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 No.399262[View All]

everyday a joke!

tune in tomorrow
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I was telling my friend that I was sick of games being made for idiots that need their hand held. Then she asked me why I got a refund on Dragon's Dogma, and I told her the game never told me where to go on the map.

tune in tomorrow


What do trees and chihuahuas have in common? They're all bark.

tune in tomorrow


this could've worked better as a joke about dating sims/persona games



Me and fellow soulslike devs wanted to avoid the trappings that roguelike fell into as a genre, so we agreed to meet in Berlin to discuss what really makes a game a soulslike.

tune in tomorrow


I broke out of the hospital and one of the employees found me. I overheard them talking and they said they had to re-ward me!

tune in tomorrow


He can rotate an apple in his mind, but not a single bitch.

tune in tomorrow


I went 10 years without brushing my teeth and they gave me a plaque.

tune in tomorrow


Penny arcade? All the games cost a quarter!

tune in tomorrow


What do you do when you want 2 people to do the work of a lawyer for less pay? Pair a legal.

tune in tomorrow


She had a notebook filled with sketches, and a sketchbook filled with notes.

tune in tomorrow


Damn, here all arcade games cost at least a pound


He plugged during our game and had the nerve to ask if I wanted to buy from him.

tune in tomorrow


I scaled the wall. It was a ton.

tune in tomorrow


Why was he always dancing? He was the boogie man!

tune in tomorrow



My artist friend keeps going on and on about about making a eye art. I'm so happy I don't use the internet.

tune in tomorrow


Why are people so obsessed with Lost media? That show was awful.

tune in tomorrow


What clocks always forget the time? Grandfathers.

tune in tomorrow


>>514685 made me laugh


I did a bread and butter combo, but I'm still starving.

tune in tomorrow


I wanted to spotify my phone but all the app did was play songs.

tune in tomorrow


I'm getting sick of April. They're always playing tricks.

tune in tomorrow


My friend asked me if I wanted to curl. I said yeah, but I wasn't
sure how fun messing with network protocols would be even with a friend.

tune in tomorrow


I can't stand serialized TV. They just add nasty marshmallows of the characters and call it a day.

tune in tomorrow


"Surely, she can drive us out of here"
"I don't know you and I don't have a car."

tune in tomorrow


It's hard to fathom the depths of the ocean. That's why I always say we should switch to metric.

tune in tomorrow


I walked into a restaurant and asked where Lou Tenant was seated. The waiter assured me there's no way they could be here since they don't have a veteran's discount.

tune in tomorrow


What did the parrot say when asked why she didn't fly home? "I was looking for macaw."

tune in tomorrow


How do you start with getting a ship from Earth to space? Planet.

tune in tomorrow


My friend hasn't talked to me since I said he can't be fucked if he says he's also unfuckable.

tune in tomorrow


Coworker asked me if I saw the Eclipse. I said I'm still waiting for it to load the project.

tune in tomorrow


Why did she like doing math problems so much? She was add-icted.

tune in tomorrow


we're coming up on a year straight of daily jokes


Brush my teeth? They don't have hair.

tune in tomorrow


I didn't see the eclipse. It was too dark outside.

tune in tomorrow


What do you call a group of white furries? Animal crackers.

tune in tomorrow


Told my friend over the phone had a nice DSL and my mom told me to stop talking about women like that. Some people can't appreciate domain specific languages.

tune in tomorrow


She was telling me about this thread on /siberia/ that was in a heated debate over the best ways to dine and dash. I had trouble finding it until I clicked on a thread about the anti-revolutionary tendencies of Javascript.

tune in tomorrow


Friend told me he was playing TiTs, and I was happy I had someone to talk about Trials in Tainted Space with, but sometimes he keeps calling it "Kiseki."

tune in tomorrow


i'm too stupid to get these but bless your heart for doing this every day


"Why do you keep stuffing napkins and wrappers into empty soda cans?"
"They're trashcans for a reason.'

tune in tomorrow


He didn't feel like going to the store today when he woke up. After he took a shit, he realized there was no toilet paper.

tune in tomorrow


A pal of mind was really into Nascar so I invited him to a drag race in my area. He said he hated seeing woke shit.

tune in tomorrow


A blind man walks into a bar, and then a chair, and then a table.

tune in tomorrow


I was watching the Fallout show and my dad asked me if I liked Fall Out Boy. I said yeah, and he told me to grow up.

tune in tomorrow


Why did their jokes always hurt? They never stop pun-ching.

tune in tomorrow


Saw a short king on fire, all I could say was "man, lit."

tune in tomorrow


Got ready to go to town and asked my brother if he saw my friend Mikey. He said he's sorry for losing it.

tune in tomorrow


I had a calculus exam, so I arrive early to class. Of course it's the weird dude,always sits in the front and wears the same 3 pairs of graphic tees and pants, who's the first one right there on his laptop. I'm flipping through my notebook trying to study when this guy starts moving from seat to seat like he's in grade school until he's finally beside me. I'm praying he doesn't say anything to me, and he didn't for several minutes until I heard a "H-have you ever heard of Black Souls?"

I wish I just ignored him, but I want to be nice so I'm like "You mean Dark Souls?" and then he goes "No, Black Souls. It's made in rpgmaker." Then he starts gabbling about some guy in a dark fairy tale world and how its this intricate blend of Dark Souls, "arrow gay", and turnbased combat. I was about to tune out until he moved his desk beside mine until they touched tips and started googling up images of some character he was talking about. Tried to tune him out in hopes he realized I wasn't interested and then he goes "Red Riding Hood fucks dogs" right as the professor walks in with a clear view of his screen. But to make a long story short, I beat the game last week.

Thank you for tuning in.

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