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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.805130[View All]

šŸ—½United States PoliticsšŸ¦…

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
450 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Trump: "You have to get the job done. It's a horrible job to do, but they have to respond … when there's a sneak attack like on October 7, that's so violent, and such hatred. You have to clean it out, you have to clean out the cancer. And you have to let them do their job and frankly it has to be done fast. … I think Biden is not on the side of Israel, and he's making a tremendous mistake. You have to clean up the terror that we witnessed on October 7."


Wow based anti-imperialist Drumpf


why am i surrounded by fucking RETARDS
this country fucking sucks ASS


It could be worse. You could be German.


I wonder what he'll do when he *does* get into office regarding Israel.


basically the same thing, the US is just a bloated offshoot of Anglos and Krauts


The university protests would be bigger if Trump was in
Probably nothing different. Israel is just one issue. Ukraine is a bigger problem


Maybe Trump IS a just as much of a zionist as Biden. That doesn't mean we shouldn't vote for him. Trump is still equal or better on all other issues


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Reminds me of a case I saw that claimed Spain was a settler-colonial state because of the Reconquista. Which, I mean, the whole premise of that was the Christians which were pushed back to Asturias literally reconquering their homeland from the Muslim invaders. Made it hard for me to take "decolonize" politics seriously outside of places like Palestine.

>We've gone so full circle MAGA Coms are arguing we voot Trump
Ressentiment strikes again!

<At this point its difficult imagining any difference between the two parties. One is just a more polite fascism

Actually if you want something to piss you off, Biden and Trump are both to the Right of some prominent Fascists on the Israel issue.


"Decolonization is not a metaphor" gets pushed a lot by "anti-colonial" landback types and their definition of indigenous is that "indigenous people have a story of coming from a place rather than to a place" and I had a pretty good idea then that it was bogus.


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If only they were this fast on student debt forgiveness


>I wonder what he'll do when he *does* get into office regarding Israel.
If it's anything like last time, hand over dealings with Israel to Jared Kushner.


Judaism can also be bad. Separate the ethic group from Zionism, Judaism, and Israel.


That's the thing about Trump you see… what will he do??? He'll probably post on the internet and eat burgers like Jabba the Hutt. He could say whatever but he's going to hand off the actual work to more competent fuckerists as he clowns around. Well, "competent" and "Kushner" are two words that don't mix well either.


I've heard you mention that before and iirc the reconquista was during a time when fuedalism was still the dominant mode of production so thats begs the question if you can even have colonialism in those circumstances like the debate around if the crusades are colonialism or not.


i will not be voting for red biden


the idea that anyone (and people will) live on Gaza beachfront property after the IDF has dropped BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars of munitions on it is so fucking surreal, like isn't that shit going to poison the land forever no matter how much you clean it up? it was an open air concenctration camp for decades…


Sea level rise is going to put Gaza underwater.


Judaism is inherently supremacist
It is just as bad as christfaggotry if not worse and indeed form the ontological foundation of the most reactionary elements in american evangelical christian zionism


and indeed forms*


Iberian hegemony literally was feudal imperialism


Crusades = Jihad ie religious loons engaging in theocratic imperialism for their sky daddy
Although it can be noted that in this case the Muslims started it with their ceaseless incursions and slaver raids to restock their harems among other things


Iā€™d say it developed methods that would later be used by settler colonial states with some success, kind of like a trial run along the lines of Englandā€™s treatment of Ireland, but functionally was not a settler colonial project in itself.

I mean the movement itself is a dead end in America. My family has been in America for nearly 250 years, we arenā€™t going anywhereā€”thereā€™s not gonna be any situation where all the white people go back to Europe and a few thousand natives inherit whatā€™s left.

See whatā€™s shallow about the ā€œdecolonialā€ argument in regards to the reconquista is the history of it. The Islamic Caliphate invaded the place, killed those who opposed them, melted down holy artifacts to assert their superiorityā€”the bells of Santiago were melted into slag and carried to the Mosque of Cordoba on the backs of enslaved Christiansā€”and would raid Christian settlements. Bear in mind the Visigoths had been residing in Spain for ~300 years at that point. Theyā€™d been pushed back to the northern tip of Iberia and it was no small miracle that they retained their independence. The reconquista was ultimately them pushing back an invading force that displaced them from a land theyā€™d been residing in for hundreds of years, enslaved their people, and attempted to impose a foreign religion on them.

