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 No.479105[Last 50 Posts]

>be me
>into black women
>my family, particularly my mom doesn't want me to marry or even think of dating a woman with the slightest melamine
>nooo society will look down on you and your black wife!
>nooo you will ruin muh family genetics
>nooo your children will turn out ugly and get bullied
>nooo you will face racism in Europe! marry an Aryan woman instead!

feels bad man


Do turks consider themselves white?


in terms of race, we have American brainrot. the further you go west, the more racist the country gets, our Mexicans that we blame shit on are the syrians and kurds




and? is your family in control of who you date or something? why should we care about any of this?


she really is pretty for real


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>is your family in control of who you date or something?
they tend to push their nose into who I date, it's a long family tradition, my uncle had an arranged marriage, and so my grandparents
>why should we care about any of this?
I wanted to vent


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The beauty of whiteness is that everyone outside of Africa consider themselves white, or at least "whiter than those savages down south, unlike us civilized paler skinned people"


Would your parents be happier if you married another turk or a white woman?


First thing i think of is italy. Northern italy is "white" while the south is a mediteranean jungle.


correct, that is their wish
i guess its because Sicilians and southern Italians have more arab loanwords in their vocabulary


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serbs are karaboga


Yeah, and the Swiss will say that they're White and everyone south of the river Po is brown greek


Perhaps you can find a north African Muslima then at least you can marry them on the pretense of them being 'muslim'.


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who got webms?

good idea but it won't work.
shes a Muslim in name only and rarely goes to the mosque, they don't care about religion afaik, only race


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Black Yankee women are the worst type youll ever meet.


I ain't gonna lie that's both funny and ironic af that there's a video with a black woman with text written in Greek given your situation. I guess if you really want to fuck with your family marry a black woman who is also Greek.


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you sound sure, I'm going to take your advice and stay away from America, maybe I'll go to bong land or Yoruba for ebony queens

that will give them all a simultaneous heart attack lmao
doubt I can find an African woman in Greece anyhow, maybe Germany, definitely Paris


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What happens if you tell her she's a dumb racist cunt?


I did. She didn't take kindly to it.


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she cute



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You sure about that anon? I mean some of the prettiest women I've seen are in New Orleans which is a very black city with a huge percentage of people who are of west African descent.

As a sidenote Louisiana is Quebec but chad if you ask me. You got a mixture of West African, French, and Native culture which is unique and unironically deserves to be preserved/not get as Anglofied. Honestly, I wish more people spoke Cajun French and Kouri-Vini but the Yanks straight up fucked shit up by banning/discriminating against people who spoke those languages. I know there's French immersion schools in Louisiana now but there's nothing unique about creating more people who speak fucking Parisian French tbh. Parisians can go fuck themselves honestly and are the worst Francophones next to the Quebecois.


i need to play Mafia 3, loved the atmosphere of not-new orleans


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americanization is a terrible process for any culture trying to maintain unique traditions or identity. louisiana, much like the rest of the US south, chicanos, people who say "pop" instead of "soda", et cetera are all fading away in favor of a more general american identity. it's pretty sad tbh


lol just marry a black woman if thats what you like, your parents sound racist


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shay, vanguard of the South, I got to ask, do you prefer butta or booba and why?


i say soft drink or the specific type of drink: coke, cola, 7-up, canada dry, etc


i dont know to be honest. im a virgin


leave the neo-nazi groupchats and download grindr


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my body pillow suits me fine




Is it true that black women are THICCer on average?


Mmm, ambatukam.


that's a stereotype, it's like saying all Asian women are petite or all Scandanavian white women have jawlines


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who lesbo here?


>doubt I can find an African woman in Greece anyhow, maybe Germany, definitely Paris

It's probably harder but I do remember that there is a small Ethiopian Diaspora in Greece as well as a Greek Diaspora in Ethiopia which makes sense since the two regions have been in contact for a long time and they are both majority Orthodox Christian.


You do realize that a stereotype denotes that something is common, right? What you meant was myth or presumption. Also, traits can be common in demographics. Given the diet and beauty ideals of East Asians many of their women will be petite.


that's what i meant by stereotype, it's common, but exceptions exist


>all Scandanavian white women have jawlines
I have literally never heard this in my life, what?


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You’ve never heard the joke about how all trans women have to do to pass is say they’re Swedish?


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I've been to Houston and Philadelphia, plenty of beautiful kweens there


>black woman fetish
If you can't stand up to your family and protect the woman you choose from racist abuse, you'll be a bad partner. If you can be a good partner, you should figure out which country in Africa you'd like to live in and choose a woman there to settle down with.


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Botswana, Rwanda, Ghana, Namibia, and South Africa are supposed to be decent from what I've heard. I know also Lagos, Nigeria has been developing very rapidly but the country is still very unstable even in comparison to South Africa. And I mean Nigeria has been under a military dictatorship which the country only is beginning to recover from. Honestly, I would put my bets on Rwanda though most of its improvements have been in the capital. It seems to be doing well despite having a really fucked up genocide in recent history.


is Kagame /ourguy/?




>You do realize that a stereotype denotes that something is common
yes, and it's always wrong in that assumption


What do I have to do to get a black wife?


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live in a place where they can be found?


im a karaboga with bbc but my family doesnt want me to date black women because they say i need to go out and conquer as many aryan women as possible to spread the karaboga seed and raise a massive army in europe to take over the whiteoid menace from the inside.


good luck


>thread is full of pics and videos I've posted on this site before.


Such a stupid stereotype. There's skinny little toothpick looking like black women. They seem to usually be the darkest. Which is great cause I fucking love those ones




i "revived" the /ebon/ board on .moe but uploads started glitching for me so I couldn't post anything.



Why is your fetish for black women anyone's business? I know for a fact there are black women in Turkey anyway so don't play this "what do I have to do" crap. You know already and your just baiting us all to feed you black girl fetish porn you dirty allahsız.


>into black women
>spam black women porn
>all the attractive women have the facial features of white women
tale as old as time


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>facial features of white women
What did he mean by this? If the facial features are on a black woman, they are the facial features of a black woman.


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You are retarded.

4chinlets believe all black people must look like West African/Bantu, i.e. pronounced jaw, lips and wide noses.


Black women existed before white woman, so by your logic, white woman are imitators.


I was thinking about this the other day. Americans love to claim that they're Irish and so on, but why is this? I came up with a hypothesis that American culture has become so watered-down that they are desperate for something to distinguish themselves from the billions of other people around the world who've adopted the same watered-down American culture. They latch on to symbols like Shamrocks and holidays like St. Patrick's day because it's the closest thing to a solid cultural grounding that they have, lest they become "world citizens" who are completely untethered from any kind of tribe or shared tradition.

This leads us onto my hypothesis on what American culture actually is (or was), but I've already derailed this thread for long enough.


>Facial features exclusive to 1 race
This shits so fucking tired. There's literally black and white people with epicanthic eye folds


The facial feature exclusive to white women is being pretty.


Culture is reactionary, and Americans have the greatest revolutionary potential for lacking one (joking but like not really tbh)


Unless she literally looks like a racist caricature, she's Fake Black.


What is this, a crossover episode?


>be me
>white southern male
>grow up without any particular attraction to any subset of women in particular
>move out of the South
>become absurdly attracted to black women all of a sudden
>they're into me too, for whatever reason
>bang multiple black women over the course of a few years
>family is racist but kind of soft racist (like they say the n word but they didn't have a problem with me taking black women to school dances when I was younger, friendly to black people in public)
>mom makes joke about how me and my brother should give her mixed race grandchildren
>suddenly remember when I was a kid my dad used to hang out with a black woman a lot and I would go along with them places
>remember my mom getting really mad about it for some reason and calling her to tell her not to ever come around again
>never speak to my dad about it, end up dating a white woman while amassing a major collection of interracial black woman/white guy porn
>gf one day says something about how she thought I would be into black women, despite me never saying a word to her about any of this

so like, what's up with southern whites? and how does everyone know without me having ever said anything?


