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 No.1818728[View All]

Remember!!: Steven Seagal will be there for you. Always!


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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Is russian slop as appetizing as it looks?



Yes, especially the bread. It looks like nothing but is so sick that I've seen a lib who moved to America blog about missing it)))


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Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me


I wouldn't be surprised if Russian food was some of the best in the world next to maybe latin foods like mexican and other south american stuff I don't remember right now.


We're not *that* good. Our cooking is pretty solid tho, especially in the soups and slop department. Every time I visit my parents I gain a few kilos)))


Russian environment doesn't allow much in the way of exotic foods or spices or year-round availability, so most stuff is a bit bland, with preference for long storage.

Do you like pearl barley, buckwheat or potatoes with meat? What about a cold cut of fatback?


so since forced conscription is now streamlined in ukraine, are we just going to see thousands of people die who dont even want to fight and lack the motivation and ideological basis necessary to fight in a war?


we've been seeing that for a while now anon…


Anyone been reading and watching pro-Ukraine doomer articles and videos? Very refreshing to see what we've been discussing online this whole time finally out of the bag in the msm.




well, in terms of health I hear its pretty good, at least better than… whatever the fuck Americans are eating.


it was at least hush hush with those forced conscriptions, now its people that REALLY dont want to fight


its funny to see them still spread propaganda despite saying things we've been saying online. Like yeah Ukraine is losing, but its because the west isnt supplying weapons. Yeah Russia is picking up speed despite what we said about them being an army of thieving peasants, but they lost like a billion soldiers so Ukraine kind of won anyway.

they just can't help themselves, it's like they're afraid to look at this war realistically and just repeat some military strategist who is himself nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece.


Most seem to have lost all interest in Ukraine. You only see some social democrats still argue for how they can totally still win a bit if their Nato sugar daddies would give Zelensky a trillion more


its funny how they keep repeating the lie that ukraine is only losing because the west stopped supplying ukraine, when america needs that money to run its own military, theres nothing left to give


Most people i knew lost interest in Ukraine after just a few months. The ones still deep into it are ethnically from the butthurt belt. At this point I think even the most optimistic ukrops want nato to go all in with troops and literally all their best equipmenr.


There are still true believers regularly on German TV, like that Marcus Keupp.


I don't want to argue that they are completely gone. Just the majority of them.


listening to polchinlets argue schizo theories like how zelensky wants to repopulate ukraine with jews is so tiresome


They're not wrong though


Selling citizenships to rich people for various legal protections is something a lot of third world countries do. Why not Ukraine? What else can they offer?


he did once say he wants to make ukraine into a 'greater israel'


No way lmao


You shouldn't be surprised, rightoids who are not outright antisemitic love the shit out of Israel.


wrong site /pol/schizo


zelensky wants money and power in a country torn apart between various groups fighting for money and power, he's not a jew supremacist


Yes, he want to become essentially a comprador top dog, the comprador top dog of a militarized ethnostate.


this, its why people like zelensky allow ethnonationalism amd fascism, he realizes its power when establishing ukraine as an independent state, which will greatly benefit him personally
ukrainiane has been punishing and strongarming people to adopt this narrow view of ukraine for years, people like zelensky dont care if its dangerous and nonsensical, he doesnt actively support it either, they ubderstand its benefits

they embolster neonazis and fascists, and neonazis and fascists understand this and allow people like Zelensky to help them grow after losing the political game against him


Well he can die happy and see what a future Israel will look like after Russia's invasion on Ukraine is finished.


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its crazy and funny how many people don't know about this. jewish neo nazis are real and very much in ukraine.


>Do you like pearl barley, buckwheat or potatoes with meat? What about a cold cut of fatback?
Yes, but I prefer soups


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Hohol admin of Wikipedia have died near Bakhmut
He was editing Russian articles and banning people if something was pro Russian

>His death in the defense of Ukraine is told on the pages of the encyclopedia itself

>Yuri Vladimirovich Lushchai was born on February 10, 1982 in Kramatorsk in a family of workers of Novokramatorsk machine-building plant. From early years
>Yuri Lushchai is the author dozens of articles, the last of which was devoted to Marco Polo's information about Rus'.
>In "Wikipedia" Lushchai since 2009 has made more than 100 thousand edits and created 179 articles, mostly dedicated to Russia and Russian historians.
>Even in the last month of his life, Lushchai remained in 122nd place among all contributors to the Russian-language section.


Was that recently?



poljak if he grew a beard


which articles was he fighting in?


No idea but he has his own wiki page now (lol)


The unholy fusion between soy and /pol/jack.


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>"I make most of the edits in hospitals, and if I don't make edits for a long time, then I don't have such an opportunity. If there are no edits within a month, then I am no more," he wrote in December last year.

>It turns out that even now the Russian-language Wiki is filled with content and edited by people, some of whom are fighting against the Russian army with weapons in their hands. On the other hand, well, what you wanted is just directly follows from the fact that Russian is the native language for millions of Ukrainians. These are the costs of a common cultural and linguistic space in which people with completely different views coexist. Language, contrary to ideological myths about it, is just a means of communication, and not at all a marker of "friend or foe".

He doesn't seem to be an actively malicious person. You'd need to look through the talks on articles, but it seems pretty neutral at a first glance. Some Marco Polo (with trying to use him as a source on Rus), Western sources on Rus as sources, something Byzantinian, then Novgorodian genealogies in conjunction with foreigners in Novgorod. I suspect Normannism (i.e. the idiotic idea that Rus was conquered by Normans and civilized - yeah, when Rus had a centralized state earlier than Scandinavia, sure) through the ignoring of local sources in favor of Westoid ones, but oh well


Lol the fucking Russian Wikipedia describes him as "defending his country from the full-scale Russian invasion". That place is more glowtarded and ukrop-infested than the English one nowadays.


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>ayy gurrrll, wanna see my memory stick? it has the best fashwave you ever saw


Well, it's simple canteen food, but for a soldier who's spent a while eating only MREs - yes, yes it is. Salo on bread with some onion, garlic and pickles cannot be beat.

Russian cuisine is either "take everything you have in the pantry and toss with 1 kg of mayo" or "do these 20 steps in the exact order or you'll get a mini elephant's foot on a plate" with no inbetween. It's not totally bland thanks to borrowings from Central Asian cuisine, but not dissimilar to the usual northern European fare - soups, stews, cold cuts, pickles etc.

There's an actual schizo conspiracy theory about how Ukraine is the successor of the Khazar Khaganate and the """elites""" want to turn it into a second Israel centered around the tomb of the Hasidic Messiah they have in Uman. I've heard it from some Russian schizos.


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>take everything you have in the pantry and toss with 1 kg of mayo
and western chauvinists still try to claim russians aren't white…


Iirc Russia is the single largest per capita consumer of mayo in the world, ahead of even the US. I used to love the shit as a kid, but nowadays I can only tolerate it in grandma's New Years salads.


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Okroshka gang rise up


Guess the glow rate of the Chinese Wikipedia.


skin-melting radiation levels


Roughly 99%? Russian one is really bad, though. All admins are liberals or ukrainians who purge everything that doesn't adhere to authoritative sources like BBC or Unian (even if pictorial or otherwise incontrovertible proof exists, like how an edit about the Azovets IFV being unearthed by Russia was rejected because no Western source wrote about it, though there are photos). It's come to the point where the English Wikipedia is MORE neutral and unbiased on the conflict.


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