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 No.530330[View All]

Previous thread >>524100
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>Women whom are thick, dress alternatively, dark-skinned, older, single parent, etc are seen as dalit
In which countries?


>NoFap is nonsense and also bad for your health, said the anon


looking for any chance to promote your religion huh


Nah bruh keep gooning


Porn is terrible for your health but NoFap is pure retardation, Freedom Model/Easypeasy are legit if you want to escape.


In all.


facebook sex?


is it so hard to try to talk with a woman? are you a /pol/ agent or are you that alienated?


>Porn is terrible for your health
Then why does it only make me feel good?


Why didn't she choose bachelor number 3? I thought women loved funny guys. Instead she chose the stereotypical chad even though she did not see them and his answers said absolutely nothing.


I'm just an incel


Protip: When women say what they like in a guy, they arent telling you what makes a guy attractive, but what they want in a man they already find attractive.

Also, Trevor got kneecapped by being forced to sit, would have better chance if she could see how tall he is.


i would talk to women but it feels like a chore.


Why would you talk to us instead of talking to women? There are no funny stories in this thread, no people talking about their failures and trying to make sense of what went wrong, it's all whining and "boohoo good looking women on TikTok have sex while I don't". Who fucking cares? It's boring as fuck.
Take a risk just once in your life. Next weekend, go to a bar, drink alcohol and start reacting to what some random person says, male or female, just like you do when you post here. Say something funny and roll with it. Then if it doesn't work, go to the next bar and see what's happen. The odds of dying while doing this are very low.
You are lonely, you are alienated, speaking to strangers is complicated, we all know. But fucking hell, this thread isn't about sex and relationships anymore, it's all about discouraging every one of us from making bonds with strangers. You can't have both the comfy spleen you feel within your gamer chair and the thrill of flirting with someone at the same time, you have to make a choice at some point.


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You can't just go and talk to random women if you are ugly, it makes them uncomfortable and want to get away from you. This is doubly true if you are remotely on the spectrum as well as being unattractive.


>You can't just go and talk to random women if you are ugly, it makes them uncomfortable and want to get away from you.
You can if you have a bit of charisma, if you learn how to talk well. Sometimes you look at politicians' wives, they are hot as fuck, and the guy looks like an absolute ghoul, it's because the guy's job is to talk well. You need to have social interactions to learn how to deal with people, to fail and learn, it's praxis.
>This is doubly true if you are remotely on the spectrum as well as being unattractive.
Then cut your balls and become an eunuch for the Imperial Court of China instead of complaining, you might even cuck the emperor in the process.


>You can if you have a bit of charisma, if you learn how to talk well
Charisma mostly comes naturally rather than something that can be picked up.
>they are hot as fuck, and the guy looks like an absolute ghoul, it's because the guy's job is to talk well
No it's because most politicians were bankers, lawyers or business owners before they entered politics. Women can look past bad looks if the guy has wealth or status. The most effective way to stop being an incel is to get rich.


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Anon (>>535115) don't do this shit. I'm all for combatting alienation but if you're in this thread you're probably not all that attractive or you're neurodivergent. Try joining local clubs about things you're interested in, or fitness groups like martial arts. Also if you're not doing this already, look your best: lose the weight (or gain some if you're under), dress well, take care of your hygiene, wear deodorant.


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I'm 28 but look like a teenager, and it's ruining my life. Got a degree but can't get a job cause no one takes me seriously. My looks mess up how people treat me and make dating impossible.

All this stress gives me chronic headaches, stomach issues, and dizziness. Therapy hasn't helped, it just feels like professional gaslighting. They say change my perception, but that won't get me a job or a normal love life. The physical symptoms won't go away until the external issues do.

Honestly, being rich or communism would be the only way to offset being stuck in the wrong body, but that's not happening right now.

What's the realistic alternative to suicide in a situation like this? What would "normies" say to argue against suicide being a rational choice here?


>Charisma mostly comes naturally rather than something that can be picked up.
I disagree. I was really shy when I was a teenager due to being bullied, but a variety of experiences made me more confident into what I am, less autistic and more funny. I'm not saying I'm very successful at relationships, but I lived intense things instead of only complaining online.
You can change, it's just that you don't want to change and prefer to wallow in your own misery. It's okay, we all do it at some point in our lives, but don't try to drag down people into your pit and tell them there is no escape.
>Women can look past bad looks if the guy has wealth or status.
I know a really ugly guy, no chin, wearing glasses, strabismus. He work at a restaurant getting paid jack shit. His wife is PhD in biology, the most charming blonde girl you would see in your life, just the right amount of chubbiness, very smart and always interesting to talk to.
The thing is, this guy is funny and isn't afraid of interacting with the outside world. So no, you're simply wrong.


>You can change, it's just that you don't want to change and prefer to wallow in your own misery
I have changed and been trying to put myself outside of my comfort zone for years. The end result is that I'm more miserable and depressed than ever. You know nothing about me.
>but don't try to drag down people into your pit and tell them there is no escape.
Your advice to that anon is terrible.
>I know a really ugly guy (…) you're simply wrong
Anecdotal evidence. You also understand that your guy would probably get slaughtered in the modern day dating climate if he really is as ugly as you say he is?


