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King Dee Dee edition
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post indie rock, indie pop and dream pop songs.non mainstream vaporwave ok too
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wtf she makes music too?
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her earlier stuff is pretty good


really liked realiti from art angels



LMAO is this actually in the game?



Come here to post/talk about some nice ambient tracks
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I'm a better producer than all these guys combined



Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Ambient Black Magic (full album)tankieTankie




A fav project of mine, interested in anything like this either then Wendy Carlos or Mort Garson
Eh, I love both Aphex Twin and Ambient and this project has always felt like a mixed bag. There's some great stuff on here like Rhubarb but overall I feel it lingers without doing much interesting.



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The Campfire Headphase is Boards of Canada's best album. Even better than Music Has The Right to Children.

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Type O Negative is the best metal band of all time. Never released a bad album on the contrary every album by them is a certified classic. And Peter Steele was a god among men. His voice made the gayest lesbian and straightest man question their sexuality. Your wrong if you disagree.
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this guy was over 2 meters tall and had a huge cock and still got cucked


Says a lot really


>Type O Negative is evidence that if you're going to start a goth band, you have to really lean into it with no compromises. If you want me to believe in it, I want to see bats flying out from underneath your vampire cape. They were also the only ones who really pulled that particular fusion of goth and doom metal off and no band has ever sounded like them – like they're impossible to copy. Steel's voice was so distinct.

>Goth is fundamentally romantic. It's not rebellious like punk music is, nor has it ever been "political" like industrial music. Type O Negative wrote a lot of love songs and they had a large female fanbase. But it's also thoroughly masculine so it was something dudes enjoyed. Love is a very intense emotion – you might say it's stronger than hatred – which is gave their music a lot of power.

I think you just sold the band to me! :3


>Goth is fundamentally romantic. It's not rebellious like punk music is, nor has it ever been "political" like industrial music.


What I always liked about Pete was his honesty, his ability to show suffering in a genre that relied on everybody being a testosterone idiot playing fast.

If the genre called for fast, Pete played slow. While everybody screamed about satanic this and that Pete sang in a low drawl about love and Gothic chicks. Pete was king of giving the middle finger to what the "genre" wanted and doing his own thing. He also loved to fuck with people and his honesty about everything including himself was legendary. In a world and a genre so filled with ass kissing dickheads. Pete was a seven foot tall breath of fresh air. Let's also not forget the motherfucker could play an upright bass like a normal on with it looking weird.

Pete was harsher on himself than anybody else could be from his music to his body. Over the years he had cleaned himself up and returned to writing music, something that he was driven to do. Sadly everything caught up to Steele and he passed away from heart failure.


Post your favourite ever song, i think mine is this
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>what glorious future are they grasping for?
This is a good article about the song


keep playing this now


Currently been into this song a lot


Yes, it's Macchu Picchu. In fact, that band is the only band that has ever managed to get permission by the Peruvian government to play there. iirc Pink Floyd tried to convince them but they didn't let them.


Call me a LARPer but the International never gets old. that said I really dont have a favorite song

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One of the greatest bands of all time
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literally invented metal


So true bestie


waoooo they were the first x!!!!


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who wore it better?

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I've completely forgotten the name of a band/ song.

I know this info about them:

I'd describe them as sort experimentalish indie rock

The song I'm thinking of has the hook "everytime you call I'll take it back" which is repeated over and over

One of their albums has a cover which is a dude in a wedding dress.

another song has the hook something like "if you listen you will hear the sound right there in my mind…mind" and its got a sort of fast frenetic vaudevilley piano riff underneath

anybody know the one?
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I did. They are very generic lyrics apparently and nothing came up.

Thank you tho dumbass


I searched
> if you listen you will hear the sound right there in my mind
and the lyrics to that song was the first result. I think you might just be mentally challenged.


wasn't for me, I got "the score can you hear me now" and a bunch of other shit




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