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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1828924[Last 50 Posts]



/subcontinental/ is back babii


is this where i can get free tibet?


The peoples liberation army already freed tibet you dingus!


Lets go, /subcontinental/ is back, the one I made in January got deleted.


What has to happen for BJP to actually lose power?


>India has a 7 phase voting system that lasts a month


INDIA alliance must tap into the plight of migrant workers and workers from unorganized sector that the BJP has crushed. Right now they are still too tied to the political interest of local petty bourgs and caste mobilization. Cong must go full on class agitation



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what is the final solution to the sikh-hating, muslim-hating, christian-hating, jainism-hating, dravidian-hating, socialist policies-hating, self-hating hindutva question?


CIA funded Tibetian empire


Ambedkar's ideas being taken seriously


Explain them to me


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That Hinduism is inherently discrimatory, casteist, and needs to be abolished, all lower caste and untouchables should convert to Islam, atheism, or Buddhism to liberate themselves from the caste system. There is no coherent Hinduism without caste.


The Nitter links in OP don't work anymore
Here are their actual sites outside of Musk's dumpster fire


That's stupid.


>There is no coherent Hinduism without caste.
It's perfectly logical.


Is anyone voting


Please tell me India is not so stupid to forget her past and ever side with the West. I mean I can of course understand certain balanching games due to China but please tell me Indians know a bit of their history.


>muh west
Who cares what other bourgeois government the bourgeois country aligns itself with?


There's so many nationalist, chauvinist, reactionary Indian leftists, as India is the world's largest exporter of workers abroad, opposing the migration of overseas workers solely because they had to leave their 'native homeland'. Their complaint is not wage-labor itself but rather that an Indian proletarian in Dubai is creating wealth for Emiratis rather than being 'rightly' exploited in their 'homeland'. Pure drivel.


are you talking about pakistan bangladesh conflict

we've seen how being an american ally is literally the worst thing possible


indians were colonized by brits, not yankees
there's not much animosity between america and india besides india playing both sides during the cold war


and what are yankees if not modern day brits?
modern day colonizers?


yankees just want some cheaper skilled labor and to sell their products
they dont want to take over the entire country and force a famine on them every other month
theyre exploitative but not in a psychotically genocidal way like the colonial brits were


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Bharat might be the only country that can have good relations with both the USA and China. A lot of companies are going to relocate to Bharat, which is rising as a legitimate superpower that in a few decades will have enough self-sufficiency like China to be its own thing. Yeah they side with Israel but that’s mostly due to Pakistan. Also, who cares? Kerala has a progressive socialist movement and it’s spreading around Bharat. Good times ahead.


India and Turkey break third-worlder brains


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bros i never read the vedas
this true?


Yes. You could've googled it.


>who uses google the spyware in our time? i have returned to firefox


>Also, who cares?


it's wild with chrome users the way they don't even find a firefox fork and opt to be raped in an alleyway by google


based I'm rereading Maldevelopment by Samir Amin so I will most assuredly have many comments on India


RSS might commit a genocide and throw all that under the bus but predictions are a sucker's game


The 21st century will be a epic struggle between Western NATO LIberalism, Chinese Dengism and Hindutva Fascism. Billions will die and nothing good will ever come until the 22nd century.


Retarded GDPism. India is doing sub-imperialism like Turkey, like Rhodesia did.


to expand on my above comment about Rhodesia and Turkey, let's directly compare China and India's development along the same lines outlined by many development theorists. I've seen Vijay Prashad criticism posted here although he has ultimately a bit of a liberal, his analysis of this is strong. you can compare industries in China and Russia in addition to their foreign policy to understand why their development path will diverge even further from India. they outstrip their living conditions and industrialization and modernization of agriculture, all things like that, but look at their nuclear industry and their semiconductor industry. India only wants to play second fiddle to NATO+ firms like Nvidia Intel Amazon Microsoft other companies that now dip into the virtual chip factory market India only wants to serve as packaging and testing for the semiconductor industry, which is controlled by these high value firms in the west whereas China and Russia are directly competing with these countries top firms and their manufacturers in Taiwan and the Netherlands, respectively


>So use GDP figures to make pro-China arguments but not pro-India arguments. Interesting dialectics.
This is such schizo nonsense. You don't actually expect to be taken seriously if you address someone speaking with you for the first time as a monolith? Are you talking about people doing media criticism of The Economist? Have you based your perception of international affairs off articles about GDP and the discourse around it rather than development theorists?


>to develop
I guess you haven't been paying attention to anything, especially not what I've said here.


>India starting to grow much faster than China during the last 5 years?

