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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1826255[Last 50 Posts]


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(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا!


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>hyper militaristic society
>Tries to convince itself it's the strongest,most moral army in the middle east
>Fights (1) war against an enemy that isn't an unarmed child
>Needs the UN to protect them


They're extracting every ounce they can from this, lmao.


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Gotta have a good deal


We have a thread for this. No need to spam catalog full of singular events related to Israel.


This is wrong. They fought many wars. Just goes to show how much more of a failure the Nazis were


>we’re the most moral army in the middle ea- ACK!


they are slowly losing everybody knows they are new nazis


this shit isnt active anyway tbf


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I can't wait till there's a zoomer secretary general at the UN and they replace these stupid letters with a fbi.gov and everything israel posts gets spammed with vomit emojis.

(j/k there won't be an israel)


I don't know how to even talk about Israel's populace opinion on Palestinians without accidentally seeming antisemitic. Propoganda has quite a strong affect on people I know and nationalism is one helluva a drug. But in the end, people like that who live in that country chose to believe those things. And Israeli reactionaries, that's on them for being almost fascist in their political views. Something like this happening is the ultimate irony. The country's leaders haven't apparently taken a look at history and seen how similar to Nazis they are acting.


I think it shows evil tendencies in human nature that some people are capable of cheering on genocide and destruction of a people and a way of life like that.



An Iranian military security official has revealed exclusively to The Cradle that the US contacted the Islamic Republic, asking the nation to allow Israel "a symbolic strike to save face” following Iran's retaliatory drone and missile barrage this weekend.
“Iran has received messages from mediators to let the regime do a symbolic strike to save face and asked Iran not to retaliate,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, revealed to The Cradle.
He added that Tehran “outright rejected” the proposal, delivered by mediators, and reiterated warnings that any Israeli attack on Iranian soil would be met with a decisive and immediate response.


Mike Prysner:
"Our enemies are not in the poorest countries on the planet, but right here in the richest one"


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Reminder: Stoners are worse than Zionists


Fact: Israel has the highest cannabis consumption rate per capital. The boycott of Moroccan dealers and hash growers has been devastating.


*Per capita


>The boycott of Moroccan dealers and hash growers has been devastating
The what now


>he doesn't know
comrades it is our duty to inform him



What is next? The situation is already a regional war, is it inevitable that it expands?

Last thread an Intercept Article, stated Israel asked for a symbolic attack against Iran, this "offer" was rejected, will Israel pursue or will they take the loss?



IOF is disgusting


>What is next?
The ousting of Netanyahu


Seems like Israel retaliates against Iran on their own, and gets slapped by Iran some more, and Israel getting slapped becomes the new normal


Literally Babi Yar tier shit. Fucking disgusting.


wtf… quentin has retvrned


>will Israel pursue or will they take the loss?
I think they will pursue because they're that retarded and bloodthirsty


They have not listened to the US at all so far to "reign in" their action, although those calls could be questioned for if they are propaganda for cover or actual self interest.

Give that fact, if they "don't listen" thus far, then they will not again, and we will see some further escalation




That is clearly a meme made by a liberal who does not understand the need for revolutionary terror, theft (which is but a slur made by the exploitators) or raping of the rich and their hangers-on. It is the kind of theistic moralist attitude that the rich would like to impose on the working class in order to prevent them from thinking about their problems, while still feeling the effects and suffering from the pervasive atmosphere of capitalism. The imperialists want the workers to suffer, to be deprived of marijuana and in a continuous monotonous cycle until they expire from old age or kill themselves from depression. To critique the moderacy of the marijuana user from a point of a bourgeoisie accumulator of wealth is nothing but an inanity and a deflection from the real issue of class struggle. Take this quote from Laozi whom despite being a petty 7th century reactionary fully understood the importance of moderacy in quote: “Holding a cup and overfilling it Cannot be as good as stopping short Pounding a blade and sharpening it Cannot be kept for long Gold and jade fill up the room No one is able to protect them Wealth and position bring arrogance And leave disasters upon oneself When achievement is completed, fame is attained” end quote. It is necessary to make the observation that the dogmatist straight-edge sobriety culture that is obsessed with not having fun is really just an extension of the Reaganomics used to repress the workers and minorities through the war on drugs in order to enact subservience and cause mental-illness. If you hate weed you are no different from the neoliberals and the neoconservatives of the United States who have never deserved a treatment better than the chainsaw beheadings carried out by the Mexican cartels and you ought to experience the same for being a collaborator, a coward, a reactionary and a tool of imperialism.


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enjoying the show?


Read the fucking news. They're coordinating with the US to respond with escalation.

Shut the fuck up if you aren't going to keep up with the headlines.


without escalation*


Some of you are such humorless cunts



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United Kingdom also supporting sir


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How could the RAF do this… I'm literally shaking and crying right now!


The 5'9 chad once again putting manlets in their place


Where has this been in the headlines?
A few hours ago MSM, such as Sky and Al Jazeera were reporting different options that Israel could take, and IF they will take that action, including reporting of western powers asking Israel to "restrain", so far all I have seen is guesswork, waiting and nothing for certain.


So the reason the West is supporting Israel is because they want a permanent foothold in the middle east? To have influence over the region or something?


I haven't seen one of these meta-ironic adrian veidt memes in a long time


>>1826406 (me)
Israel has no good choices on Iran - https://on.ft.com/443rABZ via Financial Times

Military briefing: Israel’s options to strike Iran - https://on.ft.com/3Q3JcYX via Financial Times

These two articles, one from 4 hours ago, another from 2 hours ago, are weighing Israeli action, if they will take the loss or retaliate, no action has yet been made certain, the Israeli War Cabinet have met to discuss retaliation though which seems likely, I am yet to see anything on US coordination BUT this is 100% likely, we know the contradictory statements of Biden, "Do not escalate but we are fully behind you" which confirm this sure, including US Jets helping the Israelis a few days ago.


Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”


No way. One thing is invading what is basically a bunch of urban neighbourhoods and another is entering a war with another state.


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American hands typed this post


According to Resistance News Network Hezbollah today bombed two Iron Dome batteries in Northern Palestine then proceded to bomb an Idf base with Katyusha rockets, and finally to bomb the Meron airbase with yet another salvo, in what is nowadays a frequent occurency.


imagen my shawk


>Iranian missile wreckages found with no warheads

Masterful if true tbh


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>>1826442 (American)


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Gee lois, look what I found drawn by an Israeli arab


>>Iranian missile wreckages found with no warheads
Irans actual physical targets were the air bases aside from making a point so there would really be no need to waste the money and so on of putting warheads on everything, afaik.
how do you still not understand to use a real source? JFC.
<this AI art autism stuff again
i'm begging you to get some kind of hobby that isn't obsessing over some scam product.




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EXCLUSIVE: US makes failed bid for Iran to allow 'symbolic strike' by Israel

>An Iranian military security official has revealed exclusively to The Cradle that the US contacted the Islamic Republic, asking the nation to allow Israel "a symbolic strike to save face” following Iran's retaliatory drone and missile barrage this weekend.

>“Iran has received messages from mediators to let the regime do a symbolic strike to save face and asked Iran not to retaliate,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, revealed to The Cradle.

>He added that Tehran “outright rejected” the proposal, delivered by mediators, and reiterated warnings that any Israeli attack on Iranian soil would be met with a decisive and immediate response.

>The reply was delivered directly to the Swiss envoy in Tehran by officials from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and not the foreign ministry. According to The Cradle's source, the decision for the IRGC to reply directly was meant “to send a strong warning to the US.”

Ah heh



Entitled cracker wants the other side to let him save face

How I loathe Khruschev for letting Ameritards have their win in Cuba. Fucking retard



Since day zero after the attack they said they launched a lot of baits to deplete and distract the iron dome for the real warheads to hit their targets.


I think the west has a rich culture same as China and Russia and the rest of the world. I appreciate cultures from all walks of life, barring political aspects such as trumpism or christian nationalism. I believe in cultural relativism, that all cultures have equal value and just should be appreciated. The West doesn't need an extermination, what it needs to do is to actually pay reparations for the war crimes on the political side of what it did and it also needs a regime change in many countries, through democratic means.


Cunts, fucking cunts everywhere. Western news and the feds framed this stabbing case as one of Islamophobia again. By Christ, the West must fall for good.

As a Westerner, I don't care with the West. Screw them and their retarded dumb bullshit. Society has progressed past the need for the West.

But then again, you're right. Blame those who are in power and their sympathizers or enablers. Down with the Imperial Core.

We ought to obliterate, exterminate, and destroy Zionists scums and liberals for sport.


why does he (GDF) wants to suicide by glowie so badly?


>why does he (GDF) wants to suicide by glowie so badly?
He's never said anything that is not relatively common knowledge, he's just formatting it for adfhd'd american kids.


The 2009 US Policy Paper that Laid out Future Israel-Iran War

<- Far from a series of diplomatic blunders, the escalating tensions in the Middle East are part of a long-standing US policy of baiting Iran into open war in pursuit of containment and regime change;

<- As the US has used conflict to reassert itself over Europe, it is seeking to engulf the Middle East in conflict to once again reassert itself there;

<- While the US attempts to create plausible deniability regarding repeated Israel provocations, it is the US ultimately enabling Israeli aggression;

<- Claims that Washington seeks to avoid escalation contradict US attempts to block accountability for Israel in the UN Security Council;

<- Iran has clearly walked into a trap, what remains to be seen is if it was fully prepared to do so, or if it has gravely miscalculated;


Brookings Institution - Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran (PDF, 2009):
Brookings Institution - Contributors List (2020):
Washington Post - U.S. approved more bombs to Israel on day of World Central Kitchen strikes (April 4, 2024):
Newsweek - White House 'Very Concerned' About Prospect of Israel-Iran War (April 4, 2024):
Guardian - No evidence yet of Iran link to Hamas attack, says Israeli military (October 9, 2023):

>A whole chapter is dedicated to using Israel to trigger a war. the US would then appear reluctant to wade into afterwards that's chapter five leave it to Bibi, allowing or encouraging an Israeli military strike. since 2009 each and every one of these options has either been tried in some cases multiple times or is in the process of being implemented. the so-called Iran nuclear deal signed under the administration of US President Barack Obama unilaterally abandoned under the administration of US president Donald Trump and efforts to revive it blocked under the administration of US President Joe Biden is an illustration of not just how faithful US foreign policy unfolded in regards to the paper's contents but the continuity of this policy regardless of who sat in the white house or who controlled the US Congress. today one of the most dangerous options explored appears to be fully in motion with the US and Israel deliberately creating a permissive environment across the Middle East for war and repeatedly provoking Iran to trigger it. I'm talking about the October 7th 2023 Hamas attacks and the Israeli response to it which was essentially flattening Gaza and many people say that Israel, Israel has failed they cannot defeat Hamas, Israel put Hamas into power. they don't want to defeat Hamas. they want Hamas there as a Perpetual pretext to brutalize the Palestinian people until there are no more Palestinian people.

>The Brookings institution makes several points clear first Iran is not interested in war with either the United States or Israel. it says that very clearly multiple times all throughout the paper. second the US must take great effort to convince the world that Iran not Washington provoked a US desired War. so the US desperately wants this war but they desperately want to convince the world that it was Iran who provoked it. third even if repeatedly provoked there is a high likelihood Iran would not retaliate and therefore deny the US and or is Israel a pretext for wider War. it says it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the air strikes before launching them. they're saying they they might just launch them anyway but it would be better if they could site some sort of provocation before launching them. clearly the more outrageous the more deadly and the more unprovoked the Iranian action the better off the United States would be. it would be very difficult for the United States to go into Iran without such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it. you could see following the Israeli strike on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus the Western media is pretending like it never happened, as Iran retaliated they they write in their headlines Iranian attack on Israel not Iranian retaliation. they just act as if Iran woke up one day and attacked Israel.

>So even if they can't achieve this through a a series of events they can manipulate what actually happened through the media and pretend that somehow it was unprovoked nonetheless. It also says one method that would have some possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime change efforts in the hope that Teran would retaliate overtly or even semi overtly which could then be portrayed as an unprovoked Act of Iranian aggression. so you can see how the US is admitting that it's not just planning to do these things it's already doing it. then it would escalate certain efforts already underway to further provoke Iran. then when Iran reacts they will spin it as if it was an act of unprovoked Iranian aggression.

>the paper is admitting the US seeks war with Iran but wants to convince the world it is Iran itself provoking it. the paper lays out the framework for a disingenuous diplomatic tract Washington could take with Iran to enhance the illusion that Iran will be to blame for any war between it and the us or of course Israel. this is all about the US pretending that it seeks diplomacy it was Iran desperate for war ,and this is what the paper says in a similar vein. any milary operation against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require the proper International context both to ensure the logistical support the operation would require and to minimize the blowback from it the best way to minimize International opprobrium and maximize support however grudgingly or covert, which is important to keep in mind because a lot of countries will openly say they oppose supporting the US in any way in an attack on Iran but then they will covertly support the US anyway. to strike only when there is a widespread onviction that the Iranians were given but then rejected a superb offer one so good that only a regime determined to acquire nuclear weapons and acquire them for the wrong reasons would turn it down under those circumstances the United States or Israel it says in parenthesis could portray its operations as taken in sorrow not anger and at least some in the International Community would conclude that the Iranian brought it upon themselves.


The released detainees from Gaza speak of the torture and harsh conditions in which they were held.
Prisoner Sufian Abu Salah had his leg amputated while in the detention centers after the IOF refused to provide him with proper medical care.
A 60-year-old prisoner shows clear signs of torture all over his body after he was detained for 59 days.
The prisoners said that they were held in the cold without medication or food. Their hands were tied all day and they had to sit in a crouching position.
During the time of detention, they were severely beaten to the point where blood was shed and many had their bones were broken.


The morale of the story here is that you never try to get between a religious man and a child if you value your job.
Poor bus driver..
Poor Child…


>As a Westerner
>cultural relativism
That isn't communist


I'm a democratic socialist


oh so you're swedish huh?


Nobody cares what you self identify as, this is an anonymous imageboard, are you new?


Well, can't blame them for trying.


Damn I fucking hate Zionist, I hope iran bombs the shit out of every israeli


I hope so too.

t. Israeli


some of you are alright
don't go to knesset tomorrow


I think that's some fed cunt trying to imitate me poorly. that story is still incoherent, and karen webb is a fucking clown. some stabby kid, wow such terror attack, nsw very threatened. this is the police force that has actively ignored calls to investigate the botany bomb threat where an explosive device (no timer but a detonator, explosive, and fuel wired up in a petrol can) was left on a guy's car, in the driveway of his family home, for diplaying a palestinian flag. they literally gave it to some cunt who was taking leave instead of the terror squad.

in victoria they ignored a palestinian man's restaurant getting firebombed.

the hypocrisy surrounding who is a terrorist and who is part of a grieving community has never been more stark. this story dropped literally hours after sky failed to portray some white guy woman hater as a muslim terrorist. makes me wonder how much zionist motivated violence is ignored by the pigs when there's nobody calling them out.



<Middle East latest: US believes Israel planning 'narrow and limited strike' inside Iran - report; Putin holds call with Iranian president amid escalation fears

>Reports suggest US officials believe Israel is considering a "limited and narrow" strike inside Iran. It comes as Vladimir Putin calls for restraint during a call with Iran's president, amid fears of an escalation in hostilities. Listen to a Daily episode on Iran as you scroll.


>the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity


>US officials believe Israel is considering
Well, that's a fucking useless statement.


In my head cannon the phone-poster who's hyper autistic about the use of anonymous sources in journalism is the same poster who thinks twitter pages and telegram groups are valuable sources of news information.


Fuck you Germany, you fascist pieces of shit. Are your brains programmed with a propensity for genocide and fascism, or what the fuck is wrong with you?


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Lebanon: An Islamic Resistance ambush leaves a Golani Brigade force dead and wounded
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon confirmed that a force from the Israeli Golani Brigade was ambushed with explosive devices, “planted by its mujahideen in the Tal Ismail area in Lebanese territory, after careful follow-up,” according to the statement.

The Islamic Resistance continued that when the Golani force crossed the border and arrived at the site of the bombs, they were detonated, which led to the members of the force being killed or wounded.

Israeli media reported on the ambush, saying, “Exceptionally, Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the explosive device incident, in which Golani soldiers were injured tonight on the border with Lebanon.”

According to the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, "four Israeli soldiers were injured in the ambush carried out by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon."

For his part, Al-Mayadeen's correspondent in the south confirmed that direct fire from Lebanon targeted an Israeli military site in the vicinity of the Al-Dhahira site.

Yesterday, the resistance announced that its mujahideen had targeted the Israeli sites “Nafah,” “Yarden,” and “Kila” in the occupied Syrian Golan with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

The resistance confirmed that these attacks came in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in Gaza and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, and in response to the Israeli raids that targeted a number of safe villages and towns, the most recent of which were Khiam and Kafr Kila, and left a number of civilian martyrs and wounded.



Over $1 billion was spent by the US Navy to confront operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces in the last 6 months, according to the Secretary of the US Navy.



