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 No.1818728[Last 50 Posts]

Remember!!: Steven Seagal will be there for you. Always!


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



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1984 is just another Tuesday in downtown London


i mean the opening words of the book are literally

>It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him. The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats



Patrick Lancaster reviews the unearthed Azovets wunderwaffen


I think it heavily depends on the local regions (kerala is known for being pretty leftist and had commies in power for a long time, coast and urban center are a lot more developed than most of the country) and people generally arent that educated yet (although they're still very numerous so thats still quite a lot of well educated people), they're not even at 80% literacy. India is a big place and many people still see steady improvement and developement (even if theyre pretty far from china rate).


epic meme, updooted my good sir


<Battling Under a Canopy of Drones

>The commander of one of Ukraine’s most skilled units sent his men on a dangerous mission that required them to outmaneuver a swarm of aerial threats.


>In July, during the counter-offensive, he had been ordered to recapture similar terrain elsewhere on the front—and to do so immediately, without conducting proper reconnaissance or formulating a plan. “We were just hurled straight at them,” one 1st Battalion officer recounted. “Like two freight trains colliding.” A nine-hour firefight ensued. Eighteen members of the battalion were killed and many more were wounded.

>According to the officer, the higher Ukrainian command was “always pushing us to work quicker, quicker,” no matter the cost. While Perun was waiting for it to snow, he received daily phone calls from superiors who wanted to launch the mission regardless of the weather. “Colonels see war as an opportunity to become generals,” he told me; generals were less interested in the welfare of their troops than in “squabbles over military decorations.” Perun had no career ambitions in the Army, affording him a degree of independence. When I asked how he handled pressure from superiors, he said, “I smile and ignore them.” Of course, that was an oversimplification, and I had the sense that preserving the lives of his men required Perun to play two games of “military cunning” simultaneously: one against the enemy, the other against his own hierarchy.


It doesn't seem like they're sending their best

>A few nights after the briefing in the operations center, Sever visited a house where twelve T.D.F. soldiers were lodging. During the mission, they would follow behind Sever and his stormers, digging trenches and foxholes and remaining in the positions that the team cleared. Sever called them “the anchor group.” When he entered the house, the men were crammed into a bedroom with a foldout couch and framed photographs of the family that once lived there. They had not yet unpacked, having just arrived. They were replacements for a previous anchor group whose members I had met the night before. Those men had told me that their commander had tricked them into volunteering for the mission by assuring them that they would be guarding a base. When I’d asked how they felt now that they knew the truth, their leader replied, “I have two young children and a pregnant wife—how do you think I feel?” Although they had been deployed in eastern Ukraine for the past year, they were aghast at the prospect of flanking around a Russian platoon. “What these guys are doing is crazy,” one of them said. “Everything we’ve been through is nothing compared with this.” Another soldier was so anxious that he had trouble talking. At one point, he had to take a homeopathic sedative; a nurse had given him the medicine some months earlier, when he’d vomited in a morgue while identifying a comrade. The morning after I met the men, all twelve reported that they were ill or otherwise unfit to go to Tabaivka.

>Sever had the substitutes gather around him, and explained to them what their role would entail. He emphasized that anyone who didn’t wish to participate should say so. “I won’t judge you,” he said. “I won’t curse you. I don’t demand anything now—but, when we cross the line, then I will make demands.” He went on, “If you hesitate, if you stumble, nothing good will happen. So we must work together. On my side, I promise that I will not abandon you, and I expect the same from you.”

>Nobody spoke. Before Sever left, he said, “If we’re together, we have to fight together, for one another. There is no other option.”

>Sever’s deputy, a sergeant called Casper, took over the meeting. Casper was gruffer, louder, and less stoic than Sever, as well as more ready to judge and to curse. He’d spent four days tutoring the previous anchor group—teaching them how to space their foxholes, move silently, hide from F.P.V.s—and his patience had waned. “The task will be hard, but it’s doable,” he told the new group. According to Casper, only a serious health ailment constituted a legitimate excuse to back out.

>An older man with hunched shoulders and a hangdog expression, who’d been sitting mutely in the corner, announced that he had an eye condition. Another man claimed to have the flu. A third complained of a kidney disorder.

>“I need to hear whether you can execute the mission or not,” Casper barked. “If you can’t, we won’t be able to execute ours. . . . So will you?”

>“No, I can’t do such a mission,” one of the men, who looked more able-bodied than many in the group, said. He was a thirty-nine-year-old factory worker. Six months earlier, he had been picked up by conscription agents while walking to a bus stop. His issue was not physical, he admitted. “Once, we were ordered to attack,” he said. “I felt sick and just fell down.”

>“Panic?” Casper asked.

>“Yes. It’s happened twice.”

>“Same with me,” Casper told him. “I’ve panicked and fallen down. But then I got up.” He went on, “I won’t lie to you, it’s going to be tough. But, fuck, not going because you’re scared? Don’t worry, when you get there you’ll be switched on.”

>“I don’t want to be a burden to the group,” the draftee persisted.

>Yet another soldier spoke up: there was a problem with his spine.

>“What fucking problem?” Casper shouted. “Can you walk? If you can walk, you can do this. Tell me straight—are you weaseling out or not?”

>The man appeared to be in his fifties. Whether or not he really had a problem with his spine, he looked dejected and perhaps ashamed.

>“I won’t go,” he muttered.

>In the end, Casper sent him back to his unit, along with the draftee. He shared more of Sever’s tolerance than I’d anticipated. He later told me, “Before the war, they were simple blue-collar workers, just like our guys. But ours get good training and these ones don’t.” A soldier in the first anchor group had told Casper that, during the counter-offensive, “our commander just pointed where to go and then disappeared—there were tanks in front of us, but he didn’t care.” After two-thirds of the battalion had been killed or wounded, the survivors were merged with another T.D.F. unit, which had suffered comparable losses. The men hardly knew their new superiors, or even one another. They had been sent to Casper without aid kits or proper winter clothing. “Their commanders don’t give a shit about them,” Casper said. “They’re on their own, so they’re fucked.”


underrated post


>he had to take a homeopathic sedative
It was probably valerian drops in water. That's herbal, NOT fucking homeopathic. Valerian is a known herbal sedative in the Eastern bloc and even in western Europe. Why are Americans so fucking retarded? They literally REFUSE to know anything about anything. Homeopathic shit is dumb woo woo, this stuff actually works.


How do the faggots that read the New Yorker read shit like this and not realize they are the bad guys


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We have finally reached the acceptance stage lmao


I'm sure there has to be at least a few people on this cursed planet who genuinely enjoy being the bad guys.


Hey big shot you ever stop and think that maybe Russia bad? Yeah, I guess not.

>He planned to call Wolf’s wife. She would receive an official notification, but, until they recovered the body, Wolf would be classified as missing in action, and Sever wanted her to know the truth.


>He likened President Zelensky to Pinocchio for claiming that only thirty-one thousand Ukrainian soldiers had been killed. He also reminded me that the figure did not include those M.I.A., which constituted “a huge part of our losses.”