>You know nothing about me.
Of course I don't because this is an anonymous imageboard.
>I have changed and been trying to put myself outside of my comfort zone for years. The end result is that I'm more miserable and depressed than ever.
Then become a Buddhist instead of whining. Nothing will change if you whine some more in this thread and post some incelfuel from reddit, you will just make the life of people around here seem more terrible than it really is.
>Your advice to that anon is terrible.
Why? Maybe your inability to explain your opinions with substantiated words is the reason why you are so lonely and boring.
>Anecdotal evidence.
Go back to reddit. Don't forget to seethe at r/FemaleDatingStrategy.
>You also understand that your guy would probably get slaughtered in the modern day dating climate if he really is as ugly as you say he is?
They got together 10 years ago at most. Neoliberalism was still kicking as it does today.


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P.S. stop engaging in looks vs. personality debates. This debate has been going on for well over a decade and either side never concedes. Incels just reassert their hopelessness and "bluepillers" just reassert the usual talking points. You're not "saving" anyone, you're clogging up the thread.


This thread is shit because no one talk about actual relationships, trying and failing, being heartbroken, having a successful date to later being crushed by your own mistakes, etc. It's all about reposting incelfuel you can get anywhere else on the internet. Nobody who touched an ass once in their life gives a shit, and I don't understand what is the end game of posting such shit on a little niche thread like this. Houellebecq already wrote about this stuff better than any contemporary incel ever will 30 years ago. Live and let live, or read the goddamn book.


>Why arent people who never were in a relationship talking about their relationships?
See if you can figure that one for yourself.


Then this thread should be nuked since none of you are mature or immature enough to get into a relationship, as fleeting as it might be.
Since there is no sex happening and no relationships happening either, there is no point to this thread.
Don't forget to never ever take risk in your life. Be a good (unemployed) prole, never drink, never talk to strangers, never ask someone if they want to kissed, you might get the cooties. Monday is cagie day, look forward to it.


Oh look, its another episode of "anon argues with voices in his head".


I will shit up this thread as long as you aren't getting sex. You have been warned.


Incels are formative?


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Fuck my life and fuck mental illness. Been thinking about this girl that ghosted me for a while. We met up, had a good time and she paid for everything. She mentioned wanting to meet up again during the week. The last text I got from her, she couldn't meet me during the week and that she was sorry. She probably had personal stuff going on and became overwhelmed. But still think I'm cursed, not good enough because of my disorders. I just want intimacy but only with her. I can't bring myself to get excited for other girls, what's wrong with me bros?


Sometimes girls do this, ghost you out of nowhere even though it seemed like everything was going fine. It's cruel and hard to endure.
Take solace into the fact you were desired by her for at least a moment. You will eventually get over her with time.
From your post, I can't tell if there is anything wrong with you, you seem alright, and remember everyone has their own behavioral issues. She probably has one too since she is evasive like this, but it's okay, it happens. Maybe she will text you back later, but it's better to not count on it too much and move on.


Why don't you message her, damn.


Thank you glowanon. I should appreciate that I was desired even if it wasn't for long. Not sure how to cope honestly. Getting deeper into into normie and niche interests. I have been diagnosed with autism, psychosis, etc. I went down the "blackpill" rabbit hole about autism. Not sure if looks are holding me back, she would tell me that I looked handsome/cute. Yeah I don't doubt that she had some issues as well. Trying OLD again but it just feels pointless and boring. Probably going to delete again.


I have but no responses, I'll try calling her but the time doesn't seem right.



Talking on here is still more enjoyable than listening to some bimbo drone on about her major or whatever shitty music she likes. Nothing "thrilling" about them.

Also drinking is d3g3en_rate behavior. I hate alcoholics with a passion. I don't like drinking and I will never give in to this animal impulse.


I mean you see more infographics bullshit and empty platitudes than even people just complaining about their lack of a love life.


>post about relationship problems
>get called a humblebragger
I'm in a pickle right now where I really care about my gf, but I cheated on her before I did and she found out. We're still together, but with very good reason she has no trust for me and is always blowing up my phone in the evening. I just want to chill but feel obligated to respond because if I don't she assumes I'm out on a date or some shit. I don't feel like our values are particularly compatible either, but I don't want to let her go. She's deeply Christian.

Move on, don't send her needy messages. Don't block her either, you never know. I've done this to girls in depressive moments then later came back to apologize to them because it's really shitty to ghost.


Yeah I think I'm just going to move.on, I sent a lot "needy" messages to her already. She might contact me, she might not. It is what it is. Ghosting is pretty shitty to do but people their reasons I guess.

>I don't feel like our values are particularly compatible either, but I don't want to let her go. She's deeply Christian.

I feel like I'm the last person that should advice in this thread but I think you should let her go. If you cheated and your values aren't compatible. Do u u keep her around for security?


>I sent a lot "needy" messages to her already.
dude no


I admire and envy people who can push through life. All I do is mope and only get out of my comfort zone when things get terrible enough. I'm a little bitch, basically.


>quick-witted and steals the whole show with his jokes
>other two are mumbling morons trying to act like a stereotypically "cool" male from a movie of the time
if someone would rather go out with a jersey shore character than me i wouldnt even feel bad about it


gotta love how people blame their youth for their flaws as if though it will males things better.
"I was just a kid" is the biggest copout ever.
Tgats a sigm of shitty development.


Most peoppe who push through habe strong support networks or are om some really good copium.


>or are om some really good copium.
This. The only reason I'm still alive is mix of revolutionary optimism and bullshit copied straight from Vagabond.



This is homicidal idealism


Yeah bro, 😭.


I wish a nice person called me cute at least once in my life.

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