>implying single source journalism without an editor is somehow less credible than corpo media with a legal team, zionist editor, and which owes it's existence to ad buys from western multinationals and the national airlines of US client states
this is libtard brain in action


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hold the clock, israel has a disabilities unit?

but they told me israelis extremely believe in eugenics and raising children from intelligent parents so that they end up with smart genes and without downs


pay the taxes yankee


do they have a special short personnel carrier?


nah dickhead, we just laughed at them when their blood and soil rhetoric lead to the formation of the cum commandos. fail to see how inducting downies into the idf exuses the ethnic cleansing.


>fail to see how inducting downies into the idf exuses the ethnic cleansing.

never said it did


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Hezbollah operations 04/16/2024:

14:25: an aerial attack was launched using two batches of attack drones targeting the Iron Dome defense system in the "Beit Hillel" base, hitting the Iron Dome platforms and its crew, resulting in deaths and casualties.
15:40: targeting the "Zebdine" barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with rocket weapons.
17:45: targeting Al-Baghdadi site with artillery shells.
16:15: targeting Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with artillery shells.
16:45: targeting the "Beit Hillel" base with Katyusha rockets in response to "israeli" attacks on safe villages, the latest of which was in Ain Baal.
19:25: targeting the headquarters of the Eastern Brigade 769 in "Kiryat Shmona" with Katyusha rockets, in response to "israeli" attacks on steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, especially the attacks on the towns of Ain Ba'al and Shahabiya and the injury of civilians.
19:30: on Monday, April 15, 2024, targeting a gathering of "israeli" soldiers around the "Birkat Risha" site with rocket weapons.
19:30: targeting the headquarters of the air monitoring unit in "Meron" with rocket and artillery weapons, in response to "israeli" attacks on steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, especially the attacks on the towns of Ain Ba'al and Shahabiya and the injury of civilians.
20:10: targeting the headquarters of the Division 146 in Jaatoun with Katyusha rockets, in response to "israeli" attacks on steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, especially the attacks on the towns of Ain Ba'al and Shahabiya and the injury of civilians.


mate you are the shittest fucking hasbara agent on the planet. come up with an answer that doesn't let me pivot to pointing out that when people call israelis fascist they're taking about the 100,000+ palestinians buried under rubble or hastily dug mass graves and there is no amount of disabled idf soldiers or gay clubs in tel aviv that can excuse that. never mind these fake ass liberal values don't even exist amongst the settlers or the fundamentalists. the heavily armed and barely policed militants are just as guilty of ethnic cleansing as the IDF.


Yanis, go to bed.


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>israelis extremely believe in eugenics and raising children from intelligent parents so that they end up with smart genes and without downs


>he's never heard the zionist bit about "we must secure a nation for our high IQs and a future for nobel prize winners"




Israel's government must be regime changed


Changed to a Palestinian government.


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Sure as long as the government isn't Hamas, and a democratically elected non fundamentalist one. I don't trust either Israel nor Hamas having full control of that region. What's happening to Palestinians is horrifying beyond words, but I don't think they will be that much better off with Hamas governing the whole territory. I can see multiple paths to resolution here besides just river to sea, which I've heard some people call antisemitic and I definitely don't want to be that.(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING A LIBERAL)


Indian simping for Israel is some of the most cringe shit in global politics ever


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>I don't think they will be that much better off with Hamas governing the whole territory.
Lib take. Hamas isn't genociding Palestinians, so, yes, they are better than Israel.
>I can see multiple paths to resolution here besides just river to sea, which I've heard some people call antisemitic and I definitely don't want to be that.
Now I honestly don't know if this is bait or if you're trying to Hasbara me. If it's the latter, than Mossad surely isn't sending their best.


the end clips are 10x louder than the beginning one, fix plis


Hamas and Islamic Jihad should join PLO and form a national unity government with the other parties. Palestinians need a unified political vanguard or nothing is going to happen.


Well of course its better than being genocided but isn't Hamas religious fundamentalism, far right, kind of extremist in the rightwing direction? In this case they would only be the lesser of two evils.


Before Palestinians can deal with Islamists, it's necessary to not get genocided by Israel in the first place. Regardless, Hamas at least deserves credit for leading the fight against Israel.


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Joint statement from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, PFLP, DFLP on March 1:
>The Palestinian factions gathered in the city of Moscow express their thanks and appreciation to the Russian leadership for hosting their meetings, and for its position in support of the Palestinian cause. They affirm, in light of what our people are exposed to from the criminal Zionist aggression, the positive and constructive spirit that prevailed at the meeting. They agree that their meetings will continue in upcoming rounds of dialogue to reach a comprehensive national unity that includes all Palestinian forces and factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
The consensus from the resistance seems to be that a united front is necessary for the survival of the Palestinian cause in Gaza. Factionalism can wait until Israel is defeated.


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>p-please let us bomb you to save face


Mossadposting again


There is niether Jew, nor Gentile, man, nor woman. All are one in Jesus Christ.

The kingdom of God isn't an earthy domain. It's within everyone.

The need to establish a religious ethno state has no relevance to Christian doctrine or belief.


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>What's happening to Palestinians is horrifying beyond words, but


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yeah that's clear in christian dogma. Just look at 1 Peter.


>river to sea, which I've heard some people call antisemitic
I've heard some people call it that too, anon. They were all fucking zionists.


Shut he fuck up.
You're not palestinian.
It does not matter one piece who you trust, who or who perceives you to be 'antisemitic'.
Palestinian Governance should be decided by the Palestinian population. If they want your moralizing opinions about what you think would make them better off then i'm sure they'll ask for them, Anonymous forum poster.
Colonial brained freak..


Israeli drone plays sounds of children crying to lure Palestinians, witnesses say

A video verified by Al Jazeera taken from central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp yesterday documented the sounds of children crying, which were seemingly coming from an Israeli quadcopter plane.

Residents in the area say this is the Israeli army’s latest way to lure civilians and kill them. At least one man was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper when he came out of his home to inspect where the sounds were coming from.

“Yesterday, the area was subjected to Israeli shelling. Three hours after the raids, we heard the voices of children crying out and the voice of a woman,” one of the witnesses, Mohammed Nabhan, said.

“When we went out, we were subjected to heavy fire from the Israeli army and the sound was coming out of an Israeli quadcopter with four propellers,” he said.

Eylon Levy since loosing his job continues to be an unofficial (read:unpaid) government spokesperson from his basement
<vidrel comedic relief from the horrific other story


I know that matter precedes idea and all that, that we are materialists, and that not all Jews are religious, but, honestly, the idea that Jews are God's chosen people and stand out among all other peoples of the world, which is one of the most basic principles of Judaism, is inherently chauvinistic. You just can't argue against that. At best, Jews believe being the chosen people means they have a divine mission to help make the world a better place for all humanity, which is still a bit paternalistic. At worst, you have Jews, specially the religious fanatics, who actually believe all goyim are evil and that Jews are the master race (maybe they are a minority, but they still exist). I can't help but think it just sounds like a nasty religion, even if not all Jews believe they are actually special.


>Israeli drone plays sounds of children crying to lure Palestinians, witnesses say
bro even hunters consider doing this sort of thing to wild animals disgusting


>the idea that Jews are God's chosen people and stand out among all other peoples of the world, which is one of the most basic principles of Judaism, is inherently chauvinistic. You just can't argue against that.
As many criticisms as I have for Judaism, this is actually a wrong take. The general attitude among Jews is more that their god is a specific cultural god, not that he's the only god and they're the only ones that matter. That reading exists, but it's not essential to the "chosen people" angle at all.



Modern Judaism is very clear about the fact that their God is the only existing one, just like in Christianity and Islam, and they do believe they stand out among all of humanity as God's chosen people.


>Israeli drone plays sounds of children crying to lure Palestinians, witnesses say
The first time I heard about this "technique", it was a murderer who did it to convince someone to open their front door in the middle of the night. What the fuck.


holy shit I have not seen a quentin meme in over a decade



it really depends, and doesnt even really reflect sympathy for zionism much either. many israelis are effectively secular while being fascist ethnonationalists, that orthodox chabad offshoot in NYC that hates israel and flies palestinians flags certainly believes there is only one correct god and they are his chosen


>That reading exists, but it's not essential to the "chosen people" angle at all.
They selectively use fundamentalist ideas in Judaism to give cover whenever it's convenient. The "general attitude" of secularism can change at any point.
>doesnt even really reflect sympathy for zionism much either
Sure but the idea god gave them all of Canaan does reflect Zionism.
>that orthodox chabad offshoot in NYC
"Cult" is more actuate. They think the messiah is a guy who died in 1994. Of course, he just faked his death to test their belief!


>"Cult" is more actuate. They think the messiah is a guy who died in 1994. Of course, he just faked his death to test their belief!

Yeah but plenty of those moschiach is here! guys are zionists so credit where its due for at least accidentally being loudly right about something


weaponising the basic empathy that people have that makes them want to help people in danger to bait civilians into killzones is the most profoundly evil thing.


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I still think about beating this thing to death with a shotgun after killing her husband and children with it, in Harvest Moon.


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>What's happening to Palestinians is horrifying beyond words, but
lel, this has to be bait

But just to compensate all the hasbara negative PR…


<A Document of General Principles and Policies

>The Zionist Project:

>14. The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the properties of others; it is hostile to the Palestinian people and to their aspiration for freedom, liberation, return and self-determination. The Israeli entity is the plaything of the Zionist project and its base of aggression.

>15. The Zionist project does not target the Palestinian people alone; it is the enemy of the Arab and Islamic Ummah posing a grave threat to its security and interests. It is also hostile to the Ummah’s aspirations for unity, renaissance and liberation and has been the major source of its troubles. The Zionist project also poses a danger to international security and peace and to mankind and its interests and stability.

>16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

>17. Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage. The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine.


>The Palestinian Political System:

>27. A real state of Palestine is a state that has been liberated. There is no alternative to a fully sovereign Palestinian State on the entire national Palestinian soil, with Jerusalem as its capital.

>28. Hamas believes in, and adheres to, managing its Palestinian relations on the basis of pluralism, democracy, national partnership, acceptance of the other and the adoption of dialogue. The aim is to bolster the unity of ranks and joint action for the purpose of accomplishing national goals and fulfilling the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

>29. The PLO is a national framework for the Palestinian people inside and outside of Palestine. It should therefore be preserved, developed and rebuilt on democratic foundations so as to secure the participation of all the constituents and forces of the Palestinian people, in a manner that safeguards Palestinian rights.

>30. Hamas stresses the necessity of building Palestinian national institutions on sound democratic principles, foremost among them are free and fair elections. Such process should be on the basis of national partnership and in accordance with a clear programme and a clear strategy that adhere to the rights, including the right of resistance, and which fulfil the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

>31. Hamas affirms that the role of the Palestinian Authority should be to serve the Palestinian people and safeguard their security, their rights and their national project.

>32. Hamas stresses the necessity of maintaining the independence of Palestinian national decision-making. Outside forces should not be allowed to intervene. At the same time, Hamas affirms the responsibility of the Arabs and the Muslims and their duty and role in the liberation of Palestine from Zionist occupation.

>33. Palestinian society is enriched by its prominent personalities, figures, dignitaries, civil society institutions, and youth, students, trade unionist and women’s groups who together work for the achievement of national goals and societal building, pursue resistance, and achieve liberation.

>34. The role of Palestinian women is fundamental in the process of building the present and the future, just as it has always been in the process of making Palestinian history. It is a pivotal role in the project of resistance, liberation and building the political system.


Pushing people you deem inferior into combat roles is literally eugenics, retard.


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>Middle Eastern christians love Isr-ACKKKK
Reminder that a communist Iraqi of christian background helped found one of the earliest Jewish anti-Zionist movements in the world. Another Iraqi christian was a major figure in the 1948 war. Assyrian christians were given refuge by Palestinians when fleeing Ottoman genocide, before getting kicked out by Zionists. This is not to mention the countless Palestinian Christians who contributed to the struggle more than a lot of Muslims.


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Quick rundown of Zionist atrocities, different formats and sizes to make reposting easy.


Nuke shitsrahell.
Kill all Zionists.
Chase them to depths of the earth.
The day of the rope is coming.


>day of the rope
<The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them


It's true, most porkies are on autopilot to use the money they already have to make more money. They never retire, they are so greedy they would really sell the rope.


nuke israhell


Total zionist death


>victory is when K/D ratio


>you win when you kill more of the enemy
this is your brain on burgers


They've mostly only killed civilians and children. All Israel is doing is create more hatred for their apartheid state which will survive through decades.


>I do not know how Gazan people could ever recover from this.
pic rel
zionazis are a bunch of burger colonists and it shows
you do not win a war by indiscriminately murdering civilians with your wonderwaffles


This war is wrecking Israel's economy though, whereas Palestine barely has an economy so it doesn't matter to them.


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>I feel like Israel won this
I think it's more accurate to say that the Palestinians lost this, the same way Jews lost in WW2.


>I feel like Israel won this
Please read Cockshott, or watch his Youtube videos atleast.
Colonialism from the 16th-19th century worked because of the technological advantages of the colonizers, natives would face off against soldiers with mass produced machine guns while they themselves had artisan made matchlocks.

The kit of the common Zionist soldier isn’t that substantially different from the common Hamas fighter, both have rifles with intermediary cartridges, grenades, rocket propelled AT, IFAKs, mortars etc. The only advantage of the Zionists is the air force, and that is almost completely useless against guerilla fighters. Thats why the Zionists are racking up so many civilian kills, they kill everything that moves in a desperate attempt to destroy the resistance, but behaving like this only emboldens it.

Between a rock and a hard place.


Israel's feeling emboldened and fucked up from the events of October 7th, and the US govt keeps giving them a long leash. They're gonna do something even dumber than bombing the Iranian embassy sooner rather than later.


As callused as it is to say, not even 100,000 deaths will be enough for the Israelis to win. In fact the more they kill the more they will make things worse for themselves.
Previously, Palestinians could potentially hide in the crowd, keep their head low, avoid snipers but you could potentially live. Not any more. So what do they have to lose at this point?
Everything Israelis do from now on will be meet with resistance. The amount of resources they will have to use for basic security will be overwhelmingly expensive compared to the past and not even America will be able to cover the bill.

This massacre will never be forgotten and will haunt Israel until it's inevitable collapse.


Seems like that Hasbara agent is confusing /leftypol/ with /pol/


Modi's government and many Indians in general think they can be part of the "first world" club by simping to the West, taking any position the west got in overt extremes.
They genuinely think they'll be the next China by aligning with their former colonizers.


You are right tho. Some people saying "Palestinians should choose democratically". So much for hating liberalism. Socialism must be forced in by revolution. I hope that if Hamas wins they get backstabbed by communists.


The best thing about their 2017 charter is that it specifically called out Israel's bluff that they were always "for" a "two-state solution" "but Hamas isn't."


>please ignore how we got absolutely humiliated on october seven against essentially warsaw prisoners and look how many civilians we managed to kill!


Shut the fuck up westoid.
If the coalition (some of whom are leftists) of groups fighting agains the zionist entity attain victory.
Then a (definatly not western backed) "communist" counter revolution occours, it will show every living middle eastern person on the planet that communist/leftists are never to be trusted under any circumstances.

Also I will also personally renounce leftism, become a Ba'athist and hunt you down.

You will never civilize these people; as it is you who is the savage.


Colonialist burgoid cunt.
Go get your fathers gun and stick it in your mouth.


what do you mean, you will renounce? communists dont make plans to renounce communism, you are already a "baathist" or islamoliberal or something like that.


Sorry redditoid should have put /s
I'm also not going to hunt you down in case you are worried about that.


i would not have cause to be worried even if you wanted to. every tough motherfucker on here will promise to "hunt you down" for all kinds of purely hypothetical reasons.


Shut up faggot


okay queen


The Hezbollah attacks today that injured over a dozen of the bad guys is being reported notably as not setting off Air Raid alarms.


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⚡️Israeli Army Radio:
The British Foreign Secretary during his visit to Israel: “It is clear that Israel has decided to respond to the Iranian attack.”

Source: https://nitter.poast.org/ME_Observer_/status/1780593263197438247#m


>Its more than 2% of Gaza's population.
>I feel like Israel won this
13% of the USSR died in WWII. 8% of Yugoslavia did as well. Gazans will win.


source? I can't find that number anywhere


What are they gonna do? Cry to Biden about it?


Euro Mediterranean forum on human rights+ the Gaza health ministry official death toll:


List of signees (in order, from right to left):
>Palestinian People's Party (PPP)
>Palestinian National Initiative (PNI)
>Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC)
>Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF)
>Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
>Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF)
>Vanguard for the Popular Liberation War - Lightning Forces (As-Sa'iqa)
>Palestinian Democratic Union (FIDA)
>Palestinian Arab Front (PAF)
>Palestinian Arab Liberation Front (no signee, no political party exists with that name. Closest I found is Arab Liberation Front, created by Saddam and is part of the PLO now)


I find the prevalent use of this suffix on self-described leftist forums interesting. Why is it only used in/by these communities?