>The cleavage between the reality on the front and the daily lives of people in Kyiv or other cities in central and western Ukraine has grown more pronounced the longer the war has gone on. While conscription agents snatch men from factories, buses, and the streets of rural villages and towns, the draft is much less aggressively enforced in the capital, where the Ukrainian élite live. Bars there overflow with hipsters; cafés are crowded with young couples; concerts, art exhibits, and other cultural events lend the city a sense of comfortable, cosmopolitan normalcy. It is tempting to celebrate all this as a triumph of resilience, but for soldiers on the front it can be galling and alienating. “You feel a little sick to your stomach,” Sever told me. An influx of foreigners in Kyiv—from aid workers to entrepreneurs—accentuates the disconnect. In the popular neighborhood where I’d rented an Airbnb, luxury sedans and armored S.U.V.s were often parked outside chic hotels, and high-end restaurants catered to Western visitors.


It flatters their sensibilities by portraying the Ukrainians as scrappy underdogs heroically resisting Russian imperialist brutality while the Russians are feckless mercenaries that allow themselves to be killed by the bushel. As far as the reader is concerned there's never any doubt about who the bad guys are.


>We could have had a gigantic communist axis in modern times if the USSR wasn't illegally disolved


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most ideologically consistent ukrainian


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Is this true?


>make dooming illegal
>immediately start winning
are feelsbros feasting?


Fuck thats dark, poor proles. Hope they are able to do some desertion, mutiny or surrender and not get shot in the process. But really, what this is revealing to me, is that when the conscription agent come for you, you better shoot him right there and run.


Fucking Rome? I think about something like this at least once day.


It's behind so many layers of sarcasm, I can't even tell anymore what he's trying to argue for.


They are bad at any kind of long term or systemic thinking, and Ukraine is already justify, so its just Russia is bad for killing helpless conscripts.


The weirdest thing about thst 'le thinking about ancient Rome' meme was that I thought people spend more time thinking about Greece in antiquity. Can't think of any time I think about Rome except to laugh at silly stuff like names that are penis references hahahah.
… I guess that's just the difference between burgers and euros tho.


biggus dickus


I was thinking Longinus but yes, exactly!


Rome tends to be emphasized more in burgerland for religious and cultural reasons.


Already got posted here a week ago m8


Ukrainian women should prepare for conscription – top Kiev official
The Ukrainian government must get rid of the “old-school mentality” and implement true equality in the armed forces, Kiev’s chief military adviser for gender issues, Oksana Grigorieva, has claimed.


Sanction bros! Not like this!


Yeah its all about Greece for me, Rome was just the epilogue.


pretty soon the democracy defending states won't even be able to discriminate on the basis of nationality anymore. rip freedom.


Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven
Early life and education



>KYIV — Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba wants the West’s extra, idle Patriot air defense batteries. And he’s not asking nicely anymore.

>“Nice and quiet diplomacy didn’t work,” Kuleba, Kyiv’s top diplomat, told The Washington Post in an interview this week.
>The challenges facing Kuleba in his current campaign are emblematic of Ukraine’s predicament in this war going forward: The country’s survival still depends on its partners providing weapons, but few of those partners seem to grasp fully the urgency. Kuleba said he hopes his new style of tougher-talking diplomacy will break through.
Uh-oh, watch out! He's gonna make an angry twitter post lmao.


>iiii wannn more paaatriiiyyyoots


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lights status?


Did they run out of kids already


What happened to the previous Patriot batteries?


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>all these countries we've been sanctioning and trying to destroy are ignoring us and helping each other. how can this be happening!?
lol. cry moar


<How American Drones Failed to Turn the Tide in Ukraine
>Drones from American startups have been deemed glitchy and expensive, prompting Ukraine to turn to alternatives from China


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>Mykola Bielieskov, a senior analyst at Ukraine’s Come Back Alive, a charity that has supplied more than 30,000 drones to the military.

Hilarious, spooks really call weapons dealing "charities". I can't put into words how funny this is to me. They have managed to surpass the lethal aid meme


>to turn to alternatives from China
Is China just selling weapons to both Russia and Ukraine?


>Come Back Alive charity
<buying drones for the military

This infuriates me


Should be called Kill From Afar "charity".


>>1819529 (me)
and it would probably get even more donations from westoids, although it will look worse in the history books.


In case you were wondering what Ukrainian "civilian", "humanitarian" and "medical" "charities" do. Yes, they're all dealing in weapons to kill random babushkas in Donetsk. But umm sweaty Ukraine is a democracy and definitely not a terrorist state


Ehhh. Russian charities do the same. I see calls to donate all the time on Russian telegram. It's just buying Mavic camera drones and then modifying them.


Anybody can buy civilian drones.


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Jihadi Julian is angery!


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Amazing things are happening in Eurasia


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Damn, look at their faces.
Ukraine really is occupied and the people know it, but can't speak out because of the Zelensky regime.


the bald beard combo looks retarded


Did he ever stop to consider if the west maybe isnt the good guy


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New Ukrainian agitprop: if you don't want to get conscripted by Ukraine, you will be conscripted by the Russians to invade Germany, and they won't be asking any questions.


this is just like that russian 'don't die for the ukrainian elite' video from a week ago. all that both sides can do is accuse the other of the things they're both doing


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>you will be conscripted by the Russians to invade Germany


I fucking wish



>WASHINGTON (AP) — The top general for U.S. forces in Europe told Congress Wednesday that Ukraine will be outgunned 10 to one by Russia within a matter of weeks if Congress does not find a way to approve sending more ammunition and weapons to Kyiv soon.

>The testimony from Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, head of U.S. European Command, and Celeste Wallander, assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, comes as Congress enters pivotal weeks for voting for aid for Ukraine, but there’s no guarantee funding will be improved in time.

>Ukraine has been rationing its munitions as Congress has delayed passing its $60 billion supplemental bill.

>“They are now being outshot by the Russian side five to one. So the Russians fire five times as many artillery shells at the Ukrainians than the Ukrainians are able to fire back. That will immediately go to 10 to one in a matter of weeks,” Cavoli said. “We’re not talking about months. We’re not talking hypothetically.”

>Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson has been trying to find a way forward for the bill that would fund new rounds of munitions production at U.S. firms to enable the Pentagon to then rush more munitions to Ukraine. Johnson is trying to bring it to the floor for a House vote, but he is facing concerns from members who cite domestic needs, including border security.

>The speaker is also facing a threat to his leadership role from his far-right flank by Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who has called for his ouster over the issue.

>While the political battles on Capitol Hill continue, the dire battlefield situation in Ukraine worsens.

>Cavoli told the lawmakers that in this conflict, the U.S. flow of 155mm artillery shells has been a lifeline. “The biggest killer on the battlefield is artillery. In most conflicts, but in this one definitely. And should Ukraine run out, they would run out because we stopped supplying — because we supply the lion’s share of that,” Cavoli said.

>Russia’s own production of missiles has ramped up and can launch large-scale attacks every few days. If Ukraine’s air defense stocks run out, “those attacks would absolutely cripple the economy, and the civil society as well as the military of Ukraine if they were not defended against without a U.S. provision of interceptors,” Cavoli said.

>“Their ability to defend their terrain that they currently hold and their airspace would fade rapidly, will fade rapidly without the supplemental,” Cavoli said.

>U.S. Army leaders offered similar dire warnings to the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee later in the day, saying that the lack of the supplemental is a critical problem for both Ukraine and the U.S. Army.

>“The side that can’t shoot back, loses, and at this point Ukraine is really starting to be pressed to be able to shoot back. So I am very concerned,” said Army Secretary Christine Wormuth. “We saw Ukraine lose some territory a couple of months ago. And I think there is a real danger …that the Russians could have a breakthrough somewhere in the line.”

>Gen. Randy George, chief of staff of the Army added that the funding is needed to help send Ukraine long-range weapons and air defense systems so they can defend their critical infrastructure and their troops on the front lines.

