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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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Weapons are often the subject of criminal law and of surveillance. There are many people in situations where it is within their, or our, interest to be armed, but being caught with a weapon would be incriminating.

Three of the solutions of this are:
>hiding the existence of the weapon (generally ineffective if they are aware you may possess weapons, could be effective if no-one is doing a thorough search)
>hiding the purpose of weapon (obfuscation: think of a walking cane with a weapon concealed within. Probably ineffective if they know what they are looking for or are doing a thorough search)
>plausible deniability: having a believable excuse for possessing the weapon, or its components, at least if not in extreme amounts ("I have ammonium nitrate to fertilize my plants", "I have potassium nitrate as stump remover and sugar as a cooking ingredient", "I have petroleum in plastic cans from when fuel prices skyrocketed", "I am legally allowed to own airsoft rifles for recreational purposes", "Vodka isn't illegal and nor are old rags I need when painting.")

What are some plausibly deniable weapons? For the sake of slow board, it's fine to list highly-available typical protest weapons like Molotov cocktails (alcohol/petroleum are usually legal and unsuspicious when disassembled), laser beams and power-tools like nail guns, but I'm curious to see what the most useful weapons are that are completely unsuspicious when disassembled.

Example scenario: pigs know you are an organized radical anti-capitalist and find an excuse to do a general search, hoping to find drugs or unregistered guns or something. What, in it's disassembled form if necessary, could evade their suspicion?
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These are literally my costudents

t. I was there too a few times. years ago.


very interesting idea
it's extremely easy to make a good suppressor by cnc milling a cylinder of aluminum and stuffing the holes with steel wool for baffles. There is also 3d printed suppressors now but I still need to research them before I can comment. They are probably the best option today, in fact the new line of rifles the American military is rolling out right now all come equipped with a 3d printed suppressor.

For an extemely low tech solution you can simply use a plastic (PET) water bottle from the recycling as a suppressor. In fact that is what the chechen seperatists used to great effect during the first battle of Grozyny. A plastic PET bottle taped to the barrel of a bolt action .22 rifle firing subsonic ammunition will be completely silent aside from noise made from crunching the bottle etc. You could even stick one to the end of a .22 pistol and if it doesn't cycle the action then no one in the room with you will hear it fire. Just the sound of a body hitting the floor if you don't catch it.



Dump massive buckets of HRT into the water supply of the Pentagon covertly.


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Turkey has developed the AVAZ, a drone-mounted sound-cannon which can at minimum burst ear-drums and cause Nausea, and its dB can hit 184, rupturing the liver and other organs.

On the topic of Sound Guns - https://armystandard.ru/news/20216151111-7AjCF.html

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So thoughtful


Probably either a false flag operation to sow fear in the country or it's genuinely some rogue Ukrainian terror cell



time for american terror

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Aircraft of all socialist nations. I don’t discriminate. Discuss.
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Continuing on the topic of Yakovlev aircraft, the Yak-24 was a bit of an anomaly since it was a helicopter and not a plane, contrary to almost every other Yakovlev aircraft. It was also the only Soviet helicopter to be produced that featured a tandem rotor design, IIRC (not counting the Mil V-12 as it was a prototype)
It tends to be overshadowed by other designs such as the Mi-2, Mi-4 or Mi-8, though, and I don't think it was as influential as those. However, I appreciate its simple design: it's basically a long box with rotorblades and stabilizers.




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Pics 1 & 2 are MiG-31s, pic 3 is a MiG-25. A sexeh beast indeed.
The MiG-25 is pretty fucking awesome. It can reach about Mach 3 under the right conditions, it has an extremely powerful radar that is also resilient to ECM and EMPs, and it does all of that by using engines from a cancelled cruise missile project, vacuum tubes, and being made out of steel.
The MiG-31 modernizes the whole thing with upgraded electronics and perhaps better aerodynamics, although it's a little bit slower (but still really fast).

On a related note, the Mikoyan Ye-150/152 (picrel) used the same engine as the MiG-25 and was also meant to be an interceptor.


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I remember reading about how Soviet MiG-25/31 pilots would lock onto SR-71s but they would run away before they could fire. Super cool planes.

I know the MiG 1.44’s first flight was post soviet but it was in design in 86’ so close enough.