Off topic.
No one cares what you find intersting.
Make your own thread.

You freakazoid.


the state of leftypol in 2024. socialism is now a form of colonialism


>Make your own thread.

Implying that oid suffix discussion deserves its own thread
Ok moid


Going to place a bet:

The Israelis cuck out and just strike Iranian assets in Syria and Iraq.


Iran promised retaliation regardless


Fairly certain it's contingent on territorial aggression. Bombing weapons depos of militias in Syria definitely isn't the same as peer retaliation.


Wishing for the betrayal of a (hypothetical) recently liberated people that you are not a member of is not socialism.

Communisum will be built by the people; not those who backstab and betray them.
If a leftist movement is to be built in the middle east it will be on the terms of middle easterners.
Not on your terms.

If you are from an english speaking country; that country is more than likely currently participating the genocide of Palestinians.
Why don't you build socialism where you are?
Why are you wishing for their betrayal while your people murder them?

Becasue you are a western chauvinist.
Kill yourself.


>Dehumanization is offtopic


The "dehumanization" of westerners, redditors and americans via the suffix oid is off topic you retard.
Derail harder.


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>attacking an embassy in another country? well israel is at war, it's understandable, i hope they stop doing that

>did you just attack israel? boycottzem naoo


At least 6 settlers are wounded, one seriously, after an anti-tank missile was fired at a building (and a vehicle) in "Arab Al-Aramsheh" in northern occupied Palestine without sounding sirens.

An IOF helicopter was damaged while rescuing the 6 wounded settlers that were targeted with an anti-tank missile in "Arab Al-Aramsheh" in northern occupied Palestine, according to zionist media.

4 IOF soldiers and 2 settlers were wounded and transported by helicopter in the recent series of operations on "Arab Al-Aramsheh" in northern occupied Palestine, according to zionist sources. Zionist sources added that a drone also exploded in the area.

The number of injuries as a result of an apparent joint drone and rocket attack on the settlement of "Arab Al-Aramsheh" in northern occupied Palestine has increased to 8, 3 of which are serious.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
"Permission [to fight] has been granted to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory."
This is the truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.
In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, and in response to the enemy’s assassination of several resistance fighters in Ain Ba'al and Shahabiya, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance, at 13:15 PM on Wednesday, 17-04-2024, launched a complex attack using guided missiles and drones on the headquarters of the newly established military reconnaissance unit in Arab Al-Aramsheh, known as the "Popular Centre", achieving direct hits and causing its members to fall between dead and injured.
"And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise."
Wednesday, 17-04-2024
08 Shawwal 1445 AH

The number of injuries as a result of the Hezbollah resistance operation targeting the headquarters of the newly established military reconnaissance unit in “Arab Al-Aramsheh” using missiles and drones, has been raised to 11.

14 injuries have been reported following the Hezbollah operation targeting the headquarters of the newly established military reconnaissance unit in “Arab Al-Aramsheh,” including one critical injury and four serious ones.

Zionist media are reporting 18 injuries among IOF soldiers in "Arab Al-Aramsheh," as a result of the Hezbollah operation targeting the headquarters of the newly established military reconnaissance unit with missiles and drones, in addition to the targeting of a vehicle.

Following the Hezbollah operation which wounded 18 soldiers today, 6 of them seriously, the IOF issued an alert to the settlements on the Lebanese border prohibiting gatherings in unprotected areas, in all settlements within 0-4 km from the border.


The last two days have represented the largest series of direct actions in support of Palestine since October 7th, 2023 as part of the April 15th actions and beyond it.
Impactful actions were the address of the last two days, to reorient the movement from symbolic protests towards materially affecting zionist economic arms.
Actions took place in over 50 cities internationally on April 15th alone, reflecting the geographic extent of zionism's influence on the global economy, as it profits off Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi, and Yemeni blood.
Ports were blockaded, such as in Athens, Greece; Belfast, Ireland; ports in Montreal, Halifax, and Vancouver in Canada; and Melbourne, Australia. Major roads were blockaded in the US, including in Chicago and Oakland.
In the Bay Area of California, the Port of Oakland was shut down due to three simultaneous direct actions. Activists even creatively made parking meters unusable by jamming coin slots and card readers, writing "NO TAXES FOR WAR" and "Parking tickets are a war tactic the state uses to attack the working class." Blockades took place in Oregon, Philadelphia, and New York, and dozens of activists were arrested across cities.
Weapons manufacturers such as Boeing and Elbit were certainly not spared, with actions targeting them, their subsidiaries, and their funders in Britain and US, while Valero, Amazon, and others were targeted elsewhere.
You can see some more examples at instagram.com/a15actions.
This morning, 9 Google employees were arrested at Google headquarters in New York City and Sunnyvale, California, after staging a 10-hour-long sit-in in protest of the company's billion-dollar deal (Project Nimbus) with the zionist entity. The employees, who refused to leave, were put on administrative leave.
You may donate to this support fund (bit.ly/a15fund) for dozens of community members arrested in the US for their solidarity with Palestine. These funds will be used for bail, legal defense, and support for defendants.

At least 7,209 wounded settlers and soldiers have been admitted to the rehabilitation ward since October 7th, 2023, with 30% of them suffering mental health issues according to the zionist ministry of war.

After multiple settler mobs where settlers protected by the IOF, attacked villages, vandalized properties, burned homes, and opened fire on residents for days in the villages and towns near Ramallah, it was revealed, following IOF censorship which prevented the publication of any news, that the "kidnapped" and "killed" settler had died from a snake bite.
According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 5 Palestinians were martyred by the gunfire of the occupation forces and settlers in the West Bank during that time. Additionally, more than 75 citizens were injured, the majority by the gunfire of the occupation forces and live bullets of settlers, including 14 serious injuries.


A widespread drone campaign could make the west bank uninhabitable for Israeli settlers.


Your loss.


Bitchasses western orientalists who think there isn't secular communists on Palestine and the rest of the Middle East. You see the warped caricature and fall in love with it for pure contrarianism.


Speaking in Qatar, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan accused the Israeli leader of seeking war for political gain in the wake of an attack by Iran.

“It is clear that Netanyahu is trying to drag the region into war to stay in power,” Fidan said. He called on allies of Israel to constrain further action.


Betrayal is the ironic way of saying it. Finishing the liberation is the true way of seeing it. What is with all this Menshevism?


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
"Permission [to post] has been granted to those who are being flamed, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory."

This is the truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.

In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, and in response to >>1827248 ,
the posters of the Leftypol resistance (me) have produced the following message.

Eat my pants.

"And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise."



Funny. But you know I'm correct tho. Also, Allah, you a bitchass.


Israeli retaliation status?


Correct about what?

That I should view >>1826993s fantasy
That after "Hamas wins" (what exactly is meant by this?) that the backstabbing of Hamas (>>1826993s words not mine) by "the communists" (what communists?)
would be an example of finishing the liberation.

I view what you have written as a simplistic bizzare hypothetical fantacy so disconnected from reality that it is worth only mocking.

A few months ago some guy was like "I think the vatican should take over the holy land"

This is how I view what you have written.


Communists are also fighting in Palestine, see the PLO, which is in a defacto united front with Hamas. So, it isn't unrealistic. So don't compare it to the "israel but catholic" meme. All I'm saying is that if the opportunity arises, they should seize it. Of course many Palestinians won't like that cause they don't like communists. And?


Not happening.
Not now.
Not never.
Ain't happening.
No way.


Communists are a small minority in both the population and the resistance forces, and have retained their credibility and limited popularity by being sober minded about the priorities of cooperation. In any peace agreement that favored Palestine, palestinian communists should and are likely to use what influence they have to moderate the excesses of islamism in Hamas and ensure secular, non-corrupt governance, the former hopefully wouldnt be too hard because Hamas increasingly envisions a partnership between secular governance and religion.

The last thing palestinians want following a favorable peace is more war, and if a political minority starts intra-palestinian violence they are only handing over the situation entirely to less moderate islamists who are already likely skeptical of a united front.


Nearly two dozen casualties in Hezbollah attack on Israeli military base
At least 18 casualties have been reported in the northern Israeli town of Arab al-Aramshe following an attack on 17 April by the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah on a building that reportedly served as the headquarters of a “newly created military reconnaissance company.”

Hezbollah said in a statement that the attack was launched in retaliation for the assassination of three of its commanders by the Israeli army on Tuesday.

“In response to the enemy’s assassination of several resistance fighters in Ain Baal and Shehabiya, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance launched … a combined attack with guided missiles and assault drones on the headquarters of the new military reconnaissance company in Arab al-Aramshe in the so-called 'community center,' directly hitting it and leaving its members dead or wounded,” the Hezbollah statement reads.

Israeli media reports say one of those wounded is in “critical condition,” and four others remain in “serious condition.” According to Tel Aviv, the Hezbollah attack hit “a community center.”

The attack on Arab al-Aramshe was the seventh operation launched by Hezbollah on Wednesday, having earlier hit the area surrounding the Branit Barracks several times, as well as the Meron Air Control Center and Israeli troops stationed in the vicinity of the Ramya site.

According to an AFP tally, since 8 October, Israel has killed at least 368 people in Lebanon, mainly Hezbollah fighters but also at least 70 civilians. For its part, the Lebanese resistance has killed over 200 Israeli soldiers.

Hezbollah launched daily attacks on Israeli military sites starting on 8 October in support of the Palestinian resistance and the people of Gaza. The resistance faction has vowed to continue its attacks until the genocide in Gaza is brought to an end, despite western-mediated de-escalation efforts.

Washington and Paris have been trying to pressure Lebanon into a de-escalation agreement involving Hezbollah’s withdrawal from the border area. The proposed deal draws no significant concessions from Israel and has been described as one-sided and impartial by Lebanese officials.


The government says that no one was killed in that attack. Are they lying?

t. Israeli


Majority of Israelis want to de-escalate tensions after Iran strike

The majority of Israelis (52%) believe that an immediate response to Iran's retaliatory strike is not desired, but rather "to close the current round of hostilities," a recent poll conducted by the Hebrew University of Occupied al-Quds revealed, as reported by the Financial Times.

"Everyone is on board with the [Gaza war] goals. But we see a very different path here" with Iran, Nimrod Zeldin, who conducted the study, told FT. "Iran is more complicated."

According to the report, the clear-cut split is reflected in the "tortuous" debate within the war cabinet led by Prime Minister Netanyahu. Experts argue that the window for an immediate response is closing further as time passes.

One Israeli source informed the Financial Times that the regime has "in principle" taken a decision to respond. "But the timing and scope of such an operation remain unknown," the report says, noting that international pressure from allies, namely the US and the UK, is causing further delay.

This lack of a "clear signal" from the war cabinet has left the public "in limbo," with daily life returning to "an uneasy semblance of wartime normalcy." For instance, just two days after the Iranian response, tens of thousands of people attended an open-air concert in "Tel Aviv" on Tuesday. But the army warned that restrictions can be reimposed swiftly if the regime decides that the time has come to initiate a response.

Iran's overnight attack on Sunday was conducted in response to "Israel's" recent aggression on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. The attack involved drones, cruise missiles, and surface-to-surface missiles launched from Iran. The strikes that were intercepted came in joint collaboration between US, French, UK, and Jordanian forces.

The National Security Research Institute revealing that it cost the Israeli occupation a hefty 4.5 billion shekels ($1.2 billion) to intercept drones and missiles launched by Tehran.

A US official said Sunday that Washington would "not participate" in any potential counterattack by "Israel", while British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and French President Emmanuel Macron also cautioned against retaliation.

On Monday, Axios reported that "Israel's" Security Minister Yoav Gallant informed US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin over the phone about Israeli plans to respond to Iran's recent retaliatory attack.

According to the report, Gallant told Austin that "Israel" will not tolerate the Iranian attack going without a response. It will also not tolerate retaliatory responses every time the regime strikes targets in Syria.

Tehran has warned several times that any action on part of "Israel" will be met with a greater response.

Israeli ministry forecasts 20,000 more soldiers wounded by year-end

The Israeli occupation's Security Ministry declared that 7,209 Israeli soldiers had sustained injuries, with 2,111 experiencing "emotional trauma" in the wake of the war on Gaza, the Israeli Davar 1 newspaper reported.

Among the "emotionally distressed" soldiers, 1,227 individuals, constituting 60% of those affected, cite emotional issues as their primary concern, accounting for approximately 29% of all wounded soldiers, it added.

Before the commencement of the ongoing war on Gaza, approximately 62,000 soldiers had been wounded in previous wars, with 11,000, or 18%, reporting emotional distress, as reported by the Israeli website.

The Ministry of Security further said that out of those 11,000, approximately 8,000, or 70%, cited emotional symptoms as their main issue.

Subsequently, the ministry projected that by the conclusion of 2024, approximately 20,000 more Israeli soldiers will sustain injuries throughout the year, with an estimated 40%, or 8,000, anticipated to "endure emotional distress".

Israeli media also highlighted that while ministry officials refrained from mentioning politics, it is evident from the attention of top political figures on the matter that the war cabinet is significantly more worried about facing political backlash for neglecting the concerns of disabled veterans at present than they have been previously.

Last month, Israeli media reported that reservist soldiers in the Israeli army are forced to wait for about two months to receive mental health treatment due to a long waitlist.

At the time, the Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom said that reservist combatants, who recently turned to "Natal - Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center", were informed that they would have to wait between one to two months to see a therapist.

The extended wait time for mental health assistance among reservist soldiers in the Israeli army is attributed to the increased number of requests from discharged soldiers seeking treatment for trauma and PTSD, as reported by the newspaper.

The newspaper also pointed out that more than 300,000 reservists have been enlisted, with a substantial number seeking mental health treatment upon completing their service.

Moreover, it clarified that "immediately upon the outbreak of war, teams were set up to address combat-related responses, stationed close to the battlefields," with "over 3,000 soldiers passing through these teams since the war began."

Additionally, a rear rehabilitation facility has been established, serving as a hub for intensive and prolonged therapy for soldiers grappling with significant post-traumatic symptoms. According to the newspaper, around 1,300 soldiers have received treatment at this facility.

Israeli media debunk IOF claims about damage from Iran's strike

Ori Vialkov, a researcher specializing in "Israel's" wars, revealed Wednesday that the Israeli occupation military underreported details regarding Iran's latest retaliatory attacks against Israeli targets in occupied Palestine.

Vialkov told the Israeli newspaper Maariv that Iran's Operation True Promise witnessed the launch of approximately 185 "Shahed 136" drones and their jet-powered version, the "Shahed 238", which can reach a speed of up to 500 kilometers per hour.

The researcher said that the Iranian forces launched dozens of cruise missiles and around 110 ballistic missiles, noting that the US military intercepted at least six missiles using American destroyers equipped with the Aegis missile defense system.

He highlighted that Iran fired several long-range ballistic missiles toward "Israel" from various launch sites on Iranian soil but did not use all types of its missiles during this operation.

According to Vialkov, Iran possesses around 3,000 ballistic missiles, and about 800 to 1,000 have a range that can reach occupied lands.

Some of the missiles used by Iran during its retaliatory strikes against "Israel" include:

"Kheibar," which entered service in 2022 with a range of 1450 km and a warhead of 500 kg;
"Emad," which entered service in 2016 with a range of approximately 2,500 km and a warhead of 750 kg;
"Ghadr-110," an enhanced version of the "Shahab 3" with a range between 1,800-2,000 km and a warhead ranging from 650 kg to 1,000 kg;
and possibly the "Shahab 3B" with a range of 2,000 km and a warhead of 700 kg.

The researcher pointed out that the Iranians did not use more advanced missiles such as the "Sejil," with a range of 2,500 km and a warhead of 1,500 kg, or the "Khorramshahr," a missile with a range of 2,000 km and a warhead of 1,800 kg, and its upgraded version, the "Khorramshahr 4," which they may have reserved for future operations.

The Iranian forces attacked three main bases: the "Hermon" base, the "Nevatim" base, and the "Ramon" base, Vialkov mentioned, citing a map published by an Iranian-run website.

However, the Israeli occupation military claims that only the "Nevatim" Airbase suffered minor damage and the "Hermon" base had a road damaged in its vicinity, while the "Ramon" base was not hit at all.

The researcher recalled that Israeli sources told ABC News that five Iranian missiles hit "Nevatim", damaging a C-130 transport plane, a non-active runway, and an empty storage building.

According to the report, the Israeli anti-air systems intercepted nine missiles, not seven as claimed by Daniel Hagari, the spokesperson for the Israeli occupation army.

Hagari said that only four or five missiles hit the "Nevatim" base, causing minor damage to a C-130 transport plane hit by missile fragments.

But video analysis shows at least four Iranian missile impacts, not interception missiles, at the base. The Iranian forces also confirmed that they achieved three precise hits at the "Nevatim" base; hitting one runway, damaging one building, and hitting another building and the hangars. In addition, expert analysis shows five hits.

Vialkov revealed that an analysis of the image published by Hagari shows that an Iranian drone managed to penetrate the "Hermon" area and hit a road there, refuting the Israeli spokesperson's claims that a missile or interception fragments landed on the road and that no drones breached the occupied airspace.

