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 No.1825107[View All]

He has been missing for several days now. They say he went to go help some Russian troops but got kidnapped. I think he is dead. So sad. I wanted to meet him someday he is my hero.
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If you do not see the abject stupidity of your argument, like why even be a socialist or even a leftist at this point man? The concepts of inter-imperialist wars and revolutionary defeatism is so far away from this sad sad mindset. Even if they could Russia will never dismantle NATO completely, because they need NATO in a sense that as long as a NATO exists they get to cloak their imperialist expanse under faux "anti" imperialism. Just like the Ukrop nazis, they will never do what is necessary to purge the banderites, they need them to continue to justify their war, their drive for more capital, and control over more markets. NATO will most likely collapse under its own weight at some point. I doubt they will ever be strong enough to do what your warped paranoid logic claims they would do even if they managed to turn the war around. But, as gaynazi anon has correctly stated, this war caused NATO to expand (at least temporarily). And if NATO fell tomorrow or was disbanded overnight, something else would take its place and that something would still lead to more inter-imperialist conflicts regardless. These squabbles between imperialist brothers means nothing to what socialists want to achieve which is the defeat of all imperialist nations. Tailing Russia because you believe the NATO paper tiger is real or overwhelmingly powerful just shows blatant stupidity. Gaynazi anon said the War on Terror turned the US into terrorists. I disagree, the US was always terroristic, but what the war on terror did do, was proliferate "terrorists". All we got was terrorists, because the US needed more terrorists to justify their "war". So they manufactured more, whether they were real or not. But what was real was the destruction those wars wroth all over the globe and still to this day we live the consequences of that. It was imperialist expanse to grow the empire cloaked in nationalist jingoism against a "common enemy". And the thing is, any capitalist country in that position would have done the same thing, because it was in the interests of the ruling class and American capitalism was approaching and what 2008 realized, deep crisis.


>But, as gaynazi anon has correctly stated, this war caused NATO to expand (at least temporarily).
No it didn't. That is liberal cope. NATO expanded like 5 times already before 2022, and it was trying to expand to Ukraine and coup Belarus and Khazakstan and Georgia already so it could expand there too. The expansionist project was ongoing and accelerating. You either resist it or don't (fight or flight).
>haha, we made two of our fake-neutral de facto vassals into de jure vassals. so your resistance has backfired. take that putler!
pure liberal cope for losing ukraine.
there's a reason that all the socialist countries support russia and reject both-sideist nonsense. They know they're not "the same": one side is trying to destroy them and the other isn't. They have to deal with the reality and don't have the luxury to just spout shitlib talking points wrapped in commie jargon on imageboards.


>NATO expanded
>europe has never been more united
>ukraine is le iraq
do you ever get tired of repeating the same state department talking points?


>US uses terrorists against USSR
>US uses terrorists against Iraq
>US uses terrorists against Ukraine
>US uses terrorists against Russia
>both sides are bad but also its Russias fault

Wouldn't it be strange if ISIS and the SBU both learned their tactics from JSOC? How the fuck can you really think the Putin is equally complicit in facilitating Ukranian nazis? This is truly beyond contrarian delusion.


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> all the socialist countries
You mean none, because there are none. And even if we were looking at this through a generous social fascist approach and included Cuba, they took a neutral stance. Vietnam, neutral. China, literally trying to push for peace talks. Your mindrot is what happens when you huff too much fumes in /cuckraine/. None of these "socialist" countries are pushing for an expanded war against NATO. The general consensus even among revisionists is a anti-war message between both sides, not a pro-Russian one. But its all bullshit anyway because Russia and NATO will ultimately clash again in other regions in Europe, meaning more inter-imperialist wars.


there is a chauvinistic tendency among multipolarists, in which seem to assign a kind of "moral agency" to the west, but every other country is framed as a passive entity that only "reacts".
it's very similar to how western whitoids frame themselves vis a vis brown people.

anyone who roots for any side in this conflict is doing it for psychosexual reasons


Are you guys just zoomers or something? Do you guys not know Russia and China both cooperated with the fucking US on the War on Terror. Jfc. The point about the war on terror, is that all imperialist countries hopped on that bandwagon.
>How the fuck can you really think the Putin is equally complicit in facilitating Ukranian nazis?
By continuing a destructive war that doesn't liquidate the nazi threat but allows said nazis more relevancy as "heroes" in a feedback loop to continue justification for intervention?


