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/music/ - Music

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dunno how we allowed the kpop stans to get so self-involved in deciding the moral efficacy of anything on the same accounts where they argue which of their favorite sex trafficked teenagers has the best eating disorder
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i don't know what the fuck are you talking about, but it's true that k-pop is a vehicle for teenage girls to get into anorexia, as a lifestyle decision.



Anorexia from lisyening to boy bands?

Those girls already had insecurities.

>sex trafficked teens.
those K pop stars arent necessarily sex trafficked. Exploited? yes. But they signed up for it.


>Anorexia from lisyening to boy bands?
music so bad it gives you bulimia


that woukd be punk


South Korean music industry grooms children into becoming stars.


Any "classic rock", hard rock, and glam, etc. Any rock or rock adjacent genre music released from 1958-1990.
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foreigner -Rev on the Red Line



all along the watchtower (hendrix version) cover



Burnin' for You


Post modern Indie rock / indie pop / dream pop
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Deep Sea Diver - Wishing (Official Video)



songs about motorcycles
120 mph rock'n'roll
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The dangers of riding fast are very real but you can still do some low-speed summer cruising on one of those Indian-made Enfields (rented one during my trip and had a fairly good time without ever exceeding 45MPH). IIRC, They only cost $5K new stateside

Poasting Dick Destiny


and poasting motorcycle glam




some chill motorcycle J-Rock


Richard Thompson – 1952 Vincent Black Lightning


My taste in music is extremely under developed/"uncultured"/shallow because I struggle with music alot. I can only listen to music if I'm doing a activity, it I sit down and try to listen I feel genuine pain, which makes it hard for me to pay attention to lyrics.

It's also hard to pay attention to the lyrics since:
1) They never feel worth it to pay attention to, especially the more a song sounds good, (for some reason it seems like no song can accomplish both). Ex: I had a genuine terrible time with rage against the machine and Daughters because the sound completely negated any enjoyment I had paying attention to their lyrics.
2) It seems like when listening to a song, all you're actually suppose to do is feel and not think about it much, basically the song being nothing but a vibe machine, (I'm basing this off of a study where 70% of people listen to music to just remember the past). Which is extremely contradictory to how people talk about music, (especially music nerds).

So is there any ultra master peace albums/songs you guys can recommend that can completely change my opinion? To make it easy to recommend, I mostly listen to anime and video game music, with random pop songs here and there.
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Metropolis - Teatre


don't even bother at this point, between your sealed shut mindset and your tragically apparent brain damage, you're too far gone


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If you want to understand the music properly you have to start with the classics and work your way to modern pop music. There is too much cultural context and symbolic layering to hit songs like "I kissed a girl and I liked it" that you simply cannot grasp until you have first reckoned with the likes of Mozart.


>To make it easy to recommend, I mostly listen to anime and video game music, with random pop songs here and there.
Whut games? If you like Mario music I recommend getting into jazz fusion. If you like Final Fantasy music I recommend progressive rock.


Hi, I'm OP, came back to this thread a week ago, and had alittle giggle.

Turns out, in >>4577 ,
>I can only listen to music if I'm doing a activity, it I sit down and try to listen I feel genuine pain, which makes it hard for me to pay attention to lyrics
That was because of my ADHD.
Interestingly, I felt that same pain when trying to play Apex Legends, 2 months ago when I was winding down for the night. Had to drink a monster to play more of that game. God I wish titanfall 3 happened instead.

Anyways, cumtown ended, and I'm running dry on video essays, so I'm trying again, just going as far as I can until something sticks.
This post: >>8718 ironically helped.
Listening to (downloaded bombastic fighting) classical music playlists was nice, so I'm listening to more.
Img rel is the last 3 discorgaphies I've went through in a few days, (I can listen to stuff at work).

I haven't used this board since my last post ( >>8074 ), I even blacklisted the link with ublock origin, (had to manually type the board name).
I'm only posting for the one weirdo paying attention to this thread, (if they exist!).
Also, I'm not planning on posting in this thread again, so I'm not bumping it, (put sage everywhere to make sure).
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>Makes fun of nazis, trump, and Kanye during one of his live shows
>Goes on TAFS, where the hosts acknowledge non-white people.
<All of taylor switft's fans get angry at him and push for taylor to break up with him.
Since when was Taylor swift popular with nazis/fascists?

Or am I an idiot, and there's some song where Taylor talks about why black people are subhuman or somthn?.


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it stems from this retarded /b/ post that 90
5 of them weren't there for



He said he watches Ghetto Gaggers and did accent jokes about Ice Spice while Nick was like "what is she, a fucking eskimo or something?"


What it says in the title


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Bumping and also sharing my find
I'd love to hear more of that sort, maybe even songs in Japanese! :)


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>copyright free music
so… music?


Everything on soulseek slsk.net is copyright free music, same as all music since the beginning of time

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>full album playlist
>Random indian SoundCloud rapper in the middle of it


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>played on a tape with high wow and flutter


>imagine not having ad block in this day and age


>indian soundcloud rapper playlist
>random full album in the middle of it


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File: 1661040646704.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.79 MB, 1280x720, carchase.webm)


This footage is best known as the famous DVRST - Close Eyes car chase, not many people know that it was a famous webm on 8chan for years using an out of circulation track that can't be found anywhere else. Not even the music is catalogued anywhere but in this webm.

Hope you enjoy. This is a rare gem that not many people know about.


Oh yeah by the way some people die in the video,


Bump because this is probably the most kino car chase ever caught on film a decade later


Song is The Crew by Fdel



Bump just because I enjyoed OP's vid as well


documentary - Mac Miller: How A Pittsburgh Kid Earned Acceptance In Hip Hop

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