I disagree, and I'm going to attempt to explain why.

There is nothing inherently reactionary about, for example, a NY pizza. The reactionary element would come from saying that only Italian pizza is 'authentic', and all American ones are pale imitations of the real thing. In fact, Pizza is both American and Italian. It was imported by Italian (and Sicilian?) immigrants, who continued making it amongst themselves in geographically isolated parts of the US, which is how you end up with the differences between Chicago and NY pizza, for example.

Now, the shit you get from Pizza Hut has been homogenised to within an inch of its life. This, for me, represents the goal of Liberal multiculturalism and integration, and I believe that this is where reactoids are half right - they understand that people losing their identity isn't a good thing, but of course, the only people they can think to blame are da jooz. Their solution is to ban all immigration and corral people into celebrating, eating, singing, and playing the exact same shit as them, and in the process, eliminating all naturally existing variations of so-called 'national' traditions. A Leftist attitude to integration should be to encourage people to carry on their cultural practises as, fundamentally, someone putting the jam on their scone before the cream doesn't actually stop you from doing it the other way around.

This may actually be more of a problem with nationalism overall, as the drive to have a national identity urges the aforementioned process of cultural ossification along.


>pronounced jaw, lips and wide noses
those are features typically associated with black people. they wont all look like that, but the vast majority will. you can whitewash a good chunk of the women here and theyd look identical to a white woman.


>those are features typically associated with black people.
With African-Americans. "Black people" outside of the USA are very-very diverse.


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>>482389 (me)
anyway, here are some hot black ladies. Also, 99% sure that the first pic in the OP is a race-swapped Scarlet Johansson




Anyone ever actually fuck a black girl? Best sex Ive ever had was an Asian. White chicks is fine, but black girls do be bringing it


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Thomas Motherfucking Jefferson!


I grew up with and eventually fucked the token "black" chick but she was a very dark and curly haired Filipino. idk if that counts but im thinking i got an asian/black twofer


>they wont all look like that, but the vast majority will
>the vast majority
Turbo burger post.


Nice ass.

Can I slapp it?


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Good thread, Also sorry to hear about that OP, but you should date who you want, parent's preferences be damned. Just make sure it's actually someone you want to spend time with.


You’ve never been outside of burgerland have you


Goddamn, a classic big afro on a curvy chick is a hell of a combo.


Black chicks from Africa or Haiti have some of the sexiest accents I've every heard.


As an Brazilian my prime directive is to racemix

Her insta/tiktok is Zurilym


>whitest woman in Argentina


Imagine being a euro in 19th century Africa and this is the first woman you see. how can non black women even compete?


this is a well-fed, fit woman in the modern day so your colonialist porn fantasy isn't real


she's rly cute


Reading this as a black Muslim woman is funny ngl, how random. I probably should’ve sage this but oh well lol


All these women are beautiful.

However, as a fair warning, please please please stay away from Yankee Negresses.
Especially those from Dixieland.

Black women born amd raised outside of North America are safe and beautiful.


>back shot
>sideboob on the TV
does she know?


Nuh huh I love black kweens from all over the world


Didnt realise we had black people here
I Always thought the average siberian Is a white first worlder who read too much Karl Marx


>white first worlder


white second worlders is where it's at


>Didnt realise we had black people here
Still whiter than /pol/ somehow.


Wasn't there some uygha posting here… Afroplasm?


yes, but I remember he posted his face once, and he was the lightest ever


There are first-party games, there are third-party games but where are all the second-party game, HMMMMMM???


>Second-party developer is a colloquial term often used by gaming enthusiasts and media to describe game studios that take development contracts from platform holders and develop games exclusive to that platform, i.e. a non-owned developer making games for a first-party company


come to think of it, we have first-person shooters, third person shooters but no second person shooter, game developers are lazy


killcams exist



based, Driver San Francisco is the GOAT.


Second person would be RTS, no?


No, RTS is third-person. Interactive fiction is second-person.
>you open a lid and drop a huge dump into the toilet


those usually arent American.

But yea I notice that the thicc black girls usually tend to be lighter skinned



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>magnum comercial had a black girl eating a vanilla ice cream and a white girl eating a black ice cream

What did they mean by that?


Color contrast white/black ; black/white makes advertisers think they're artists (they're not)


Some say that the purpose of art is to cause and express emotion (it made me horny) i guess they are good artists


white on black does look good tbf


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>pokiemane (a moroccan) ate a red corndog

What did she mean by this?



Native Americans are the opposite of Berbers, of course. Maybe the mirror actually.


red rocket 💄


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Encouraging both sides interracial?


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Imageboards are a melting pot, you'll find every group on here


That sexy forehead needs to painted with cum


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I for one am a quarterblack first worlder who reads too much Karl Marx


What a cutie. If only I was more handsome I would totally eat him up.


He was half Anglo IIRC


we've always been pretty diverse even though we're whiter than /pol/ (to their rage).


Following up on this thread, I'm the black muslim femanon from earlier and I'm curious as to why you don't just get two wives? My dad actually has multiple wives and it's commonplace in my culture, is it taboo in yours? 


Are you from the first or second wife?


Not OP but yeah it's not culturally normal to have multiple wives. See the Soviet film White Sun of the Desert and you may get what I mean. I mean it's an attractive idea, but frankly speaking its not practical in the Northern Hemisphere, not to mention I fear to think how I'd handle 2 jealous women, let alone a harem.


lets face it the average poster on here is struggling to have a date or relationship let alone more than one wife 😭


The first wife
I suppose if you live in the west it would result in strange looks, I'm guessing the OP lives in Europe so it would probably draw ire taking part in this cultural practice. Personally, I have no qualms with it and can't see any downside. I'll be sure to check out that flick though, thanks for the suggestion.


>Marrocans in my black women thread


Woe men


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>I fear to think how I'd handle 2 jealous women, let alone a harem.
divide and conquer, my king


>draw ire
It's not legal in a lot of places, although obviously you don't have to be married on paper.


You can easily just have a Nikkah and skip out on making it legal via paper, I've seen that happen before


It's easier in the old country, women are more level-headed there. In the USA and Europe its not so easy. But fair point, as the Russian saying goes, if to steal then a million, if to love then a Queen.

You're welcome for the recommendation, it is a Soviet classic, and thank your for your candid response.


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>leftypol when a cishet white guy advocates marriage
<leftypol when a black muslim girl advocates for polygamy


Tbh polygamy will still get you weird looks in my part of the Islamicate. I never see anyone irl in my country practicing polygamy outside of Arab diasporas and people in very rural areas. I imagine its weirder in Turkey which is literally jut an European country


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Which first or second part? Going to anti-marriage rants. Yes absolutely. Second part yeah too, I thought it was funny how nobody responded with "polygamy" is reactionary or whatever the fuck else, just, "oh it may be impractical or not accepted everywhere."


>I thought it was funny how nobody responded with "polygamy" is reactionary or whatever the fuck else, just, "oh it may be impractical or not accepted everywhere."
Answering a question as asked, not celebrating or glorifying polygamy like you imply. Funny how people just talking to a black woman leads you to bust out derogatory racialized memes but I guess that's not surprising for this thread. Bound to attract some folks with fetishistic and reductive racial attitudes.


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Man do I love 80s 'fros on black chicks


I wish it was true but sadly there are too many ConSocs on this site.

But yeah, marriage is slavery and retarded, fuck marriage. No exceptions.


Oh look libfags have created a new buzzword to use since calling people red fash or tankie is too obvious. Go back.
>M-marriage is slavery, really!