It's a lie.
>GDP figures contain dubious categories like ‘discrepancies’. These refer to the difference between real GDP growth of about 7.5% a year and real domestic expenditure growth of just 1.5% a year. They should be the same theoretically, but they are not – and the national statistical office ignores the latter. Part of the reason for the ‘discrepancy’ is that India’s government statisticians are ‘deflating’ money GDP into real GDP by a price deflator based on wholesale production prices and not on consumer prices, so that the real GDP growth figure is much higher than the real increase in spending. Also, the GDP figures are not ‘seasonally adjusted’ to take into account any changes in the number of days in a month or quarter or weather etc. Seasonal adjustment would have shown India’s real GDP growth well below the official figures.


Even their GDP retardation is fudged:


Everything about GDP is fudged but yeah


I was talking about nuclear power, semiconductors, agricultural development, and other things of more geopolitical significance, but you can't honestly find a way to discredit hi-speed rail projects if you try. Tourism is a gigantic industry and China's constructed a network coverings Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Mongolia, Russia, and DPRK. If you live in Asia now the vacations of a lifetime can happen annually, no sweat.


Also Mike Roberts is always a great read, danke


>Last year, India grew at 7.8 percent while China grew at 5.2 percent. Indians have also killed many Chinese soldiers in the himalayas in 2020


First and foremost, even if we measure countries by GDP instead of by a real economy, where China clearly leads, we get into a situation where China grows 5% while at 18 trillion and India grows 7% while at 3.5. Or 35 trillion and 15 trillion respectively if using GDP PPP.

What do you think, when will India catch up to China at this rate of growth?


communism is when developmentalism xd


As a person interested in biodiversity increasing the development level of tropical regions is of clear importance to me. If you are interested in the conservation of any natural resources anywhere, or the prevention of desertification, your only path is a higher stage of development, away from underprices natural resource extraction in what should be protected areas with slave labor, at gunpoint to remove anyone who stands in the way of what might not even be legal to raze yet being stolen


Deng Xiaoping has no history with fascist paramilitaries, never allowed pogroms, and never used anti Muslim idpol for his political gains


You are just saying those to be a edgy teenager contrarian. I doubt that you actually meant that the
>PLA is a fascist paramilitary
>modern china is fascist


>Modi is literally Deng though not a fascist. He is literally running the entire economy by personal fiat but also allows some billionaires, exactl like Deng. He is Deng reincarnated and is Xi.
i have never seen a worse cope. don't worry sir, india lion too


>China is actually shrinking in dollar terms

No, China is growing 5% in dollar terms, while being at 18-35 trillion. India is growing 7% in dollar terms while being 3.5-15 trillion. "Yuan plummetting" and other hilarious stuff is already taken into account in 5% growth rate


IIRC the calculations India needs to grow at 20% for 20 years to catch up to China in dollar terms


>i have never seen a worse cope
When Deng and Xi collaborate with the bourgeoisie it's socialism, when other countries do it it's fascism. Interesting.


me when I shill fascist reactionaries that are cucked to capital and empire


That's right, you tell those anarchronistic USSR stans, Glowanon! Developmentalism doesn't upend the imperial system, socialism with Chinese chatacteristics strikes at the root of the neocolonial structure. Telling third world countries they could develop within the context of the imperil structure was the downfall of the USSR, and the Chinese learned well from this, especially the USSR's failure to produce adequate rural development relative to military and bureaucratic structures.
How medieval. If you think India's agricultural development has been going well because they continue to provide a bulk of underpriced grains then you can't have ever touched any kind of educational material on this subject other than a newspaper. Their nuclear industry is tiny in proportion to China. We're talking about power generation at scale and export of hi cost nuclear fuels, domestic production of hi grade xray mirrors also used in semiconductor industries


when you replace the population by making them exempt from the one child policy and teach there language in schools

ofc the mfer who falls to /pol/ brain rot like muh great replacement is a china hawk and hinduvta fascist, not suprised at all lol


Can you please post better bait


Apologies for typos I haven't fixed my phone screen for months


I think he actually believes it, this is just depressing to read


the political direction of the indian and chinese states is completely different. stop pretending to be retarded, every economy on earth is mixed between market and state, politics are the decisive factor in this case.


>every economy on earth is mixed between market and state

>politics are the decisive factor in this case

Irrelevant to communism.


So, for India to be catching up, India needs to grow at 30% yearly at the very least. China is adding 35 * 5% = 1.75 trillion per year, while India is adding 15 * 7% = 1 trillion per year.

In other words, at current growth rates India isn't catching up to China but only is getting more and more poor, relatively speaking


The roleplay posting mods are physically unable to stop including anime and Deng references, generally it's some kind of weird ideology soup like this


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Another day another thread where leftoids fight each other to defend one bourgeois nation-state or the other. Communism by 2060!