After analyzing satellite images of the "Ramon" base, analysts claim that Iran failed to hit aircraft hangars, ammunition buildings, or command and control centers, the Israeli researcher mentioned, but noted that other analyses suggested that the base may have been targeted with five hits on several of its warehouses, maintenance facilities, and vicinity.

Elsewhere, Vialkov told Maariv that satellite image analysis revealed there was at least one hit on one of the buildings in the "Dimona" Nuclear Reactor and up to two hits in its vicinity as a result of the Iranian strike. He noted that these analyses are based on low-quality satellite images, and only with the availability of high-quality satellite images can the true damage inflicted on the base be determined.

In conclusion, Vialkov suggested that the interception rate of the Iranian missiles was approximately 84%, still a very high percentage, but incomparable to the Israeli occupation army's 99%, which gave a sense that all Iranian threats were intercepted.


Very hard to replicate interception success against 2nd strike: Axios

In a meeting with a group of American Jewish leaders, Secretary of State Antony Blinken told them that further escalation with Iran is not in the interests of either the US or "Israel", three people who took part in the meeting informed Axios.

A senior US official told Axios that according to the US, any significant and open strike by "Israel" on Iranian soil, will be met by a new round of missile and drone attacks from Iran.

"We think it will be very hard to replicate the huge success we had on Saturday with defeating the attack if Iran launches hundreds of missiles and drones again — and the Israelis know it," another US official said.

However, Blinken did not order "Israel" not to respond to Iran emphasizing that it is its decision, a person who took part in the meeting said adding "But his message was: Be smart, strategic, and limited as possible."

Blinken told the Jewish leaders that "Strength and wisdom are two sides of the same coin."

According to two people who took part in the meeting he also said that "we would never tell Israel what to do," adding that the Biden administration was simply providing "Israel" with the best advice.

According to one of the attendees, speaking to the group, Blinken praised the Jordanian and Saudi "defensive efforts" against Iran's retaliatory attack by labeling it as very important as it opens opportunities for the future.

Two attendees emphasized that Blinken claimed that Hamas's refusal of the most recent captives' deal was possible because it believed that the Iranian retaliatory strike could lead to an escalation in the region.

Blinken further claimed that the absence of a regional war would put Hamas under pressure regarding the captives' deal.

The State Department refused to comment.

Axios reported on April 15, citing sources with knowledge on the matter, that "Israel's" Security Minister Yoav Gallant informed US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin over the phone about Israeli plans to respond to Iran's recent retaliatory attack.

According to the report, Gallant told Austin that "Israel" will not tolerate the Iranian attack going without a response. It will also not tolerate retaliatory responses every time the regime strikes targets in Syria.

Iran's overnight attack on April 14 was conducted in response to "Israel's" recent aggression on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. According to reports, the attack involved drones, cruise missiles, and surface-to-surface missiles launched from Iran. The strikes that were intercepted came in joint collaboration between US, French, UK, and Jordanian forces. However, none of the hypersonic missiles launched by Tehran were intercepted by "Israel's" Iron Dome.

Although "Israel" was allegedly ready for an immediate counterattack, US President Joe Biden reportedly urged the regime to halt any operation.

AFP reported on April 14 citing a US senior source that the US does not plan to join any prospective Israeli strike against Iran in response to Tehran's retaliatory strike.

IOF emptying Beit Hanoun, eastern Jabalia from Palestinians: Sources

The Israeli occupation forces have been conducting a military operation since Monday aimed at emptying Beit Hanoun and eastern Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip from Palestinians, sources confirmed to Al Mayadeen.

The sources pointed out that Israeli military vehicles are still stationed near the Abu Safiya area, east of Jabalia, and in Beit Hanoun.

According to the sources, Israeli military vehicles are advancing toward accommodation centers in Beit Hanoun and continue to besiege hundreds of displaced people in the Mahdia al-Shawwa school since Monday evening.

The sources confirmed that Israeli occupation forces retreated from around the Ghazi al-Shawwa school and nearby houses after detaining dozens of Palestinian youths, forcing several women to remove their hijabs during the inspection process, and forcibly displacing them from the area.

In the same context, several Palestinian citizens were forcibly displaced from a shelter south of the town, the sources said, adding that the Israeli occupation troops forced all families present in Beit Hanoun to evacuate and detained a number of youths amid intense artillery shelling, airstrikes, and heavy gunfire.

Earlier on Tuesday, a number of Palestinians were martyred and others were injured after the Israeli warplanes bombed a mosque west of Jabalia camp, while Israeli military vehicles raided Beit Hanoun.

Local sources reported communication and internet disruption in Beit Hanoun coinciding with the Israeli incursion.


>However, Blinken did not order "Israel" not to respond to Iran emphasizing that it is its decision
>pls stand down


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Hezbollah operations 04/17/2024:

23:30: on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, targeting a military vehicle as it entered the "Metulla" site, with appropriate weapons, directly hitting it and causing deaths and injuries.
07:30: targeting the headquarters of the 91st Division in the "Branit" barracks with a Burkan rocket, hitting it directly.
07:50: targeting the newly deployed "israeli" enemy soldiers south of the "Branit" barracks with rocket weapons and artillery shells.
08:30: targeting a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the "Ramia" site with rocket weapons and artillery shells.
08:50: targeting the newly deployed "israeli" enemy soldiers south of the "Branit" barracks for the second time with rocket weapons.
11:30: targeting the air monitoring unit at the "Meron" base with guided rockets, damaging and destroying its equipment, in response to "israeli" attacks on steadfast southern villages and civilian homes.
13:15: launching a combined attack using guided missiles and drones on the newly established headquarters of the reconnaissance military unit in Arab Al-Aramsheh in the so-called “Popular Center,” hitting it directly and causing deaths and injuries, in response to the enemy’s assassination of several resistance fighters in Ain Ba'al and Shahabiya.
15:40: targeting the Zebdine barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with Falaq missiles, hitting it directly.
15:50: targeting spying equipment at the Ramtha site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba Hills with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.


>wanting to de escalate after pissing off a country that can actually fight back




<Israel Has No Choice but to Strike Back Against Iran

>Those urging restraint after Tehran’s attack are following the same failed strategy that produced catastrophe on Oct. 7.


Didn't god destroy Israel in the bible because of its hubris


Wonder if people will look back on this conflict and ask themselves with the obviousness that of course a regional war was going to happen.


Well the MSM have been talking about those concerns since Hezbollah got involved.


US regional detterence held in check the involvement of Hezbollah, and Israel has had past engagements with them that have not escalated the involvement of their partners.

One of the arguments I've seen put forward is that the Israelis miscalibrated with their strike on the Iranian consulate, believing it was just par for the course. But given the latency of the timing and the significance of the strike, it's hard to see how.

Whoever was responsible for authorising that strike must have known the response it would cause.


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I'm starting to wonder if American Zionists like these have a profit-motive in cheering on a regional conflict.


I think Netanyahu calculated correctly. This week congress holding special sessions to try and get the Israel aid package through. He knew the Zionist US media would spin Iran's retaliation as unprovoked, letting him show the world that Israel is just a smoll bean surrounded by meanie muzzies.


No regional war is likely to take place. The possibility of direct Us involvement is still enough to scare the Axis into sbumission.
The only other possibility is for the Idf to try and take Southern Lebanon, which would be suicide and would effectively expand the war.


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Looks like he mostly writes Zionist articles. He's a Canuck actually.

But yeah he's getting paid by Israeli funds. I've noticed a lot of these guys who primarily employed in Zionist think tanks, but the work they do for the think tank is writing Zionist op eds for WSJ and other Zionist outlets(all the American news publications.)

>Tikvah’s purpose is to educate the rising generation of Jewish, Zionist, and American leaders and to advance the most serious thinking about the great challenges facing the Jewish people in the modern age. We seek to cultivate Jewish citizens with moral confidence and civic courage, informed by the hard-won lessons of Jewish history and devoted to strengthening Western civilization through Jewish ideas and institution-building.

>To advance this mission, Tikvah operates intensive fellowship programs, summer institutes, working groups, and honors programs for students of all ages; and we produce publications, podcasts, conferences, and online courses that bring Tikvah’s ideas to the world.


Yeah it's called "war is a racket."


I recently read the bible; God punishes the Israelites repeatedly by delivering them into the hands of enemies until they learn their lesson. Since Judaism became monotheistic during the Babylonian captivity some theorize that exclusive worship of YHWH the storm/war God started as a way to justify/recover from the repeated occupation of Israel by foreign powers. The Exodus myth is backdated by about 700 years. It developed into its modern form from priestly sources written 700 years after it supposedly occurred.


Mercouris says that Iran has "undisclosed capabilities that Russia is aware of", that he won't disclose lol. What do we think they are? For me, they are Kim-assisted capabilities.
>inb4 retards


Brown note capabilities


They have a button that when they press it reveals the internet histories of everyone in Israel


Am I the only one to think this is a pretty unambigous assertion of nucelar capabilities?


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Remember when all these pro-israel fucks thought they would flood the tunnels and were colouring in and drawing cope-lines on maps?
I wonder what those freaks are telling themselves about the operations these days.


What do you think of liberation theology


What else could it be? Logically, if a state is gonna retaliate to a provocation they don't do it without the ability to match escalation. I don't remember hearing about missile tests like DPRK, could they have skipped the atmospheric ballistic missiles and opted for a different delivery platform?


Allegedly all Israel's nukes are plane based. If that's the case and Iran has nuclear capability, then in conjunction with their hypersonic missiles that potentially gives them even greater nuke capabilities than Israel.


Wouldn't it be funny, if DPRK tested the nukes FOR Iran? :D


A real knee slapper that one


>iran has nukes
>this youtuber was informed about it by someone
i don’t buy it
hope it’s true tho


>Allegedly all Israel's nukes are plane based.
FR? Iran definitely has that then.
That would be based. DPRK understands living under threat so it shares deterrence and security with countries in the same situation.


You stupid bitch.


After they stopped funding UNRWA, nothing the west does surprises me anymore.


It's not like Mercouris is just some internet rando

Last I heard, but I'm hardly an expert. I really wouldn't be shocked if they had nuclear icbms squirreled away somewhere, but that kind of launch site seems like it would be difficult to hide, especially in a territory as small as Israel.


bitch what the fuck North Korea/Iran gonna do with one nuke versus Israels thousands or USA's tens of thousands



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Allah hath smote the Emirates for turning a blind eye to the Ummah.


It's no longer 1945 and you're not arguing about Operation Unthinkable here. Modern bombers have stealth capabilites and are hard to bring down with AA.
Their only problem is a combination of speed and range, neither of which are problems in the case of an Israel-Iran war.
Ofc a missile is still preferable, but just saying.


israel does NOT want this smoke


From Resistance News Network:

🚨 Egyptian sources revealed that the Biden administration has greenlit an invasion of Rafah in exchange for the zionist entity not carrying out a large-scale attack on Iran.

The sources added that the IOF plans a gradual attack on Rafah, in which thousands will likely be displaced again.

Egypt seeks to postpone or cancel the Rafah operation through negotiation. It should be noted that zionist sources reported earlier this week that the Rafah invasion was set to begin a few days ago, but was forcibly postponed as a result of the Iranian attack on IOF bases on April 14th.

Egypt reportedly set conditions for the invasion: evacuating civilians and keeping the crossings open. Egypt has also increased the readiness of its forces across the 14km border strip with Gaza since Monday.


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> Egyptian sources revealed that the Biden administration has greenlit an invasion of Rafah in exchange for the zionist entity not carrying out a large-scale attack on Iran.
I don't think I heard anyone give that reason but now I read it makes so much sense.

>Biden greenlight Raffah or WW3 now

Now this is a real 5D chess master. That was the plan the whole time.


>Of course many Palestinians won't like that cause they don't like communists. And?
Literally a third of the Palestinian parliament from the 2006 elections is made up of left-wing parties.
If it weren't for Fatah's corruption and incompetence in governance, people wouldn't have voted for Hamas as a protest votes.
Your generalization of an entire population is really simplistic and a form of black and white thinking.


All American middle east "think tanks" are Zionist propaganda centers, and iirc, something like 90% of guests in American news outlets are from these same think tanks when it comes to anything Palestine or middle east.


Nah, they can't hide nuclear capabilities like that.

Any small allegation from some guy who knows a guy who's aunt's cousin heard a random guy who works as a janitor in a kindergarten claim Iran has nukes would be made into an official "intel" that Iran has a million nukes ready to strike Israel reported everywhere.
This is one of those things that the US and Israel would latch on for fear-mongering psyops.


Israel doesn't have enough material to produce a thousand warheads. Max is about 400 really.


>5d chess
U wot? So instead of escalating with Iran, they escalate with Egypt, instead? Sleepy Joe can't just give every single Middle Eastern a sloppy toppy to go along with this, the Palestinian issue is way too fucking toxic.


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>I made it clear to the Israelis, don't move on Haifa.


>Some literally who on twitter shared yesterday his made up fish wife rumor about Iranian nukes
<we must discuss this seriously for 24 hours!
I think /ukraine/ is leaking here.


It's a slow day.



If this is true, what's absolutely comical are the talking heads who were blowing smoke up everyone's ass that Israel NEEDED to confront Iran such as >>1827414

Absolute lap dogs, pure and simple


some people are suffering from happening withdrawal


It's a critical side-effect of monitoring geopolitical news every single day.


>It's a critical side-effect of monitoring geopolitical news every single day.
Not really.
None of the news anons are like this and hapooners always turn up not having caught basic stories, posting twitteroids, being objectively wrong and so on.


It seems Rafah ground operation is a go. Bibi wants another few tens of thousands dead before declaring victory it seems.
Meanwhile everyone else will stand and watch, except Yemen and (partially) Hezbollah. Unless Bibi goes full retard and goes after Iran at the same time, which would lead to unforeseen consequences for them


Raffah was supposed to start days ago but was delayed. So literally any time now.


Egyptian sources revealed that the Biden administration has greenlit an invasion of Rafah in exchange for the zionist entity not carrying out a large-scale attack on Iran.
The sources added that the IOF plans a gradual attack on Rafah, in which thousands will likely be displaced again.
Egypt seeks to postpone or cancel the Rafah operation through negotiation. It should be noted that zionist sources reported earlier this week that the Rafah invasion was set to begin a few days ago, but was forcibly postponed as a result of the Iranian attack on IOF bases on April 14th.
Egypt reportedly set conditions for the invasion: evacuating civilians and keeping the crossings open. Egypt has also increased the readiness of its forces across the 14km border strip with Gaza since Monday.

For nearly 24 hours, students have occupied space on the Columbia University lawn in New York City, creating a liberated zone in support of Palestine titled the "Gaza Solidarity Encampment."
Three simultaneous protests (two solidarity protests) are taking place now following the beginning of the occupation that began at 4 AM yesterday, standing against genocide and demanding their university divest from the zionist entity.
The encampment will not stop until the demands are met: divestment of all Columbia finances from companies and institutions that profit from genocide or occupation and transparency on financial investments.
The University gave the students until 9PM to evacuate. Currently, at 2AM, 400 students are still occupying the lawn, with a large number of police officers waiting to move in. A number of protestors have been arrested so far.
In January, a number of pro-Palestinian Columbia students were sprayed with an unknown chemical substance by former IOF soldiers, without acknowledgement by the University, which has deep ties to the zionist entity with its $14 billion endowment.
Students are praying, chanting, and affirmed that they will not leave until their demands are met. They are providing food for each other and have formed a human chain around the encampment. "Let go! Divest! We will not leave! We will not rest!"
Students are calling all those who are able to head to the encampment now.

Under the rain, the Gaza Solidarity Encampment inside Columbia University in New York City enters its second day, as hundreds of students occupying the center of the University, as well as supporting protestors outside, demand the University divest from zionist companies and institutions.
The second day begins with a victory, as the University has agreed to one of the protestors' demands: complete financial transparency regarding investments.
Supporters that camped out overnight were arrested were barricaded by campus security. Columbia University has threatened to suspend all students taking place in the occupation, but this has not shaken the students, who are firmly standing their ground until the University completely divests from zionism.
The students have reaffirmed: "We are not leaving. We are devoid of any fear right now. We have the student collective mobilizing behind us. And this have given us immense power. We are in control."

The Commander of the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps reveals:
We did not use the Khorramshahr, Sejil, Haj Qassem, Khaybarshkan, and Hypersonic 2 missiles.
We confronted the zionists with old weapons and minimal force.

Iran's IRGC says nuclear doctrine can change in the event of an Israeli attack on its facilities.


Thanks for the news OP. Did that Columbia group have an instagram handle or anything? I presume its some student group.


About an hour ago, NYPD violently arrested 5 protestors outside the gates of Columbia standing with the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. The rest of the protestors are still there and are asking for others to join and keep the presence both in and outside of the gates powerful.





Thanks Anon, didn't think they'd be smart enough to have a telegram.


A regional war really is the only thing that's gonna save the Palestinians, isn't it?