>At the same time, Wormuth and Gen. Randy George, chief of staff of the Army, said that unless Congress approves the supplemental soon, the Army won’t have enough money to bring home the troops currently serving in Europe, or funding to train units in the U.S.

>“We don’t have the transportation money to have them redeploy,” said Wormuth, referring to Army units that are deployed across Europe. “We don’t have the transportation money to send units to backfill them.”

>She and George said they also need the money to continue sending units to the national training centers. to avoid outright cancellation of the training rotations, Wormuth said they can try to reduce participation or shrink their size.

>“But those are the kinds of hard choices we’re looking at. If we don’t see the supplementals come across,” she said.

>If Kyiv falls, it could imperil Ukraine’s Baltic NATO member neighbors and potentially drag U.S. troops into a prolonged European war.

>At a Capitol Hill press conference on Wednesday, Johnson said: “House members are continuing to actively discuss our options on a path forward.”

>“It’s a very complicated matter at a very complicated time. The clock is ticking on it, and everyone here feels the urgency of that, but what’s required is that you reach consensus on it, and that’s what we’re working on,” Johnson said.

>Michigan Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin urged a vote.

>“Speaker Johnson has a choice to make. I accept that it’s a complicated choice. I accept that he’s at risk of losing his job over that choice,” Slotkin said.


Would love to see a global Anti-Sanction Economic Union or something like that. Basically all the countries that are unilaterally sanctioned by US&EU saying 'nope'.


What? At least in France and Spain, everything related to Ancient Rome is very popular compared to Ancient Greece : Greece is only known for it's philosophers while for Rome, everyone knows about Caesar and Augustus, about the roman villas dotting the two countries, when was the Empire and when it ended, its massive cultural influence…i guess Greek culture is more popular in Germanic countries and England


>They have managed to surpass the lethal aid meme
Is this what was meant about a weapon to surpass Metal Gear?


Russia just wants some high quality döner


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Here's your (You)


Pretty funny when you consider that the Ukrainians will never be able to rebuild this under their current regime


hey hey wait for me. I wanna get in the Kravaz as well


docommunisazie coming to a power plant near you


You can't fool us, Sarah.


Map status?


>nooooo we need to take sides in THIS inter-imperialist war!


>inter-imperialist war
Bait used to be believable.


Meme material. Reject modernity of getting bombed by Russian drones, retvrn to tradition, plant a flag in Berlin like your grandpa, gigachad raising flag over Reichstag with15 watches on his arm, if NATO can't supply you they can't stop you, etc.


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libs dooming fresh off the presses


>At the beginning of its third year, the war is not going well for Ukraine. The war is, in fact, at one of what Winston Churchill called the “climacterics,” or inflection points, that characterize all great conflicts. At hideous cost to themselves—measured in tens of thousands of killed, wounded, or missing men a month—Russian armies are advancing slowly. Every night Russian drones distract, expose, and deplete Ukrainian air defenses, and then the cruise and ballistic missiles rain down. Their targets are primarily the electric grid and civilian buildings. Kyiv, for the time being, is well defended, but Kharkiv, which is close to the Russian border, is taking a pummeling. On the front lines, the shell shortage is acute; the Ukrainians are ceding ground not because they are unwilling to fight, but because they lack the high explosives necessary to do so.

>Worse is to come. Russia has managed, by putting its economy on a war footing, to restore its forces and then some. It has secured supplies of weapons and ammunition from North Korea and Iran, and, surreptitiously, much nonlethal gear from China. This coalition of the malevolent is cooperating ever more closely. After a groggy 18 months following the defeat of its initial invasion and the spectacular Ukrainian attacks that drove the Russians back from Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson, the Russian military machine is adapting. It has introduced large numbers of first-person-view drones, manufactured long-range glide bombs of ever-increasing weight, and recovered much of its previously squandered talent at electronic warfare. Having squashed dissent at home, it is mobilizing some 300,000 troops. A new offensive looms this summer.


>The crucial question is what the U.S. House of Representatives will do, and whether a purblind minority of Republicans can be outwitted by their hesitant leadership, so that the House can deliver aid to Ukraine. Astonishingly, the GOP chairmen of the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees have asserted that some of their colleagues have succumbed to Russian propaganda. The shame and disgrace that this implies cannot be expunged. It will stain the holdouts against aid permanently, and justly so.

<But the Biden administration has its own responsibility for this situation, a responsibility that is nearly as heavy. It, too, has no theory of victory and has not attempted to work with Ukraine to devise one. The administration’s promises to be with Ukraine as long as it takes are vapid. It repeatedly hesitated to supply Ukraine with advanced weapons in the numbers and with the speed needed, thereby frittering away the great opportunity of Ukraine’s first counteroffensive in the summer and fall of 2022. It has not sent a military mission to Kyiv to work closely with Ukrainian planners and trainers. Its representatives have, in ways that are at best strategically illiterate, declared their tepid opposition to Ukrainian deep attacks inside Russia. At the top, the president has not, after two years, summoned the rhetorical force to explain to the American people, in a way that Franklin Roosevelt did, and that John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan would have, why this faraway war means so much for the American future.

And the cope:

>This does not have to be, and it will not be if the United States acts. The prompt passage of aid for Ukraine is but one step. Others include sending a military mission to Ukraine, helping that country build the training and rotation infrastructure that it needs to sustain itself, and accelerating the growth of Ukraine’s already remarkable arms industry, which now produces drones that can strike more than 1,000 kilometers into Russian territory, as well as advanced cruise missiles and artillery pieces.

>Above all, the Biden administration has to tell the American people that this war threatens us because it threatens European peace, has to explain the values as well as interests in play, and has to conceive its goal not as a mixture of supporting Ukraine just enough and nagging it with fantastic fears of escalation, but as ensuring victory.

>That can be achieved. Russia’s own strains—revealed in the abortive Prigozhin putsch, its shocking vulnerability to terrorist attack, and the outpouring of grief for the murdered Alexei Navalny—are numerous. Its supposed growth in GDP is an artifact of military spending that is not sustainable. Sanctions are taking a toll but can be intensified. Its army, though operationally adaptable, remains tactically crude and susceptible to being bled out. The Putin regime’s ferocious clampdown on dissent reveals weakness, not strength. The job of the Biden administration is to judge those weaknesses correctly, exploit them ruthlessly, and, with its allies, help Ukraine defeat an enemy as cruel and malignant as any in history. Unless the administration rises to the occasion, a dark spring could bring much bleaker seasons to follow.


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>surreptitiously, much nonlethal gear from China
Love the word surreptitiously here. Rules based international order for thee, not for me.


Who the fuck would write this kind of….oh.



>the abortive Prigozhin putsch
This was the closest thing to what they hoped would have happened with the sanctions, but they seem to believe Putin hasn't sealed up this only visible crack
>shocking vulnerability to terrorist attack
Like every over country in the world.
>the outpouring of grief for the murdered Alexei Navalny
What, are they unironically believing that the queues at the voting polls were protesters? No banners, no chanting, nothing, is this what they think protests are in Russia?
>Its supposed growth in GDP is an artifact of military spending that is not sustainable. Sanctions are taking a toll but can be intensified.
Sure thing, buddy. These westoid journos can keep dreaming about that.


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>coalition of the malevolent
I preferred axis of disorder.


>the outpouring of grief for the murdered Alexei Navalny
rip gennady the cock roach.




