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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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What kind of comms are accessible to the layman? Are there any encrypted channel walkie talkies that would be good enough for use or what? I have no idea where to even start with these.
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>luckily those rules only apply to the US
Almost every country bans encryption on CB and ham bands.


not where I live. encryption is only banned in international QSOs


Name the country


Don't name the country


Meshtastic LoRa comms are good. They're encrypted, and don't require a license. You can also combine an ATAK plugin with it. Sends GPS data. Pretty good, but its text only.

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The engineers behind the t-34 understood the logistical struggles of maintaining entire battalions of tanks where before they only existed in handfuls. Such an exponential expansion of the deployment of tanks, in tandem with the increasing complexity of tank parts and intricacies of tank design, meant that the modern war effort would require logistical feats never before preformed by any army. Innovations of the t-34 would include everything from sloping armor to increase deflection and grazing rates from enemy shells without substantially increasing production cost to simplifying turret design while not stripping functionality to maintain the maximal performance and accessibility while cutting down on logistical profile. The general design ethos of the USSR was to think smarter so they could fight harder, and longer. One of the innovations was its tank treads - rather than being fully bolted on both sides, only one side was bolted, and a raised metal plate was installed to prevent these bolts from slipping out from their position, decreasing the work needed to replace tank tracks while still maintaining full functionality.

This industrious and pragmatic design philosophy is what drove the war machine of the Red Army, making its constituent components consistent and interchangeable, and to make such work easy to preform. Any man or woman, from Siberian tribespeople to West Russian urbanites, could fight with equal skill and capability under the red banner. Meanwhile every German vehicle or weapon required specially trained crews, specially trained engineers, specially trained gunsmiths, all required to jump through the hoops of different corporate designs and methods to keep their weapons of war functional. Where the Germans had tanks so finnicky that only 50% of spare parts would be accepted in any given German tank, you could disassemble 100 T-34s, mix up the parts, and assemble 100 of them again, and they'd all run equally well. In a war of logistics, this streamlining and accessibility is what allowed for the USSR's tanks to stand against the Germans even with numerical inferiority, because of shorter time out of action for logistical or repair work. As the number of T-34s increased, they started to geometrically outnumber them. then, exponentially outnumber them.

Simplified and streamlined designs with accessibility and consistency will win out against the most "advanced" and "complex" of designs, because war is not waged in a way thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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More impressively he fought off an entire German attack force in a single tank, including several T-4 tanks & a Tiger, only falling to a Ferdinand anti-tank gun.


More concrete info. The T-34's 45mm frontal armor was angled at 60 degrees creating an equivalent of roughly 90mm or so of effective armor thickness (not to mention increased ricochet capability). The Panzer IV had 42mm armor initially that had almost no sloping.
Report from May 1942
"Characteristics of the T34.
The T-34 is faster, more maneuverable, has better cross-country mobility than our Pz.Kpfw.lll and IV. Its armor is stronger. The penetrating ability of its 7.62 cm cannon is superior to our 5 cm KwK. and the 7.5 cm KwK40. The favorable form of sloping all of the armor plates aids in causing the shells to skid off. Combating the T-34 with the 5 cm KwK tank gun is possible only at short ranges from the flank or rear, where it is important to achieve a hit as perpendicular to the surface as possible. Hits on the turret ring, even with high-explosive shells or machine gun bullets, usually result in jamming the turret. In addition, armor-piercing shells fired at close range that hit the gun mantle result in penetrations and breaking open the weld seams. The T-34 can be penetrated at ranges up to 1000 metres with the 7.5 cm PaK 40 as well as the 7.5 cm Hohlgranate (hollow-charge shells).''
From October 1941:
For the first time during the campaign in the East, in these battles the absolute superiority of the Russian 26 tons and 52 ton tanks over out Pz.Kpfw.III and IV was felt. The Russian tanks usually formed in a half circle, open fire with their 7.62 cm gun on our Panzers already at a range of 1000 meters and deliver enormous penetration energy with high accuracy. Our 5 cm Kw.K. tank guns can only achieve penetrations under very special favourable conditions at very close range under 50 meters. Our Panzers are already knocked out at a range of several hundred meters. Many times our Panzers Were split open or the complete commander's cupola of the Pz.Kpfw.lll and IV flew off from one frontal hit. This is proof that the armor is insufficient, the mounting for the commander's cupola on our Panzers is deficient, and the accuracy and penetration ability of the Russian 7.62 cm tank guns are high. In addition to the superior weapons effectiveness and stronger armor, the 26 ton Christie tank (T34) is faster, more maneuverable, and the turret Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Uralvagnzavod responded to the mocking about T-55s & T-62 & the T-34 being next (such as pic rel) by "proposing" a T-34 upgrade that will make it a Leo II killer.


Танк Т-34, установленный возле городского дома культуры имени Ленина в память об освободителях Антрацита от немецко-фашистских захватчиков, был отреставрирован специалистами Казачьей Национальной Гвардии. Боевой единице спустя 70 лет вернули возможность снова стать на защиту народа от фашистов. Эта та самая площадь где Укры заметили российскую технику. Т-34 действительно русский,а точнее-советский танк.