Hezbollah reveals the Almas-3 system for the first time, with a range of 10 km.
[See the third video in >>1827959]

The following were forwarded by RNN from t.me/cuadencampment:

Some of the lead organizers of the encampment, fierce young undergraduate students at Barnard, have now been informed that they are hereby suspended by the administration. And they are STAYING PUT.
Continue joining us to rally around our comrades as they fight for justice! Divest NOW!

Sources have shared that NYPD are preparing to sweep the encampment. Police busses have amassed on the street and we have reason to believe they are about to put them to use.
COLUMBIA AFFILIATES, INCLUDING STUDENTS, ALUM, FACULTY, AND STAFF: Walk out of class, cancel class, walk out of the libraries, walk out of the dorms, walk out of the halls, walk out of work, and RALLY to help protect the encampment! Join the picket on the perimeter, and show them once more what we can do when we stand united!

Police equipped with riot gear have entered the encampment and instructed students to disperse. CONTINUE SHOWING UP!


Yeah, and it is not going to happen.

In other news, today Hezbollah unveiled new ATGMs capable of hitting a target 10km away, with man in the loop capabilities (essentially can change course while already fired)



>Yeah, and it is not going to happen.
You never know, all wars start spontaneously, with one side escalating a tad too much.


>Palestine would be a terrorist / Nazi state
>the UN security counsel is a terrorist counsil


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does he have like 20 words on each paper? it looks ridiculous


I think they have a bunch of possible answers to any question they think of preprinted on those lists


That's a big "if". How is Egypt privy to this, and since when does Israel give a shit about American green lights?


So is this it?
Israel invades Palestine anyways and gets away with it?


I guess the Gaza bridge to nowhere is cancelled


>USNS 2nd Lt John P Bobo Has Engine Fire and Aborts Gaza Mission | Status of Other Ships

1️⃣ USAV Besson delayed in Azores
2️⃣ USAV Wilson Wharf stuck in Tenerife
3️⃣ USNS #Bobo engine fire and return to Jacksonville


Who's gonna stop them?


Despite having arrested tens of student organizers and disposing of their belongings in bins, including perishables and technology, students remain, and have now occupied the opposite lawn.
We encourage our people to join, stay, and hold this space as a community. Comrades also remain outside the gates protesting in solidarity.





AmerKKKa shows their ass to the world once again


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There are too many Iranians in the Middle East.


Why would you need answers ready during the most generic "u guys stinky" speech?


Live now.


britain is fully YOG (yankee occupation government) of how they suck cock of american geopolitical affairs


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>Normalization is the best path forward for the Two State Solution
>By normalization I refer to the normalization of Israeli apartheid policies


The US really wants the world to hate them even more.


no regional war is likely to take place because the US fears international pressure actually.


>Normalization with Israel
Sounds like an euphemism for "not in the USA's shitlist" and more of a standing threat than a roadmap.


It basically is just a "stop resisting, or else"


This convo is giving me "Russia isn't gonna invade Ukraine" flashbacks


Taiwan gets hyped up but it's dormant as fuck.




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Hezbollah operations 04/18/2024:

00:05: targeting an "israeli" enemy force attempting to withdraw a military vehicle that was targeted on the evening of Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in the "Metulla" site with appropriate weapons, causing confirmed injuries.
01:45: targeting a movement of "israeli" enemy soldiers at the "Malikiya" site with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
12:30: after careful monitoring and observation of the movement of the "israeli" enemy in Al-Marj site, and upon the arrival of enemy soldiers and their vehicles to the specified area, they were targeted with rocket weapons, causing deaths and injuries.
14:00: targeting a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in "Hanita" forest with rocket weapons, hitting it directly.
17:00: targeting the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with artillery shells, achieving direct hits.
17:20: targeting the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba Hills with rocket weapons, achieving direct hits.
18:00: targeting a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers around the "Hanita" settlement with rocket weapons, striking it directly.
18:20: targeting two buildings used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Yir'on" settlement (the occupied Lebanese village of Salha) with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly, in response to "israeli" enemy attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, especially the towns of Khiam and Kfar Kila.
18:23: targeting a building used by enemy soldiers in the "Manara" settlement with appropriate weapons, achieving direct hits, in response to "israeli" attacks on steadfast southern villages and civilian homes.
20:23: targeting the "Beit Hillel" base (battalion command) with Falaq missiles, in response to "israeli" enemy attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, especially the towns of Khiam and Kfar Kila, and the martyrdom of a civilian.
21:45: targeting an "israeli" enemy technical team while performing maintenance on the spying equipment at the "Ramim" barracks with artillery shells, causing confirmed injuries among them.


This is a pacific/taiwan war live military exercise. The point is to fail, find out why it failed and fix it for the war.


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>engine caught fire
>fixable in an actual shooting war


…It's happening.


What is?


nothing ever happens


nothing that's what


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I'm guessing this



Explosions heard in Iran, Syria, Iraq - report
>Syrian reports indicated airstrikes targeted sites belonging to the Syrian Army in the As-Suwayda and Daraa Governorates of southern Syria.

>Explosions were heard in Isfahan in central Iran, in the As-Suwayda Governorate of southern Syria, and in the Baghdad area and Babil Governorate of Iraq early Friday morning, according to initial reports.

>There was no official confirmation of the explosions in Iraq and Iran or of their cause as of early Friday morning.

Reports of strikes on sites belonging to Syrian army

>Syrian reports indicated airstrikes targeted sites belonging to the Syrian Army in the As-Suwayda and Daraa Governorates of southern Syria.

>Residents in Erbil and Mosul in Iraq reported hearing the sounds of fighter jets as well early Friday morning.


been nice knowing you lads




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Some speculation is that this is only the first stage of an Israeli strike and they might be coming in with jets or missiles soon.


Still have to go to work tomorrow.


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More from Isfahan. Looks like air defense.


NEET gang wins again


Ink from the Fink

<Norm Finkelstein just tweeted the following:


> My Mother once told me the story of an emaciated woman in the Warsaw Ghetto who would wail from her window sill that all the Jews in the ghetto would be killed. She came to be called Cassandra, after the prophetess of doom in Greek mythology. Everyone just assumed that she was mad. My Mother speculated in retrospect that somehow she had become privy to the truth: Jews weren’t being “relocated” in the East; they were being transported to their deaths.

> I have hesitated thus far to sound the alarm. But at the risk of being thought mad, it must, as an act of political responsibility, be said out loud: Israel is hurling toward the precipice and dragging the rest of the world with it.

> A rational analysis of the current predicament must begin with this bedrock fact: Israel is a crazy state. Not a “bad actor.” Not a “rogue” regime. A crazy state. The full range of Israeli elite opinion, itself reflective of Israeli society at large (which overwhelmingly supports the genocidal war in Gaza; only a handful of Israelis have refused to serve), spans a mere flea’s hop:

> AT ONE POLE stand “crackpot realists,” of whom sociologist C. Wright Mills wrote in the American context: “they have come to believe that there … is no other solution but war, even when they sense that war can be a solution to nothing … they still believe that ‘winning’ means something, although they never tell us what.” (1) Professor Benny Morris is cut squarely from this mold. He is urbane, educated, secular—and a crackpot. He once even “proved” that Israeli Jews couldn’t coexist with barbarian Palestinians by inter alia mustering stats on how many more road accidents Palestinians got into! (2) Morris exhorts the US to join in an attack on Iran and then rattles the threat that if Washington doesn’t rise to the occasion, Israel will go it alone by nuking Iran. He must be cognizant as he breezily proffers such counsel that an attack would not only incinerate tens of millions of Iranians—he reckons they have it coming—but also trigger a terminal retaliation. Hezbollah alone is alleged to possess 150,000 missiles. It’s a circuitous auto-da-fé. That prospect, however, doesn’t appear to faze Morris one bit.

> AT THE OTHER POLE stand full-blown crazies—or those just one step short of this threshold. “The greatest danger facing Israel right now,” Noam Chomsky presciently observed already four decades ago, “is the ‘collective version’ of Samson’s revenge against the Philistines—‘Let me perish with the Philistines’—as he brought down the Temple in ruins.” The Samson clones ensconced in Jerusalem have either already gone mad—“we shall kill and bury the Gentiles around us while we ourselves shall die with them”—or pretend to “go crazy” so as to terrify enemies and allies alike into submission. Feigned lunacy, be it noted, easily transmutes into the real thing as the imaginary phantoms one repeatedly conjures seep into the psyche’s inner chambers. The upshot is that this madness, real or contrived, “renders rational calculations … questionable” as Israel “may behave in the manner of what have sometimes been called ‘crazy states.’” (3) A report in yesterday’s paper fleshes out in real time this Israeli propensity to unhinged outbursts: when one senior Israeli official counseled caution, if only in the immediate term, after Iran’s symbolic retaliation, a far-right cabinet minister demanded on the contrary that Israel go “crazy.” (4)


> The April 14 speech at the Security Council emergency session by Israel’s representative, Gilad Erdan, brought home just how lunatic Israel has become. Presenting a master class in—if nothing else—proximate projection, Erdan was seemingly persuaded to the bone of his being that “the Islamic regime of today is … no different than Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich…. Just like the Nazi regime, the Ayatollah regime sows death and destruction everywhere…. For years, the world has watched the rise of this Shite Islamist Reich, yet just like during the rise of Nazism, the world has been silent”; that “Iran’s hegemonic ambitions of global domination must be stopped before it drives the world to a point of no return, to a regional war that can escalate to a world war”; that Iran was “barreling towards nuclear capabilities … its breakout time to produce an arsenal of

> nuclear weapons is now weeks, mere weeks.” If the world didn’t rein in Iran, then Israel had no recourse except to bear this crushing burden on its own of stopping Hitler’s Third Reich: “We are being fired upon from all fronts, from every border. We are surrounded by Iran’s terror proxies…. All of the terror groups attacking Israel are tentacles of the same Shiite octopus, the Iranian octopus. So, I ask you, and be honest with yourselves, what would you do? What would you do if you were in Israel’s shoes? How would you react if your existence was threatened every single day? Israel cannot settle for inaction. We will defend our future.” Holding up his iPad to display an image of Israel allegedly intercepting an Iranian drone over al-Aqsa mosque, Erdan even claimed for Israel the mantle of the true guardian of Islam’s holy sites—“look at this video that shows how Israel intercepts Iranian drones above the Temple Mount and al-Aqsa mosque”—against the defilers of them in Teheran. The tonal register of his rhetorical delivery was as if a defiant accusation, Who dares doubt me?! “In every speech and in countless letters,” Erdan further recalled, “I rang the warning bell regarding Iran.” He got right that the bell must be sounded; but he got wrong from whence the madness emanates. Medice, cura te ipsum. If Erdan represents even half of the Israeli state and society—the fraction is arguably much higher—a catastrophe looms. True, Israeli leaders have in the past uttered certifiable lunacies. It is sufficient to recall Prime Minister Netanyahu holding up a Loony Tunes-like cartoon of the Iranian bomb at the UN and his pronouncement that it was not Hitler but the Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem who masterminded the Final Solution. Indeed, already as far back as the 1978 Camp David negotiations, President Carter mused about Israel’s head of state, “It’s becoming clearer that the rationality of [Menachem] Begin is in doubt.” (5) All the same, a civilizational leap backwards separates the Israel that once was from what it has become. Israel’s UN representative at the time of the 1967 (“Six-Day”) war, Abba Eban, could serially prevaricate—albeit with consummate eloquence, as befitted the triple-first graduate of Cambridge—without batting an eyelash. But still, it was possible to rationally parse his propositions (as I once endeavored) to prove them wrong. (6) It is no more possible to parse Erdan’s speech than a psychopath’s rant.


> It might be urged upon Iran to tread lightly so as not to agitate the lunatic in the room. But alas, that is not, in my opinion, a viable option. The documentary record demonstrates that, once Israel has fixed a country in its crosshairs, nothing short of abject submission will bring it to desist. If the “enemy” power resists initial provocation, Israel will keep escalating with another and another provocation until it proves politically untenable for the targeted entity to passively absorb further blows. That’s what happened when Israel targeted Egypt’s Gamel Abdel Nasser in the early 1950s. (7) (It was feared by Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion that the “radical nationalist” Egyptian president might one day preside over a modern state able to check Israel’s regional ambitions.) That’s what happened when Israel targeted the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon in the early 1980s. (8) (It was feared by Israeli Prime Minister Begin that the PLO’s “peace offensive”—the Palestinians supported but Israelis opposed a two-state settlement—would bring international pressure on Israel to withdraw from the West Bank.) That’s what happened in 2002 during the second intifada when Israel carried out targeted assassinations of Palestinian leaders. (9) (It was feared by Prime Minister Sharon that the Palestinians would stop armed attacks in exchange for a negotiated ceasefire.) That’s what happened in 2008 when Israel broke a ceasefire with Hamas in order to launch Operation Cast Lead. (10) (It was feared by Israeli Prime Minister Olmert that Hamas would gain international legitimacy as it moderated its political program.) The lamentable truth is that, short of national suicide, Iran cannot exercise the option of inaction: Israel will almost certainly keep ratcheting up the provocations until Teheran has no choice but to respond. It wouldn’t surprise were Israel to assassinate Ayatollah Khamenei then (wink, wink) deny it.


> The Israeli government has ever been on the alert to exploit opportunities in order to implement its preconceived plans.

> In 1989, during the Tiananmen Square massacre, Benjamin Netanyahu urged his government to exploit this media distraction by carrying out a mass expulsion of Palestinians in the West Bank.

> On November 4, 2008, when the United States elected its first Black president, Prime Minister Olmert exploited this media distraction by breaking the ceasefire with Hamas.

> On July 17, 2014, when a Malaysian airliner flying over Ukraine was downed, Prime Minister Netanyahu exploited this media distraction by launching the murderous ground invasion of Gaza in Operation Protective Edge. The pretexts of October 7 and now Iran’s “retaliation” present the lunatics in Jerusalem with an unprecedented opportunity to rid Israel of the triple challenge to its regional domination: by destroying Gaza, Hezbollah, and Iran; the “fog” of such an explosion would also enable Israel’s ethnic cleaning of the West Bank. If it is hoped that a sane cabal among the Israeli leadership will crystallize to stop this headlong lurch over the precipice, then it must be said that the odds are against it. Hitler’s biographer, Ian Kershaw, observed that, if it took so long for coup plans to hatch against the Fuhrer, it was because of “a deep sense of obedience to authority and service to the state,” the belief that it was “not merely wrong, but despicable and treacherous to undermine one’s own country in war,” and “even as the military disasters mounted and ultimate catastrophe beckoned, the fanatical backing for Hitler had by no means evaporated and continued, if as a minority taste, to show remarkable resilience and strength.”(11) It’s hard not to notice cognate factors at play in elite Israeli circles. On the last point, whereas Netanyahu’s critics have been writing his political obituary for years, he too keeps bouncing back notwithstanding his missteps. Why? Because Israelis see their reflection in him. Indeed, Netanyahu IS Israel: an obnoxious, narcissistic Jewish supremacist for whom only Jews reckon in God’s grand design. It must, finally, be acknowledged that not all Israeli fears are unfounded—the wish is by now widespread that Israel vanish from the map while its capacity has diminished to terrorize its neighbors into submission. But, for the most part, it is a corner that Israel has boxed itself into. Indeed, before October 7 Hamas had gestured toward a two-state settlement while Iran consistently voted with the UN General Assembly majority in support of the two-state consensus. Israel rebuffed it.

> Will Prime Minister Netanyahu resist the irresistible temptation to cut the Gordian regional knot or, like Samson, will he bring down the Temple—the rest of us—with him? Cassandra would probably say: All bets are off!


1. Mills, Causes of World War III.
2. Morris, One State, Two States.
3. Chomsky, Fateful Triangle. Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh later elaborated on Chomsky’s insights in The Samson Option.
4. New York Times, April 15, 2024.
5. Carter, White House Diary.
6. Finkelstein, Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict.
7. Benny Morris, Border Wars.
8. Robert Fisk, Pity the Nation.
9. Norman Finkelstein, Beyond Chutzpah.
10. Norman Finkelstein, Gaza.
11. Kershaw, Hitler, 1936-1945: Nemesis.


>BREAKING: US official tells ABC News that Israel conducted airstrikes on a target in Iran


I'll at the W to the pile. So what was that about Egypt?..

>US denies giving Israel green light to invade Rafah in exchange for 'limited' attack on Iran

Nevermind then. Israel listens to fucking noone, just like I said.

Now we wait for Iranian response.


Is there a chance that this could trigger a war


No, they’re just attacking each other with weapons.


It will 100% trigger a war. That's the only way this game of chicken ends. Good news is - Egypt doesn't have to face Israel alone in its threat to go to war with Israel over Gaza.


If there wasn't Israel wouldn't be doing it.


Tbh the war started on oct 7th, it's just been relatively low intensity up until now. Hopefully it will stay that way.



I'm eating. Give me 5-10 minutes to get happenings up and running.

Fucking Zionazis. Can't stop themselves from bombing people.