>constantly whinge about global south countries which are at the top of the US state dept. shitlist
>repost glowie WAPO narratives without attribution
>complain when people respond to the posts
What are we doing here exactly?


What century is India living in?


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Who are you talking to?


Why are you resorting to memeposting?


Out of ideas, as usual.


I really just hope that the 2 or 3 ignorant people stop calling china fascist and remain silent for at least 5 minutes


India is already industrialized and that is the cause of poverty - the accumulation of capital which necessitates the destruction of independent producers and the creation of a giant proletariat. It suits apologists for bourgeois society to portray industrial development within the framework of capitalist production as an antidote to poverty whereas it is in fact its causative agent. What industry does India not have? Pretending it's some pre-industrial area is retarded.

<In India, at the Congress of the Communist Party in Amritsar (March/April 1958), approximately 67 per cent of the delegates were from classes other than the proletariat and peasantry (middle class, land-owning class, and small traders). 72 per cent had some college education.

Most of these middle-class elements were never communists but simply disgruntled with private capital and wanted a state-controlled direction of the economy to ensure more rapid accumulation for the development of industry as well as independence from American capital.
Genuine Marxism has virtually never existed in India, the "Communist Party" was a hotchpotch of nationalist intellectuals and peasants formed in 1925 which immediately surrendered to Stalinism and by 1951 became an openly electoralist socdem group. Since then there have been innumerable splits and splits-within-splits, to the effect of there being 500 sects in existence and each as insufferable as the other.

>How will this affect the global communist movement since china is officially marxist and India is not. India is still also officially socialist but Modi is more like a social democracy with free healthcare, education, subsidized food, etc, not actual communism.

Whatever some government spouts doesn't change material reality, sadly.

Imperialism is a stage of capitalism, not a government program, idiot.

The alleged antithesis between 'for-profit' private companies and 'non-profit' state companies is entirely mythical because the state is itself the largest capitalist. It makes absolutely no difference whether something is owned by some corporation or by the government.


So you do understand that China is much lower on the value chain than the US, but does a disproportionate share of the development of low-income countries?


Exponential growth means that for India to catch up to China India needs to grow 15% each year to simply not fall further and further behind, and more than that to start catching up to China.


I know reading is hard for your types but there's text in that image that is very relevant to the thread.


>maybe we need to work within hindu politics to make this a reality
Would you say communists in India, which prides itself on being 'the world's largest democracy', where most of the population is from reactionary or vacillating classes, where electoralism is absolutely entrenched, where there is a giant and rapidly rising urban middle class that forms the basis of reformism, would have an 'easier time' just because it's not a Western state?


>It suits apologists for bourgeois society to portray industrial development within the framework of capitalist production as an antidote to poverty
this goes for dengoids too


>Imperialism is a stage of capitalism, not a government program, idiot.
Imperialism is a system of international financial & high rent, hi tech monopolies used to keep colonialism in suspended animation. Colonialism was the process of European capital consuming other modes of production in China, India, and West Asia.


naxalites p cool tho


>China has stopped making new loans to Africa. It is India that is doing the new lending to Africa now.
Man you really just believe anything you want don't you? Want to know why India and Russia joined in with China's foreign policy of raising the development stage of low-income countries? I'll let you guess.


>colonialism is a process but imperialism isn't
Lol okay. Imperialism is a stage of capitalism, ultimately all bourgeois states are complicit in it. It's not a policy decision or a system, there's no such thing as 'doing imperialism', much less when the whole world already has fully developed capitalism already.

If we go by your logic, how is it that Bulgaria in 1908, or Romania in 1919, or Poland in 1920 reached this supposed 'stage' but all these countries you people simp for apparently haven't despite being far more developed today than any of the aforementioned?


Imperialism is the process of re-establishing these unstable monopolies through international gangsterism, enforcing political will on vassals like Japan and SK and Europe, like with Nord Stream. There are no bankruptcy negotiatons, there are interventions. There is the situation in Haiti, for example. Which nobody on this board ever talks about but me, being too busy denouncing the people WAPO tells them it's cool to own the tankies by denouncing.


>and India grows at 8 percent like it is already doing, then India will catchup within 15 years.

>Show me your work and I can point out where you are wrong.

IMF prediction is not "8 percent" a year, but 6.5 a year


>just do a google search mate
Least brain damaged Australian. Stay out of the sun and stop reading Google News you mentally deformed angloid


<Modi is literally Deng
Sides status: Orbiting


Why do you believe that India will grow exactly 8% GDP per year.
If the IMF can't predict correctly, then who can predict better?


Indeed, I have to tip my fedora to you sirs. A hearty kek was elicited from me. Perhaps this could be made into a /r/politicalcompassmemes post, for great justice.


