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 No.479105[View All]

>be me
>into black women
>my family, particularly my mom doesn't want me to marry or even think of dating a woman with the slightest melamine
>nooo society will look down on you and your black wife!
>nooo you will ruin muh family genetics
>nooo your children will turn out ugly and get bullied
>nooo you will face racism in Europe! marry an Aryan woman instead!

feels bad man
290 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Disgusting. The site has a lot of weirdo rightoids who obsess over it, so it's not surprising however. Be careful about where you post your socials.


I am absolutely fascinated by this. Like what the actual fuck
I heard about colourism which is ironic as fuck hearing about Indian parents telling their kids to stay out of the sun. Meanwhile
>be me
I think this might most possibly be the most physically attractive woman I have ever seen. Extremely dark, almost black Indian women particularly South Indians are hands down the hottest girls on the planet and I don't know why.

I don't get why the fuck these South Asian/Soutwest Asian pseudoboomers are in such a colonized mindset. Like the only people you're even doing it for is fucking them, not white people. Which is all kind of fucked up and ironic.

I mean in fairness that's also not really a race thing as much as typical Mideastern politics. That, also ironically, I lowkey think Middle Easterners especially Arabs are the most white people mentality, we fucking hate each other. Like. Inventing napalm and atom bombs was not enough. You have to firebomb their cities and even then Europeans are like cockroaches, you can literally burn the whole city to the ground and they come out of holes like bedbugs. Whenever I listen to especially Arabs bitching about other Arabs and random Middle Eastern ethnicities it just sounds like the intensity of white people wishing we had no European Union or UN so we didn't need to keep pretending about human rights.

Turkish and Pakistani family tier

Which again, I find bafflingly, bewilderingly bizarre and hilarious in a sick, fucked up way because I already wrote off white women entirely. Like, the whole "modern women" "karens" thing isn't even thinly veiled code, we are clearly talking about entitled materialism obsessed, two faced, manipulative bossy American white women. I want someone who's actually worth destroying my body through work to support.

Just the whole thing is bizarre to me from where I'm standing because if you were in the States it's plainly obvious white people want nothing to do with each other post pandemic. It's not just the stupid shit between the child mutilation enablers vs the racist terrorist qboomers. There's something so deeply rotten about this society and if you actually look at all the couples clearly the poltards have failed spectacularly.

That fucking wall is a Berlin wall. It's what happened when a bunch of over privileged entitled retarded ass pillsbury dough people inflicted their fucking retarded ass market ideology upon the holiest of holies, quite literally tried and turned everything from love to making babies to lovemaking to marriage all into a crass monetary transaction, and frame literally ALL sexual and romantic concerns in this way, with what they perceived would be themselves at the top.

What these fat fucks DIDN'T KNOW was that their cottage cheese asses wasn't even on discount, nobody wants them, and all the white people with half a fucking clue are bailing fast and desperately taking one last try and get our act together to find a wife or husband outside this decaying Eldar society before it all implodes. The ones trying to save ourselves on a craftworld to Mexico are fucking fleeing, we're dropping weight, working on addictions and any bad character traits, we're fucking done. Meanwhile it's these assholes actually fucking thought that they commanded a premium on the "sexual marketplace" which is fucking hysterial seeing these fatasses like Tess Holiday too, the whole fucking trans thing is the same shit at this point frankly with basically nontrans failures of straight white dudes pressuring lesbians for sex because "I'm a lesbian too what are you a transphobe? now suck my lesbian dick." And it's the same entitled stupid shit with the fatsos. Calling rich handsome dudes that don't want to date you "fatphobes."

Because they all arrogantly assumed they'd be at the top, what has happened was ALL the people with *any* kind of good looks, or status, or wealth, or height, or muscle, or thin young women, anything like that, everyone is literally fleeing to Mexico. Because they basically erected a shitty ass pillsbury sexual marketplace no one wanted to participate in so they have flabby effeminate obese boomers like Trump building basically a Berlin Wall for the sexual marketplace of fat white people, and more or less wanting to shoot all of us hopping those borders.
This is quite literally what the poltards are all about.
This is LITERALLY why fucking poltards spent the better part of a decade ranting nonstop about black penises and cuckporn, the only reason liberal white women aren't being openly classist, derogatory, and racist toward Philipinas and Thai and Nicaraguan and Mexican and Turkish and Syrian and Afghan etc. women yet is because they quite literally value themselves like they value men and arrogantly presume their career, degree, and some measure of status, nationality, and lowkey thinking themselves some white saviour Daenerys, is going to "owe" them or entitle them to a rich hot husband who's got a boat. And, unlike the fatso trumptards, haven't yet fully figured out yet that basically all the guys they want are the same dudes that doesn't want them.