Even Hitler had better self control at this point and fucked up Poland first.


it'll fizzle


I guess the zionists really wanted the majority of that $95 billion making its way through congress. Sorry, Ukraine, maybe next time


t. increasingly nervous, for the tenth time this year


Egypt won't do shit. Iran and it's proxies are gonna be at this alone.


I've got work tomorrow, but the next day?


Can we (i.e. the west) please just collectively agree to dump Israel, write it off as a failed experiment, and let come what may?


If Israel abandons its offensive into Rafah, sure.


Not as long as political races are a money game and aipac controls the purse strings.


>bombing Iran
I thought Israel agreed to take the """L"""


Al-Sisi will hold the door open for the Israeli army to enter Rafah.


i think iran will blink. i've got a feeling


israel is part of The West and zionism is bipartisan in every single western country


Yeah, in the same way that Germany did when they remilitarized the Rhineland.


I get the impression Iran doesn't have the Freudian death drive shit Israel's got going on. Hope we're right, man.


>Hamas is a split off from Muslim Brotherhood
>Muslim Brotherhood is the only opposition to Egyptian military
>you get to be the politician that jobbed to Israel during Palestinian genocide


Shut up.


You aren't. The time to quit the game of chicken is before you start it.


If they do, they're giving the greenlight to Israel to bomb them at will and basically admitting they can't or won't fight back.

If they don't, they're basically squaring up for a shooting war with the US as it inevitably swoops in to protect poor little Israel from Iranian "aggression." Though honestly now is probably the best possible time for it considering the state America is in.


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I foolishly expected Israel to not attack for once since they're already having a miserable time in Gaza but here we are.
And not just Iran, but Syria and Iraq as well.


Israel is a nation of psychopaths, without exaggeration. They think they're invincible because of US/European backing, and are holding the world hostage with the Samson option.





true queer theory


>hitting SAA
ISISrael at it again


Everything Israel has done these past 2 weeks has been designed to bait America into joining a broader regional war


While simultaneously pushing them away. US didn't seriously hope to recover their image in the Global South, did they?



>And just like that, Israel - having once again ignored Biden's pleadings not to escalate the already tense situation - is retaliating against Iran's weekend strike, which was itself a retaliation against Israel bombing Iran's embassy in Syria on April 1.

>Moments ago futures dumped, oil prices spiked, and treasury yields slumped amid social media reports and Reuters headlines that there have been three "huge explosions" near the central Iran cities of Natanz (location of an Iranian nuclear power plant) and Isfahan (location of the Iranian Nuclear Technology Center which is suspected of being the center of Iran's nuclear weapons program), as well as simultaneous explosions in Iraq and Syria, where the Israel air force appears to be targeting pro-Iranian militias.

What follows is a bunch of tweets, reports of drones over iran and iraq, and market data.


is it weird that ABC broke this story?


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>picrel happens


>is it weird that ABC broke this story?
Did they? I think telegram broke the story.



>Iran looks like it’s preparing an immediate response!

>patterns, looks like Iran is asking planes to avoid the well known missile launch areas.


>this is definitely going to impact the trout population


Typical bulgarian brained


>senior US official says
This is more notable. You don't tattle on your ally to the news if you support them.

>Israel still plans to launch Rafah assault, Netanyahu tells western diplomats

>Prime minister also seeks to assure allies Israel’s response to Iran will be measured, as officials urge him to focus on ceasefire deal
Even news articles start to be hilarious.


If Iran responds within the next few hours, then they really did spend those two weeks prepping for this.


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hmmm, oh boy i sure do love it when things happen




> UNCONFIRMED: Iraqi sources report that airstrikes in the capital city of Baghdad have targeted a building where a high-level meeting was being held with the presence of several groups supported by Iran and members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
— Aleph א (@no_itsmyturn) April 19, 2024

Let's just stir up as many hornet's nests as possible why don't we


What're the chances that by this time tomorrow an American aircraft carrier will be on the bottom of the Med?





Require more data on precise locations of American aircraft carriers.


Iran must launch a REAL ATTACK on the Zionist state (particularly their Air Bases in order to destroy all of their F-15/16/35 Fighter jets on the ground and stop the Genocide of Gaza) using hundreds of Shahab-3 MRBMs and none of those stupid “Drone” thingies that get blown out of the sky, because if they don’t launch a SERIOUS RETALIATION to this ZIONIST ATTACK ON IRAN, I will have to start referring to them as “CUCKRAN”, LETS GO BOMB TEL AVIV, INSHALLAH, ✊😜🇵🇸🇮🇷🇸🇾🇮🇶🇾🇪🇱🇧🚀!


low but not zero



today sizzlers win, tomorrow? who knows


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Zionist warplanes have launched airstrikes on radar systems in Daraa, southern Syria. Unconfirmed reports indicated explosions in both Baghdad, Iraq, where zionist warplanes were reportedly sighted, and Isfahan, Iran.

Press sources confirmed that US-backed zionist warplanes launched airstrikes on Isfahan, Iran. Air defenses were activated in the area

Al-Mayadeen's correspondent in Tehran reported that large wave of news is being broadcast by fake or unreliable sources showing incorrect scenes of explosions in Isfahan. Unofficial sources stated that the targets dealt with were small drones, not missiles.
Iran’s Fars Agency confirmed that air defenses intercepted suspicious objects in the skies over Isfahan near the military base northwest of the city, but no explosions occurred on the ground in Isfahan.


Israel using f-35s for strikes? Or did Iraq/Syria/Iran just let them waltz right in?



Israel has launched a missile attack against a site in Iran, according to US broadcaster ABC News.
Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency has reported explosions in Isfahan province with state television reporting flights in several cities have been suspended.
There were also reports of explosions in Syria and Iraq.
The assault comes days after Iran fired an unprecedented barrage of drones and missiles at Israel in retaliation to a suspected Israeli attack on its consulate in Syria on April 1.
The Israeli attack killed 13 people, including two generals of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The escalation comes more than six months into Israel’s devastating war on the Gaza Strip, which has killed nearly 34,000 people, and heightens fears of a spiral of violence across the region.





>The Israeli attack killed 13 people, including two generals of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
that's the attack in the Consulate in Syria tho


*clears throat*


>suspected Israeli attack on its consulate in Syria


Hey, that attack could have come from anybody, alright?


israel hasn't admitted it was them







Fizzlebros I don't feel so good…


The NordStream bombing is still up in the air, as well *shrug*


if only they could be TFUED to dead



i put all my dogecoins that were supposed to go to my wife's son college fund on $FIZZLE and now i'm seeing it sizzle on CNN
bros it can't end like this…….


Al Jazeera English finally engaging.



I mean, even if they were incompetent, the still made the attack. And this guy from CNN says he got confirmation from US military people.



I'm not getting this psyop, is the plan for American media is saying yeah, hell yeah this was the response actually so Israel big and strong and Iranians are pussyfooted because they didn't engage
Because Al Jazeera is kinda saying it's all bullshit


>US didn't "green light" this attack


They didn't. They definitely didn't. You can trust them on this.


i don't trust Clinton News Network or any of the american news media, might as well quote the american officials directly


Whatever happens, Israel will get the blame for. Same for the Gaza pogrom, the USA distances themselves in words, but in deeds, they fully support it and are the key enablers.


Like an owner refusing to put down their rabid pet, after it mauled neighbour's kid.


joe biden will once again ask very nicely and politely and after an exceptionally sloppy bj netenyahu to tone it down maybe possibly if he's feelin up to it


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sizzle gang party rocking tonight ?


irans nuclear site supposedly hit




Israel’s strike was far to limited to warrant something that would cause the largest nuclear disaster since chernobyl


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do you all sizzlers watch Al Jazeera? it was a nothing burger


>fight club pfp


>iranian state television
let me guess, zio memri tv translation?


i dont think iran would have nukes and not have enough s-400 to protect them


Total fizzle gang victory


Religion and government was not meant for human consumption.


>party rocking tonight
Party rocking is in the house tonight


but they still made an attack though, ya dig?


We'll wait and see if Iran actually responds.


will they really respond to a nothingburger like this


they're obviously going to respond, fizzlefuckers never learn
>launch huge barrage of drones and missiles from own territory + proxies after the embassy bombing and decades of escalation from israel and the west
>…but then does nothing after israel bombs them again
makes no sense


If this was THE i*raeli response then it makes them look weak tbh.


>And they came back shooting, my homies went back shooting
>And nobody hit nothing, ok this shit getting stupid


any videos of hits or is it just media hyping to preempt a response


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It's not about damage. It's about the attempt.


israel literally just sent like six drones and were all shot down


>like six drones
Where is this info coming from?


According to an informed source to the Iranian Tasnim Agency, nuclear facilities in Isfahan province are completely safe and no incident has been recorded.
The Mehr Iranian News Agency reports that flights at Imam Khomeini and Mehrabad airports in Tehran have been suspended until 10:30 AM today.


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Theres a six pointed star on the israeli flag duh 🤣


>claim total victory shot down them Iranians 99%
>Do a small counter attack after for the most part covering up what you did to get that attack
>Have Iran hit back again
<Well what now we have to go all out right America?


thread theme?


its intradesting how the western media is just straight up lying. maybe they want to have an excuse to go to war with iran


>Iranian sources tell #AlMayadeen that no external aggression against Iran was launched on Friday. What is being circulated about an Israeli attack on #Iran are lies and are part of a misinformation war, according to our sources.

>Sources also added that complicit #US media outlets are waging a proxy war of disinformation on behalf of the Israeli occupation.

>This comes after #Iran's Space Agency confirmed that several drones, of unspecified origin, were downed over Iranian airspace. The agency said that no missile attack on Iran occurred on Friday.



I've seen people saying that the "strikes" were drones launched from within Iran by MEK agents.


Al Jazeera confirmed it was three only


I meant to reply to this >>1828644


I think they want to hype it up as a big response but it wasn't actually, just help Israel save some face



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>Because Al Jazeera is kinda saying it's all bullshit
I think Bibi is just trying to generate conflict really. It works for Israel because you're not hearing about those food-aid workers they murdered anymore, right? At least for Americans. There's also a funding bill in Congress coming up this weekend. Now the narrative is that Iran is attacking Israel blah blah blah. It sort of transforms the war which plays into Israel's hand.

On the other side of the coin, Iran might not want to retaliate because it's bait. I have no idea what's going on but, like, even if Israel hit an F-14 on a runway, does Iran want to launch another wave of ballistic missiles? They must realize that it's a sucker move.


nothing ever happens


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>I'm glad that the government approved my proposal that would allow the Israel Defense Forces to build 936 (in total 1,600) additional prison places for security prisoners. The additional construction will allow the prison service to take in more terrorists, and will bring a partial solution to the prison crisis that exists in the Shavas. I welcome the fact that most of the ministers have shown responsibility and leadership on this important issue. The death penalty for terrorists is the right solution to the incarceration problem, until then - glad that the government approved the proposal I brought. >those food-aid workers they murdered anymore


The NYT says Israeli and Iranian officials confirmed to them that a strike hit an air base near Isfahan. But Iranian media is saying it's all propaganda. (I don't believe the Iranian state media.)


>I don't believe the Iranian state media
but believes the new zion times and israeli officials, curious


>those food-aid workers they murdered anymore,
That's probably an OP though. They are the worthy victims that enlist the public into the move NATO was already dooing for a few weeks past, of recognizing and distancing themselves from the humanitarian situation in Gaza and Israel's responsibility. Israel has been, and continues doing that to Palestinians, but appointing WFK worthy victims, allows the Israel supporters to join the new official narrative, without dabbling in anti-zionism.


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FINALLY Biden takes action


I think gay nazi flag anon is SUS


I find it hard to believe that Israel would say they hit Iran when they didn't. Why would they lie about this? Iran on the other hand has a clear motive to downplay the attacks since they want to avoid a war with Israel and possibly the US. If Israeli involvement were acknowledged then they would have to retaliate and the situation would escalate rapidly.


>On the other side of the coin, Iran might not want to retaliate because it's bait.
kinda what I'm saying, like can you really retaliate when the did so little, like it doesn't seem worth it


> Iran on the other hand has a clear motive to downplay the attacks since they want to avoid a war
I mean all evidence points out that the attack doesn't even need to be downplayed, like ok maybe one drone hit but if so like who cares it's kinda of nothing lmao, just showed their hand and showed them where to point their radars


interesting theory


Nothing ever happened to me
Nothing ever happened to me
Nothing ever happened to me
Life just passing, flash right through me


Just two hours ago Iranian officials said that any attack on Iranian soil by Israel would be met with double the last Iranian attack. It's a credibility issue.


I'm not saying believe everything the NYT says but if you believe Fars News is a reliable source then you're a gullible moron.

This seems like a stretch. The WFK killings was really unpopular in Washington. I don't think Israel cares what the rest of the world thinks, they care what Western capitals think, especially in the U.S.

Napoleon said "never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake." If you think Israel is making a mistake by smashing Gaza and turning international opinion against them, then Iran broke Napoleon's rule when it retaliated after Israel killed their generals. Iran made a mistake but they were in an impossible position because Israel blew up their consulate, and Iran hasn't been doing anything this whole time while their friends have been doing things, so you'd think Hezbollah would be like, c'mon bro, we're bleeding for you here and you're not going to retaliate? Then the U.S., Britain, France and most of the E.U. came out and said they stand behind Bibi and all that – and that's good for Bibi and it took the focus off Gaza and placed it on Iran.

So what I'm saying is, the smart move for Iran would be to not do anything right now.


It's bullshit but I believe it


US Finally tugging the leash on the Zionists? Possible happening?


>the smart move for Iran would be to not do anything right now.
I got to hand it to you, I agree


far more reliable than what you're posting, i'll keep reading what the iranian say instead of trusting the trash zionists put out thank you very much


Who are these three iranian officials who claim that a base was hit? Do they have names or are they anonymous? Where are the PROOFS????


It's very Bibi, really. He's a brooding, Machiavellian guy. I don't know if that's the right word. But this is my theory, but in the last war when the Israelis were bombing Gaza, they blew up a building a bunch of press outlets were using including the AP, and the Israelis claimed Hamas was using it, which I think was just not true, but the press became hyper-fixated on this building which had all the reporters aiming their cameras at it (they evacuated beforehand). The Western press was outraged and offended and that became the story, but they weren't aiming their cameras at anything else, were they? The Israelis always do this shit. But I think they're trying to bait Iran.

You can do whatever you want, man.


Iranian sources to Al-Mayadeen:
There are no foreign airstrikes against Iran and what is being circulated are lies and a misinformation war of confusion.
The complicit and suspicious American media is conducting a proxy misinformation war on behalf of the “israeli” occupation.

IRNA News Agency:
IRNA Report on the Latest Status of Defense Systems and Sensitive Military and Security Centers in the Country
Following the activation of air defense in some parts of the country to counter potential targets, reports from IRNA correspondents across the country indicate that so far, no hits or explosions caused by any air threats have been reported.
Field investigations in Isfahan show that important facilities, especially nuclear facilities in this province, are completely secure, and no incidents have been reported.
Images captured by users indicate the activity of anti-aircraft artillery in some parts of the country, which act as point defense systems against threats at very low altitudes and their activity in a fully alert state is completely normal.
So far, no reports have been received of missile defense systems firing.

[Vid unrelated]


Machiavellian is the right word for what you're describing, yeah. Deceptive and manipulative with inscrutable plans.


And if Iran retaliates, anyway? What was the plan?


Iran wins babyyyy


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Worth watching


Could ameriga and israel be cucked so bad that their response is just a fake propaganda response campaign? Kekk


I need to sleep. I have work in the morning.

Al Jazeera seems to be talking about it more now with more updates.

I'll see y'all tomorrow.



ok i concede this last response and media bs leads me to believe its deescalation. point for fizzlegang


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>Yes, yes, well done, fizzlegang. Well done, fizzlegang. HOWEVER


When you think things have fizzled, it will sizzle.

When you think the sizzle will expand, the fizzle will have advanced.

We are living in weeks of decades once again.

2024 has no brakes. Enjoy the ride.



if you think any of this shit is reasonably common knowledge you need to ask your coworkers what they think about israel palestine


Alternatively, the op was intentionally under strength in order to try and trigger an outsized response from Iran. Just earlier, prior to the event, one of the headlines on cnn was "Iran promises a massive response in seconds". I don't know if that was cnn trying to gas people up for some big reaction from Iran, or Iran baiting Israel with the promise of another big show.


It's Ukraine all over again. They are forced into "strategic ambiguity", i.e. they just won't admit to doing it despite there being zero other suspects, but unofficial media will celebrate every attack



Here we go again



Pls explain with common language, wth is fizzle and sizzle? Is it escalation or de-escalation?

And who the hell is the sizzlemaster or fizzlemaster?


fizzle is when it's so over sizzle is when we're so back. get it?


fizzle is when chinletnothinghappens sizzle is when wake up the dialectics are in motion comrade


sizzle is escalation
fizzle is de-escalation





It's weird realizing there are anons on this very site who weren't here during the 2020 BLM protests. We were still on Bunkerchan for most of that, weren't we?
I may be fizzlegang, but I can admit sizzlegang has the music.


orb mommy


>It's weird realizing there are anons on this very site who weren't here during the 2020 BLM protests. We were still on Bunkerchan for most of that, weren't we?
Sorry mentors, most of us just young and fool. But we'll prepare for apocalypse.


nothin ever really sizzle
nothin ever really fizzle
everything just gets worse
like bratwurst was really pizzle


it's kinda hard to believe that 2020 was 4 years ago.
Where has the time been?


