental force in physics and a fundamental aspect of any materialist analysis of the present state of things
Which you have rejected willingly already in favor of the most vulgar economistic view of Chinese history, I've ever fucking seen. Accusing others of being white, while engaging in the most colonized-brain analysis of China is bizarre.
>doesn’t mean the Revolution itself has been undone or reversed
Revolution is the abolition of a present state of things. When aspects of that abolition are undone either through force, or legality in this case, then we conclude the revolution has been reversed. Ironically, this in itself is a manifestation of class struggle in a pure form. Which you have rejected.
>just that it has sublated into a more refined form, as is the goal of communism and always has been
How will this transition be realized? You spoke of physics. Transition is an aspect of motion. Show me said, motion in China in the form of empirical evidence of this direction toward communism. Xi's faction, represents a leftward shift in China, but hardly reflects a fundamental alteration of the social-formation of the country. Unless of course, it survives on after he leaves power.
>are you sure you’re a communist?
If you are what constitutes a communist, I'll move to China myself and ask their netizens.


> It’s called “contradiction”, it’s a fundamental force in physics and a fundamental aspect of any materialist analysis of the present state of things. This is a pretty basic Marxist concept, are you sure you’re a communist?
Bruh you're just using using it as a buzzword to wave away criticism


>poor perfipherical country
>muh national liberation
>get embargoed by the capitalist powers
>get crap


I’ll be honest anyone who falls for this incredibly obvious manipulation by spooks does it because they WANT to fall for it. Sinophobia is real and it’s real on the left, too.




Retards that think that China is behind everything made it impossible to criticize the CPC without getting lumped into either the deranged schizo trotskyist-tier, or the barely concealed twitteroid /pol/tard group, as there wouldn't be a suprising overlap of both their talking points.


Don't buy into Erdogan's performance, trade between Turkey and Israel reached its peak after Oct 7 and he only belatedly did this because he was scared shitless about Turkish elections


Also his economic policy is beyond retarded and resulted in both hyperinflation AND low agregate supply. But this is for another thread


I would be interested tbh. only because I have a friend, his mum is petit bourg and bought a bunch of Turkish lira as an investment


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Why tf would you buy turkish lira as investment. You might as well buy shitcoins


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Coming back to this dumpster-fire of a thread, I can tell that most of the hatred towards Maoists comes from their anti-China stance. "China can't help it. It's realpolitik!", the argument goes. And it's a valid argument, even Castro collaborated with Franco for practical reasons. But can't we make the same argument for the Maoists? If anything, this proves that the struggle for socialism is a national struggle first. Did the interests of socialists in Chile align with the socialists of China when they chose to support Pinochet? Absolutely not. But when the Maoists choose not to support China, they're betraying the supposed "global" communist movement China is leading. It seems that the westoid Dengists have outsourced their revolution to China, just like they have outsourced their production. But remember this, if China had the choice of defending their national interests at the cost of betraying some socialist revolution somewhere else, they would do it. Not that I blame them for it, it's not like they have control over the entire world. But then don't blame the Maoists for not playing ball with them either.


'<and bought a bunch of Turkish lira as an investment'
This punchline is good and funni but I don't understand the setup.
Needs more work.


>But remember this, if China had the choice of defending their national interests at the cost of betraying some socialist revolution somewhere else, they would do it
Why do you act like those are mutually exclusive? Why does socialism for you demand the dismantling of the Chinese state and an end to the sovereignty of the Chinese people?


The problem with Maoists is that they're Maoists. They are guys larping 1960s China. That's their whole ideology in a nutshell. Also Charu Majumdar was from a landlord family and he saint his daughters to an expensive private school while at the same time encouraging poor peasants not to send their children to schools at all. You look at a lot of Indian commies and you realize many of them were upper caste, middle class at the very least, and had insane crazed ideas. Maoists today are just as intellectually bankrupt as they were in the 70s. That's the biggest problem with Maoism.


>Why do you act like those are mutually exclusive
They're not. But they're not the same either. Conflict of interest between socialist nations is very common.
>Why does socialism for you demand the dismantling of the Chinese state and an end to the sovereignty of the Chinese people?
Being a meanie to China is literally calling for counter-revolution now, apparently.


I asked for criticism not idpol ridden slander.