The stats on this is interesting, it's not just the single guys but also the single childless women, and that is definitely a code thing for white women particularly the Americans and British who all are apparently holding out for that one 9/10 millionaire lawyer that fucked them all on Tinder to marry them.

When in fact what the actual reality is, is all the little kids I see in Walmart and CVS is curly haired, dark, looking at the parents it doesn't seem to matter if it's a white dude it's a darker woman, it's a white woman she's with a latino dude or black guy or something.

The tiki Nazis failed miserably.

And there's this certain really fucking queer thing that I now realize some of the absolute most vocal reactionary and racist Nazi voices are fucking Pakistanis and Indians, often the same dudes that have just light enough skin they act racist as hell. Meanwhile seemingly not realizing or caring the sheer number of people like me that would rather find a really hot dark Indian woman, or a pretty Columbian or Brazilian girl, or a pretty black girl.

Like I'm really curious about this, would Turks, Pakistanis, Indians etc. change their mind whatsoever if they only knew and understood how much most white people just don't even give a shit? Like the only loud racist assholes out there rambling about cuckporn literally haven't seen their own dicks since 1997. These are the types of boomers to be in a fucking mobility scooter. Or their fat, blond pseudo goatee having, camo trucker cap and wrap around plastic sunglasses having fat doughy sons, that are themselves in direct competition with fit, masculine black dudes, Arab and Indian business owners (that also are masculine), people that basically outcompete they asses straight across the board. And those dudes only doing it because literally they have a biological imperative to mateguard what little they can have, that is coming from a people so incredibly fucking arrogant they all literally feel entitled to millionaire models, despite themselves being flabby, lazy, impoverished, arrogant dough people that all seem to think themselves as good looking as Jaime, as cunningly strong as Tywin, as intelligent as Tyrion, as much a beloved "breaker of chains" as Daenerys, as dutiful as Stannis, and yet every last one of them is like a broke ass Jeoffrey Baratheon–and you more or less need to translate everything into the kind of fucking show they all think they are the main character of, because I literally saw these obese people go to fucking Ukraine and say the war is "just like a movie!"
I'm sorry dude I'm basically just venting my overwhelming animosity for Americans at this point


You know you can bitch about Miami and LA and Atlanta all you want but
You REALLY think you're ever going to dissuade me from this?
I find it also bizarrely, morbidly hysterical in the most twisted way that a bunch of black men running around youtube calling themselves "redpilled" literally not even knowing the fuckin thing is something a bunch of racist neonazis stole from liberal hollywood transhumanists (because rightards can't fucking meme and stole literally every last thing not a Wyatt Mann cartoon from leftists, liberals etc) as a dog whistle for "being redpilled on the JQ." It was literally white dweebs ranting about their theory that Jews are trying to destroy white people by….having white women not fuck them. I don't know why they all talk about white women only, half them have an East Asian fetish but whatever. Anyway that also weirded me out, it's like yall even know where tf redpill comes from? Literally those retards. Nearly all the bitching about black women seems to come from black American men.
again absolutely would.
My sides

That is an exception, I refuse to live in Lousiana, I don't care how hot anyone is, fuck that. That's like, sub-Alabama tier.
Look I can't promise that I'm never going to do drugs again, also I'm an alcoholic, there's many reasons to not go there for me. It's a corrupt shithole.

No, see above. That's why I think it's amazing that a bunch of fat white American women have the gall to talk about "fatphobia is rooted in racism" and start prattling on about that which is, itself, some of the most incredibly racist shit.
Americans however are fatter on average, just in general. To me this is very true of the white people though for some reason. But in truth, black people, latinos, America is in general a fat country like Britain. Apparently, what is is Kuwait? I know there's many other countries in MENA and like Mexico that are getting fatter.

Find something that gives you the excuse to go there for work and go there then. I've wondered how I can possibly switch jobs to something that involves lots of traveling. Lot of nice cities in Africa honestly, find some work or study thing or some career field.

America is a shopping mall/plantation and a ponzi scheme. It's not designed to have a culture, only profits, and it coopts literally everything then destroys it. Star Wars comes to mind. So does Anonymous, ripped jeans, the Tea Party. Getting shamrocks is so fucking stupid. I have never met anyone here who's Irish, except this one Irish guy with a thick Irish accent who's from Ireland and complained about how we put peanut shit in literally everything. Idk I like peanut butter.