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Iraqoid here, never heard such explosions and I can't seem to find any reports on them in our news. Seems like your average "resist"oid fanfic.
Although I wouldn't doubt zionazis willingness to bomb us considering our comprador-run state's inability to defending itself.


You can trust me…


For me its when Saddam said he would burn away half of Israel


What can we say except that nothing happened? Nothingburger gang won again it seems


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My favourite gamer moment from the Gulf war has to be the bombing of Saudi Arabia, we ought to do it again. Honorable mention to failed scud hunting mission when we dabbed on the SAS and SOF in the Syrian desert, battle of phase line bullet that forced the ceasefire, operation bramble bush, and of course Tel Aviv bombing.


Australian tourist detained in India for tearing down pro-Palestine posters
>A Jewish woman from Australia was taken into police custody in the state of Kerala in southern India for tearing down posters supporting Palestine, Indian media have reported.


Cuckemei is snoring right now… Don't interrupt his nap time!


>Nothingburger gang won again it seems
Was there ever a doubt? NothingeverhappensCHADS keep winning


Fantastic post anon, from this we can assume Israel will destroy or attempt to destroy Iran, meaning Iran must respond or try dying.


>"nothing ever happens"
When did the ongoing genocide in Gaza become the status quo, to the degree that we don't consider it actively "happening"? Probably when everyone cucked out on them.


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Wait, not ready yet.


Question is, what can Iran target this time? They already launched substantial strikes against an IsAF base, seemingly having dealt limited damage only. I’d say only 4 MRBM MARVs made it (1% or environs). A further reprisal would begin to compromise Iran’s self-defense / retaliation capabilities.

It’s the problem with a missile-centric offensive capability; you run out way faster than an air-centric force when you don’t have capable air defense.


Israeli newspaper (Maariv) revealed the real interception rate was about 84%.
Furthermore, Iran can keep sending drones again and again while interceptor supply is very limited for Israel.


>Israeli newspaper (Maariv) revealed the real interception rate was about 84%.
source? I can't read Yahweh


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It was stolen


Iran isn't going to target anything because they deny an israeli strike even occured.


Since i cannot read Hebrew cannot provide the original source.
However if you look up "Maariv 84%" you may find a plethora of reports



Sizzlebros…it's over…


>When did the ongoing genocide in Gaza become the status quo, to the degree that we don't consider it actively "happening"?
Since the nakba.


Kerala stays winning


lmao the comments


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the self-hate is crazy


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There is truth to that.
People often don't realize that 90% of "Gazans" aren't even native to Gaza. They are mere refugees whose native hometowns are Haifa, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Jaffa, Ramla, etc. Now occupied by settlers after they were pushed out.
What a grim thing to think about.


austria lady send bobs plaese


9/11 part 2


Why the confusion about these airstrikes? Is this on purpose, did it or did it not happen??


Most likely scenario seems to be that Israel launched some strikes on Iranian proxies and very limited strikes on Iran itself. Iran is downplaying the attacks and claiming it was local insurgents so they don't have to retaliate and go to war with Israel.


>I have to launch a backchannel-approved retaliation to save face
<I have to launch a backchannel-approved retaliation to save face
>I have to…


Have you *seen* how the cunts on top have been bending over backwards to slurp zioschlong?
No fucking way, they want Israel with their entire hearts. The only way forward is going raining iron on this scum.



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Apparently everyone uniting against colonialists is paid off or a bot who can't pay attention to more than one thing at once. Sorry to tell you. Ethnic cleansing is a much loved tradition of the american people they can't let go off for now.


>genocide in Palestine is okay because child slaves in Africa


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>Would you condemn that chanting?


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The way this guy tries to fear monger his viewers so blatantely so they become pro genocide is more chilling.



it's just "freed blacks will rape and pillage if we end slavery" but rebranded tbh


lemme christplain to you how much better I am than you, brute


american influence is really going down the shitter
this guy just called america the devil and made blinken just stand there listening lmao


What the fuck is this editing, Christ

But she really should have just said that death to America is just a simplified catchphrase people say because it sounds good, what they actually mean is they want a totally new government system (as the majority of people do)


burgerbros its never been so joever


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Genuinely surprised those neoliberal stooges would say anything even slightly positive about Hoxha, or even calling the US a devil.
That's just how over it is for the American empire.


Syrian Ministry of Defense:
At about 2:55 AM today, the "israeli" enemy launched an aggression with missiles from the direction of northern occupied Palestine, targeting our air defense sites in the southern region. The aggression led to material losses.

Four IOF soldiers, including an officer, have been wounded during the ongoing armed clashes in Nour Shams camp, Tulkarem, according to zionist sources.

Mohammed Jaber, known as Abu Shujaa, the leader of the Tulkarem Brigade who has been heavily pursued by the Palestinian Authority and IOF in recent weeks, has ascended as a martyr.
Clashes have continued for nearly 24 hours, as the IOF sought to assassinate the Tulkarem Brigade leader, who a few weeks ago survived an assassination attempt by the traitorous Palestinian Authority Forces. A number of martyrs reportedly ascended in the targeting moments ago.
The brave leader ascended, clashing, standing tall until the final moments, joining his brother Mahmoud and the leaders before him in martyrdom.
Mosques in Tulkarem and Jenin are now mourning the commander of Tulkarem amidst the sounds of intensifying gunfire and explosives.
Glory to the martyrs.


wait for it


why are you posting some reaction tuber instead of a direct link?



Mercouris again talked about Iran's "deterrent capability" and said that it was probably this which is conditioning any possible Israeli action rather than any US restraining influence. He also said that any future Israeli action against Iran will likely come from subs, and therefore be ineffective, because any air action relies on overflying and/or US refueling which may not be available.


Israel has subs??


>people only hate Israel because they are so moral


>Scott Ritter, in a detailed discussion of this attack, has deemed that it established that Iran has deterrence dominance.

The "oh it was just a couple crappy drones" just a cover for israel getting clowned on hard?


Is he delusional or is he getting paid? Like, there's no way someone can actually say those words and believe them, right?


<I don’t know but I doubt that Israel is free to use nukes as it pleases. I think that US recognizes assured catastrophic global consequences of abandoning power of deterrence of nuclear MAD doctrine. But I have no proof. If deterrence was gone nukes would immediately enter practical tactical and strategic considerations. Use it or lose it proposition.

<Two horrific scenarios: Supposedly Israel could use one nuke to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. But what next. The existential threat to Israeli state would still be there from Iranian conventional weapons. I don’t see how in this scenario Netanyahu and his gang would benefit at all.

<If however Israel uses 100 nukes to really destroy Iranian regime, Iranian military, MIC base and economy as Netanyahu promised to do instantly killing millions world would be aware or would safely assume despite protestations that US was behind Israeli decision. What’s then? How China or Russia would react if her ally was obliterated by nukes. Would they assume that it was a nuclear blackmail attempt vs Taiwan or Ukraine a warning shot?

<What would stop US from using nukes watching Israel obliterated by Iran with conventional weapons which would take weeks or months? We know US can’t stop it with conventional weapons?

<If MAD horses are let loose what as of today political mechanism exists to stop them?.

<The failed UNSC?

<May be Sanity? Common sense? humanity? Self interest? survival instinct?

<Perhaps but so far I don’t see any evidence of that among Israeli, EU and US ruling elites indulged in their psychotic delusions of grandeur and apocalyptic beliefs inevitably leading to nuclear WWIII.


No significant damage in Isfahan air base after Israeli attack: CNN

Exclusive satellite images provided by Umbra Space to CNN suggest that there is no significant damage at an air base following the reported Israeli attack early Friday.

No significant ground craters or visibly destroyed buildings are evident, the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images, which were taken around 10:20 am local time, showed.

SAR images - unlike normal satellite images - are generated using a satellite that emits radar beams capable of penetrating clouds, which is important as clouds are currently obstructing satellite imaging of the area. These radar beams bounce off objects on the ground and return to the satellite, forming the images.

More visual satellite imagery will be needed to look for burn marks around the facility, as these cannot be seen in SAR images.

Citing news sources, Fars reported earlier that three explosions were heard near an army military base in the northeastern part of Isfahan, located in central Iran. The explosions were later said to be air defense systems activated in response to the sighting of a small suspicious object flying over the city.

Additionally, the Iranian outlet reported that the army's radar in the city may have been a target.

According to CNN, images indicate that the Iranian F-14 Tomcats, previously stationed at the air base, are currently not present. Further examination of archival satellite imagery revealed that these jets have been absent from the base for a considerable period.

The director of the Carnegie Middle East Center research foundation, Maya Yahya, told CNN's John Vause on Friday that for "Israel" to wage a full-scale war in the region, it would need substantial support from its allies, especially the US.

"Israel does not have the capacity for a long-term all-out war without external support. It would need the commitment from the United States to continue providing arms. It relies on the United States and other Western powers on a number of military fronts," she said.

Similarly, an op-ed published in The Telegraph on Friday said the Israeli "limited" aggression has emboldened Iran even more to carry out a larger strike against the occupation entity any time in the future.

Commenting on the attack, the author said that the Israeli attack on Iran which was supposed to be an attack to restore deterrence turned out to be quite the opposite; it further proved to the Islamic Republic that the United States, "Israel", and their allies are "alien to this concept."

He also accused the entity's international allies of "muting" its attack and trying to contain it by attaching "limited" to it in fear of escalation, pointing out that this "would hardly strike fear in the heart" of the Islamic Republic. Additionally, by not publicly claiming responsibility, "Israel" stuck to "deniability with an inbuilt exit from the spiral of escalation."

In conclusion, the piece said that the West, including the United States, has failed to effectively counter Iran's action policy, and thus Tehran was able to advance its plans with relative impunity.

Iran employing psychological warfare tactics against 'Israel': Report

Instances have been reported of threatening packages or letters being sent to addresses by foreign agents, menacing phone calls, and various forms of harassment, along with surveillance activities targeting Israeli public figures, retired army officials, and journalists, as per a report published by Haaretz.

Moreover, families of Israeli captives received funeral wreaths along with condolence letters, as per the report. Following an investigation by the Shin Bet security service, it is claimed that the wreath was ordered by Iranians who allegedly utilized an Israeli mobile phone number to place the order. The flowers were procured from a local store, unaware of their role as an intermediary, and subsequently delivered to the family, the report added.

Haaretz claimed that the phone number utilized for ordering the flowers had been linked to an Iranian influence network known as the "Israeli Avengers Organization," previously exposed for its activities on Hebrew-language social media platforms, allegedly aimed at inciting discontent over Israeli internal political matters.

The report highlighted that Haaretz had uncovered the operations of foreign entities on social media platforms seeking to instigate chaos and exacerbate existing social divisions within "Israel" over the last two years.

The Shin Bet claimed it responded to incidents where Iranian security agencies allegedly cynically and manipulatively exploited online platforms, as per the report.

The report also mentioned instances where Israelis inadvertently photographed the homes of senior security officials, printed protest banners designed by Iranians regarding Israeli captives, and even participated in fictitious demonstrations near the residences of captive families.

These elements also reportedly penetrated WhatsApp groups, utilizing local Israeli phone numbers to entice Israeli settlers into political engagement. They leveraged this access to promote contentious issues, spanning from the anti-Netanyahu protest movement to demonstrations in support of Israeli captives in Gaza, as per the report.

In the same context, Haaretz reported that a group of international hackers established an online platform named Cyber Court earlier this month. This platform is reportedly dedicated to disclosing leaks from a series of breaches of potentially sensitive databases in "Israel".

The leaks encompass ID data for numerous Israeli settlers. Additionally, aside from these hacks, a significant amount of personal ID data is available for purchase on Telegram groups, as per the report.


<Max Blumenthal said on Napolitano’s show that discissions amongst Israeli generals and leadership on Iran’s relatiation was so panicked at times that if the general population heard it there would a mass exidios in Israel.

"When we fucked around, we'd never imagined we'd some day find out!"


Well yeah, apparently the attack depleted a lot of the missile defense system at relatively little cost to Iran. Making a big deal about how the drones are cheap and crappy is a self-own since you still have to spend tens of thousands of USD to stop those crappy drones. If you're Iran, why even bother throwing the big stuff until you've run out your enemy's missile defenses?


Guys why can't we just nuke Israel?


Because the land belongs to Palestine, and it contains pretty important locations to a lot of the world, which would make Muslims and others very mad.


Why are "News" channels like this? "Condemn this" "condemn that", never answering questions that show that their side is in the wrong as well. I see this with almost every News channel interview with an opposing viewpoint.



Day of the Meteor for this dinosaur



[a bunch of technical details about US/Israel missile defense]

>On April 13-14, 2023, this system failed. In short, the combination of US and Israeli anti-ballistic missile defense capabilities deployed in and around the Negev desert made the Israeli air bases located there the most protected locations in the world from threats posed by ballistic missiles.

>And yet Iran successfully struck both locations with multiple missiles.

>The global strategic implications of this stunning Iranian accomplishment are game-changing—the US has long struggled conceptually with the notion of what is referred to as “A2/AD” (anti-access/area denial) threats posed by hostile ballistic missiles. However, the US had sought to mitigate against this AA/A2 threat by overlaying theater ballistic missile defense architecture like that that had been employed in Israel. The failure of the combined US-Israeli defense systems in the face of a concerted Iranian missile attack exposed the short-comings of the US ballistic missile defense capabilities world-wide.

>In short, this means that the US and NATO forces in Europe are vulnerable to attack from advanced Russian missile technologies which match or exceed those used by Iran to attack Israel. It also means that China would most likely be able to strike and sink US navy ships in the Pacific Ocean in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. And that North Korea could do the same to US ships and forces ashore in the vicinity of Japan and South Korea.

>Until which time the US can develop, produce and deploy missile defense systems capable of defeating the new missile technology being deployed by nations like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea, US military power projection capabilities are in a state of checkmate by America’s potential adversaries.


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>Douglas Murray is a British author and conservative political commentator.
>His books include
>Neoconservatism: Why We Need It (2005)
>The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (2017)
>The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (2019)
>The War on the West (2022)
>Murray has been praised by conservative writers. Murray's critics have associated his views with Islamophobia and being linked to far-right political ideologies and the promotion of far-right ideas such as the Eurabia, Great Replacement, and Cultural Marxism conspiracy theories.


True or propaganda?


>we should move Italy's borders back to the ones from the roman empire
>the USA should have the same borders it did a thousand years ago

mate it's true, but it's the exact same situation that the palestinians are in except now the isntreallys are the nazis. exact. I support the polish jew commies in the 40s. it's the zionazis bombing civilian homes and sending death squads to fill mass graves people have a fucking problem with.


true and real, anyone who reads this history and thinks in this case the uprising was good but that the gaza uprising is bad has termianal cognitive dissonance


that image has too many lies in one place to debunk so I'm just going to internalize it as what zionazis really believe and attend a palestine rally this weekend.


It's not true in the slightest


Choke on rat poison zionist subhuman filth


Except there was never a thing called kingdom of israel apart from judeo-christian schizo fairytales

Except the land itself in the south levant was called palestine and its natives identified as such since inmemorable times


Nazis and zionist were collaborators, not enemies

Just another hasbarat lie


>bad thing
Not following the image on this.


Because that would also kill palestinians

Zionists need to be physically removed from the land they infested and all stolen property given back to Palestinians


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Arab settlers will never win, land back!


this week the resistance bombed the entity. the entity had to scale back carpetbombing civilians and pull back it's death squads. this revealed the scale of massacre at al-shifa and a horrifying collection of hastily dug mass graves. in response the US gave the nod to the entity to bomb the resistance, and had the puppet governments of its client states impose further sanctions on iran.

the scum that support this want us to spiral debating history and being distracted by their disgusting propaganda. they want to find some retarded angle to make the discussion a debate on antisemitism or some trivial fact about the holocaust. fuck em. always bring it back to the dead kids, the mass graves, the fascist settlers, the western hypocrisies, the impotence of the UN under US hegemony.

yeah, but engaging intellectually with this drivel is giving it too much credit.


>the scum that support this want us to spiral debating history and being distracted by their disgusting propaganda. they want to find some retarded angle to make the discussion a debate on antisemitism or some trivial fact about the holocaust. fuck em. always bring it back to the dead kids, the mass graves, the fascist settlers, the western hypocrisies, the impotence of the UN under US hegemony.
Thanks for reminding me bro

Don't engage with these filth, just sage, hide and report them


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>nah man, it was actually droogs that made them mount an offensive


>meanwhile zionists sniffing children's socks wired on pharma amphetamines
>if there's any left after the Ukrainian nazis caused a shortage


the hash boycott did a toll on them


>what if someone shouted "death to Palestine in Gaza"??
disappointed she didn't say they'd deserve BATINA if they did


the kid's sock thing was fucked up bro. gotta be a pedo.