>Answering a question as asked, not celebrating or glorifying polygamy like you imply. Funny how people just talking to a black woman leads you to bust out derogatory racialized memes
That's how you are acting. The question of polygamy isn't whether you can get away with it or not.
>but I guess that's not surprising for this thread. Bound to attract some folks with fetishistic and reductive racial attitudes.
That's literally what this thread is. Also, the original suggestion in question of, if your parents don't want you to marry a negro just get her as your second wife is exactly that whether that anon really is a Black Muslim woman or not.


>That's how you are acting
NTA but you're projecting and deflecting (again) because you got caught projecting your racism.
>The question of polygamy isn't whether you can get away with it or not.
Stop being obtuse
>That's literally what this thread is
No, it isn't. It's not a thread about Whites dominating whites or some siht, its a thread about beautiful black chicks, which is a matter of taste. That's not the same as a fetish, moron.
>the original suggestion in question of, if your parents don't want you to marry a negro just get her as your second wife is exactly that whether that anon really is a Black Muslim woman or not.
What the fuck does this mean


>Whites dominating blacks or blacks dominating whites
Fucking deleted half the sentence lol.


This is a fetish thread whether you want to call it that or not. A fetish doesn't have to involve domination your tard. We got the foot fetish thread, muscle girl fetish thread, etc. and this thread. Have your fetish.
>What the fuck does this mean
Her suggestion was racist and also sexist.

Also my comment that you reacted to wasn't about her but about all of your reactions.


>This is a fetish thread
Sure schizo, sure.
>A fetish doesn't have to involve domination
Didn't say that, I said it's not a specific sexual fetish that can be linked. Liking black chicks isn't anymore of a fetish than liking white chicks or asian chicks, retardo.
>We got the foot fetish thread, muscle girl fetish thread
Yes because those ARE specific sexual fetishes, not just skin-color threads, moron.
>Her suggestion was racist and also sexist.
No you entitled first-world faggot. If it is a consenting relationship having another spouse would not be either racist or sexist, its none of your business.
>my comment that you reacted to wasn't about her but about all of your reactions.
And your comment was provocative liberal garbage, spouting typically entitled first-world opinions.


>Oh look libfags have created a new buzzword to use since calling people red fash or tankie is too obvious.
Get your delusional brainworms out of your head. Just because I dislike marriage doesn't mean I'm "le SJW." I despise SJWs but that doesn't mean I have to like puritan boomers either. I don't like decadence and consoomerism too but that doesn't mean you have to be so zealotted about it.
>calling people red fash or tankie is too obvious
Please. I'm not Voosh. If I wanted to call you a tankie, I'd call you a tankie.
Read Engels, you pseud.


>Didn't say that, I said it's not a specific sexual fetish that can be linked. Liking black chicks isn't anymore of a fetish than liking white chicks or asian chicks, retardo.
Why do you think I would say that? Asian fetish, White fetish, Lantinx fetish, long hair fetish, short hair fetish. It's a fetish.
>No you entitled first-world faggot. If it is a consenting relationship having another spouse would not be either racist or sexist, its none of your business.
Entitled to what? My opinion? It's my business to opine on just as you are opining on my posts you backwards third world faggot.


Why is liking anything other than the most standard stuff considered a fetish nowadays? Like, liking something doesn't equal hyperfixation.


NTA but
>Get your delusional brainworms out of your head
LOL, you got caught and now you're seething
> doesn't mean I'm "le SJW."
Anon said nothing about SJW and your hurried need to claim to hate them and also "muh boomers" tells me you're a fucking /pol/fag incel trying to pretend to be leftist, because only /pol/ uses these 2016-era buzzwords anymore. LMFAO
>I don't like decadence and consoomerism
>I'm not [irrellevant ECeleb nobody talks about anymore]
>I'd totally call you tankies!
LOL sure.
>Read Engels
1) Argument by Authority
2) Engels is speaking of the Nuclear family within the context of families in the capitalist system he was describing in the 1890s, this is not the same as today, nor does it encompass other cultures as it was Eurocentric, furthermore Engels and Marx were not infallible. You're the pseud because you can't think for yourself. Anyway, I'm out, keep bitching to one another.


This is the one who needs to go back, not me.

Marriage is bourgeois, I'll die on this hill, uyghas.


I think you're drawing too many connotations from the word fetish. Why does it have to be a hyperfixation? When you go on a porn site you'd see the categories: foot stuff, muscle girls, Black girls, Asian girls, big tits, whatever. You've made a thread about a specific preference it's a fetish. You can be into many fetishes and "hyperfixated" on none of them.


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>Entitled to what
<being this intentionally obtuse
Your opinion is entitled because you're a cultural ignorant retard that thinks you know better than "le stoopid"
You're the same people that will shit-talk the proletariat at the drop of a hat because you don't care about the working class and are just LARPing.
>Why do you think I would say that
<I talked about le racism but you can't parry me before I screech about muh Blacked and Bleached shit!
Take a long walk off an unfinished bridge, liberal.


I don't respect regressive viewpoints because it's "your culture" you dumb faggot. Slavery is also your culture and I don't respect that either.


>It's regressive because I say so!
<"your" culture
It's not my culture, I have an entirely different one, but I'm not going to screech reactionary because a man and a few women organize their marriage in a specific way to prevent conflict.
>slavery is also your culture
Nope and false equivalency, suck less dick and stop projecting bitch.


LMAO. So you're just a projecting first world liberal faggot aren't you?


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It would be fine if you just showed up and said "polygamy is bad" and most of us would agree with it. The problem is that you're insinuating that because nobody else raised this point (which for most people is a non-issue) that we were somehow in favor of and/or celebrating polygamy. If you're talking to somebody from another culture about their different experience, it's generally more useful and respectful to just explain your POV and not shit on them for theirs from a position of (at least implicit) cultural chauvinism. Even if your culture is right and theirs is wrong (rarely that simple), you're not going to win someone over by acting that way. This has been repeatedly demonstrated with various forms of social activism by westerners in the global south.
>This is a fetish thread whether you want to call it that or not.
To some probably, but fetishes an preferences are different things. Some people just like certain features like dark skin because it looks nice, not because of some symbolic attachment to it. Because of the way that racism works, you are generally not going to see a lot of non-white women in most contexts like this and often have to specify. For black women in particular (and black men for that matter), the history of racial fetishism has restricted the sexualized presentation to a fairly narrow band meant to contribute to dehumanizing stereotypes. Content that falls outside of this trend helps to correct it (whether intentional or not), so you could argue these posts are working against racial fetishism as a larger trend even (maybe especially) if someone engages with it as a fetish.


LMAO I knew you'd pull a "No U"
No I am not a first-worlder, The world isn't divided into America and "de black harem countries". Nice try, cope harder you flailing lib.


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huge fight in the black woman thread


Lol I know that's how you see your fetish thread. As a feat of social activism to celebrate Black women in porn kek. Just fucking do you, don't make it so fucking weird.


>LOL, you got caught and now you're seething
No, you're just retarded, kys.
>only /pol/ uses these 2016-era buzzwords anymore. LMFAO
The stereotype of old people as boring killjoys existed way before 4chan. And not like the Ok Boomer Girl doesn't exist.
>I'd totally call you tankies!
I don't give a shit about your political opinions, I'm simply pointing out the obvious.

Marriage is bourgeoise regardless of what Engels said. It ties people to property, it was born from property relations, and keeping it is pointless other than "muh trudishun." There is no need for legal marriage in the communist extended family.


>You've made a thread
I'm not the OP though.
>You can be into many fetishes
That's called "kinks."


>don't make it so fucking weird.
You are the one derailing the thread to argue about polygamy and lecture people on fetishism without knowing what the word means.


The thread isn't derailed because the OP is about the weird Turk guy. Then polygamy was brought up in response to OP and I replied to that.