I can't even tell if some of yall are actually being racist on purpose, being accidentally racist and not poltards, internalizing racism, or doing this "we don't claim you" thing. Which isn't always easy to tell on the internet.

imo what people truly hate the most is what is most like them, and what most reminds them of the things they don't like about themselves. This is absolutely true across the board, and it's tenfold when you're sitting there and it's like "oh no, you don't fucking claim me, go back to sitting in your corner, you don't reflect on me at fucking all dude."

One of the things that headed off the American Civil War was the caning of Charles Sumner, who had deeply offended a southern slave owner in the senate by pretty blatantly implying he was a rapist who raped his black slaves. He promptly beat Mr. Sumner with a cane for "insulting his honour" though in reality man part white kids were fathered in this way in the deep south.
So there's also that angle.

That's because it's Capitalist and inherently, definitionally opposed to all the shit these dumbass "tradcons" and nationalists whinge about also.
It is quite literally our mutual enemy for the right and left. Hence, the deep, deep level manipulation and games the elites have got to play to stay in power at this point because they above all know they are the problem.

It's taken all my might to not be an asshole in public. I openly vent and am openly racist to the Americans particularly the white ones at this point. I had to deal with them nonstop during the pandemic.
I did not have a fun time.


Yeah, you're a racist weirdo bro.


His rant was entertaining though, you can tell when the internet fully warps someone and he’s definitely a victim of being terminally online




>muscle girl thread has full tranquility, all anons sharing abs in peace
>black girl thread is a shitstorm of arguing about race

when will you learn, that your actions have consequences!


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>create black muscle woman thread
>perfect balance


The muscle threads had detractors too. Keep posting black women and soon they will get tired of it and fuck off.


I gotta come to brazil


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If you two are going to rant about raceshit at least post some beautiful black chicks while you're at it.


>average filipino/indian/turkish/latin american moms when you bring home a dark-skinned girl


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>dark skin moms hating other dark skin chicks
Checks out lol.


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I just came to this minutes ago. Idk why but black and other dark skinned pussy are beautiful


The contrast between the inside and outside is neuron-activating.


Ya. Its more extreme when your black too. The cunny just be whispering "your home" into my ear and dick


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I need Hannah Stuelke to bang me down low go strong to the hole hit me with a facial


Loving both the pics and the debate tho lol


Clearly, black women are so powerful that when they make you nut you start asking the big questions. Forget about "stoned ape" theory, the trve origins of human intelligence and civilization is the svpreme post nvt clarity only black women can provide.


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which way, siberian man?


Right and Middle for me


left looks better to me, huh


purely on looks
left > right > center
would need to know their personalities tho


I meant their right, From my POV it would be left (don't ask I was tired, I don't know why I referred right-left from their POV).


>would need to know their personalities tho


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Photorealistic gen I found


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Fresh batch


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wtf i love imperialism now?


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HOLY FUCK im gonna destroy my dick at this rate






good lord


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Why would you spoiler this? Beautiful pussy should be liberated from the confines of image spoilers!


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Somebody tag in Vladimir Lenin
Lenin if you can hear us please save me
Please save me Vladimir Lenin please
I'm asking you
Please save me
Please save me please get these imperialists away from me


Wasn't she an Afghan Vet that also did OnlyFans content?




maybe if there was onlyfans circa 2010 she wouldn't have gone to afghanistan


Fake tits are gross


found one of her that was already in my titty folder


I just love huge tits.
Don't care what color though these ladies and Poles seem to always have massive ones.
E cup and up minimum. G is really where "big" starts, but H or J is probably where truly tig biddies start.
<this all assumes the smallest band size relative to cup, and that insertions and volume distribution are ideal e.g. Tear drop nipple up. That is, smaller cups can still 'appear' big without volumetrically being so. This is truly what most people mean by "big/huge".
>I'm skinnyfat and malding though


Even these?


><this all assumes the smallest band size relative to cup, and that insertions and volume distribution are ideal e.g. Tear drop nipple up. That is, smaller cups can still 'appear' big without volumetrically being so. This is truly what most people mean by "big/huge".
my man's doing titty phrenology


Not the guy who you were replying to but I would fuck their sweaty armpit/side tit while they are disinterested, 7 hours into their work (and still working) and wearing nothing but an apron


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Not quite large enogh imo, left wood berry, right not so much.


it's kinda weird to get off on candid pictures of people in a context where they're not trying to present as sexy at all…


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Anon, they're shitposting here and in the tits thread, so I responded with a shitpost.
It's si/b/eria, relax.


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