Hezbollah operations 04/19/2024:

01:00: targeted a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the "Raheb" site with artillery shells.
16:50: targeted the espionage equipment at the Bayad Blida site with appropriate weapons, hitting them directly.
17:10: targeted a gathering of “israeli” enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba Hills with rocket weapons, achieving a direct hit.
17:50: targeted a gathering of “israeli” enemy soldiers in the Bayad Blida site with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
18:50: targeted the espionage equipment at the “Radar” site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly and destroying it.
18:50: targeted a Hummer vehicle once it arrived and the soldiers gathered around it after precise monitoring and anticipation of the enemy forces at the “Metulla” site with a guided missile, destroying it and causing its members to fall between dead and injured.

Smoke rises from the Kalsu armor base of the Popular Mobilization Forces headquarters in Babel, south of Baghdad, Iraq following three airstrikes by an unknown party.
The base includes forces from the Iraqi Armed Forces, federal police, and PMF. Material losses and injuries have been reported so far.
Iraqi security sources told Al-Mayadeen: "The aggression targeted the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces' Chief of Staff, a tank garage, and the entrance to the command headquarters of the Babel sites in southern Iraq."

Secretary-General of the Sayyed Al-Shuhada Brigades in the Popular Mobilization Forces of Iraq, Abu Alaa Al-Walae:
In a very clear and very concise manner:
A response will be made to those behind this heinous attack on a site for the Popular Mobilization Forces, whoever it may be.
Those proven to be involved in this heinous crime will face consequences once investigations are completed. If the enemy is betting that the Popular Mobilization Forces are restrained by official orders and expects no response, then the resistance is not so.

The US Army and the "Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS" both denied being behind the attack on the Popular Mobilization Forces base in Iraq tonight.


Forwarded from the organizers of the protest:

Hundreds upon hundreds of Columbia students, faculty, staff, and community members, representing a historic convergence of youth and elders from across our movements, have taken the west lawn. Out of it has sprung a fierce, beautiful display of life and community. We are chanting, singing, teaching, watching, praying, reading, debating, and breaking bread.
On night 3 and beyond, we are here to stay. Columbia will divest from Zionism. We will accept nothing less!


>look how close Israel put their country to Iran's A2/AD systems


So is the apartheid state and Iran going to keep lobbing missiles at each other or is this the last exchange for now? Iran already showed the iron dome to be a complete waste of money


Iran has said that they aren't going to bother with Isreal.


Makes sense, a full regional war isn't in the interests of either Iran or the Yishuv, it's only in Netanyahu's personal interest


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some of you might be baffled by Ashkenazis, how they try to cosplay, to larp as an ancient dead kingdom, the reason why i don't find their stupidity out of the ordinary is that this is nothing new

europeans, and americans after the 1700s have always been larping too much, you had the french pretending to be greek democracies, or roman dictatorships, or both at the same time, you had the confederates larping as king arthur or as crusader knights, you had egyptomania and you still do with american afro-centrists today, you had Philhellenics from france, germany, england and america vising greece during it's war of independence and trying to engage in philosophy with the greeks, nietzsche being a huge fan of Zaraϑuštra and Manu, you had westerners making pilgrim to the british Raj to learn about the aryans. or to the javanese islands to learn about buddhism, you had dictators trying to either rebuild the roman empire or return the traditions of the geats and the vikings

and today you have hyperboran retvrners, marble busters, and "hebraic" settlers

is this like a reaction to the modern world? you feel without an identity so you resort to larping as the long gone?


Oh, how embarrassing for me.

>nobody know who struck what

>and how many times
>or with what
>airstrikes? drones?
>or even who
>Syria? Iraq?
>who is downplaying?
>who is keeping silent?
>who is de-escalating?


Playing pretend is fun man, gotta let your inner child out sometimes you know?


>God Greatness of the gaps exotic


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<3rd image


So to recap:
>The Iran Israel feud turned out a nothingburger
>Rafah operation is still being actively planned
>An average of 70 people get still killed daily in Gaza
>When Biden loses to Trump, all of this will get turbocharged

Best possible timeline i guess


Israel will cease to exist within a decade from now.


that shit doesn't matter. the US and UK are sanctioning Iran after >>1829693 if you want to know what direction this shit is going you know the west is standing with the murderers for the time being. the thing is that these security deals don't make people stop protesting, they don't stop people from boycotting,and they don't lower the cost of insurance. further I want to hope that it doesn't matter what the pigs want this atrocity cannot stand.


Israel has 20 years at best left. The younger generation in america is pro Palestine. Evangelical boomers are dying off. Americans are getting less religious. Democrats will dominate politics when the white population declines enough, leaving an opening for the soc dem bernie sanders/AOC wing of the party to take control.

Oh also le multipolar world is being born and america will have less sway over the middle east.


Iran totally overturned the balance of power in the region and humiliated Israel and its imperial overlord in front of the world but yeah nuffin habend


>Democrats will dominate politics when the white population declines enough
> leaving an opening for the soc dem bernie sanders/AOC wing of the party to take control.

I could not understand your line of thought, could you explain it?


>Rafah operation is still being actively planned
2 more weeks


if one party dominates then it will lead to infighting in that party


I don't see signs of the "two-party system" going away any time soon in America, as a non-american.
The democratic socialist party of america has had a financial debt crisis for years, they will probably not be able to continue for very long, their number are decaying, and their international image is going downhill in the socialist movement (see their visit to Cuba, as a recent example)

I don't see how the
>white population decline
Has anything to do with the Democrats "dominating US politics"
As far i am concerned, democrats are just as bad as republicans, and there is a minimal gap between the two.
"White people" doesn't mean anything in this context, as in almost any other contexts.


likely enough, the question is will that be before or after they carry out their final solution


After. Self fullfiling profecy.


We went from everyone knowing Iran had capability to strike Israel but avoiding doing so, to… the same?
I guess the only difference is that now Israel is deterred from taking Iran head on.
I guess they'll just stick to one genocide then.


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>tfw no socialism with babylonian characteristics
𒆦𒈧 𒈪𒉀𒉔𒇲


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i'm more into absoltist stalinism with chinese characteristic and anti-confucianist purges


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meanwhile on the ""dedicated to promoting civil conversation on issues relating to Israel and Palestine."" plebbit


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Why yes my ancestors were class conscious 😎



Total Zionist death


>Hezbollah folks
i hate liberals so much it's unreal


44 hours of confrontation and steadfastness. Nour Shams camp in Tulkarem continues to write history, repelling a large-scale zionist invasion for two full days.
8 IOF soldiers and 2 zionist border guards have been wounded in the camp during the clashes, according to zionist media.
Explosions are continuiously heard, and the local mosques are playing Abu Obeida speeches through their speakers.

A source in the Palestinian resistance leadership to Al-Mayadeen:
Hamas confirms there is no basis for negotiations now with the occupation.
After Hamas presented the resistance factions' response to the mediators' proposal, no contacts have occurred between them and the Americans and "israelis."
The "israelis" have informed the mediators that Hamas' response means the failure of the negotiations and that they will not send any delegations unless its stance changes.
Hamas insists on its four demands: ceasefire, withdrawal, return of displaced persons, and reconstruction.
Hamas may consider other alternatives, as the current path will not lead to an agreement.

RNN is aware of preliminary reports from local sources that Mohammed Jaber, "Abu Shujaa," the leader of Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarem Brigade may be alive, after reports of his assassination last night.
The security situation due to the ongoing siege complicates confirmation. We will update you with certain news if we are able to confirm.

The sound of a loud explosion has been reported in Nour Shams refugee camp, Tulkarem.
Below is a summary of the situation in the camp up to this moment, as reported by local sources:
Reinforcements have not ceased up to this moment.
Ongoing raids and searches of citizens' homes in the camp.
Snipers have been deployed in a number of homes, with the residents of the home detained in one room.
Bulldozers are still engaged in digging and destruction in the camp's shops, with the most recent being Haifa bakery and a flower shop next to the bakery.
The bodies of martyrs and some of the injured are still present in the camp due to the occupier's prevention of ambulance crews from entering.
Water, electricity, and internet services have been cut off to a large number of homes in the camp due to the destruction of infrastructure.

Salama Marouf, Head of the Media Office in Gaza:
The occupation deliberately lies about the humanitarian situation inside the Gaza Strip, promoting a false narrative for some time about improvements in the mechanism for admitting aid and increasing the number of trucks entering the sector. This has been refuted by the World Food Programme, which announced last Thursday that only 392 trucks loaded with food entered the Gaza Strip during the current month of April.
This announcement by the World Food Programme perfectly aligns with our documented statistics, which confirm that the occupier's narrative about improved numbers of aid trucks and the United States adopting this narrative and talking about admitting about 300 aid trucks daily is sheer lies and a distortion of reality. In reality, the average daily entry of aid trucks ranges only between 130-150 trucks, which actually represents about 25% of what it was before the aggression.


we should start referring to israelis as the irgun, hagana or cum brigade folks unironically


How many times do you faggot need to be told to take your reddit addiction somewhere else?


File: 1713629774599-0.webm (3.87 MB, 480x270, hezbollah2.webm)

File: 1713629774599-1.webm (2.38 MB, 640x360, hezbollah.webm)

these hezbollah folks look pretty modern and tacticool like for a bunch of men in sandals if you ask me

>the christians and druze will surely welcome the IDF as liberators

has to be a bot




Anything new, compelling or interesting in these?
My experience of these types so far is that they regurgitate what they read in the news for easy impressions on YouTube.



Blumenthal literally broke the news of the New York Times faking the rape story.


>Blumenthal literally broke the news of the New York Times faking the rape story.
So did AJ and so did EI who are actually news organizations.


Hezbollah operations 04/20/2024:

07:30: targeting the Hadab Yarine site with appropriate weapons and causing direct damage.
10:20: targeting the deployment of "israeli" soldiers in Mount Adather with rocket weapons.
13:10: targeting spying equipment at Al-Rahib site with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.
14:00: targeting a deployment of "israeli" soldiers east of the “Even Menachem” settlement with rocket weapons.
14:05: targeting the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kafr Shuba Hills, and the deployment of enemy soldiers in its vicinity with artillery shells.
16:05: targeting spying equipment at the "Hanita" site with appropriate weapons and destroying it.
17:45: targeting two buildings used by "israeli" soldiers in the "Shlomi" settlement with appropriate weapons, in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in Aita Al-Shaab, Kafr Kila, and Al-Jebbin.
18:10: targeting two buildings used by "israeli" soldiers in the "Metulla" settlement with appropriate weapons, in response to "israeli" attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, most recently in Aita Al-Shaab, Kafr Kila, and Al-Jebbin.
20:50: targeting an "israeli" military vehicle of the “Hummer” type in the "Netua" settlement with a guided missile, hitting it directly, resulting in its destruction.

The US Congress passed an $17 billion military aid package to the zionist entity as part of a $95 billion package to US allies such as Ukraine and Taiwan.
From the $17 billion, $5.2 billion will replenish and expand air defense systems, $3.5 billion will purchase advanced weapons systems, $1 billion to enhance weapons production, $4.4 billion for other defense supplies and services, and $2.4 billion to US operations in the region.
A separate $9 billion will go to Gazan humanitarian aid efforts, but it is prohibited from reaching UNRWA.
The bill is expected to pass in the Senate before being signed by US President Biden.

Marches erupt in Balata camp in Nablus, Dheisheh camp in Bethlehem, and Qalqilya in condemnation of the IOF's massacre in Tulkarem, which resulted in at least 19 martyrs in the three-day-long siege, as well as the genocide in Gaza.
Comprehensive strikes have been called in Nablus, Al Quds, and across the West Bank, in conjunction with calls to escalate the confrontation.


Can't believe the US is going to sanctions an Israeli military battalion for human rights violations.
Meaningless but damn that looks very bad to normies, bit of a self-own for the hwite house


The whole IDF should be sanctioned and recognized as a terrorist organization.


Okay? My rats should poop little golden coins.



Oh God, I'm gonna… I'm gonna SANCTOOOON!


calling for sanctions is hypocrisy for (americ)anarchists who pretend to not recognise the authority of the state and then turn into foreign policy wonks whenever somebody mentions putin. pointing out the hypocrisy of the west re: sanctioning the side that isn't conducting an ethnic cleansing and filling mass graves is just good politics.


US sanctions Israeli battalion over violations in West Bank: Axios

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is poised to announce sanctions against the Israel occupation forces (IOF) Netzah Yehuda Battalion for alleged human rights violations in the occupied West Bank, Axios reported Saturday, citing sources familiar with the matter.

This would mark the first instance of the United States imposing sanctions on an Israeli military unit, which comes as a surprise, especially since the IOF has been enjoying impunity in Gaza.

The forthcoming sanctions are set to prohibit the battalion and its members from receiving any form of US military assistance or training, as outlined by a 1997 law authored by former Senator Patrick Leahy. This law prohibits U.S. foreign aid and Defense Department training programs from benefiting foreign security, military, and police units credibly accused of human rights violations.

The decision to sanction the Netzah Yehuda unit follows an alleged 'comprehensive investigation' conducted by a special State Department panel, which recommended disqualifying multiple Israeli military and police units operating in the West Bank from receiving US aid.

During a press conference in Italy, Blinken acknowledged the panel's recommendation and indicated that the administration would make decisions based on the results of the investigation.

A US official clarified that the sanctions against the Netzah Yehuda unit stem from incidents predating the October 7 Operation al-Aqsa Flood and were exclusively confined to actions occurring in the West Bank.

While several other IOF and police units were under investigation, they reportedly will not face sanctions after remedial measures were implemented to address their behavior.

The Netzah Yehuda battalion, initially established as a specialized unit for ultra-orthodox soldiers, has garnered attention over the years for its controversial role in the West Bank. The battalion, exclusively composed of men, has been accused of violence against Palestinian civilians, just as the remainder of the Israeli occupation forces.

One notable incident involved the death of 80-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Assad in January 2022. Assad was arrested by Netzah Yehuda soldiers at a checkpoint in his village in the West Bank, where he was abused until his death.

In response to mounting criticism and allegations of misconduct, the battalion was relocated from the West Bank to the occupied Golan Heights in January 2023.

While the performative United States sanctioned one battalion, it greatly ignored the many violations committed by the Israeli occupation forces all over the occupied West Bank.

A report published by Human Rights Watch on Wednesday details how the Israeli military has contributed to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians by either backing settler violence or failing to protect Palestinians during episodes of settler violence in the occupied West Bank.

According to the report, settler violence has resulted in the displacement of residents from 20 Palestinian communities, with at least 7 being completely uprooted since October 7, 2023.

In addition to the theft of personal properties and livestock, the report details instances of assault, torture, and sexual abuse against Palestinians.

Death threats are also commonly used to coerce Palestinians into leaving their homes, the report notes.

"Settlers and soldiers have displaced entire Palestinian communities, destroying every home, with the apparent backing of higher Israeli authorities," said Bill Van Esveld, associate children’s rights director at Human Rights Watch.

The report also details instances where armed settlers work in collaboration with units of the Israeli army to cut off road access and raid Palestinian communities.

Some residents report experiences of torture and sexual abuse, while others are forced out of their homes at gunpoint or coerced with death threats.

The investigation was conducted with the participation of 27 witnesses and reviewed videos filmed by residents depicting harassment by individuals in Israeli military uniforms carrying M16 assault rifles.


How can you sanction a specific battalion? Can't israel just transfer material from unsanctioned battalions?


According to this person: https://nitter.poast.org/MairavZ/status/1781748234551263593#m
>It’s not a sanction. It’s application of the Leahy Law, which prohibits US aid to units of foreign security forces if there is credible info they committed a gross violation of human rights. This is a first.


File: 1713685529746.mp4 (1.77 MB, 320x584, shrapnel eater.mp4)

Zionist got leg statused 🦵


pleb filtered by a flag


using a flag as literal bait is a good idea. would also work for sniping


File: 1713689171015.png (68.56 KB, 276x200, ClipboardImage.png)

looney tunes tier


wtf? the lady's reaction is so weird. why isn't she screaming?


sounds like it was dubbed over by somebody else commentating on the video. i think you hear the actual screams a bit later after she realizes what she just saw.


Viet Cong would do that too.


>make people scared to take down flags
>literally just make 1/10 bombs so they have to pull up a bomb squad every time you put a flag in the road
peak terrorism


Muh based Orthodox Jews.


>is this like a reaction to the modern world? you feel without an identity so you resort to larping as the long gone?


get in the bread



He wore a pistol holster, making him a legal combatant and target


File: 1713714496874.mp4 (1.07 MB, 304x208, explosiveflag.mp4)

not the first time they've done this


Based Kerala


the explosives are in the flagpole with some kind of time fuze?


apparently there's some sort a range detector that goes off when the flag is moved to far away


yeah but why does it explode where the flag is?


Buried explosives, you can see dirt being kicked up.


how would they know where they were going to be? or perhaps there were multiple charges?


They knew someone was going to try and pick up the flag.



shitslamist won't do shit except virtue signal

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