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How can I leverage my knowledge of leftist theory to get SEX (from females)?


There's a lot of women who will be more open to dating you just for being a socialist, fyi. Just pass the anti-chvd vibe check.


t. Obama


Create a cultish totskyite org :)


im too effeminate to date women and im not even gay


Don't go that road Anon, you try to dropquote Foucault to impress the hoes and next thing you know, you're ordering bombing middle eastern children


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all he wanted was some they/them pussy


legit get into kpop, theyre hot and most are single and ready to settle for a mid white man


its funny how the same people screeching about porn and unrealistic standards drool over fucking k-pop


>There's a lot of women who will be more open to dating you just for being a socialist, fyi
This is bullshit. Women are fascist by default.



bruh ive been into kpop for 5 years and i am omw to my second fully immersive korean class today. im just saying a lot of us are more afraid of asian fishing than anything therfore we settle for white guys. yall hating bc u got small dicks 😗✌️


bitches love a reader, uygha no cap. the other day I's be reading the Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy in my homies crib and honies be all over me fr.


Every time I post this long long explanation it gets ignored. This time, I'll make it short.

You use your Marxist knowledge to deconstruct why, how, where people socialize and eventually have sex. Then you do the activities necessary that will make you blossom into someone who engages in said activities.

Sustained action (aka habits) determine reality and thought.

Hope that helps.


Retard. Not an issue.


I'm black


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anti bbc 🤭


You can't, women do not care about those things.


how the fuck is it not an issue uygha. its literally being the exact opposite of what women are attracted to




wömen. men of wö


Earlier today I masturbated to a video of a young lady giving her vagina an enema while she was on her period. I didn't realize menstruation could be so messy!


In Chinese, it's "wǒmen" to say "we" indeed (我们/我們)


t. Obama


It's called a douche you douche


>How can I leverage my knowledge of leftist theory to get SEX (from females)?
You don't. Next question.


Yeah what a great image for Leftypol. So when people lurk here, they can know pedos get to make jokes and post "art".


This is Си/б/ирь, not leftypoo sir.


Try leninmaxxing >>530761

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