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I'm not even the biggest Mountain Goats fan, but I put Beat the Champ on today, and it's neat. I always loved "No Children," and this is the 2nd or 3rd of their albums I've heard.

pic unrelated




always a hoot live


The Goats are one of my favorite bands. I was listening to Songs for PIerre Chuvin the other day and it got me nostalgic for the pre-Tallahassee JD+guitar+boombox era.


New Suicideboys album just came out

File: 1657472162873.jpg (211.03 KB, 1266x712, Y3HuDNd9MqzNxtfzpUp7ib.jpg)


They were the first ever metal band
Show a little respect
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Anon, those are skilled musicians who know how to play their instruments. Not real punk.


The ramones were slaves to the pop music formula to be punk

On another note, pop punk is oxymoronic


nah man, everybody knows that punk rock was invented by Machine Gun Kelly.


He's a punk rock legend, but not the inventor of it. That was picrel.


'twas a joke, but I love sabbath bloody sabbath so thanks for posting.


If it simply makes you feel apocalypse vibes that is enough.
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This is enjoyable




Good stuff



Have you ever played a fretless bass? If so, how what it? Do you like the "mwah" sound of it? Is it worth getting one? Who is your favorite fretless bass player? Mick Karn is the best for me personally (>inb4 Jaco).
I kinda want to buy one because you can be more free tonally like in vid related, but I'm afraid I wouldn't like it that much after the purchase because the "mwah" is a bit memey if you aren't a skilled player, and I also probably won't be able to play this while drunk, so I guess I should try to find a normal good-quality P/J bass instead so I can play with friends. Still a neat way to play bass if you aren't constrained by money.
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i dont like frets because it triggers me


Holy shit that looks cool


Embedding error.
>Still a neat way to play bass if you aren't constrained by money
You can just remove the frets from a normal bass


I'm a beginner at the standard p-bass, but the fretless always interested me.

I never really liked the "bwah" or "mwah" sound though, or maybe it's more those slides in the OP video that I'm not a fan of. I like the sound of a controlled, tight fretless like a Jaco, something that really does translate the upright sound to the electric bass.


You can use nylon strings


post 00s r&b girl bangers



ho chi minh reference


1 Aaliyah
2 Aaliyah
3 Aaliyah


I want to like Billy Bragg's music (because the message is good) but damn, it's just so distinguished

Anybody hear a Billy Bragg Brashing Fan?


>I want to like Billy Bragg's music (because the message is good) but damn, it's just so distinguished

What does this mean?
I'm not a major Billy Bragg fan, but I do like this one.


leftist butt rock


honk honk faggots



Why the fuck did Bowie’s music after the 70s descend into complete and utter shit? Dude went from being the GOATest of GOATs to senility almost overnight. This is what becoming rich and heterosexual does to you
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Me too, anon. Me too.

The answer to OP's question is simple: Bowie got old. Popular music is a young person's game. Bowie was innovative elsewhere tho- the was the first big artist to really make use of the internet, and foresaw music being sold online.


bowie was nearing 30 when he first got started
has nothing to do with age


listen, it's hard to cope, but I'm an old person too… and I love laughing gnome era Bowie. I even love Davie Jones and the lower third.


im probably the youngest person on this site


you are also wrong re: Bowie's age when he started.


For me it's the Orion Experience.
My favorite songs by them are:
> The Queen of White Lies
> Obsessed with you
> The Cult of Dionysus
> Adrianne
> Children Of The Stars
> Digital affection
sorry for the double post
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I love 8686m, theyre a touhou doujin circle that does shugayzy songs, all of their releases are gold except flowertone because drunk vocal is a bit rarted, and spinach salmon because its a meh single. Especially love "i love you from greenwich" its so fucking good.


Right now it's Black Sabbath
A year ago it would be Parliament Funk


Right now it's 100 gecs, a year ago it would've been the electric eels. I ain't agitated no more.


I don't have a favorite but I'd say right now it's K.I.Z


yeh thats a banger. Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle is also sick. Very Ape. Its none stop bangers end to end. Radio Friendly Unit shifter. Only one I can't listen to anymore is rape me just cos its too edgy but its still a good song. Can't believe I used to blast that aged like 10. What my mother must have thought.

I had a big black sabbath phase earlier this year.

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