Russell deserves better than this thread


>expanded war against NATO
No, everyone would much rather let the US hegemony monopolies be contested by trade and finance and diplomacy ,and catch the least shit possible when the USA flails to reassert itself.

IDK why you characterize "pro-Russian" as waging war against NATO. None of those other places have had a proxy army built on their border and prepare to war them as the RF has. Refusing to side with NATO, in sanctions, trade, diplomacy and so on is quite "pro-Russian" already.

>By continuing a destructive war that doesn't liquidate the nazi threat but allows said nazis more relevancy as "heroes" in a feedback loop to continue justification for intervention?
Well yeah, they are liberals contesting their share of a receding world hegemon0s pie. But it's worth mentioning, that the "meatgrinder" approach in which the RF is abhorrently content to "fight to the last Ukrainian" if that ultimately comes to their benefit was only taken after NATO showed in April 2022 that they were 100% going to make that sort of war inevitable. The RF had taken a costly rushed advance to secure Crimea and threaten Kiev. And at that point, war could have gone either way.

Negotiate with the RF, de-escalate, even if keeping the "cold war" and avert most of the bloodshed.

Or Boris can show up,Ukraine can execute their negotiators and flex the "collaborator purges" and make it clear Ukraine's government will follow through with NATO commands, through any amount of sacrifice against terrible to nonexistent odds of winning. It was THEN, than the RF shrugged, and started to play the longer game, and workers paid the price.


>>1833099 (me)
In PR this was clumsily justified with the western media ops about Bucha, the "filtration camps" and the vacuous insinuations of genocidal intent. NATO aligned media closed ranks and started touting the inevitability of war, the one their governments had just ensured, justified because all the previously mentioned signaled Ukrainians would otherwise be exterminated. So it was all out war or some thinktankers umpteenth comparison of US opponents as "the new Hitler" carrying out "the new Holocaust".

The RF responded to that narrative, that summer, by making every Ukrainian citizen eligible to the abridged path to RF citizenship that the Donbass was getting. Of course, this made no dent on the narrative, though. And it scarcely matters when the war proper is already going.


>in which seem to assign a kind of "moral agency" to the west, but every other country is framed as a passive entity that only "reacts".
The reaction IS the agency as they break the chains of western hegemony. This process takes time. What Russia is doing right now is agency. What the Sahel is doing is agency. What China is doing is agency. Where is the chauvinism?
>anyone who roots for any side in this conflict is doing it for psychosexual reasons
Psychosexual what? Yeah buddy stick to your favorite breadtube YouTuber do an analysis on the sexual nature of Rick and Morty if that's what you get from this conflict


A lot of samefags here with false-equivalencies and baseless claims. Did reddit ban another liberal subreddit or something?


sexpats and neo-nazis are scum, no contradiction


someone has definitely reposted this thread lmao, just like with the other Vkraine ones
Coming to fight for DPR is now "killing hohol men" nevermind what the Banderites were doing in Donbas in order to make sure it was Ukrainian (killing all ze VATuyghZ hans!!! get ze flammenwurfer!!!)
And why are they just treating this guy like he's Gonzalo Lira, and still acting like what happened to him had ANYTHING to do with coming to fuck Vkrainian women. They loved that shit when they were turning the country into a mecca for liberals and wignats and anarchists. Acting like some kind of comeuppance was distributed is pretty asinine.


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Mother Russia is winning so all they can do is cry about it online. Fuck Ukkkraine.


Did he died yet?!!!??


The only reason you don’t like Russia is because of gay shit. You western gays center your entire ideology around gay.


Not confirmed but 99% chance he is dead.


cuckkkraine is so much worse with gays and trans but liberals arent ready for that discussion yet


If Israel was about being gay instead of jewish none of these people would stand a chance I keep saying this. Like if historically you time travelled and stepped on a gay butterfly and the whole populations of gays and jews switched places.