That I saw Leftists decrying the reconquista as ā€œsettler colonialismā€ reinforces my view that outside of Israel-Palestine the whole fucking concept is a joke. Because if these people had any intellectual integrity they could make the case that, if anything, the reconquista was a successful anti-colonial struggle. If Iā€™m still a ā€œsettlerā€ despite my family residing here for 250 years, the Moores were just as much settlers in Iberia. Shit, BadEmpanada made the case that Crimea had no right to secede because the land was taken from the Crimean tatars hundreds of years ago, and they should be the ones to decide itā€™s fate despite being a tiny minority. The truth that some on the Left will laugh at or alternatively pretend isnā€™t obvious, is that the Iberians were Christian Europeans and the Moores were African Muslims, so they get a pass.

>ā€Itā€™s just making up for decades of western chauvinism in Academia!ā€

By being chauvinist in the other direction.

>ā€But the moores mixed with the local population.ā€

You can find way too many white people claiming Cherokee or other indigenous ancestry

>ā€But conversions were voluntary!ā€

You were forced to pay extra taxes just for practicing your faith, and when youā€™re a subsistence farmer that can mean the difference between life and death in some cases.

>ā€But the Moores were heckinā€™ tolerant and metropolitans while the Christians were savage religious zealots.ā€

And the British ended wife-burning in India.

>ā€The caliphate was advanced! They built cities!ā€

The British built railroads and, yes, in some cases, cities.

>ā€But what about all the violence the Spanish Inquisition did afterwards?ā€

The Left doesnā€™t give a fuck about all the violence that happened to Rhodesian Settlers. Chanting ā€œKill the Boerā€ is often defended by the Left. We hear again and again that decolonization is a bloody and violent thing, but in the case of Iberia itā€™s ā€œcomplicated.ā€

The only truth is the ā€œsettler-colonialā€ narrative specifically in the context of Iberia is just the telltale sign of what swathes of the Western Left is: Oikophobia. Itā€™s not a mass movement, in fact it has open contempt for the masses. It wants to be a few intellectuals sniffing their farts and asserting theyā€™re so much better than the rubes that make up 90% of a country.


>But the Moores were heckinā€™ tolerant and metropolitans while the Christians were savage religious zealots.ā€
This argument is disgusting to be honest. The colonizers are always the "cosmpolitan tolerants" (because you need to as a colonizer) while the natives are the zealots (because you need to be if you want to take back your land and kick out invaders)


shit maybe I don't know alot about Iberian history at all. Was their a presence of monopoly capital that early in spain or was somesort of fuedal institution fulfilling their role? A very cursory google search on the subject led me to find out about the authorities issuing charters to peasants that were repopulating the Douro basin which actually does remind me of the homestead act.

I guess I should have said "crusader state" and not crusades but I honestly have no idea how the crusader states actually functioned. With the crusades you do have the Italian city states getting involved so there's def the beginnings of capitalism in Europe right there so maybe it primitive accumulation as well?

now that I'm looking into to it I would agree. An important stepping stone in the formation of bullshit that would come afterwards(colonialism,nationalism,primitive accumulation,etc) but probably not the exact same historical process. I think alot of the Oikophobia in the western left just boils down to a giant dickwaving competition of whose the most anti-western that is somehow supposed to expel chauvinism and opportunism from the movement.


Absolutely based, correct and spook free.


>primitive accumulation
Nah lad


Imperialism and colonialism wear two faces, at once bloody chauvinism and at the other effete liberalism. There's an interesting dichotomy you'll see in American history in particular. Jefferson was less a chauvinist and more a paternalist, and thought the correct response to Natives were to essentially make them into White People through assimilation. In a letter he sent to one tribe he even refers to them as "my children" I believe. Contrast this to Andrew Jackson whose response to the Natives expertly defending their case in the Supreme Court was "Well, try and stop me faggots."

It'd be ridiculous to claim the Moores didn't develop Iberia and contribute to a rich tapestry of culture and science. I'm angry at the goddamn hypocrisy of people acting like the Iberians taking their land back was colonialism. Goes way back to my Western Civ class in Uni where, on the first fucking day, our professor used an image of a Christian and Muslim playing chess to discuss the "enlightened" and "tolerant" Umayyad caliphate in contrast to the vicious and intolerant Christians.

The Conquistadors in particular emanate from the fact that after the Reconquista was completed, you'd have all these second sons of noble families that stood to inherit nothing. Spanish culture was warlike (in part because they spent hundreds of years in an existential war) and it was tradition for second sons to gain land by participating in the Reconquista.

A funny thing is the Muslims had a similar incentive. The Jizya tax would at times make up the lion's share of an Islamic Kingdom's budget. They were incentivized to launch military campaigns and conquer new land because that meant more revenue. As Nations became more Islamic, the budget dried up, so you'd be compelled to conquer more Christian land.


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come on man
stop paying attention to palestine


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What did you mean by this, Genocide Joe?