>E-everyone is retarded but me!
LOL more projection
>The stereotype of old people as boring killjo
Imagine pretending to be this obtuse when caught. Nobody uses "SJW" and nobody cries "boomer" here because its old lingo, a dead meme that only 4chan /pol/-fags continue to use or reddit (same thing now). Go back
>I don't give a shit about your political opinions
Sure, which is why you're so ass-mad about "muh ConSocs!" or whatever nonsense you're bleating.
>simply pointing out the obvious
No, you're constituting your entitled, personal opinion as fact and seething when people do not accept it.
>Marriage is bourgeoise regardless of what Engels said
<It's just bourg because I said it is okay!?
Ah so now Engels is irrelevant? Nice backstepping. And Marriage as a concept has existed across numerous societies for Millenia, long before capitalism even existed.
>it was born from property relati
It was born from socio-economic need based on historical materialism, which itself originated from how human society developed from tribal hunter-gatherer groups where males and females paired up, and as people became civilized they laid down rules to prevent conflict as to who was with whom. That's why even in something as ancient as the bible, among the 10 Commandments is forbidding adultery.
>keeping it is pointless other than "muh trudishun.
no, retard, because in the typical incel ignorance of your kind (/pol/fags) you completely misunderstand what marriage is and what use it has. Marriage today is a wholly different beast to marriage a century ago, or two centuries ago. Read a fucking book.


>You are the one derailing the thread to argue about polygamy and lecture people on fetishism without knowing what the word means.
Anyways I wasn't the one lecturing anyone on fetishism. Someone accused me for I don't know what reason of fetishism. Ctrl+F shows that many people have already accurately pointed out that OP is in fact fetishizing Black women. But whatever, I'm not upset by peoples fetishes.


>Um, you're projecting! You're seething, haha, I win!
Don't waste my time.


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>Anyways I wasn't the one lecturing anyone on fetishism
Yes you were, your phrasing has been antagonistic this entire time.
>whatever, I'm not upset by peoples fetishes
I'm not upset, I'm not, that's why I keep bringing this nonsequitur up over and over!

you're wasting everyone's time because you ARE in fact seething, with non-arguments and baizuo idealism. Do yourself a favor and stop.


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100% FR


>Yes you were, your phrasing has been antagonistic this entire time.
Only as antagonistic as the posts I was replying to.
>I'm not upset, I'm not, that's why I keep bringing this nonsequitur up over and over!
I'm not bringing anything up I'm replying to you dumb faggot. You're the one writing tomes to explain why your fetish thread is some kind of project or social justice:
>To some probably, but fetishes an preferences are different things. Some people just like certain features like dark skin because it looks nice, not because of some symbolic attachment to it. Because of the way that racism works, you are generally not going to see a lot of non-white women in most contexts like this and often have to specify. For black women in particular (and black men for that matter), the history of racial fetishism has restricted the sexualized presentation to a fairly narrow band meant to contribute to dehumanizing stereotypes. Content that falls outside of this trend helps to correct it (whether intentional or not), so you could argue these posts are working against racial fetishism as a larger trend even (maybe especially) if someone engages with it as a fetish.


>But whatever, I'm not upset by peoples fetishes.
You are clearly upset, and very insistent on reducing black women's romantic and sex appeal to a fetish.
>the OP
This is a recurring thread on /siberia/. That's just some personal anecdote related to the thread, and he's talking about the social stigma attached to being with a black woman, not "black women are so hot because [body part] and [stereotype]" or something, or even why he finds black women appealing.


>You are clearly upset, and very insistent on reducing black women's romantic and sex appeal to a fetish.
See that's how you interpret what I'm saying because you're like: I'm doing something good for the world by posting in yet another smut thread on siberia. Kek.


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>Only as antagonistic as the posts I was replying to.
Sure bud
>I'm not bringing anything up
Faggot you claimed it IS a fetish (wrongly) after an anon dismissed your reductive, entitled bullshit, and ever since you keep bringing it up, over an over, when its irrelevant to the topic you claim to be discussing, polygamy and marriage.
>You're the one writing tomes to explain why your fetish thread is some kind of project or social justice:
1) Not my post, not everyone responding to your nonsense is the same person, retard.
2) That's not social justice, /pol/-fag, that's analysis of normalization and reduction of racism through exposure of attraction.
/pol/faggots are obsessed with "muh social justice" when leftypol has never advertised for that to begin with. Fuck off.

Not that anon but
>You called me out for my bullshit, so let me make a strawman false eqiuvalency to try to drag you down to my level.
God your pathetic.


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>misuse a term
>get told what it actually means
You're not being subtle. We can tell you are just here to mald about black history month or whatever.


>You're not being subtle. We can tell you are just here to mald about black history month or whatever.
I didn't know this was a Black History Month thread. Hahaha.

Jesus fucking Christ.


>I didn't know this was a Black History Month thread.
It isn't. It was made in december. February is just when you decided to show up.


You guys are so weird. Why can't you just jackoff to Black women without making it about the "normalization and reduction of racism through exposure of attraction?"


Personally, I don't see how it's in any way racist or sexist, but perhaps it’s because this behavior is so woven into my community thus my cultural prejudices are impairing my judgment. Actually, I would prefer if my future husband married another woman so I could focus on other things instead of the countless obligations foisted upon me as a muslim housewife. It’s strange that my posts have made you question whether or not I'm a black Muslim woman.


Man, imagine if it was a BHM thread. A very /siberia/n way to celebrate black culture.


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Nobody "made it about" that. You tried to make it about fetishism and were told off.


I'm pretty sure black women having bigger butts is more than just a stereotype…


It's considered sexist because it generally puts the women subordinate to the man, since he "owns" more than one woman as "property" representing a worse version of patriarchal relations than monogamy. In practice life is usually a bit more nuanced than that. It's common for westerners to engage in a form of "feminist chuavinism" you could call it where they posture as being from a superior culture and use practices like this to paint Others as backwards regarding sexism. Even where there's some truth to this, it's deployed in a cynical way that does nothing for the women in those cultures. That is probably a factor in how it's just one person who's trying to make a big deal about it while the rest of us aren't. Nobody is going to triumph over polygamy on behalf of Muslim women by posting here.

IDK why that anon brought racism into it. Maybe they meant that OP as a Turk taking mutliple wives from another racial group would be some kind of racist harem? But based on the other posts it's probably just having racism on the brain.

>Actually, I would prefer if my future husband married another woman so I could focus on other things instead of the countless obligations foisted upon me as a muslim housewife.

Yeah that would count as cultural biases affecting judgment. The housewife expectations are enough of a burden that you'd prefer having your husband's attention split with another woman to relieve some of it. In another culture, the expectations would be different (even equal in some cases), so this tradeoff wouldn't exist.


NTA but that's an interesting point you bring up about polyGYNY specifically (because polygamy is very gendered in Islamic countries). But being surrounded by women is something no finsexual can resist, it feels nice getting so much attention.


>IDK why that anon brought racism into it. Maybe they meant that OP as a Turk taking mutliple wives from another racial group would be some kind of racist harem? But based on the other posts it's probably just having racism on the brain.
Racist that the solution of not being good enough for his racist parents is to take a wife that satisfies his parent's racial prejudice so he can take another wife to satisfy his fetish. To have his wife that won't
> ruin muh family genetics
>And make children that will turn out ugly and get bullied

So he will have the good wife and the despicable negress wife. I would say this solution is kind of fucked if you ask me.

The fuck you mean I have racism on the brain? Literally the fucking OP and the topic of discussion.


It's way less common to have polyandry historically. Polygamy is overwhelmingly polygyny. Even when you have both, the dynamics are usually different because of how there are different gender roles. Modern free love movements, polyamory, etc are less like that but still tend to retain some remnants of traditional gendered expectations.


The racism there is the other people being racist. OP is asking how to deal with it.


And I am saying the solution is continuing the fucking racism making that solution itself racist. But forget that word. What an awful situation for this hypothetical black 2nd wife in this solution to be in. J
ust tell your parents to fuck off. Fucking disown them you spineless coward OP. That's the obvious solution.


