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 No.4666[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT we talk about anything related to punk, hardcore, and any subgenres of punk and hardcore.
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is dead kennedys punk? am i a basic bitch for bringing them up? sorry.
anyway, what does the line "back east your type don't crawl" mean?


plastic surgery disasters is one of the best punk albums ever made, but holiday in cambodia is horribly overrated. also i believe jello biafra was trying super hard to make shit rhyme on that song, i suppose "not crawling" may mean that they don't get to face hardships, they get to walk instead of crawling, but fuck me is that a shitty line lol.


More leftist punk fans should listen to Dillinger Four


They’re a fun band if you are just starting to get into punk.
You’re basic but I forgive you


Need some love songs for Valentine’s Day.
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>if i wake up in world war 3




*THE* greatest love song of all time by all accounts.

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This band seems to have been a pretty big deal in their peak and they even have their own genre of music (digital hardcore), but I don't think I have ever heard anyone making music similar to them, were they an evolutionary dead-end? Why nobody else got successful with digital hardcore?

Also what do you think about them in general?
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>279 million people.
well yeah, but there are even more people outside of indonesia.
the peculiar thing is that every single one of his replies are from indonesians and no one else



what twitter does to a mf


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This seems to be Hanin Elias commenting on the Blood in My Eyes video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dosquRXCNvQ&lc=UgwE2fCPvMsEUA26UMt4AaABAg


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a very interesting comment section to say the least


<Anyone can get tortured, anyone can disappear. Isn’t this terror?
<Re-arrange your synapses
<Capitalism — you’re a little fat man in a big expensive car hanging over a ravine here!
<Re-arrange your synapses


songs about food
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The Nutones - Beans 'n' Greens [1956] (Doo Wop) Stereo Mix


NO ONE posted this gem??


00s is like the best era of hip hop dance music. You can't listen and not start dancing.


I'm tired of anglo shit period, post non-english language music (especially non-western) from other parts of the world.
All genres welcomed but I want to see their own takes on modern music instead of "world music" stuff which feels kind of paternalistic

And keep the jap stuff to a minimum
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>>11101 (me)
She has a new one.


Am I the only one who thinks this sounds a lot like Irish music?


Yeah they love to dance in Catalonia.

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post the best LIVE CONCERTS


this concert: AFI - 07/03/99 - Fireside Bowl - Chicago, IL

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So what strain of communists were Mccarthy and Stereolab respectively?
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TBH I always find it funny when rappers sample commies given the parasitical nature American communists had to New Afrikans. CPUSA had to fight for civil rights because that was the only way they could win the Black community over from other, more radical Black-led rival organizations.


Post their openly communist lyrics.


They're into Cornelius Castoriadis I believe.


Exactly, Cornelius Castoriadis and the Situationists basically. Castoriadis was a huge influence on Guy Debord's political thought, along with György Lukács and Henri Lefebvre.

Laetitia Sadier was asked once:
>If you were going on a cross country road trip and could bring a long any three people in the world, who would they be and why?
and answered:
>I would bring Cornelius Castoriadis because we could talk about politics, economics, philosophy, psychology, planet earth, the universe, Greek poetry, languages amongst any other subject we could tackle together, and think of ways of placing them into our everyday reality. Buckminster Fuller, and how we could think of revolutionary ways to bring about wellbeing for every one living on our planet. And my friend Marie for spontaneous laughs on the way.

Castoriadis had many takes that would make virtually all /leftypol/ users seethe very hard, I have in mind one article making fun of Khrushchev so much it would make an anti-revisionist blush, he could be extremely critical of Marxism (and psychoanalysis), but he was a good reader of Marx and I think he was right to passionately defend the idea of direct democracy as it existed in Ancient Greece.
A very singular thinker, who perhaps was wrong about a few things — notably saying the tendency of the rate of profit to fall was disproven, might have seemed that way during the post-WWII boom, but in 2024, capitalism isn't the same and it seems like Marx was right in the end — but certainly worth studying, was knowledgeable about many subjects and had a good sense of humor.

On the top of my head, look at the lyrics of Ping Pong (boom and bust cycles), Slow Fast Hazel (historical materialism) or French Disko (they don't say "french disco" during the chorus but something else).

Here is an often overlooked collaboration between Stereolab and Brigitte Fontaine, who was also a big inspiration for Laetitia Sadier. They made a B-side dedicated to her called "Brigitte" a few years prior, and finally got to collaborate in 1999 during the Cobra era. If you can understand French, the lyrics are pretty funny.
Stereolab is one of my favorite 90s band, thanks Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Besides Ping Pong, Slow Fast Hazel and French Disko, there is also L'enfer des formes (political apathy), and Strobo Acceleration (feminism) in French, and Op Hop Detonation to a certain extent.
I must admit I don't pay much attention to lyrics in general, but Stereolab weren't a uni-dimensional band, they also sang about love of course (Pack Yr Romantic Mind, seems inspired by George Bataille), life (The Extension Trip) and other artists who inspired them (International Colouring Contest).
The best thing about Stereolab is their sound, their unique mix of influences of motorik rhythms, noise rock, bossa nova, lounge, space age music, among many other things, and how they were able to reinvent themselves during the 1990s.
Here is another rare track for people who already listened to their main albums, a remix of the Pastels.


>I'm a strong black father like Piccolo
finally, some fucking food

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post the songs that make you get all emotional n shit



if every nickelback song went this hard they'd be a great band

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