Extremely based


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it's over


Probably either blown up or deployed around Kiev to keep the American rat nest there safe.


Cool now do the rest




the very gemulation of gemistry


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>At hideous cost to themselves—measured in tens of thousands of killed, wounded, or missing men a month—Russian armies are advancing slowly.
i don't have the zyylyynskyy edit of this anymore


somebody needs to call Mauzer, the sovietwave guy on yt :P



How long do I gotta wait for Blumenthal to expose this guy as a rabid pro-war zionist or mossad media op? At this point, given the exposure of the nature of the Israeli state, and the polling, any western journalist should be expected to declare that they are not a zionist rather than expecting the benefit of the doubt. It must be difficult to find journalists to write articles about Ukraine with that particular tone, at this stage of the conflict. This piece is very much in Israel's interest, it's assertions about what the US should do in Ukraine apply equally to what zionists want the US to do in Palestine.
>inb4 facile shitposts


no war but class war
and yes, inter-class wars are also class wars
all wars are class wars


They're all eating from the same trough.


What is this and why is it mostly young women?
Also the faux rock music made their lack or enthusiasm stand out even more lol
And the other guy shaved his lip/chin but not neck, literal neckbeard.


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>le interimperialist war
Read a book


>I wrote that over 2 years ago
Where did the time go


It really does feel crazy that Z day was two years ago, it feels like yesterday


>coalition of the malevolent
Too many syllables and not as punchy as Axis of Evil. Pathetic.

>strategically illiterate, declared their tepid opposition to Ukrainian deep attacks inside Russia.

>its shocking vulnerability to terrorist attack
>The job of the Biden administration is to judge those weaknesses correctly, exploit them ruthlessly
This motherfucker is straight up advocating for terrorist attacks and it got published in a mainstream magazine. Have libs lost their minds?


>What is this and why is it mostly young women?
First Ukraine Harem Corps. Gotta get those replacements from somewhere anon


They lost them a long time ago duderino


>Have libs lost their minds?
No. They just know that Russia won' start WW3 because of a terrorist attack. They know they will get away as long as the barest minimum of distancing is observed. That's a weakness to exploit and laugh at to them.


Don't kid yourself, they know that Ukraine won't be around in 15-18 years. They will just send women to die.


Just a thought experiment, but if Ukrainian collaborators in Russia did a terrorist hostage situation ala Hamas demanding for concessions/ceasefire in the Ukraine war for Russian lives, what would the Western reaction be? Sympathy, confusion?


The West and Ukraine resorting to terrorism only further strengthens the Russian position in the world. Compared to Russian declaring a total war and obliterating Ukraine, it has the opposite effect on Russia's allies and the global south. It diminishes international pressure on Russia while achieving nothing in Ukraine besides uniting Russians.

I'm not sure why people make this argument as if the West is in a superior position free to do what it wants. It's the opposite, this sort of thing not only does the opposite of achieving deterrence and weakening Russia, it gives Russia more room to operate on the international stage.


Didn't happen, they deserved it


While the actual effectiveness as strategy is questionable, it's more that he is publishing it publicly under his name in a magazine. They normally pretend to have lofty values and do everything in the dark. But why get rid of the pretense? Maybe they are trying to push as far as they can and see if anyone call them out but still seems short sighted.


<US Artillery Capabilities Fall Victim to "Profit Over Purpose" No Solution in Sight

- The US Army has cancelled a long-range artillery prototype because barrels were wearing out too quickly;

- The US seeks to evaluate existing Western artillery systems to extend the range of American artillery systems;

- This is done supposedly after learning lessons from the ongoing fighting in Ukraine;

- The real problem is the collective West's inability to mass produce weapons and ammunition;

- Longer-range systems may not make them more effective on modern battlefields where counter-battery operations is conducted using long-range drones;

- Russia and China are no longer lagging in terms of military capabilities or the technology associated with them, the determining factor is quantity;

- America's for-profit arms industry prefers small numbers of expensive weapons over large quantities of simple but effective systems, creating these shortcomings in Western artillery systems;


Defenses News - US Army scraps Extended Range Cannon Artillery prototype effort (March 12, 2024):
Defense News - US Army readies new artillery strategy spurred by war in Ukraine (August 2023):
CNN - Exclusive: Russia producing three times more artillery shells than US and Europe for Ukraine (March 11, 2024):



The Growing Weakness of Western Artillery Capabilities
<26.03.2024 Author: Brian Berletic

>After decades of waging war against impoverished nations with destitute armies, or no standing armies at all, the US has suddenly found itself in a rapidly changing world where peer and near-peer competitors are outpacing it in military capabilities. Many of these capabilities are showing up on the battlefield in places the US has until recently enjoyed relative military superiority.

>One area the US has found itself particularly weak in is artillery. The conflict in Ukraine has revealed a variety of shortcomings regarding not only US artillery capabilities, but those of the collective West.

>The recent cancellation of the US Army’s “Extended Range Cannon Artillery” (ERCA) prototype was just the most recent event among several reflecting Washington’s realization that it is falling far behind.

>Defense News in a March 12, 2024 article titled, “US Army scraps Extended Range Cannon Artillery prototype effort,” would note:

>The U.S. Army is changing its approach to acquiring a long-range artillery capability and scrapping its 58-caliber Extended Range Cannon Artillery prototyping effort, according to the service’s acquisition chief.

>“We concluded the prototyping activity last fall,” Doug Bush told reporters at a March 8 briefing on the fiscal 2025 budget request. “Unfortunately, [it was] not successful enough to go straight into production.”

>The new plan — following an “exhaustive” tactical fires study meant to revalidate elements of the extended-range cannon requirement led by Army Futures Command — is to evaluate existing options from industry this summer “to get a sense of the maturity of those systems.”

>The prototypes began suffering from many of the problems Western artillery systems transferred to Ukraine have suffered from, “excessive wear on the gun tube after firing a relatively low number of rounds.”

>Until relatively recently, Western artillery systems were only required to fire relatively low numbers of rounds as part of fire missions targeting irregular militant forces in support of infantry. These missions would take place from static fire bases, well, out of reach of the small arms used by militants. These fire bases existed at the end of well-developed logistical networks capable of supporting artillery crews, both in terms of ammunition and maintenance requirements.

>This is in stark contrast to the intense positional fighting seen in Ukraine along the line of contact where guns fire continuously day after day until barrels begin to deform, lose accuracy, and in some cases, fail during firing which includes explosions that can maim or kill gun crews. The intensity of counter-battery operations means that artillery crews cannot easily perform repairs near the line of contact without becoming targets.

>Modern Western artillery pieces are simply not designed to meet this rate of fire or perform well in this type of combat environment, especially where well-protected logistical lines no longer exist.

<Searching for Flawed Solutions…

>Another Defense News article, “US Army readies new artillery strategy spurred by war in Ukraine,” would indicate the direction the US will attempt to move to address apparent deficiencies of Western artillery systems.

>The article noted in particular advances in “propellant” to enable midrange guns to shoot as far as long-range guns. The article also discussed “robotics” in the form of autoloaders for munitions.

Both approaches, however, seem to be continuing in the same misguided direction the US and its NATO allies have moved since the Cold War, over-engineered systems attempting to leverage a technological edge over the quantities of Russian and Chinese arms and ammunition. The problem with this approach is that there no longer is a vast disparity between Western military technology and that of Russia or China.

>Both nations are capable of producing high-quality weapon systems in large quantities.