And awful for the hypothetical non black wife too for that matter. Get a wife just to ge your beard? Call it cultural differences but that is some sick shit to me and mot how you treat people. Sorry if I'm being culturally insensitive and entitled.


I don't think it's going to be a solution for OP regardless, so it's kind of ridiculous to get up in arms over it.


Of couse, why I keep saying hypothetical. I'm not up in arms. I'm just stating my fucking opinion. Jesus Christ I didn't say kys or you get the wall or whatever stupid shit is standard fare responses. I just said my fucking opinion and then the faggots ITT try to play the "you are a Western cultural chauvinist trying to inject your concepts of human decency on the poor Muslims you racist." Bruh fuck you and fuck you and fuck your culture if that's what it is.


> That is probably a factor in how it's just one person who's trying to make a big deal about it while the rest of us aren't. Nobody is going to triumph over polygamy on behalf of Muslim women by posting here.
You keep imagining shit in stupid ways. You are the one who keeps talking about c
"Winning people over" and now "triumphing." This level of projection is crazy. I have no end goal in mind as you clearly do. I am not working carefully to any such goal. I just fucking state my opinion as it is. You could all he the same person, you could all be chatbots. I don't ask anyone to be or think anything. It's my opinion however I have articulated it ehen I hit new reply, take it or leave it as you see fit.


I’m not gonna pretend like my culture isn’t backwards in a lot of aspects but those were the cards I was dealt. I mean worse stuff happens like FGM and child marriage so polygamy doesn’t seem so bad to me.


literally me


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Jesus Christ are you still malding? I left this thread hours ago and you still can't stop this white-saviour complex bitching and moaning. Shut the fuck up and let people appreciate black women in peace.


I truly hope the Turkish anon doesn’t actually follow through on my advice, I was saying it in jest. I don’t actually condone polygamy even though it’s commonplace in my culture, I personally think it’s an antiquated tradition that’s rooted in male gratification. Thanks for all the (you)s and free entertainment, I needed something to read after a recent board I frequented was shut down. Was this in poor taste? Probably but I was bored, I actually expected this site to be partially dead so I’m surprised there was so much activity. I’ll stop derailing this thread now, I hope this doesn’t result in me getting banned.


>I truly hope the Turkish anon doesn’t actually follow through on my advice
it's okay anon, wasn't planning to, polygamy isn't my thing


I’m curious though are you a Levantine or Khaleeji Arab? I know in the levant they hold unsavory opinions about black people but a good friend I have from the gulf told me that’s not applicable to his region. You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal, I’m surprised Turkish people are racist tbh. I’ve been there countless times and had an absolutely amazing time.


>Levantine or Khaleeji Arab?
Dad's family is Egyptian, I'd say I'm closer to the Levant than to the Khaleej, that is how Egyptian Arabs see themselves, we're our own cultural thing mostly. neither the Levant nor the Gulf. not even that culturally close to the rest of North Africa


i feel like there's a huge irony in my family being made of different ethnicities and yet still looking down on interracial relations except on the basis of skin color


>Race is when skin tone.
>Japanese are yellow.
>They just are, ogay?
>Look, MAYBE they are a bit pale.
>Okay, FINE. They're honorary whites. With a yellow-ish tint.
>Wut? There are dark-skinned Japs? Wtf?
>BLAH-BLAH-BLAH, WHATEVER! The race isn't about the skin color, it's about the facial features and stuff.


It is indeed ironic, and I empathize with your situation. Dealing with such circumstances can be frustrating. In my case, my parents prioritize my partner being Muslim rather than focusing on their race, which is a common sentiment among many East Africans. Personally, I suggest prioritizing your own happiness and living life on your own terms. Although it may be challenging, most parents eventually come to accept their children's choices. It is important not to let your family pressure you into marrying someone with whom you are not compatible, as it will only lead to a miserable life.


You know I’ve always been curious as to why guys who gravitate to imageboards struggle with this, however, many of them appear to be mentally unstable which has prevented me from directly asking them about it. It’s even a meme at this point that since most of them can’t get gfs they become the gf, on the contrary, women who use imageboards seem to be more well adjusted from what I’ve seen. Why do you think that is? Any insight?


I still find it hilarious they used the
>Slay queen
Phrase towards me, wrong stereotype pal


Not as many men would be bothered by a woman being some imageboard weeb as women would be bothered by a man being the same.


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I'm still impressed with that black woman's gigantic ass.
BUT JAPANESE GIRLS- *plays the videos* *goes fullscreen* *zooms in* *zooms closer* *zooms closer* I mean, I agree on a tie…


>>504522 (me)


Dem tiddies


I’m curious Muslim anon, as a fellow Muslim do you think frequenting Chan sites damages your iman? I’ve been using imageboards for 10+ years at this point and as I’m getting older I don’t see much merit in using them anymore. This site actually seems pretty fascinating but the vast majority of imageboards are just cesspools.


those kinda fros are more of a 60s/70s thing


imam more like gaymam lol
fuck it

a god that's worth worshipping is the kind of god who don't care the about the gay shit we get up to, as long as we treat each other with kindness and love


also a black muslim woman reading this…we probably come from the same country hmm. we really are everywhere


Another miserably failed black women appreciation thread, bravo.


Admittedly being a chantard does affect my view of Aqeedah, or rather just running in 'this circle' (i.e leftist social analysis) in general. But i came from a rather secularized, left leaning family in the first place (dad had a few run ins with the SWP while studying in UK, never see him take anything spiritual seriously) so shameful as it is it doesn't give the same unconscious ennui you might experience from going to the chans


There really are no genuine muslims on here


Well duh this is a communist imageboard


That’s wild, is it in East Africa? Man, I’m shocked by how terminally online our ethnicity is because I’ve come across our people on the most obscure forums you could imagine. I don’t currently live there though but rather a more westernized nation.
Thanks for the response, you seem like you have a great head on your shoulders.


Yes, I am also East African. Do you browse female image boards? Lolcow and such? I think those are the only places were we don’t have an online presence although I came across an east african muslim girl on a fujo board so I might be wrong. I live in the west too, I’ve never been to africa.


Yeah I do, I’ve been on those sites for ages. It’s insane coming across another East African girl on here, what are the chances! I’m an adult though, I feel like you might be a youngin. If you’re over the age of 21 maybe we should connect on d**scord, drop your tag, my username starts with random.


I’m 21. Is that okay? My fbi.gov is 1508s


meant d**scord


Yeah that’s fine, I sent the request


I appreciate that black women itt are meeting each other, which in itself makes the thread better than the previous ones combined.


vulgar thrust


>platonic object
Great, an idealist.

I don't "mediate" friendship through the "ego," you have friends because it's pleasing to you, because you desire to have friends. And how is something that's pleasing to you not in your interest? That's the point of having self-interests: attaining pleasure and happiness and avoiding pain. It's pure id, not ego.


No, actually, I'm completely anhedonic, so I don't experience any enjoyment from friendship, I consciously maintain friendships to please a hypothetical model of a person who enjoys such things, because I have consciously arrived at the conclusion that it would be beneficial for that hypothetical person, whom I use as a stand-in for myself and others.

It is the only truly infallible mode of being, because it doesn't rely on the fickle and arbitrary nature of pleasure and enjoyment, which different people experience or even don't experience depending on their neurological quirks.

Egoism is just solipsism with extra steps. Your subjective experiences and thoughts are just the arbitrary churnings of an ancient lizard brain, they should not be used as a point of reference. Instead, one should identify with their Mask: the construct with which they present and interface with society, not the internal guts and bowels of your inner mind, which are inevitably gross and monstrous when fully revealed.


>completely anhedonic
How complete are we talking here?