The MiG-25 could lock-on but the R-40 did have some trouble chasing, so MiG-25s would approach from the front. The MiG-35s R-33s and PESA RADAR did not have this issue and easily forced SR-71s out of Soviet air-space. The SR-71 was only good at being high-speed, it turned like a brick, ate fuel like crazy, the engines constantly broke-down and leaked.

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So what we hear from people like bad empanada is that the people in the US military are all too right wing to do a revolution but Mr Bushnell, who I'm sure you all know by now, seems to contract this. I wonder what his security clearance was in the AF considering his history of being a lefty-ish reddit poster.

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He was studying software, like IT stuff it sounded like from some of his social media posts.


>people in the US military are all too right wing to do a revolution
Nah, they just need the "correct" motivation to join the revolution, remember a large part of the Bolsheviks army was made of former Tsarist officers, including several very highly-renowned ones like Marshal Alexei Brusilov.


>People like Greek Aussie living in the bougie part of Crakeristan, South America, have valid opinions.
The Military is pretty shit these days, so I'm not surprised that Aaron did what he did.


>People like Greek Aussie living in the bougie part of Crakeristan, South America, have valid opinions.

I am not online enough to get this. Are you talking about bad empanada?


Who else lives in Argentina and smells like gyros and vegemite?

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Obscure gruella political literature
I'm sure everyone here has Che and Mao's guerilla warfare books downloaded at this point, but I'm curious about similar literature written by people in conflicts that were less famous
The Nepalese civil war, Western Sahara conflict, The Baloch conflict, Sri-Lankan communist insurgency
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anyone have Revolution Without a Revolution by Regis Debray




Here's the last thread about them, if anyone wants to shift through it to find any guides and pdfs


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this book was on the news


Why have these two weapon systems stood the test of time? I know the UK uses the SA and China uses the QBZ but where else in the world you see other nations adopt these weapon systems? It seems that the m16 line and the Kalashnikovs have the most "mass produced" and used status.
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>but it's still just a fuckin AR platform rifle


Oh it is lmao, like especially with military ammo that shit fucking sucks


>why have the main rifles of the former two world superpowers stood the test of time



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Cowboy Bebop was predictive programming. we're still gonna be using AK's, M4's and Tokarev's on mars.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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 No.4206[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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How many people used lazeranons DIY posts? I'm honestly surprised more people on 4chan didn't start using lasers like he did.


Probably someone else.

At least a few others, some people have been lasering fighter jets and helicopters and UFOs and shit and posting it on 4chan. Some got arrested for it.


>At least a few others, some people have been lasering fighter jets and helicopters and UFOs and shit and posting it on 4chan. Some got arrested for it.
Yeah, looked it up and there's been quite a few of these retards.


Killdozer one is epic


I think Alaska is just different, trying to do a check up as a police officer in Alaska might just leave you full of holes from some schizo firing on your position from his attic with an M60.

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(Just in case some /leftypol/ tourist starts yelling 'glow fed', I'm not American, this is purely out of curiosity, if anyone were serious they wouldn't be discussing it on a public pan-african permagrowth-designing forum, and it's not my fault if your opsec is atrociously shit)

The vid rel (from Examined Life) was posted a while ago, the punchline being the El Salvadorean telling the pessimistic American 'don't you have mountains in the US?' 'It's easy, you go to the mountains, you start an armed cell, you create revolution.' A recent reply retorted, absurdly, that the government would 'just McNuke' them.

It got me thinking a bit, the US despite MacArthur's efforts didn't iNuke any country since Japan and I suspect it would be very unlikely to do it on a civilized part of their own mainland. And ultimately, even in the modern age, the US has failed to really utilize their weaponry dominance. It's easy for the naive eye to look at drones, gun-dogs, tanks and planes and forget just how effective asymmetric warfare can be against superpowers.

The questions:
- Is creating a base of operations onnamountains a viable tactic in the US?
- Are there any modern US examples of successful guerilla tactics, urban or rural? Possible examples could include organized crime or rural compounds.
- How is asymmetric warfare changed by proximity? US wars in Asia and further have a noticeable supply issue with distance.
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Eye don't know!


do you even live in America?


The rex from Iraq tell us that if you try to ambush soldiers you tend to die and you will suffer 8 losses per soldier you kill, but plant IEDs and you will kill 3 soldiers per insurgent shot.

This information is already public, I can not be held responsible for what someone might do with it.