T-34 schematics

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 No.201[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Alright, so I won't go too much into it, but as I'm sure you've all noticed, there is a distinct lack of competent organizations and combat readiness in the left. While it may just be a stereotype, the idea of the skinny and weak anarchist can sum up most of the left that wishes to engage in direct action, mostly by using outdated manuals and romanticized ideas of war. As such, I had, a few years ago, taken it upon myself to release training videos to some of you in order to get you up to speed on the basics of the basics. That, unfortunately, seems to have fallen through on the account of my job, which often has me traveling and doing other things that I won't go into because they are totally uninteresting and unrelated to the topic at hand. As such, we will go into a few key steps you should be taking in order to prepare yourself for introductory training, should it ever be offered to you. Yes, you read that correctly, you must train yourself to be trained. You do not have the luxury of being part of an organized military force, though I would not critique you if that is the route you are wanting to take, as it would be hypocritical. I will limit the topic to individual training, equipment, and self-selection because the whole of military science is a broad topic that is not wholly known by any one individual. Please understand this so that my limitations do not become a hindrance to your growth as a potential combat soldier. Seek training from experienced individuals, even if you have to hide your power level. Consider me just another voice on the internet. I do not intend to use credentials or authority on the subject to get you to do as I say, but I would appreciate it if you thought about a few things. Thank you for reading.
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This is ok advice but not great, I want to make note of the gulf wars as one gap frequently noted in the Americans arsenal was the 500-1 mile range

American assault rifles where incapable of putting effective fire on targets in that range, but you know what wasn't? Bolt action rifles used by the Taliban.

A common tactic of the Taliban as such was to just pitch up snipers in mountains and have them take pot shots at people within that ranging then fucking run, rinse repeat.

Know your enemy


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Thanks man. Scan anything here before opening it.


Is there any utility to studying strategy as a supplement(as long as you don't consider a substitute to actual training like many do) or would it be useless without the wisdom of a more experienced mentor?


Facts about the koolaid thing, or you get jaded and if you hang out with the right people you probably wont get recruited by right wing nationalists pretending to be a vet support group.


Gonna start a thread on this since I just found something cool I want to share, will post it as a reply.
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This made me throw up lmao what is this you can get decent dual tubes for sub 10, and dual PVS-14s in a panobridge for sub 7k

Thats like only on the ""new"" army ENVGs


Never used a dovetail for monos thought they didn't wobble at all but my only experience with monos is J-arm and bayonet.

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 No.2853[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Haven't seen this thread revived anywhere so I thought I'd bring it back myself

ITT: Discussions about stats of Soviet military hardware, tactics etc. Not strictly limited to Soviet stuff despite name.
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New Mustard just dropped


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I just uploaded a full rip of the Epic Soviet Documentaries channel to the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/epic-soviet-documentaries
328 videos, everything subtitled to English


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Russia is a poor and corrupt country, they do stuff the cheap and dumb way because they can't do otherwise


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As opposed to others who do it in an expensive and dumb way? LMAO.

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well, i think it's obvious Kek is a goverment religious OP, and along with other things we can consider that people have been in a mind-war since the creation of governance/hierarchy as an institution, though messing with these egyptian deities and other things is exactly how a capitalist would ultimately think, especially market-reasoning wise. Their goal in some angles is to control themselves past life and death.

And I think, as communists, anarchists, and other strands which declare liberation in resources, land, and space. We need to develop something for ourselves against these people. I know the DKMU exist, I think they are so far a great little addition as magickal forces out here, but it doesn't seem like we've had much like, people helping out on the areas of fighting against those things. Of course marxists, dumb it down to, "materialism is the one true" science thing, but to me, I still find them to be intertwined in a ultimately occult system of control on death, life, and areas that the capitalist tries to gain domain over, stripped into nihilism/atheism, but though, i think these systems can end up being eventually killed, which goes into the schizophrenictizing of capitalism along with just pure religion/paranoid territory, which the state tries to enforce, embrace, or mediate.

I think we can perform warfare though, at least, in defense from these people along with things, especially with their influence hopefully also. Though, we might be all silly doing it or small groups, but it could be fun along with help disrupt further authoritarian symbol along with language production around these things by attacking the thing in metaphysical space.


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nope, those won't help sadly

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Got any questions about guns, equipment or combat? Have some knowledge you can share? Ask and answer away
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why would you want weapons with harder to get ammo?


There are also some roller-delayed assault rifles, such as the HK33


not very


Guys I was about to drop 1.5g on basic armor and plate carrier, combat uniform and war belt.

But then I realized I probably wont buy a firearm just yet since fam is scared of em and cant have em in the house. Is there a point to buying anything gear without the gun/rifle which seems like the primary thing? I was thinking plates might be good to have and I could conceal them in a backpack or something, but the rest I dont really see a practical use for without a weapon?


ask /msg/ on /k/

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So Zastava and the Serbian Army have decided to venture away from the M70 (Yugoslav AK47 clone) as a service weapon and adopt the new M19 Modular Combat System.
It can use the old 7,62 mm cartridge and a proprietary 6,5 mm (based on Grendel) cartridge. Changing the cartridge involves a barrel swap, which can be done on-the-fly.
While it's has a lot of changes from the M70, it still uses the Kalashnikov system.
Is it too weird for a service rifle?

Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zastava_M19
Video by a gun Youtuber from the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CE2wNnmIOg
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Yugo-anon have you returned to us?


I don't understand why not just keep using 7.62 or 5.56mm though if different new bullet standards don't seem to offer any benefits or performance increases


I wonder why so many countries, even small ones seem to be trying to update their small arms.
Functionally, little has changed in the last few decades save the explosion in usage of various attachments. But these could already be accommodated with minor modifications to existing inventories. In the grand realm of warfare, newer small arms ultimately produce little additional effect on the battlefield, fire support (e.g. artillery and airpower) still proves to be the main cause of casualties. Unless whatever new weapon has such a revolution in one area, its effect will always be marginal and the time and effort taken to introduce and update the entire chain of supply might be better used elsewhere.

It's for that reason that Uncle Sam, China and Russia used decades-old weapons (with upgrades) for so long, the M4A1, QBZ and the AK-74 are about as good as it gets until a new revolution in material science.


New guns means a new opportunity for arms contractors I guess


AFAIK the reason why 6.5mm is the hot new calibre is because 5.56mm is too focused on range and velocity for an assault weapon where everything is mid-ranged at most and sacrifices penetration capability, while 7.62mm was already replaced in the Soviet military primarily for being too heavy, so 6.5mm is in the middle of not being as heavy as 7.62mm while not being a pointlessly light, low penetrating but high velocity round as 5.56mm.

Guns simply get worn out over time and eventually you need to completely replace your 40 year old rifles since metal fatigue and corrosion and such means overhauling won't necessarily guarantee safety or reliability. They *could* just produce brand new M70s, but they could also design a brand new design with all the improvements desired (weight being a big one) with the possibility of exporting the weapon to make back the R&D costs. M70s might not be competitive export rifles forever and Zastava no doubt wants an exportable rifle that compete's with Kalashnikov's own AK-12 series.

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I like see with my own eys what's going on. I'd prefer footage of fighting over war crimes being commited but let's see it all. If you don't like just don't ge into the thread
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In that last clip, what's that thing he puts on the tank?


It's a tandem-HEAT warhead from an RPG-7, only the rocket unit is detached. Probably has a delayed fuse. They use some of their spare warheads as sticky bombs essentially.

LOL I posted some of those too


Hamas video of clashes in Khan Yunis


why is there so little PIJ/Saraya footage ITT?


I don't know why, post some if you have them.


Why isn't the invasion of manchuria ever talked about?
It's easily in the running for one of the greatest feats of warfare ever executed as it was instrumental in the Japanese surrender, yet overshadowed by the enola gay.
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Looks pretty good, thanks dude
Posting for everyone else


I mean, yea, that was quite an impressive feat of the red army, and the reason why the japanese surrendered.
But the Enola gay and the other nuke were fucking nukes, the literal two times were nuclear weapons were used. Like, I know it isn't that fair, but the nukes is possibly the more destructive thing ever made and they were dropped unto the civilian population destroying an entire city with just one bomb.
I mean, you could talk about how the dinosaurs became extinc because of their monstrous size requiring tons of food and so on and that we're destined to become extinct sooner or later, but people talk about the meteorite because it was a fucking meteorite.

Also it might be the reason why there aren't any alien civilizations out there, since the earliest space opera technology bullshit available to civilizations are literally nukes with the power to destroy civilization.


Japanese sent surrender requests mutliple times before the nukes were dropped, the firebombing of Tokyo and other cities were way more devastating than the nuclear bombs when it came to civilian casualties.

The bombs were dropped so the US military could use their new toy they wasted so much budget on. Could you imagine the embarassment? Japan gains a conditional surrender and the whole Manhattan project was just a gigantic waste of money? It's worse when you consider the Japanese surrender terms, which are the same that the US occupation authorities granted to Japan, which were:

Let the emperor stay as ceremonial head of state,
Let the Japanese war criminals off the hook and
Accept Japanese overseas claims on some islands

Then there was the problem that the US had only fissile material for only three bombs, only uranium and two plutonium, and all three were used in the end, one test and two detonations over civilian cities with no military importance, which shows that it was rushed to be used.

Thankfully the Soviets finished their invasion of Manchuria at that point, or else there would've been an American occupied northeastern China in the worst case or the whole Korean peninsula under US hegemony.

Talking about the Soviets, the bombs were also used as a threat against them, in a grand showcase that the psychopathic US was ready to mass murder their enemies and poison the land with fallout for millions of years to come.

Your other point about the Fermi Paradox, it's more likely that we are the first, there is a serious lack of radio waves trashing through the universe, but nukes are a dangerous great filter. Let's see if the USA can step down without taking the whole world with them.




He's right.

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