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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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 No.3151[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for hating on the F-35 "Lightning II" stealth turkey a.k.a the most expensive military project in history to date.

The USAF declared it ready for service in 2016
As of that date the following problems I can list just off the top of my head
- Vulnerable to lightning; it's practically a lightning rod https://archive.is/QSIii
- 0 redundancies in the cyber or mechanical aggregates; any malfunction
- RADAR glitches means it literally ahs to be turned off and on again https://archive.ph/EEd9y
- Ejection seat is banned for anyone 136 pounds or below and anyone not above 150 pounds has significant injury risk, it literally can break your neck.
- F-35 helmets glow too brightly for air-to-air refueling https://archive.is/pKE0Y
- F-35 helmets are so heavy at nearly 5 kilograms so that maneuvers cause them to bang their heads on the inside of the cockpit https://archive.ph/WsRxA https://archive.ph/dE1gP
(keep in mind these helmets are 400,000 dollars each).
- The oxygen system is unreliable (something that the F-22 shares) https://archive.ph/kGGKq

The Plane was supposed to be ready by 2010-12 having been projected in the early 2000s
the list of problems in its past and that are remaining in various levels of urgency number over 800.
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Ah yes, just like they 'coordinated' their F-35s to cause AD to hit an Il-20M instead of them because they only let the Russian military know about their strikes on Latakia a minute before? Fuck off. And that's not to mention several other strikes that were done without giving Russia proper notice.

Finally I repeat - that's Russia's military, not Syria's, while they may be allied and linked, they are not one and the same, nor dow the latter control the former.


>US Navy ordering 17 more F/A-18 Super Hornets even though they has earlier stated to stop their orders
Seems the carrier variant of the F-35 is so unreliable that the 4th generation of fighers will continue to be the backbone of the US air forces.


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You just can’t make this shit up. Lmao.
An F-35B Accidentally Shot Itself With A Gatling Gun
>March didn’t start well for the U.S air force when a much costly air incident took place. F-35B stealth, the most expensive fighter jet ever built to date, accidentally shot itself while flying over Arizona’s skies.
>A single unit of an F-35B costs around $135.8 million, so at first, an aircraft’s accident doesn’t sound appealing at all. The aircraft had an externally mounted Gatling gun discharge a 25mm armor cutting explosive round into itself, leaving the aircraft with damage of approximately $2.5 million, as confirmed by the military officials.
<The Marine Corps’ F-35B carries the GAU-22 differently differently than the Air Force’s -A version. Unlike the -A aircraft, which mounts the GAU-22 inside the aircraft at the base of the left side wing root, the -B mounts the gun in a separate gun pod mounted to the airplane’s belly. This design change was due to a weight issue caused by the need to make the -B version capable of vertical takeoffs and landings. The Marines can leave the gun off the aircraft to reduce weight when necessary.
LMAO, this is literally a repetition of the F-4 Phantom not having integrated guns like in Vietnam, and using gun-pods to make up for it until the newer models came in.
>The F-35B stealth aircraft was performing a nigh time air support mission, while during its flight, the aircraft exploded a round of fire in a self-attack scenario. Fortunately, the pilot managed to land the super-costly aircraft to the ground, but the damage done isn’t at low either.
>It was a Class-A accident, as termed by the officials, directing towards a minimum of $2.5 million of loss or the aircraft’s complete inability to make it to the skies ever again.
Such superior American engineering. Just imagine a scenario of these scrap heaps doing an air attack on Iran or The DPRK and just get their Gatling guns hacked to shoot itself.


A lot of sources talk about how the F-22 and F-35 have 0.001 or 0.0001 or even 0.00001 m2 RCS (RADAR Cross Section). This is misleading at best, and straight up false at most. I'm going to write an effort-post on this particular myth of stealth-aircraft, one that Russia itself acknowledges, which is why it doesn't claim absurd RCS numbers like this.


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LMAO even the Poles, who suck the US DoD like it's a milky teat are talking about how bad and expensive the F-35 is.

Considering the increasing Iran-Israel relations (or rather, lack thereof) throughout Spring of 2024, there's a possibility that the Su-35SE (export Su-35S's) of Iran will face off against the F-35i of the Israelie Air-Force. The Israeli's have some advantages, but only stealth is something the F-35 is superior in. Armament, flight-characteristics and so on are on the side of the Sukhoi, and the F-35's stealth is not invisibility, and Iran hasn't been idly standing by ignoring those capabilities. The only REAL difference is that Israeli pilots have more experience, but even then, it's been decades since the IAF has had a proper air to air opponent and striking ground targets is not the same as a dogfight, and BVR is by no means a guaranteed hit.


Today, the United States is among a number of nations working to develop and field advanced directed energy weapons, or lasers, for a number of military applications.

Near the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union began experimenting with the idea of fielding a laser-equipped tank that could blind the targeting systems of inbound ballistic missiles or vehicles. Ultimately, two prototypes of the laser-armed 1К17 Сжатие, translated to “Compression,” were built, though they weren’t complete until the Soviet Union fell and was replaced by the new government of the Russian Federation.