Ngl I'm a little jealous of burgers that aren't from a recentish immigrant group, having a 40-50 shot of understanding a conversation in spanish and only being able to answer simple despite my parents being bilingual really blows.


or you could just learn spanish


>I'm angry at the goddamn hypocrisy of people acting like the Iberians taking their land back was colonialism
Because the colonization is being compared to how Western Europeans colonized and how Islamic empires colonized nations. Ottomans had been in the Balkans for nearly half a millennia and yet the culture is still there. Most professors would tell you the Jizya tax was progressive at the time compared to other societies that had even harsher taxes and the loss of their culture. al-Andalus is also being compared to Spain that in just a few decades would go on to colonize the Americas with millions of deaths as a consequence. You can see how the "left" would be hesitant to call the Reconquista a moment of decolonization especially with a feudal mode of production. This is not even talking about the far-right worship of it and seeing the removal of Muslims and Jews as based and should happen again in the current immigration atmosphere. This >>1841089 is more accurate than anything else.


>how Islamic empires colonized nations
You've got to be fucking kidding me right?


I want to fucking see biden hanged. I want to fucking torture him, i want to strap him down and peel his fucking skin off and douse him in ethanol.


I want to take a fucking hammer and screwdriver and chisel those fucking fake teeth out of his head one at a time


Genocide Joe does need a harsh punishment eg hanging for aiding and abetting genocide


>I mean the movement itself is a dead end in America. My family has been in America for nearly 250 years, we arenā€™t going anywhereā€”thereā€™s not gonna be any situation where all the white people go back to Europe and a few thousand natives inherit whatā€™s left.

Come on, they don't want to kick all the white people out. They're not savages. šŸ™„ They just want to institute a system of native supremacy where the Original Landowners Stewards make all the decisions and you pay them a tax for living on their land.


Me with landlords and almost every US/Nato aligned politician


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Two groups of protesters yelling "Fuck Joe Biden" at each other. Maybe they can unite.


Joe Biden truly is the unity candidate.


Now this is what i want to fucking see


So why do Zionazis hate Genocide Joe? He's been their best friend and brother in arms


It's utterly nonsense to say that MAGA isn't anti-imperialist. Trump may be a zionist, but MAGA is bigger than Trump.


Joe is only overtly fascist for the zionist entity but liberal domestically.


Negative polarization is a hell of a thing.

I went to a protest against NATO with Code Pinksters and some tankie motherfuckers and someone yelled "Let's Go Brandon" at us (polite way of saying fuck Joe Biden). I think unless you wave a bunch of American flags and wear MAGA hats you're automatically a Democrat and a Biden supporter so therefore FUCK YUO


>I went to a protest against NATO with Code Pinksters and some tankie motherfuckers
Do that but with American flags too


To be fair, a good portion of the deaths in the colonization of the Americas were the result of disease which, while spread by the Europeans, wasn't something that could be as easily controlled. It was also accelerated by the fact Capitalism would cause an extreme uprooting in traditional means of living which, to feudal societies, was often bloody and difficult. To tribal societies it would only be exacerbated.

Part of Jefferson's reasoning, for example, in trying to "civilize" natives is that sustaining a population of nomadic hunter-gatherers required huge swathes of broadly uncultivated (in the European agricultural sense) land. I don't see a situation in which the Americas are colonized by any power that wouldn't end in mass death for the indigenous population, including the Muslims.

I mean the concept of "indigenousness" can get real complex when considering that for most of world history, groups were on the move. Like ethnically I'm an Anglo-Scot, so if the British Isles are "my home" then we have to consider "my people" arrived there by conquering the Romanized Celts, who were the offshoot of a more "pure" strain of Celts, who in their own mythology migrated there and displaced what was likely a tribe of people that gradually got mysticized through oral tradition.

What of the Turks, since obviously the "browner" you are the more sympathy you get. Should they be sent back to the Steppe and Anatolia "Decolonized" and returned to its original Greek inhabitants?

Personally I'm musing that the final nail in the coffin of this "Settler" shit is the creation of a new American Nationality that ultimately transcends, conquers, and synthesizes the various ethno-cultural distinctions into a new, cohesive whole.


Democrats beg Biden for higher China tariffs in play for swing state voters
<A group of Midwestern Senate Democrats, joined by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are urging the Biden administration to raise tariffs on China, warning that any cuts to Trump-era duties could hurt U.S. workers ā€” and, implicitly, give the former president an electoral attack line on Democrats.
<ā€œKeeping the [China] tariffs in place and increasing the tariffs where necessary maintains a critical piece of a pro-worker trade agenda,ā€ wrote Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio), along with Schumer and Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wisc.), Bob Casey (Pa.), John Fetterman (Pa.) Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) and Gary Peters (Mich).
These new democrat tariffs will just drive up our prices.


ok haz

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