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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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What do we do about e guns, e cannons, drones and other electronic based weapons in future wars? How will these machines respond to tech like EMPs and multilayered radars?
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I don't know about these weird electric firing mechanism but the idea I had was a rifle with a barrel that adjusts itself automatically to aim for heatsignal. An autoaim of sorts. Also maybe with a camera as a scope that shows what it's seeing zoomed in, you could use this to aim without having to lay your head on the rifle and practically aim and shoot arround cornoers by only exposing your hands and the rifle.


That's such an easy method to cause friendly fire. You'd need to have an identification system as well.


to go into further detail, there would be a button and a screen that shows what the camera is seeing, you would have to hold the button to make the barrel adjust itself, and if your targets are mixed in with friendlies just don't hold the button and try firing without the autoaim or not fire at all at friendlies, idk



Apparently Russian Electronic Warfare and jamming is so strong that it's visible from satellites. It's part of the reason AWACs and Global Hawk drones are used by NATO to support Ukrainian operations for missile strikes in Russian territory.

The EW environment of the war means a lot of FPV drones on both sides use analog systems that are grainy as shit, since they're more resistant to jamming. Analog is also cheaper and it helps that drones are designed like a more advanced RC system that is resistant a lot because of the need to operate in areas like cities where Wi-Fi and other interference is everywhere. On top of that non-standard frequencies are used as back ups. Antennas, range extenders/repeaters and other relay systems are also used to actually make any sort of operations possible.


>Apparently Russian Electronic Warfare and jamming is so strong that it's visible from satellites
I'm fairly certain that a lot of that is due to inexperienced EW troops heavily jamming both Russian and Ukrainian stuff, as well as the relatively small size of the battlefield relative to the amount of EW weaponry


I, for one, appreciate the PLA's effort to make Touhou real.


I dunno who created this compilation, but I appreciate them sneaking Wargame footage in.


I am planning on getting a pistol I can hopefully concealed carry when get a permit for that. Currently, I’m considering the H&K VP9SK because I’m an H&K shill, but I am open to suggestions.

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 No.1824[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is an AR-15 the best rifle to get if you're looking to arm yourself? I know it's incredibly popular in the US, but I'm not sure how much of that is just people trying to operator larp.

- Cheap ammo
- Ample parts
- Easy to use

- Complex
- Low powered round
- High-profile sights
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>- Low powered round
Compared to what?

>- Complex

again, compared to what?


they're great for hunting


>most armor above level III is designed to stop shotgun blasts and pistol round
level III armor can stop lead-core 7.62x39 and 5.56


Is this thread still active? Damb I posted this one years ago as low effort reply bait


this is a very slow board

 No.426[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just don't talk about gun control
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>Flea Market Socialist
AFAIK the SRA still doesn't have that kind of influence, unfortunately. The one gunshow I went to didn't really have any good deals, and from what I've heard, you're probably better off vising a gun store. Did have a fair selection though.


Как спастись от американского тепловизора? ATN MARS 4 | How to fool a thermal scope


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asked in a different thread, but might not get seen so: i intend to complete my higher education, but after that, is it worthwhile to consider the military or at least go into military reserves? i doubt i can give myself a truly equivalent training or mindset and i cant see any other way to give myself adequate, if albeit in all likelihood unnecessary, preparation


>>What would happen if someone fired off an entire magazine of a Type 56 AK when engaged in combat in an enclosed space (interior of a cargo ship in this case) where no-one participating has hearing protection? Does everyone just go deaf from it?
Their ears would certainly be ringing

>>Is .38 special enough to stop a man in one shot? If not can you recommend a better revolver cartridge?

It can certainly kill in one shot if the bullet hits the heart or central nervous system

>any recommendation for operator gear for maximum operating for that period? Kevlar vest and tactical rig recs would be especially appreciated.

Ranger body armor vests for armor and these two items for rigs:


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armoured vehicles aircraft and ships
>here you can post military vehicles
>This thread is dedicated to military vehicle enthusiasts
>Here you can post all sorts of things to do with military vehicle's
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UVZ's late '90s solution to the problem of unupgraded T-55s existing. One of the deepest modernizations in AFV history, T-55M6 added a completely new hull front (look at how far back the driver is!) with Kontakt-5 ERA on the front and sides, a new suspension and tracks utilizing T-72 road wheels, a 690 hp engine, and the complete turret of a T-72B model 1989. Weight went up to 43 tons combat loaded, giving the tank a slug-like hp/ton ratio of 16.