>these two anticommunist freaks sperging out in the Tejas thread because they get sent crying from /ukraine/ when they try to visit it every couple weeks
legitimately hilarious, they are making the exact same retarded posts they make in /ukraine/ too. /isg/tards are truly subhuman


The world truly will be a better place when these two kill themselves


>still doesn't deny being a fascist despite directly replying twice


>Russell is dead


The bloke larped as a “Christian communist” and had been notorious for ordering mail order prostitutes from WhatsApp.

It will eventually be known that this man had no principles and just wanted cheap pussy in a cheap quality of life part of the world.

You lads need better idols.


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Wow, you're truly a ghoulish, reddit-spacing fuck.
>notorious for ordering mail order prostitutes from WhatsApp.
Where are your proofs you slanderous glowfag? Fuck off.


The proof will come out soon.

This man is NOT who you red liberals think he is.


>The proof will come out soon.
in 13 days, or 15?


I really like this picture


He was married retard.


Sounds like bullshit. Why would you go to a war zone for pussy? Most western perverts just go to Philippines or Thailand. Also I’ve watched probably 80% of all videos Russell has put out. I homes can’t remember a single time he made a reference to anything sexual at all. Like he literally never talked about sex or picking up women at all. Also he married an older woman. If he was a pervert he would have married a much younger woman like they usually do.


For real I think this is the most uninformed statement I've seen about the Ukraine war relative to how much someone discusses the subject. This is critical to propping up the bullshit about how multipolarity (literally meaning not unipolarity) = world fascism guise!! like WWI!!!
Russia just is imperialist, it is okay! Their invasion is just like US invading Iraq, and just like the bombing of civilians in Gaza. Nevermind that the US overthrew their government to have Nazis fight a holy war on Russia and conscript everyone who couldn't get out of the country 10 years ago, and has been cluster-bombing civilians. If a country doesn't immediately respond to provocations by the US with full-scale nuclear salvos, it means they're just opportunistic rats. Seeing the comments about how China and Russia should be launching WWIII interspersed with the arguments that multipolarity risks world war is really a phenomenal display of how thoughtless or malicious this manchild really is.
>>protecting the Donbass from ukro-nazis
>This is like saying the "war on terror." It's a kind of multi-purpose yap-weapon. Or using the Voice to destroy your enemies. These are nuke-words or cluster-phrases to incinerate everything in their vicinity. I don't think it has much to do with a factual assertion. Putin calls Zelensky a Nazi, but if he hadn't, he'd be calling him a terrorist. Either way, Kharkiv would still be getting shelled.


>Also he married an older woman
My man. 👍


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Translated from https://t.me/kpobede/460


👁 Murder of Russell "Texas" Bentley, basic facts:

🔹A white Niva stolen from near “Avtobaza” was found blown up and burned out at the brick factory in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, almost at the front line. Inside were Russell's remains.
🔹The body was incinerated. Collected fragments were taken from Donetsk for DNA analysis.
🔹Two separate criminal cases, the “disappearance” and the “murder” cases, were combined into a single case and taken under the control of the Main Military Investigative Authority of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation due to the magnitude of the public outcry. Donetsk tried to hush it up, but Moscow did not allow it.
🔹He was kidnapped by soldiers of the 5th (tank) brigade, the commander of which took the blame of his subordinates.
🔹Russell's wife took Russell's destroyed phone from the Niva at “Avtobaza” on April 8, before it was stolen. The phone was restored on April 10 and transferred to the Investigative Committee on April 11. There were no photos, videos or outgoing calls made after 16:15pm on April 8 found in the phone’s memory. Had it been the case, the phone would have been kept as evidence.

This is the end of my report on the facts. Personally, I will add that the best memory of Russell would be the continuation of his work of helping people, in whose memory he is still alive. As Texas himself had repeatedly asked, he should be buried next to his close friend, Donetsk bard Sergei Lysenko , who died in the Northern Military District and was buried in the “Zakharchenko square”. Eternal memory… and in songs too. It’s a pity that they never had time to record “Heart” - don’t put off life until tomorrow, because tomorrow it may no longer exist. Live. Take action. Today, here and now.