Today, the United States is among a number of nations working to develop and field advanced directed energy weapons, or lasers, for a number of military applications. The U.S. Air Force recently announced its intentions to begin fielding lasers on their fighter platforms as soon as 2025, and the U.S. Navy began testing its latest laser, the MK 2 MOD 0, aboard the USS Portland in May of this year. But decades before these programs came to light, the Soviet Union was already exploring the idea of using lasers as a means of missile defense.

The Soviet strategy wasn’t to use these lasers to destroy incoming missiles like the applications in development today intend to. Instead, the Soviet laser tank aimed to blind or burn out the electro-optical sensors missiles used to find their targets. Once blinded or damaged, a missile would miss its intended target, whether that was the 1K17 or other nearby assets. Other planned applications included using the laser apparatus to blind heavy vehicles like tanks, making it impossible for them to aim and fire accurately.
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Soviet LASER pistol for astronauts. It's only powerful enough to overload cameras but it looks cool. It actually has single use battery cartridges like bullets in the magazine. The idea was for the astronauts on space stations to shoot this out the window at approaching ships.


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There was a laser revolver version of this too. It reminds me of the laser pistol from the original Alien (1979) film.




The laser pistol actually looks cool. The revolver has to be the ugliest looking firearm I've ever seen.



Laser deforestation demonstrated in Russia
>Specialists from the Troitsk Institute of Innovation and Thermonuclear Research tested a mobile laser complex produced by Rosatom. The laser was used to cut down forests and speed up the laying of power lines. Using a laser complex, it was possible to cut a tree trunk 200 mm thick in six minutes; by simulating a laser beam, this time can be halved. The laser installation has no analogues in Russia and is capable of cutting even metal structures whose thickness reaches 260 mm, at a distance of no more than 300 meters. Previously, a sunken ship located 50 meters from the shore was cut with a laser on Sakhalin. There are no technical details released yet; the laser complex can be installed on an all-terrain vehicle of median size or larger.
An interesting use of a laser. Perhaps its not so fantastical in the future to have laser cannons.

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I fucking love it even if people think it looks bad.
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Maybe he plays airsoft or something?


Ebay, aliexpress, etc why don't you consult a web search.


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Everywhere. I will wear it at home, in bed, on the toilet, at the shower, all day & night and go out in public with the helmet / cap included.


Those are ass to order from in Europe (particularly Eastern Europe because of customs). Are there no retailers within Europe?


All the more difficult considering that under Article 10 - It is forbidden to buy, sell, rent, lease or distribute military uniforms without permission.
The use of military uniforms and standard clothing once equipped by the Chinese People's Liberation Army to conduct business activities is prohibited. So it might not go through customs.

Am I supposed to contact the Chinese embassy for permission lmfao?

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Does this actually work or did leafanon have a giggle?


Does anyone do fencing, HEMA, kendo, or some other sword inspired combat sport?


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hmmm today… i will post my favorite cat
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RF-4E tactical reconnaissance aircrafts
first pic captures the lunch of 3 sam-2 aa missiles


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If you're going to bump, bump with an actual image or post uygha.

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RETVRN (to tank-based glider platforms)

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does /akm/ have its own do/k/ument? I'd like to get my greasy hands on it. post links with information on anything related to building weapons, we'll compile it
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Why do we need our own do/k/ument when the do/k/ument already exists? Do you think guns work differently based on the ideology of the wielder?


Yeah, I think if we made one ourselves it should be based on theirs with some additions. No need to start from scratch


Why do they need to specialize so much in the first place? Isn't this just another form of micromanagement? Make everyone just do one job so they can have a base level of expectation that people can do their job, no matter how shitty or how much it costs?


does anyone have an archive of the-eye.eu/public before it went down? I am specifically looking for the murdercube.com archives


quarterly bump

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excavating tunnels, trenches, ditches, ramparts, moats, holes, any kind of defensive earthwork where industrial machinery isn't viable

you can get most stuff off of amazon or any hardware or milsurp store
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>44 11
Checked for based Russian /mole/


>Be a billionaire
>Start looking around anxiously
>My fellow people, I will create a hyperloop for the good of mankind
>I will need to create and buy tunnel boring technology to create this hyperloop
>I will also need to create a company to bore these large tunnels
>Yes these large tunnels could also function as billionaire bunkers
>Look over there!



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Basically an immense underground complex in Greenland ice to be able to launch nukes at the USSR. Reminds me of the USSR's subterranean submarine bases and the Underground Nuclear Tank.


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Revive this thread


So, after I rerurn ro the ranch for the summer, i'm getting to work building a flashbang grenade. It will be pretty similar to IRL US and British flashbangs. It will essentially be a flashbang charge attached to a fuze assembly from a yugoslav M 84 grenade (those i will get from a friend that works in EOD) without the detonator of course. It should be able to be screwed into a pipe with endcaps that will have holes over it's body so the gases can ventilate during the bang pard. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to fit a front hole so it will probably launch itself a bit due to gasses being forced through one side. It should work on the exact same principle as a factory built one and have the same effect. When I get ro doing it I will post the results.

Here, have the worst schematic ever.

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