>informal economy and the growth of debt, similar to what china did
Very cool to keep describing what the US, Europe, Japan, and SK are doing to carry their GDP and slap a Socialism with Chinese Characteristics label on it, without explaining why you think one had results and the other disintegrated the economy with rent seekers offshoring everything down the value chain and financializing every interaction they directly controlled. This level of malding is occuring on the same timeline I predicted, intensifying rapidly as Ukraine's fate is sealed and everyone has to move on from pretending to doom on Russia's behalf.


Actually, currently the Chinese economy in nominal terms is about 5x the Indian economy, and in real terms is about 2.5x the Indian economy. By 2035, it should be around 3x the Indian economy in nominal terms and roughly 2x the Indian economy in real terms.

The real crisis for the Indians will be the same as the current crisis the Chinese are facing, which is escaping the Middle Income Trap.


As far as geopolitics goes, the Indians aren’t dumb and are trying to play a three-way between China, India, and the United States. They’re essentially fascist, yes, but won’t align the US too hard because if the Chinese fall, the Indians are next and they know it.

However, the Chinese have the opposite position, wherein they are playing a three-way or four-way between China, India, the Islamic World, and the United States.

In China’s case, China has settled territorial disputes with Muslim neighbors and has small Muslim minorities that have been forcefully eradicated, and Muslim states aren’t going to send Jihadis in large quantities for East Turkestan / Xinjiang.

The Islamic world is also much more anti-American, making them better allies than India, and India’s anti-Muslim stance, Kashmir dispute, and anti-Pakistani stance allows China to use the Muslim world to threaten or contain India.


As far as socialism in India goes; the BJP is a cross between the Deng-led CPC (remember we’re Xi-ist now) and the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party. In essence, you see a lot of socialist policies (the BJP is known for getting away with socialist policy initiatives but casting it in nationalist garb) but essentially India is fascist.


[guy who gets all his information from the top Leftypol threads of the month voice]
>BJP is a cross between the Deng-led CPC (remember we’re Xi-ist now) and the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party


BJP isn’t the CPC because the latter is an actual Marxist-Leninist party and can impose discipline in both local governments and the SOEs. The BJP, on the other hand, is much more beholden to capital, in the same vein as the Japanese LDP, which as people have said, is neither liberal, democratic, nor a party.

The Deng blast of the modern CPC isn’t accurate because while Dengism was an extreme form, Xi-ism is reverting China to a more Maoist lens, with SOEs dominating the economy. But it is starting from a right base and only gradually moving back left.



For what i understand of this image from the indiabudget.gov, 20% of government is used in paying the interest rate.


compare it with the 2022 budget from China


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>india will overtake china any minute now


>Tax collection
Are you talking about this by any chances? India is getting 12% of tax revenue per GDP, China is getting 8, is not that big of a difference


As far as the Chinese economy goes, watch solar and battery spaces. The US economy is kept afloat in part by the fracking industry providing access to cheap energy and energy exports. By 2030, China should be able to export solar + batt for the same effects and see a 1-2% GDP boost per year.

Single junction is at around 15 cents per watt and will drop to 10 cents per watt shortly. Double junction should be around 30% efficiency and may be around 20-25 cents per watt by the end of the year. Installed prices are about 500 USD per kW of capacity in China at this point, but enhanced double junction should be able to bring prices down to 300 USD; cost per kWh for solar is about 4 cents right now, and can drop to 2.4.

The problem right now is cost of battery storage; currently, we are looking at cell prices of about 70 USD per kWh, but stationary storage cost is between 125 USD and 250 USD per kWh.

Battery prices will likely drop toward 20 USD per kWh as sodium and solid state matures, offering 30-60 USD per kWh of battery capacity.

On 5,000-10,000 cycles, it’s between 0.3 cents per kWh of storage to 1.2 cents per kWh of storage.

The economics comes out to about 3.6 cents per kWh plus 1.4 cents for 24 hours of battery storage, which makes solar + batt sufficient to replace fossil fuels altogether.


>real estate


Tell me more and how can I learn more on the subject? Also, which stonks?


Just Google. Start with China’s Dr. Evil moment, I.e, how cheap it was to jump start the solar industry. Information on batteries is harder to find, but batteries aren’t exactly there.

Byddf for BYD, the automaker, CATL is another good bet. Chinese solar, on the other hand, is not investible as they’ve hit the nasty part of the M-curve (overcapacity, smaller makers going under)


Correction, I meant to say subjugated, not eradicated. The relations between China and the Islamic world are basically a function of how much they bleat “Israel bad”, and they’re basically the best partner for Muslim states getting beaten up by the United States but not yet slaughtered, so Sino-Muslim relations are on a sound basis.



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i'm so proud that japan is have a positive inference on the world

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