>Additionally, as seen in Ukraine, Russia has created long-range counter-battery capabilities like the Lancet kamikaze drone able to find and strike Western artillery systems far beyond the range of Russia’s own artillery systems. Having accurate, longer-range guns does not give the United States the advantage it thinks it will in any potential conflict with Russia or China.

>It should be noted that both Russia and China are increasingly transferring these weapons to other nations around the globe, limiting the number of potential targets of Western military aggression.

<America’s Fundamentally Flawed Mindset

>Washington’s problems continue to stem from its private industry-dominated military industrial base, which favors profits over purpose and performance, preferring small numbers of expensive weapon systems over large volumes of simple but effective equipment.

>After abandoning the US Army’s own ERCA prototype, it is now investigating existing systems like Israel’s Elbit Systems Autonomous Truck Mounted Ordnance System (ATMOS) Iron Sabre, as well as systems produced by the UK’s BAE, France’s Nexter, and others.

>Israel’s ATMOS self-propelled artillery system, for example, is operated by nations around the globe, but in single and double-digit numbers.

>The problem all of these systems share is the same dependence on over-engineered technology produced by a small supporting industrial capacity incapable of large-scale production. There is a similar deficiency in supplying the large quantities of ammunition required to meet the demands exhibited on the battlefield in Ukraine. CNN, for example, in a March 11, 2024 article would note that Russia alone is producing at least 3 times more artillery ammunition than the US and Europe combined.

>No matter how capable any of these systems may be, including additional improvements made as part of the US Army’s ongoing program, if respective military industrial bases are incapable of replacing them faster than they are removed from a future battlefield as they are in Ukraine today, their capabilities will make little difference in any potential conflict’s ultimate outcome.

>Modern warfare is shifting as technological disparity closes, meaning that a handful of highly-capable but high-maintenance systems will no longer offer the US and its allies an advantage on the battlefield. Even in the Middle East, local militants are using drones and precision-guided rockets to attrite US military hardware faster than the US can replace it. So far, these incidents have been few and far between. If a large-scale conflict broke out between the US and Iran and Iran’s many allies, US capabilities would quickly suffer attrition and create an operational crisis for US forces.

>Despite this reality taking clear shape, US planners still cling to the myth of superior American innovation and the role private industry plays in lending the US this supposed advantage.

>A recent US National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) report noted the many shortcomings of the current US military industrial base, many of which the report admitted stemmed from private industry, but insisted that private industry was part of the solution rather than the source of the problem.

>Because the US military industrial base is dominated by private industry whom Washington serves, industry profits, not actual capabilities, remains the top priority. As long as this equation persists, the US will continue attempting to solve emerging problems by applying the same flawed mindset that is creating these problems in the first place.



I love capitalism



It's a doctrinal difference. The West relies on airpower, which can be exorbitantly expensive (a F-35 at 60-80 million USD), vs artillery being sold at 1-2 million a pop for a self-propelled gun.

That said, an F-35 can deliver 5k-8k's worth of explosive in a 2 hour sortie, whereas it'd take 47 SPHs 2-3 minutes to put out comparable levels of explosive (800 shells).

The assumption and weakness of the West, of course, is that it'd have air superiority, whereas a good IADS + a sufficiently potent air force can deny the West the usage of its airpower.


The US's most probable foe, btw, will be in a naval / air theater, where neither the US Army's obsolete Paladins nor the PLAGF's PLZ-05s make that much difference.

There, you can see the big superiority of airpower, since airpower is equally adept at punishing ships and surface assets.


Are you talking tons of explosives or dollars? The cheapest bomb they carry is like $30k.




Anyways, West / NATO sucks at artillery because they prefer airpower. Take away their air superiority, they're sunk.


>That said, an F-35 can deliver 5k-8k's worth of explosive in a 2 hour sortie,
Assuming it's not down for repair


Yeah but most situations hitting a wider area with the explosives is better than concentrating all the explosive power in one spot unless you are hitting a depot or some other high value target. But then why not just use a long range missile or drone instead?


Air systems are also more expensive to maintain and thus more attractive to the money men.


They would just lie and say it was a Russian false flag.


Glad I had to pay more than double for electricity, gas and oil and still have Ukraine lose. Thanks Ampel!


Bombs are not shells of course. Apples and oranges



>For the layman, it is difficult to see the results of these successes on maps of the line of contact between the opposing sides. The Russian officials are knowingly playing down their daily advance westward, calling it just positional improvements. They do not want to telegraph their punches or to give Western media cause for alarm before they spring the several traps for Ukraine’s army that will come when they break through the Ukrainian defense lines later this spring and summer.

>And in parallel with the destruction on the line of contact, the Russians are actively waging what the Moscow-based journalist John Helmer has rightly called an ‘electricity war’ on Ukraine, utterly demolishing an increasing number of power generating plants across the country.

>Even the pro-Ukrainian Financial Times two days ago finally published an article describing the attacks on power infrastructure as having taken a new and very dangerous turn for the viability of Ukraine.

>Moreover, here and there Western media are reporting on another powerful escalation in the Russian prosecution of the war: the wide and growing use of repurposed Soviet vintage ‘dumb bombs’ that are now maneuverable ‘glide bombs’ carrying between 500 kg and 3 tons of explosives. These cheap weapons have a range of 60 to 90 km and land within 10 meters of target. They are unstoppable and achieve many times the devastation of artillery shells. Indeed they are fully capable of clearing paths through any of the defense lines that the Ukrainians are now constructing posthaste in anticipation of a Russian offensive.

>I stress that these various significant developments in the war appear as separate news items in Western media, but without anyone linking the dots. When you do that, it becomes obvious that all the brave talk about the Ukrainians being propped up and reinforced for the sake of a counter-offensive in 2025, all of the brave talk about a 5-year military assistance package for Ukraine amount to empty blather. If the war continues on its present trajectory, there soon enough will not be a Ukraine to prop up.


>Day after day on Russian state television, we also hear about the latest progress of the FSB and other law enforcement agencies in uncovering the financial channels and equipment supply channels linking Ukraine to the terror attack on the Crocus City Hall entertainment complex.

>These same news reports also take the lines of responsibility all the way to the USA and the UK. The role of the USA in assisting and promoting the formation of the Islamic State terror groups from the time of the Obama administration is fleshed out. There is no backtracking from the first remarks made by FSB director Bortnikov on the subject of who stood behind the Crocus City attack.

>The one non-Ukraine and non-Israeli big news item of last week both in the West and in Russia was the celebration in Brussels of the 75th anniversary of the signing of the agreements that created NATO. Coverage was not particularly exuberant in Western Europe because the NATO countries were unable to reach unanimous accord on the way forward with respect to Ukraine in their discussions just ahead of the cake cutting ceremony.

>In Russia, no detail of the NATO celebration was too insignificant to be overlooked. We heard and saw how the caterers of the NATO event failed to provide forks, so that the high and mighty ate their piece of cake with their fingers.

>Of considerably greater importance, we saw on last Sunday’s News of the Week program hosted by Dmitry Kiselyov an extensive account of the ‘pre-history’ of the NATO treaty, with a fair dose of conspiracy theories set out that bring to the door of Harry Truman and Winston Churchill responsibility for the start of the Cold War.