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The US seems to lose to guerillas or revolutionaries more often than it would like to. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Cuba, Nicaragua. Which begs the question: what are some countries that the US/West cannot afford to "lose". I am talking about countries that the US would do ANYTHING to prevent from "falling" or "turning sides", like do occupation of Poland or Manchuria levels of violence to maintain influence or whatever.


Their immediate neighbour Canada would be the most obvious and easiest answer.

Following close behind would be Japan and South Korea in that order.

Potential countries the US might go crazy for are the UK, France, Germany and Australia.

Not sure where to put Mexico tbh.

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Picsrel (top to bottom):


>reconnaissance drones (these are quadcopter drones used for aerial filming that were disguised as toys)
>unmanned submarines that operate autonomously and navigate using GPS
>"ayyash" missiles (made from metal pipes leftover after the zionists got kicked out of Gaza, some warheads lifted from a WWI-era sunken British naval ship and a fuel engine w/ pumps that has a range of over 200km and can hit anywhere in Israel)

Is this the final intifada? Are they capble of ever standing a chance against Israel?
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>I mean the original chaff used in WW2 was essentially metal strips being dropped by bombers to create false reflections in RADAR imageing, considering the limitations on RADAR size in a missile it would make sense for such a method to have some success
You basically answered yourself why adding tinfoil to the rocket is the most retarded thing ever.
Fixing chaff to a rocket just makes the target look bigger.


You fail to understand what foil does to spoof low-power RADARs. It not only creates a RADAR profile, but distorts it, so that you can't actually get a good idea of the target's actual location or proximity, thus the Tamir missile seeker may 'think' that its on top of the target and detonate, when in fact it is ahead or behind the rocket, since the target is so imprecise.

Now again I'm just postulating this based on what I know about RADAR and chaff, so I could be wrong, but I wasn't the person that suggested foil as a method to begin with, I was only repeating a claim by a Raytheon engineer I heard of and thought interesting.


>You fail to understand what foil does to spoof low-power RADARs. It not only creates a RADAR profile, but distorts it, so that you can't actually get a good idea of the target's actual location or proximity, thus the Tamir missile seeker may 'think' that its on top of the target and detonate, when in fact it is ahead or behind the rocket, since the target is so imprecise.
False for two reasons. Tinfoil doesn't distort radar that much and the Tamir uses a laser fuse together with the radar seeker at shortest range.

>Now again I'm just postulating this based on what I know about RADAR and chaff, so I could be wrong, but I wasn't the person that suggested foil as a method to begin with, I was only repeating a claim by a Raytheon engineer I heard of and thought interesting.

These rumors are lies in 99% of time and just cite authority to look more credible.


So in review, Hamas drones were an absolute failure once the invasion kicked off.


Very well. The weapon market is at an all time right and there is now a popular demand from both side for more public spending. Every single weapon manufacturer get filthy rich from the taxpayer's money. This war is a total American victory.

>But all the people who die?

Leave that detail to the unwashed masses. Come on do you think the war on terror was about fighting terror? It's over, we need something new.

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The talk of a new civil war has been going on for a long while now that it almost sounds like a worn out trope.
But how does leftypol feel about it? How could it start, run and end?
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this is the only likely thing I see happening, mostly /pol/tards committing mass shootings hoping to start a race war or some retard shit
only thing likely to come from them is politicians saying "thoughts and prayers" or whatever and then moving on, and also people making fun of them for being /pol/ using faggots


I don't know, if the psycho rw militias cozy up with Texas and all the states supporting their stupid border bs, that's a new power structure competing with feds.


The troubles but dumber.


there must be some sort of law that if hollywood makes a movie about current or near-future events, themes, zeitgeist, etc. it has to be fucking retarded. it's like a psyop to confuse people.


The hilarious thing about propaganda is how few actually believe it has any rational power - when is the last time you were persuaded by an advertisement that wasn't directly "here is were to buy x service you didn't know about which is exactly what we say on the tin"? The purpose of advertisement isn't to create thoughts, but to bombard the people with fear and what is effectively state propaganda. Propaganda is handled by a small number of firms, all directed by people who know what this really is. The entire point is to assert ad nauseum that this works until it does, through brute force. That's why they need to push it as often as possible and leave no space unclaimed. If it didn't create that impression, none of the propaganda would work.

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