>I consciously maintain friendships to please a hypothetical model of a person who enjoys such things
This is beyond spooked. That's ultra-spooked, you are downright obsessed with social norms.
>It is the only truly infallible mode of being, because it doesn't rely on the fickle and arbitrary nature of pleasure and enjoyment
You still operate on a desire. A desire to avoid making mistakes. Thus you shun emotions, you're avoiding pain. You cannot escape.
>which are inevitably gross and monstrous when fully revealed
What an infallible being operating on pure emotions, I see. None of this matters, whether my internal guts are disgusting to you is not important to me, it's pointless to care about such things because it's coming from a moralistic viewpoint. And metaphysical solipsism has nothing in common with egoism. Nothing.


Nope, has nothing to do with social norms, or avoiding mistakes.
I have just consciously decided to do this one thing, so I'm doing it. I am free.

It is you who is, in fact, spooked, because you think it matters whether you enjoy something or not, or that you should do something because you enjoy it, and not do something because you don't enjoy it. Which is a bio-neurological spook in itself.

Also, I find it funny that your own example of having friends was epicly based and pleasing muh ego, but if I do it for some other reason than direct neurochemical pleasure, it's suddenly spooked.
Are you sure you're not a hedonist?


>I have just consciously decided to do this one thing, so I'm doing it. I am free.
Nobody does something without a reason. Surely you're doing this detachment because it's pleasing to you, you gain enjoyment from theidea that you're free, that makes you feel safe and your belief system consistent. You cling to Marxian metaphysics because it satisfies your desires and gives your life order but if you introduce some unpredictable element like egoism the whole system starts shaking so you run away back into security.


>if I do it for some other reason than direct neurochemical pleasure, it's suddenly spooked
Well, you're an egoist. But a spooked one. There is no contradiction.


>Nobody does something without a reason
Your belief in a necessity of some compelling requirement to do anything is a spook. You have invented for yourself a slavedriver in the form of "what pleases my ego"
Me, I can decide to do things even if I don't believe in them, or even if they don't bring me any direct enjoyment.
Like, one day I just decided to be a marxist (as if it even matters if you're privately a marxist or anything).
You, on the other hand, are constantly paranoid about being chained by ideas, and that paranoia itself is what chains you and narrows your freedom.

You are spooked by egoism.


Why do you keep using this word?
>or even if they don't bring me any direct enjoyment
Gotcha. Long-term goals are egoistic too. You seem to operate on the egoist strawman, you think an egoist is egocentric, decadent, narcissistic and narrow-minded. This definition of egoism is very narrow, it confines the egoist to desire only what this definition allows. Not that different from you, just the reverse.
>that paranoia itself is what chains you and narrows your freedom
No more than your ideas chain you. I'd argue that your ideas chain you even more. In order to do things without a reason you literally have to stop thinking, our brains are wired to operate on causes and effects.
>You are spooked by egoism.
Egoism isn't a spook because its point is to dissolve spooks, not create another idea that restricts one's desire.
<But scruples, which thought created, now exist and can certainly be eliminated through thought. But this thought, this critique, achieves this aim only when it is egoistic thought, egoistic critique, i.e., when egoism or self-interest is asserted against scruples or against the uninteresting, when self-interest is openly professed, and the egoist criticizes from the egoistic viewpoint, rather than from the christian, socialist, humanist, human, free thought, spiritual, etc., viewpoint (i.e., like a christian, a socialist, etc.), because the self-interest of the unique, thus your self-interest, gets trampled underfoot precisely in the sacred, or human, world, and this same world, which Hess and Szeliga for example, reproach as being egoist, on the contrary has bound the egoist to the whipping post for thousands of years and fanatically sacrificed egoism to every “sacred” thing that has rained down from the realm of thought and faith. We don’t live in an egoistic world, but in a world that is completely sacred down to its lowest scrap of property.


So, egoists think that the exact same behaviors and thoughts are qualitatively different depending if you do it for egoist or non-egoist reasons, and something only "counts" if it's done for egoist reasons, despite the outcome being the same.

Isn't that in itself a kind of morality. Even worse, it's idealism.
Kinda like how in christianity, you can be a good person or whatever, but it doesn't "count" unless it is done "through christ".

It is a moral requirement that whatever you do is done in an "unspooked" manner, like you have to wear a mental condom before you engage with the scary, scary ideas.


>you literally have to stop thinking
Yes, and that's a good thing. Thoughts are a spook. They're empty.
They're just random noise that bubbles out of the recesses of your brain, they should not be taken too seriously.

>Gotcha. Long-term goals are egoistic too.

It's not about temporal distance, but conceptual distance.
I have a construct in my mind, for whose imagined enjoyment I attend to, which in turn pleases me, but in a cosmic kinda way.
The only difference between me and you is that I externalize that construct, while you fully identify with it, which makes you spooked.

The whole thing about pleasure is a semantic game anyway, everyone does everything for either pleasure or pain avoidance reasons, so everyone is actually an egoist, I just don't see the necessity in adopting a certain type of properly licensed Brand of Egoism(tm), where you behave in the same manner as everyone else, except you have the ghost of striner or whatever telling you what's the correct and incorrect way of being an egoist.


>So, egoists think that the exact same behaviors and thoughts are qualitatively different depending if you do it for egoist or non-egoist reasons, and something only "counts" if it's done for egoist reasons, despite the outcome being the same.
Okay, Hess.
<Hess asks: “First of all, what is egoism in general, and what is the difference between the egoistic life and the life of love?” This question already reveals his kinship with the other two. How can one assert such a contrast between egoistic life and the life of love against Stirner, since for him the two get along quite well?


black woman thread btw


They get along, but one is a superficial requirement placed on top of the other.
Just as being a Christian gets along with any behavior, as long as it's done "through christ".

I'm not saying there's contrast or conflict between the two, I'm saying that one is not necessary at all, and you can have just the one.
Why be conceptually an Egoist, rather than being a regular old egoist as everyone already is?
What's the point of this veil of Egoism through which everything must be mediated?


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post nut clarity caused these bozos to start arguing about egoism lmfao


>Thoughts are a spook
Oh, please.
>They're just random noise that bubbles out of the recesses of your brain, they should not be taken too seriously
You really think you don't think just because you don't use words?
>I have a construct in my mind, for whose imagined enjoyment I attend to, which in turn pleases me, but in a cosmic kinda way.
>The only difference between me and you is that I externalize that construct, while you fully identify with it, which makes you spooked.
I don't identify with egoism, we're both egoists, you're just in denial.


>They get along, but one is a superficial requirement placed on top of the other
Ah, you're referring to your own metaphysics here, lmao? Egoism is not a requirement, love is already egoistic.



I'm an egoist (as is everyone), but you're an Egoist(tm).

Egoism is not a requirement, but Egoism(tm) is, to licensed and brand certified Egoists(tm). Love is egoistic, but that's not enough, it also has to be Egoistic(tm) for an Egoist(tm), otherwise it's the bad-wrong "spooked" kind of love.

You wear the ghost of Stirner like a condom on your mind, through which you mediate all your experiences.


There's no capital E egoism but there is conscious egoism and it's not a requirement either if you enjoy your delusions so much.

Nothing matters.


>>505195 (me)
People will naturally come to egoism once they realize how pointless it is to serve sacred ideas. Which is what the spook book is for.


>>505196 (me)
*conscious egoism


If nothing matters, so does being a conscious egoist not matter.

Not any more pointless than serving non-sacred ideas.

Lmao this philosophy is just pointless mental masturbation equivalent to rotating a cube in your mind for fun.