>Kiselyov emphasized Franklin Roosevelt’s neutral and objective appreciation of the Soviet contribution to the war effort, which ran counter to the views of the anti-Russian Churchill and his newfound fellow thinker U.S. Vice President Truman. Roosevelt’s sudden death from a stroke just days before the Victory in Europe is said to have been possibly a case of poisoning, which Truman and his followers in the Oval Office up to and including John F. Kennedy refused to investigate by barring any exhumation of the body for tests. Moreover, Roosevelt’s quick burial hints at a cover-up, we are told

>The net result of FDR’s death was unholy plotting of Truman as his successor, with Churchill’s blessing, to remove the USSR as a Great Power by dropping nuclear bombs on its 20 largest cities. This scheme was not implemented, per Kiselyov, only because the U.S. lacked the bombs and while it worked to manufacture them the Soviet Union developed and tested its own A-bomb, putting an end to America’s nuclear monopoly and restoring a semblance of deterrence.

>There is nothing new in what Kiselyov presented, but it is important that he laid out the story now because it is preparing the Russian people for all eventualities in the evolution of the Ukraine war into a Russia-NATO war.


I remember a while back the Silver Bullet 3 APFSDS was made for the abrams, but despite it formally being introduced, the sheer barrel wear from it and its predecessor the #2 was so high that the lifespan of M1 Abrams guns were drastically decreased.


>The real problem is the collective West's inability to mass produce weapons and ammunition
imagine having more than 50% of the global military spending (75% with nato) and not even being able to produce enough artillery shells
thank god imperialists are slaves to to the logic of capital, this offer the possibility to defeat them, because if they were using their resources competently this would be hopeless


Their doctrine moved away from conventional war to colonial policing a long time ago. So "area denial" like artillery barrages fell out of favour.


>Roosevelt’s sudden death from a stroke just days before the Victory in Europe is said to have been possibly a case of poisoning, which Truman and his followers in the Oval Office up to and including John F. Kennedy refused to investigate by barring any exhumation of the body for tests. Moreover, Roosevelt’s quick burial hints at a cover-up, we are told
>The net result of FDR’s death was unholy plotting of Truman as his successor, with Churchill’s blessing, to remove the USSR as a Great Power by dropping nuclear bombs on its 20 largest cities. This scheme was not implemented, per Kiselyov, only because the U.S. lacked the bombs and while it worked to manufacture them the Soviet Union developed and tested its own A-bomb, putting an end to America’s nuclear monopoly and restoring a semblance of deterrence.
how solid are those claims ?


Roosevelt probably was assassinated.



>Ukraine’s government is facing a juncture described in Marguerite Yourcenar’s The Memoirs of Hadrian: “I begin to discern the profile of my death.” Russia is demonstrating that it can turn the lights out all over Ukraine. That time has now passed. Russia has destroyed the largest generating plant in the Kiev oblast, Tripilska Power Plant.

>As we’ll explain below, this further reduction of Ukraine’s generating capacity has knock-on effects, most importantly forcing further big cuts via soon necessitating the shutdown of nuclear reactors. The Ukraine power system is approaching a tipping point if it has not already reached it.

>Commentators early in the war, particularly the hyper-nationalist sorts in Russia, were perplexed that Russia didn’t engage in the typical practice of a belligerent, of knocking out power and communications networks at the outset. The most common one provided was that Putin in particular really did regard the Special Military Operation as not exactly a war and hoped to bring Ukraine to the negotiating table, which indeed happened. So not stoking further Ukraine hostilities by harming civilians, or even unduly discomfiting them, was part of the initial “Let’s bring Kiev to its senses” plan. In addition, many Russians have relatives in Ukraine, so avoiding civilian casualties and even costs were important for domestic reasons.

>Again, the more martial-minded weren’t happy with the Ministry of Defense, in fall-winter 2022, toying with Ukraine’s grid by selectively targeting transmission, inflicting damage that that Ukraine could repair in at worst a few days. John Helmer, who has given far and away the best analysis of the electrical war, depicted Russia as figuring out how the system worked so as to more efficiently drop the hammer when the time came. Others soon added that a major point of this campaign was to speed up the process of draining Ukraine of air defense missiles. Note that Russia intensified its grid strikes and began targeting generation capacity very close to when the Pentagon had said Ukraine would run out of air defense missiles, at the end of March. And on top of that, Russia has been taking out the weapons platforms too. One YouTuber (was it Brian Berletic?) recently said Ukraine might now has as few as three Patriot launch systems.

>But there’s another reason for waiting until Ukraine’s military was on the rope and its air defenses were badly depleted. If Russia had tried prostrating Ukraine via widespread power outages much earlier (even assuming it wasn’t unduly costly against a Ukraine with intact air defenses) it would have been the dog that caught the car. Russia had dithered about developing a Plan B until the embarrassing Kharkiv and Kherson pull-backs forced Russia to act. Amazingly. Russia was able to start and implement its partial mobilization, with 6 to 7 months of training for new enlistees, with the West doing nothing to force Russia’s timetable. They were so high on the Russian retreats and their own PR that Russia any day now, yessiree, was going to run out of missiles that they gave Russia extremely valuable time to build up its capabilities and its weapons supplies. Weirdly, they even saw Russia demonstrate its capabilities by constructing the Surovikin Line, yet still refused to get the memo.

>As Helmer described in his last post, the destruction of generating capacity will start to beget more destruction, as limited supply will lead to load-balancing problems and surges, which will do yet more damage to the grid itself and user equipment. As a tweet by Sergej Sumlenny, LL.Mexplains:

Let me say it clear: Ukraine’s power production is close to collapse.
1) Coal and gas power stations are vital for balancing the demand-and-supply problem in a large network, as they can increase and decrease production.
2) Ukraine’s Nuclear Power Plants cannot work without this balancing.
3) And Ukraine’s hydro power plants are too few (and also targeted by the Russians, several damaged).
4) So effectively, Russia provokes not only a blackout in a 40-million-people country, amid a war, but also a nuclear disaster (or Ukraine’s nuclear power plants must be shut down, without a perspective to be launched soon again).
5) Coal and gas plants also supply heat for larger cities, this will be another huge problem in just 6 months.
6) All because someone in the White House and in the Chancellory decided to play “escalation management”.

>Helmer also described how the loss of power will triggers a mass exodus from cities, as has happened with Kharkiv, and will also cripple the military, since many activities rely on electrical power and it seems vanishingly unlikely that there are all that many backup generators. The refugee flood will trigger an internal and potentially an external crisis. Helmer pointed out that one check on the otherwise predictable movement of citizens to the western Ukraine would be that men would be subject to being captured and sent to the front lines. But as he explained last week:

Moscow sources believe the operational plan of the General Staff, agreed by the Kremlin since last month’s election, is to depopulate Kharkov and the surrounding region north to Sumy, and press equally hard in the centre (Dniepropetrovsk) and the south (Odessa). For maps of the campaign so far, click.

According to a Moscow source, debate over operational priorities in the political and military strategy is muted. “This time round,” the source believes, “the General Staff aims not to suspend the attacks, not to relieve the pace, so that the Ukrainian utilities cannot repair or restore power supplies — no repeat of the first phase of the electric war which stopped at the end of 2022.”

>Now admittedly hitting the big power generating plant in Kiev seems at odds with this idea of which cities to knock out when. But Russia is also dealing with the structure of the power supplies. One assumes the strike on Kiev’s plant was an efficient way to go about the de-electrification, given its size and importance, even if cutting Kiev’s power was otherwise later on the list. From the current lead story in the Financial Times:

Russia has destroyed Kyiv’s largest power plant as president Volodymyr Zelenskyy chided Ukraine’s western partners for “turning a blind eye” to his country’s need for more air defences..