Vlad Filin, April 28, 2024


So they found the body


Do they have a motive or what


>volunteers to fight in the Donbas
>gets murked by RF troops
Z gang keeps "winning" lel


>>gets murked by RF troops

Where are the proofs the RF trops did it, did the case was closed? If not, then this is just speculation.


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>Friendly Fire doesn't exist lol
<Hurr that means ur losing!
You fags are quite salty about losing more villages again aren't you?


>The only reason you don’t like Russia is because of gay shit. You western gays center your entire ideology around gay.
I didn't bring that up. If you don't like gays, that's fine. You know there's a Reddit meme with a NATO flag and the words "Gay Rights Are Non-Negotiable," although they clearly are negotiable because Turkey is a member of NATO. I don't know if Putin's policies are worse than Erdogan. It seems like the situation for LGBT people has become more repressive in Russia since the war started but I doubt Russian society is all that different from much of Eastern Europe.


>Refusing to side with NATO, in sanctions, trade, diplomacy and so on is quite "pro-Russian" already.
According to Western governments, that is. Most governments that have refused to go along with Western sanctions don't say they're aligned with Russia in some kind of geopolitical alliance or endorsed the war. Many have backed U.N. resolutions criticizing Russia's role in the conflict. But I don't think that taking a neutral position is, like, insane or irrational either, nor do I see how it's strictly relevant, seems based on a weird standpoint theory with a lot of bad argumentation on both sides.


>According to Western governments, that is.
Not surprised to see Gay Nazi deploy the classic "you must identify with the fascist perspective to believe I am allied with the people who share my views" argument, or as I like to call it, the "only a pedophile would think I am a pedophile" defense.


RIP to a real one, even if misguided. Bently didn't deserve such a fate, and it's ironic that Russians would rather celebrate Gonzalo Lira than Russell. A useful sexpat rightoid libertarian schizo will always be higher in the GRU hierarchy than a communist.


Go back hazcel


I mean the OP used "pro-Russian" in quotation marks, which looks to me like they were implying that it'd be a caricature of these governments to call them "pro-Russian" for taking a neutral position and maintaining trade with Russia. Who says that? Western governments.


Bro trusted the Russians too much. Why the hell would you trust the Russians?


Hopefully not too late, but Benes Ayo "Black Lenin" made a video discussing what happened to Bentley. Benes lashes out pretty strongly.
The video was posted a week ago.
Here's a quick summary, in the video it's pretty wordy, don't feel like translating everything in detail.
>Ayo Benes is upset about Bentley being killed
>blames it on the 5th brigade of the DPR aka Oplot Brigade (there were "rumours" prior that it might be a Buryat tank brigade)
>Benes says he served in this very brigade in 2017 and it was pretty normal back then
>however after Zakharchenko (leader of DPR at the time) got assassinated in 2018, some parts of the brigade fell into disarray, alcohol and drug use became common among military personnel, with intoxicated soldiers commiting all sorts of crime
>some of the leaders of the brigade committed fraud and racket in major towns
>Benes assumes that the situation probably didn't change much since then
>says Bentley may have been killed because he saw all the dirty deeds the leaders of the DPR did there and the corrupt system just couldn't cope with a righteous person pointing all of that out
>Benes ends up cursing the russian govenrment, political and military figureheads, including Putin, and the russia mass media for going against the people in an attempt to hide yet another case of a proud people's warrior getting killed by the pawns of the system


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>Bro trusted the Russians too much. Why the hell would you trust the Russians?
Ok glowie


>Bro trusted the Russians too much. Why the hell would you trust the Russians?


Worthless conversation because it discusses the official diplomatic actions of peripheral countries trying to skirt sanctions as being some kind of indicator that the global south condemns the war in Ukraine. China doesn't even condemn or condone the war, people act like they can just flip the communism switch but they are still a developing (actually this time, not just a ruse to refer to undeveloped, maldeveloped areas). The major crisis triggered by this war was the US secondary sanctions. Don't forget sanctions are a global siege not just on one country but its trading partners. The periphery didn't even have time after Covid to get its shit together before the war hit.
You can't view diplomatic actions as being a barometer of opinion in a government or a country that's retarded, you gay Nazi.

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