This is like the M60AX, M60-2000, or Olifant… except even more so. The upgrades were so extensive that they made it price-competitive against T-72Bs with Kontakt-5 and even T-80UDs, and so nobody bought them.


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T-55M5 (Ob'yekt 155M5) – This modernization kit adds convex explosive reactive armour "Kontakt-5" panels around turret front, armour panel on glacis plate, a longer hull, a new style fire control equipment with stabilized TVK-3 and TKN-1SM sights for the gunner and commander, an improved V-55U engine (or V-46-5M) and a main gun stabilization system. The original 100 mm D-10T2S gun is maintained. Combat weight is less than 40 tonnes.


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Mega post on imgur on the Project 941 Akula - NATO classification Typhoon Class Heavy SSBN.
photos forum http://forums.airbase.ru/2011/11/t61342_16--podvodnye-lodki-proekta-941-i-941u.html


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Houthi F-5's participated in a military parade today


>lazersqueal makes a 'reveal' video filming himself while unironically doing his "le british-empire was good akshually" meme in real life and proceeds to be a nonce.
>comment-section is literally Eceleb worship by all the r/NonCredibleDefense retards that forgot their subreddit was supposed to be ironic.
>Someone on /k/ points this out and a few people agree ( /k/thread/60229633 )
<mods delete the thread
Yep, /k/ really is in the dumpster

As an aside, Lazerpig made the following assertions (among others), that I found particularly stupifyingly idiotic
1 - The Armata's engine is the Porsche-Tiger engine
2 - the T-72 uses the same V2 as the T-34

Both demonstrate and prove that Lazerswine not only doesn't know what he's on about, but that he also can't be bothered to research properly.

The narrative of the V-2 being from the T-34 is a mistranslation of Russian statements, which speak of the reliability of the design and that the T-72s V2 uses the same V2 set up. The very fact that the transmission and placement of the engine is completely different doesn't cross this moron's mind. A /k/ anon brought up a very good analogy: It’s like trying to say the 2023 Corvette engine is made from the same V8 engine Chevy made in the 1950’s. Engine evolution is slow and builds upon the previous generation. Chamber shaped differently here, block casting methods there, till eventually it doesn’t share a single part from the original engine.

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Thought we should have a caliber discussion since we keep having it in different threads.
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which caliberussy is the best?


For what application and where or in general?


good question


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>more recoil than 5.56 too which is already much worse than 5.45x39


The point of the hybrid case technology is that it allows for significantly higher chamber pressures compared to all-brass casings


What's the most pointless war in recent history?
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Ahh ok, I see now. I had interpreted that as leftypol was known by the government but not seen as something to censor.


Second Libyan Civil War. At least it's over now.


Pretty sure it was because some dude put a Beer bottle up his ass lmao



What the FUCK is that Belligerents list? That has to be one of the strangest I've seen yet.


How useful are handguns for war, revolution, personal protection, or in general? Why do soldiers in militaries even have handguns if they already have rifles which are better?


So you're not completely defenceless if your rifle fucks up?


Revolvers seem simpler to maintain


Revolvers are also more flexible with the ammo you can use because an automatic needs the gunpowder to fall within a certain range of energy to properly knock the slide back and eject the casing. Can the ammo fit into a revolver's cylinder? Then it's probably gonna work. Not so with automatics.

This may be important in any kind of scavenging or guerilla warfar situation.


thats true but autoloaders have more capacity which is the main advantage.

Turkish/Brazilian import guns are usually pretty cheap and reliabile


They have almost no effective range, get a rifle or die like a palestinian

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Are you poor as shit but still want to have a gun for protection or other purposes? Don't be unarmed, use this handy chart, and you too can be the proud owner of a firearm.
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This man speaks the truth. Although if you are going to get a cheap dot, please at least get a nicer one like a Holosun or something. There's no point buying an actual airsoft red dot because it's going to cost you at least a hundred bucks to get your slide milled for an optic regardless so you're not saving that much proportionate to the total cost.


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This is from 2015 but still useful, prices have gone up a bit for all of these tho


the windicator is usually sold with a 4 inch barrel now and the snub nosed variant is really hard to find


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here's an updated version


as a Swede, burgers being willing to shell out $600 for a used Carl Gustav is a surprise. they go for like $100-150 here

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