The Trypilska thermal power plant 50km south of Kyiv, which so far was protected by air defences, was completely destroyed in the attack, officials said. The plant provided electricity to millions of people in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Zhytomyr regions….

Oleh Syniehubov, governor of Kharkiv, said 10 missiles had struck the north-eastern region, knocking out power to more than 200,000 residents. Kharkiv, which borders Russia’s Belgorod region, has been pummelled by missiles, rockets and drones in recent weeks.

Ukrenergo, Ukraine’s national transmission system operator, said power substations and generation facilities were damaged and that emergency shutdown schedules were imposed in the Kharkiv region.

It called on Ukrainians to limit the use of electrical appliances from 7pm to 10pm, when it predicted a shortage of electricity might occur because solar power plants, carrying much of the load after Thursday’s attack, would decrease.

>Some additional visuals and detail:

>The Financial Times article includes much rending of hair and garments over the failure of the US to approve additional Ukraine, which is depicted as contributing to Ukraine’s inability to defend itself. But as many commentators have pointed out, money won’t magic weapons or trained men into existence. It would take well over a year to produce the needed armaments, even before getting to the wee problem of competing demand (Israel and Europe restocking).

>Helmer included later in his early April post:

An unofficial Moscow source comments: “For the time being, the campaign is likely to leave enough lights on in Lvov to lure the displaced easterners there, and generate all sorts of communal friction. The westward process will repeat itself until Lvov and other border areas are huge refugee camps facing a bunch of nervous Poles, Romanians, Moldovans, etc. We’ll see what happens to Euro solidarity then.”

>In a related sighting, a mercenary with two years in service in Ukraine (!!!) talks out of school about US and Ukraine performance. Do click through to read the full text:

>It does not surprise me to learn that Azovites are (often? always?) posturing cowards. But those that run away sadly to live to see another day. Except here, the Russians will make diligent efforts to round them up. And Banderite love for Nazi insignia as tattoos will make them easy to identify.


>3 patriot systems left
God damn


What will happen ince Ukraine fully loses to Russia? Nato gets btfo'd okay but what's the plan after that


Step 1. Learn Nothing
Step 2. Change Nothing
Step 3. Double Down
Step 4. War with China


Yeah this will surely go down well for the US after they now lost to Russia and had to bail out of Afghanistan


1. russia annexes everything except the western ukraine, not just the land bridge. even vinnitsa and kirovograd and shit are probably going to be on the menu.
2. rest of ukraine signs a neutrality agreement, full finlandization etc
3. all nazis go to prison

but idk, maybe its gonna be no new annexed territories apart from the ones already annexed, maybe just them with the land bridge. hard to say, but points 2. and 3. are 100% certain. then after that russia will again start negotiating with nato for new security guarantees. i really dont believe the baltics and poland have anything to fear in any case.


What kind of cuckoldry is this?


That's so fucking absurd, it makes them sound like they're school children negotiating who hit who.


>Okay. First fuck off Taiwan and we will consider the US letting them watch us fuck their wife


This is basically an expression of Biden being an extremely and historically weak president.


>Coalition of the malevolent
What is happening in Ukraine is no different than what western coalitions have been doing for decades. Invading countries on flimsy pretexts (though the Russian justifications are slightly less silly), bombing civilian infrastructure, leveling cities, sham referendums.

Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen. This is the "rules based international order" the west created

>Its supposed growth in GDP is an artifact of military spending that is not sustainable

GDP is bullshit anyway. Industrial output is what matters. And the "Coalition of the Malevolent" is surpassing the west in almost every industry. Combined.
>The Putin regime’s ferocious clampdown on dissent reveals weakness, not strength.
So what does it mean when democrats try to ban Trump from the ballot and European countries ban people from expressing support for Russia?

>cruel and malignant as any in history

Baghdad, Kiev (sorry Keeev), Mosul, Mariupol, Raqqa, Bakhmut, Kosovo, Crimea, Bucha, Gaza… actually no, Gaza is much much worse. More civilians (kids especially) died in Gaza in a few months than in all of Ukraine in the past two years.
But that doesn't matter, because they're brown, non-western, which makes you irrelevant to western policy makers. All these little eichmanns sitting in the high offices of Washington, London, Brussels, who have been orchestrated genocidal 'interventions' and sanctions for decades


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>Russian justifications are slightly less silly
>sham referendums.
still bothsiding in 2024…


File: 1712888489064.png (1.09 MB, 793x3650, Both sides tried.png)

>bombing civilian infrastructure
Because military units are literally hiding in civilian infrastructure, and Russian units specifically avoid using heavy artillery against areas that have civilians forced to remain such as at Mariupol, which is why they took so long to take it. They also went out of their way to evacuate as many civilians as they could. Were there some civilian casualties? Probably, because it's a war, but it's not even close to comparable to Western actions which blatantly disregarded or even targeted civilians (Kosovo as an example).
>leveling cities
Not even close to the same, Russia easily could turn Kiev into a crater, but instead it has consistently targeted industrial and infrastructure and military assets, not civilian buildings with civilian residents.
>sham referendums.
LOL ok Glowie.


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reddit spacing


Is there a popular movement in Russia wanting to bring back communism?



>The West relies on airpower
Where are the F-16s in Ukraine then? If you don't use your advantages they may as well not exist.



>little eichmanns
I cant stand this Liberal whining about Adolf Eichmann, Hannah Arendt was a fucking retard anti-communist who was dumb enough to take Eichmann's word at face value and then spin it out into theory about how the 'ordinary people' (the proletariat) are all secretly Fascists or would become so if they were told to be so. Eichmann had a burning hatred of Jews a young age, he joined the Nazi party in the early 1930s, he supported Lebensraum and his close family friend was a high ranking SS officer. Acting like he wasnt ideological invested and motivated in the Holocaust is the worst kind of smug liberal babble.




File: 1712891973412.png (48.75 KB, 791x781, 194759463975.png)

It's so over


Fuck off demoraliser.


>This motherfucker is straight up advocating for terrorist attacks and it got published in a mainstream magazine. Have libs lost their minds?
Brookings Institute and think tanks like it publish papers advocating terrorism all the time, since forever.
>they just come right out and say it over at brookings


I hope that party becomes the biggest one in Russia!


Spoiler party


>Assuming it's not down for repair.
It will be down for repair. The Navy are ordering more f18 becaise the f35 are so unreliable. This is my favorite description of Russian gear, from a French military paper low key admiring it's effectiveness.
"it's obsolete, easy to maintain, and capable of being used in degraded mode"


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>bombing civilian infrastructure
>leveling cities
>sham referendums
Shut the fuck up, CIAuighur.



And by 'us' he means specifically only Israel. :)


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>draft will be changed to mandatory military service
>mandatory military training in all public institutions
>people called for mobilization will be able to set up their online military account in which they will be able to change their personal info themselves
>crippled during combat and released from Russian captivity will be called off from service
>people that got 2-3 level of cripple status during military health check after start of the war in february 2022 will have their cripple status canceled and will be called for military health check again (most likely shitton of people bribed their way out)
>men will be forced to update their residency status and personal info even abroad via app or online meetings otherwise their rights will be limited (institutions will not give residency permits or work with EU countries to help in getting residency)
>all men called for military service but didn't show up will have their drivers license canceled and will be forbidden from driving cars
>having military ID on you 24/7 will be mandatory with jail time if you don't
>some prisoners will now be called into the military and will be allowed to serve (most likely the ones that didn't commit serious crimes like murder)
>draft age will be lowered from 27 to 25 (up until now only men above 27 were called)
>initially bill was supposed to also have a clause calling off soldiers from service if they served 36 months but was removed at the last moment


French has a navy?