"Nothing matters unless it doesn't matter in a way I approve of"


Spook boy gets eaten by aggro buddhist
Huh that's new


>tfw will never be able to marry a black queen


This is the fifteenth time I've seen someone post about never being able to do something that is completely achievable, like learning an instrument or language. Just do it. It's not hard


>If nothing matters, so does being a conscious egoist not matter.
Yes. But why not? It frees your desire, you can do what you really want instead of being restricted by imagined concepts.
>Not any more pointless than serving non-sacred ideas.
You don't "serve" non-sacred ideas. Servitude implies slavery. You're enslaved to fixed ideas. Non-fixed ideas are as rich and diverse as life itself because conscious egoists embrace life instead of some abstractions. If non-fixed ideas are always changing and fleeting, how can you say that you serve them if you dispose of them when they're no longer useful?
>"Nothing matters unless it doesn't matter in a way I approve of"
No. Nothing matters. I just choose to act like that because I like to do what I want, not act out of habit or tradition or social pressure or whatever other pointless restriction, it pleases me to act like that. You can act however you want, you are already an egoist, a phrase-maker. It'll always be an expression of your self-interests. I simply don't need to justify my decisions to myself with higher causes.


not a good day/evening/night for you is it spook boy


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15 minute yap fest by some obviously resentful guy. Only thing he said with actual substance was near the end where he said they don't wash their hair, which I don't get because there's tons of shampoo made specifically for weaves and also targeting the hair underneath with tools.


You do realize someone like him wouldn’t see you as any different from black Americans right? Racists don’t care, they hate anyone who doesn’t look like them. Don’t ever pander to racist people, they don’t deserve any sympathy and should be treated like the subhuman they are.


those young women already have good prospects thats why.

Theres few young womn whom lack romantic prospects.

Now, when they hit forty, the tables reverse.


sexpat thread


You mean https://8chan.moe/ebon/ ?
It works fine for me.


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>sexpat thread
Speaking of anyone make an OkCupid account recently? They made it more like tinder now where you get likes and etc. I got 300 likes in 2 days of making account and it was almost entirely African woman kek.


I got the same, I'm not white so it was like 20.


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Reviving with some sleek gals


she's insanely pretty


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Guys search for Yabantu tv on youtube if you want to see hot african tribal women


Did y'all read that today is women's day and jump to this thread?


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>1 post on Woman's day out of 278 posts
Are you sure about that?


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pure SEX


pic 1 looks like they airbrushed her bush to be smooth lol


>not knowing what brushing your hair is
Every time.


>brushing your pubic hair


Back to >>516835
It's called hygiene m8. sage for offtopic


everyone loves black pussy, but nobody loves black bussy, explanation?


Please desist


You should ask bussy enjoyers, which are not the bulk of a thread about sexy women.


Only one pair among them, truly rare


If anyone is curious how it went with me and the other black femanon, apparently a bunch of members from an online incel sect decided to bombard her with messages after getting her fbi.gov tag from this thread, so she deleted her account. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, haha. 


Sorry about that anon


Disgusting. The site has a lot of weirdo rightoids who obsess over it, so it's not surprising however. Be careful about where you post your socials.


I am absolutely fascinated by this. Like what the actual fuck
I heard about colourism which is ironic as fuck hearing about Indian parents telling their kids to stay out of the sun. Meanwhile
>be me
I think this might most possibly be the most physically attractive woman I have ever seen. Extremely dark, almost black Indian women particularly South Indians are hands down the hottest girls on the planet and I don't know why.

I don't get why the fuck these South Asian/Soutwest Asian pseudoboomers are in such a colonized mindset. Like the only people you're even doing it for is fucking them, not white people. Which is all kind of fucked up and ironic.

I mean in fairness that's also not really a race thing as much as typical Mideastern politics. That, also ironically, I lowkey think Middle Easterners especially Arabs are the most white people mentality, we fucking hate each other. Like. Inventing napalm and atom bombs was not enough. You have to firebomb their cities and even then Europeans are like cockroaches, you can literally burn the whole city to the ground and they come out of holes like bedbugs. Whenever I listen to especially Arabs bitching about other Arabs and random Middle Eastern ethnicities it just sounds like the intensity of white people wishing we had no European Union or UN so we didn't need to keep pretending about human rights.

Turkish and Pakistani family tier

Which again, I find bafflingly, bewilderingly bizarre and hilarious in a sick, fucked up way because I already wrote off white women entirely. Like, the whole "modern women" "karens" thing isn't even thinly veiled code, we are clearly talking about entitled materialism obsessed, two faced, manipulative bossy American white women. I want someone who's actually worth destroying my body through work to support.

Just the whole thing is bizarre to me from where I'm standing because if you were in the States it's plainly obvious white people want nothing to do with each other post pandemic. It's not just the stupid shit between the child mutilation enablers vs the racist terrorist qboomers. There's something so deeply rotten about this society and if you actually look at all the couples clearly the poltards have failed spectacularly.

That fucking wall is a Berlin wall. It's what happened when a bunch of over privileged entitled retarded ass pillsbury dough people inflicted their fucking retarded ass market ideology upon the holiest of holies, quite literally tried and turned everything from love to making babies to lovemaking to marriage all into a crass monetary transaction, and frame literally ALL sexual and romantic concerns in this way, with what they perceived would be themselves at the top.

What these fat fucks DIDN'T KNOW was that their cottage cheese asses wasn't even on discount, nobody wants them, and all the white people with half a fucking clue are bailing fast and desperately taking one last try and get our act together to find a wife or husband outside this decaying Eldar society before it all implodes. The ones trying to save ourselves on a craftworld to Mexico are fucking fleeing, we're dropping weight, working on addictions and any bad character traits, we're fucking done. Meanwhile it's these assholes actually fucking thought that they commanded a premium on the "sexual marketplace" which is fucking hysterial seeing these fatasses like Tess Holiday too, the whole fucking trans thing is the same shit at this point frankly with basically nontrans failures of straight white dudes pressuring lesbians for sex because "I'm a lesbian too what are you a transphobe? now suck my lesbian dick." And it's the same entitled stupid shit with the fatsos. Calling rich handsome dudes that don't want to date you "fatphobes."

Because they all arrogantly assumed they'd be at the top, what has happened was ALL the people with *any* kind of good looks, or status, or wealth, or height, or muscle, or thin young women, anything like that, everyone is literally fleeing to Mexico. Because they basically erected a shitty ass pillsbury sexual marketplace no one wanted to participate in so they have flabby effeminate obese boomers like Trump building basically a Berlin Wall for the sexual marketplace of fat white people, and more or less wanting to shoot all of us hopping those borders.
This is quite literally what the poltards are all about.
This is LITERALLY why fucking poltards spent the better part of a decade ranting nonstop about black penises and cuckporn, the only reason liberal white women aren't being openly classist, derogatory, and racist toward Philipinas and Thai and Nicaraguan and Mexican and Turkish and Syrian and Afghan etc. women yet is because they quite literally value themselves like they value men and arrogantly presume their career, degree, and some measure of status, nationality, and lowkey thinking themselves some white saviour Daenerys, is going to "owe" them or entitle them to a rich hot husband who's got a boat. And, unlike the fatso trumptards, haven't yet fully figured out yet that basically all the guys they want are the same dudes that doesn't want them.

The stats on this is interesting, it's not just the single guys but also the single childless women, and that is definitely a code thing for white women particularly the Americans and British who all are apparently holding out for that one 9/10 millionaire lawyer that fucked them all on Tinder to marry them.

When in fact what the actual reality is, is all the little kids I see in Walmart and CVS is curly haired, dark, looking at the parents it doesn't seem to matter if it's a white dude it's a darker woman, it's a white woman she's with a latino dude or black guy or something.

The tiki Nazis failed miserably.

And there's this certain really fucking queer thing that I now realize some of the absolute most vocal reactionary and racist Nazi voices are fucking Pakistanis and Indians, often the same dudes that have just light enough skin they act racist as hell. Meanwhile seemingly not realizing or caring the sheer number of people like me that would rather find a really hot dark Indian woman, or a pretty Columbian or Brazilian girl, or a pretty black girl.