Yes, calling for the destruction of a communist state for not meeting some westerner’s arbitrary idea of perfection does in fact make you a counterrevolutionary, thank you for admitting it


>Yes, calling for the destruction of a communist state
Literally where did he say this?


capitalism is a transnational phenomenon, segmenting the struggle into nation states and falling into geopolitical opportunism is detrimental to socialism
china is not socialist and it doesnt care about socialism, but supposing that it is socialist and does cares about socialism, its materially the one in the best position to foster revolution abroad, peaceful or violent, via technological, economical, intellectual or military assistance
>t. cant define "state" even if his life depended on it
the chinese bureaucracy and bourgeois are counterrevolutionary


how is it idpol to point out that the guy who came up with the principal of annihilation of the landlords was also a landlord? and he told the lower classes to do one thing and did the opposite himself. Indian leftists are almost always upper class or middle class brahmins. why the fuck would they embrace a class eliminationist politics? its because they are hypocrites. they are communists who want to preserve the social order not change it. the fact they reduce caste distinctions to idpol when they are real class distinctions based on profession proves they are a bunch of psuedo-commies who dont actually give a fuck. its just one big adventure larp. "kill all landlords" said charu majumdar when he was himself a landlord. its exactly the same as the guardian and NYT readers cheering on "black radical tradition" and talking like they are a black panther. Its a pathetic masochistic larp where leftism has become a cool subcultural aesthetic. thats what maoists are. they are peasant fetishizing larpers who couldn't water a rice field.


They have been fighting for too long without any major victory.


Half of this thread is full of ultras screaming that China’s government needs to be “more communist” and maybe I’m reading too much into it but I don’t think they want to do so in good faith using the democratic systems in place. Almost like they want to force a different government entirely on the Chinese people without their consent or something


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>"China can't help it. It's realpolitik!", the argument goes. And it's a valid argument, even Castro collaborated with Franco for practical reasons.
The maoist understander has logged on.


While the West is set to destroy the largest threat it has ever had in the history of capitalism to its hegemony, what are the socialists doing in the imperial core? Denouncing China, calling it bourgeois, calling it counter revolutionary, dismissing its enormous contributions to national liberation around the world.

When Marx argued that your context determines a large part of how you think, I bet he didn't image colonial apologists calling themselves socialists.


china needs to be communist, period. its not communist now
"the support of the people" is a meaningless abstraction, people can vote liberals and fascists into power


>muh West
>cant even dare to talk about international capital
<criticizing china means u glowie
have dengatards ever heard of class struggle?
>contributions to national liberation around the world.


>denying reality


NTA but what contribution did China bring to national liberation exactly ?
With Russia you could point to military support to Burkina Faso or Niger but China?


Stop crying bro.


Im sick of burgers excusing their racist hostility and civilizational race war by dressing it up as anti-capitalism. This rhetoric would all be fine if your polity wasn’t carrying out a global, “all of society” jihad against China and seeking to impoverish and repress it along every domain and produce anti-sintic racism and violence worldwide.They could at least address their criticism in the context of this all encompassing war of the holy West against the perilous Chinese, but they don’t even acknowledge it. Craven, stupid behavior.


<u mad bro?
<please PLEASE do not bully poor china! ITS RAYCIS
dengsisters on their last legs


The Chinese literally met with Allende and told him to not overreach or he'd get killed by the Americans. They also told him to secure the military. It's not their fault Allende was retardedly incompetent. When you have Zhou Enlai in a private meeting telling you to get your shit together you know you're a fucking idiot.


Schizophrenia too now, terrible conditions you have.


I'm not a Maoist. I don't agree with most of what they say, but I do critically support them.


How does this excuse supporting Pigochet?


>China takes practical steps to make sure it can stay the headquarters of the revolution
Brother what alternate timeline are you transmitting from?


>They're hostile to China
Do you have anything to say about their stated reasons WHY they've taken this position on modern China or do you just sperg out the moment you hear China not being worshipped?
>take their ideology from Abimael Guzman
While they do view the Peruvian Revolution as important to the historical formation of Maoism, the CPI(Maoist) is not part of the modern Gonzaloist trend within Maoism (expressed mainly in the ICL). You saying this indicates you've never actually read anything from the Maoists in India, as they have a long history of criticizing key parts of Gonzalo thought (Jefatura, concentric construction of the party, etc.)


>the most powerful communist parties in the world
Lmao you mean this KPRF?

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