Like I'm really curious about this, would Turks, Pakistanis, Indians etc. change their mind whatsoever if they only knew and understood how much most white people just don't even give a shit? Like the only loud racist assholes out there rambling about cuckporn literally haven't seen their own dicks since 1997. These are the types of boomers to be in a fucking mobility scooter. Or their fat, blond pseudo goatee having, camo trucker cap and wrap around plastic sunglasses having fat doughy sons, that are themselves in direct competition with fit, masculine black dudes, Arab and Indian business owners (that also are masculine), people that basically outcompete they asses straight across the board. And those dudes only doing it because literally they have a biological imperative to mateguard what little they can have, that is coming from a people so incredibly fucking arrogant they all literally feel entitled to millionaire models, despite themselves being flabby, lazy, impoverished, arrogant dough people that all seem to think themselves as good looking as Jaime, as cunningly strong as Tywin, as intelligent as Tyrion, as much a beloved "breaker of chains" as Daenerys, as dutiful as Stannis, and yet every last one of them is like a broke ass Jeoffrey Baratheon–and you more or less need to translate everything into the kind of fucking show they all think they are the main character of, because I literally saw these obese people go to fucking Ukraine and say the war is "just like a movie!"
I'm sorry dude I'm basically just venting my overwhelming animosity for Americans at this point


You know you can bitch about Miami and LA and Atlanta all you want but
You REALLY think you're ever going to dissuade me from this?
I find it also bizarrely, morbidly hysterical in the most twisted way that a bunch of black men running around youtube calling themselves "redpilled" literally not even knowing the fuckin thing is something a bunch of racist neonazis stole from liberal hollywood transhumanists (because rightards can't fucking meme and stole literally every last thing not a Wyatt Mann cartoon from leftists, liberals etc) as a dog whistle for "being redpilled on the JQ." It was literally white dweebs ranting about their theory that Jews are trying to destroy white people by….having white women not fuck them. I don't know why they all talk about white women only, half them have an East Asian fetish but whatever. Anyway that also weirded me out, it's like yall even know where tf redpill comes from? Literally those retards. Nearly all the bitching about black women seems to come from black American men.
again absolutely would.
My sides

That is an exception, I refuse to live in Lousiana, I don't care how hot anyone is, fuck that. That's like, sub-Alabama tier.
Look I can't promise that I'm never going to do drugs again, also I'm an alcoholic, there's many reasons to not go there for me. It's a corrupt shithole.

No, see above. That's why I think it's amazing that a bunch of fat white American women have the gall to talk about "fatphobia is rooted in racism" and start prattling on about that which is, itself, some of the most incredibly racist shit.
Americans however are fatter on average, just in general. To me this is very true of the white people though for some reason. But in truth, black people, latinos, America is in general a fat country like Britain. Apparently, what is is Kuwait? I know there's many other countries in MENA and like Mexico that are getting fatter.

Find something that gives you the excuse to go there for work and go there then. I've wondered how I can possibly switch jobs to something that involves lots of traveling. Lot of nice cities in Africa honestly, find some work or study thing or some career field.

America is a shopping mall/plantation and a ponzi scheme. It's not designed to have a culture, only profits, and it coopts literally everything then destroys it. Star Wars comes to mind. So does Anonymous, ripped jeans, the Tea Party. Getting shamrocks is so fucking stupid. I have never met anyone here who's Irish, except this one Irish guy with a thick Irish accent who's from Ireland and complained about how we put peanut shit in literally everything. Idk I like peanut butter.

I can't even tell if some of yall are actually being racist on purpose, being accidentally racist and not poltards, internalizing racism, or doing this "we don't claim you" thing. Which isn't always easy to tell on the internet.

imo what people truly hate the most is what is most like them, and what most reminds them of the things they don't like about themselves. This is absolutely true across the board, and it's tenfold when you're sitting there and it's like "oh no, you don't fucking claim me, go back to sitting in your corner, you don't reflect on me at fucking all dude."

One of the things that headed off the American Civil War was the caning of Charles Sumner, who had deeply offended a southern slave owner in the senate by pretty blatantly implying he was a rapist who raped his black slaves. He promptly beat Mr. Sumner with a cane for "insulting his honour" though in reality man part white kids were fathered in this way in the deep south.
So there's also that angle.

That's because it's Capitalist and inherently, definitionally opposed to all the shit these dumbass "tradcons" and nationalists whinge about also.
It is quite literally our mutual enemy for the right and left. Hence, the deep, deep level manipulation and games the elites have got to play to stay in power at this point because they above all know they are the problem.

It's taken all my might to not be an asshole in public. I openly vent and am openly racist to the Americans particularly the white ones at this point. I had to deal with them nonstop during the pandemic.
I did not have a fun time.


Yeah, you're a racist weirdo bro.


His rant was entertaining though, you can tell when the internet fully warps someone and he’s definitely a victim of being terminally online




>muscle girl thread has full tranquility, all anons sharing abs in peace
>black girl thread is a shitstorm of arguing about race

when will you learn, that your actions have consequences!


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>create black muscle woman thread
>perfect balance


The muscle threads had detractors too. Keep posting black women and soon they will get tired of it and fuck off.


I gotta come to brazil


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If you two are going to rant about raceshit at least post some beautiful black chicks while you're at it.


>average filipino/indian/turkish/latin american moms when you bring home a dark-skinned girl


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>dark skin moms hating other dark skin chicks
Checks out lol.


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I just came to this minutes ago. Idk why but black and other dark skinned pussy are beautiful


The contrast between the inside and outside is neuron-activating.


Ya. Its more extreme when your black too. The cunny just be whispering "your home" into my ear and dick


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I need Hannah Stuelke to bang me down low go strong to the hole hit me with a facial


Loving both the pics and the debate tho lol


Clearly, black women are so powerful that when they make you nut you start asking the big questions. Forget about "stoned ape" theory, the trve origins of human intelligence and civilization is the svpreme post nvt clarity only black women can provide.


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which way, siberian man?


Right and Middle for me


left looks better to me, huh


purely on looks
left > right > center
would need to know their personalities tho


I meant their right, From my POV it would be left (don't ask I was tired, I don't know why I referred right-left from their POV).


>would need to know their personalities tho


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Photorealistic gen I found


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Fresh batch


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wtf i love imperialism now?


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HOLY FUCK im gonna destroy my dick at this rate






good lord


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Why would you spoiler this? Beautiful pussy should be liberated from the confines of image spoilers!


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Somebody tag in Vladimir Lenin
Lenin if you can hear us please save me
Please save me Vladimir Lenin please
I'm asking you
Please save me
Please save me please get these imperialists away from me


Wasn't she an Afghan Vet that also did OnlyFans content?




maybe if there was onlyfans circa 2010 she wouldn't have gone to afghanistan


Fake tits are gross


found one of her that was already in my titty folder


I just love huge tits.
Don't care what color though these ladies and Poles seem to always have massive ones.
E cup and up minimum. G is really where "big" starts, but H or J is probably where truly tig biddies start.
<this all assumes the smallest band size relative to cup, and that insertions and volume distribution are ideal e.g. Tear drop nipple up. That is, smaller cups can still 'appear' big without volumetrically being so. This is truly what most people mean by "big/huge".
>I'm skinnyfat and malding though


Even these?


><this all assumes the smallest band size relative to cup, and that insertions and volume distribution are ideal e.g. Tear drop nipple up. That is, smaller cups can still 'appear' big without volumetrically being so. This is truly what most people mean by "big/huge".
my man's doing titty phrenology


Not the guy who you were replying to but I would fuck their sweaty armpit/side tit while they are disinterested, 7 hours into their work (and still working) and wearing nothing but an apron


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Not quite large enogh imo, left wood berry, right not so much.


it's kinda weird to get off on candid pictures of people in a context where they're not trying to present as sexy at all…


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Anon, they're shitposting here and in the tits thread, so I responded with a shitpost.
It's si/b/eria, relax.


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