Yeah and they still use diesel subs. They threw a shitfit when Australia canceled their order of diesels from them so they could buy nuke subs from America instead.


>but was removed at the last moment

Classic bourgeois parliamentarism



>Washington has backed the idea of confiscating the reserves in their entirety and handing them to Ukraine, an idea European officials fear could violate international law and destabilise financial markets. EU countries would prefer to only give Kyiv the profits generated by the underlying assets.

>“Instead of just transferring the yearly profits from the reserves . . . it’s conceptually possible to transfer the 10 years of profits or 30 years of profits,” he said. “The present value of those profits adds up to a very large number.”

>“Imagine you have €1bn of usable proceeds of these revenues. You can allocate €300mn to reconstruction, €300mn to self-defence of Ukraine, and €300mn to back up the emission of loans . . . You can make small pockets of these amount and distribute it to different needs,” said an EU diplomat, cautioning that talks on all these ideas are still ongoing.

>But officials in one major EU country have asked what would happen to a bond secured against 10 years of interest payments from impounded Russian assets if the war were to end in a couple of years and the assets unfrozen and handed back to Russia under a peace settlement.

>The G7 states could back the bond with a state guarantee, as a way of reassuring private investors, the officials said. But they cautioned that such a move might be open to legal challenge in some states.


There never was "technological disparity" between USA and others, American weapons have always sucked and weren't better than the alternatives.


Soviet Union would have roflstomped to the Atlantic without much trouble and probably manage to cross the channel. Nukes wouldn't be able to stop Stalin's Hammer. Beside, Soviet Anti-Air was the best in the world as well, so there would be no bombing of major Soviet cities


>US - Yo fam, let's just be staight mafia criminals and take whatever we want
>EU - c'mon breh, let's just be petty criminals. think of optics.


Who cares, American empire gets to cannibalize Europe and gets to live another decade


>But officials in one major EU country have asked what would happen to a bond secured against 10 years of interest payments from impounded Russian assets if the war were to end in a couple of years and the assets unfrozen and handed back to Russia under a peace settlement.
>The G7 states could back the bond with a state guarantee, as a way of reassuring private investors, the officials said. But they cautioned that such a move might be open to legal challenge in some states.

This is the crux of the matter. They want to issue bonds in such a way that Russia will have to pay it's foreign reserves as reparations after the war, in other words: raise money from investors now by promising to pay them Russia's foreign reserves. Problem is, Russia isn't being cooperative on paying reparations, lol


It sounds like they are saying that the g7 members would be liable, but that could later be challenged in court in some of those countries.

It sounds to me they are trying to end run the ukraine funding impasse in congress by stealthily taking out loans they know they will eventually have to pay, but at least thry won't have to get congress to approve it.


>gets to live another decade
Don't know about that…


Well yeah, somebody has to give guarantees that Russia will be defeated and will pay reparations. And if Russia doesn't, will pay instead of Russia. Obviously, EU isn't thrilled about the prospect


<China please, could you cut Russia off and tell Iran not not attack so our vassals wouldn't get hurt? We can't do it ourselves because we can't and would lose face. Pretty please?
It's a bipolar disorder of national foreign policy


multipolar world disorder


I can't wait for all the fascist veterans to wreak havoc in EVrope after the war.


What do you mean? They've been doing it in Ukraine and Palastine for a long while now


Orbán & a Portugal millionaire friend just bought Euronews, lol.

Expect some changes in the narrative.


>All because someone in the White House and in the Chancellory decided to play “escalation management”.
LMAO, imperialists seething


>>>>“Imagine you have €1bn of usable proceeds of these revenues. You can allocate €300mn to reconstruction, €300mn to self-defence of Ukraine, and €300mn to back up the emission of loans . . .
Dude, where did 100 million go


100 for processing fees :^)


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Just ignore and report, ffs


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it's oviyr


Yes, but they will start doing it Europe proper like ISIS did, using a sort of Dolchstosslegende as justification for their coming terrorist attacks.



<Expect some changes in the narrative.
>The wooook SJWs are to blame for everything
Oh boy…
Also, source?


Interesting vid. Thanks for sharing.


Decommunization status?


>Completely missing the main point
This isn't about Russia being "evil". It's about the way the war in Ukraine is being fought is not much different to how the west has been conducting it's "interventions" these past three decades. (With the exception of scale)
Not surprising however, pointing this out immediately shortcircuits western brains ITT; Either Russia is morally innocent in the purest Christian sense of the word (and western leftism is thoroughly christian) or the west is. It's the other side of the same dominant liberal narrative. History is not a story of power struggles and self-interested class war. It's instead a grand narrative about Good vs Evil…

Bucha either didn't happen or was a false flag. There is no possibility it did happen, but also that it is also irrelevant to the wider anti-imperialist struggle. That whether this "massacre" did or didn't happen shouldn't be relevant to whether it's desirable for Russia to win this war from a communist point of view.
Likewise when power plants are bombed it can only be because dastardly Ukrainians are hiding weapons there! It can't be because under wartime conditions taking out enemy energy infrastructure is the sensible thing do. They "deserve" it or it's an act of Evil.
Being the underdog has become the number one condition for being the moral actor in any struggle. And underdogs can do no wrong. Every conflict in the past 30 years has been framed through this lens.

When someone points out similarities between NATO's wars and the SMO, it is only because they condemn Russia and want Ukraine to win…
If you're offended at the thought that a few people belonging to a single regiment attached to a single battalion tactical group in one area of a 2000km+ long frontline may have misbehaved for a few weeks in war that has been lasting over 2 years. Then maybe consider that instead of everyone disagreeing being literally CIA. You're actually just a christtard unaware of your own liberal christian ideology.

They should have blown up every dam 2 years ago, and properly ended it when it became evident Zelensky was only stalling peace talks and had no intention on following through, instead of flailing about for 2 years.

>reddit spacing

Also shut tf up kid. I was here back on fullchan when your balls hadn't dropped yet

Kherson and Zaphorozhia were sham referendums. Not that I care. This isn't about legitimacy. It's about methods. Western MSM and government are condemning Russia for doing what they themselves have been doing for decades, while ignoring what is happening in Gaza.


>Likewise when power plants are bombed it can only be because dastardly Ukrainians are hiding weapons there! It can't be because under wartime conditions taking out enemy energy infrastructure is the sensible thing do.
>things no one ever said


Well the smo is nothing like a nato war because zelensky would've been stabbed in the ass or swinging from a rope by now. Putin's intention was always to negotiate.


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On this day ten years ago, Strelkov seized Slavyansk and the battle for Donbass began amidst a contested referendum and Ukrainian paranoia after Crimea's referendum. Arsen Avakov began his ATO while local citizens blocked Ukrainian army vehicles. Fighting between protests in places like Mariupol and Kharkhov is common. A few weeks later, the Odessa massacre is carried out while Ukraine bans the KPU and sets up for fraudulent fall elections, which see a collapse in turnout in Russian speaking areas.


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Glowies are among us.


>if you don't want to get conscripted by Ukraine, you will be conscripted by the Russians to invade Germany, and they won't be asking any questions.


>the way the war in Ukraine is being fought is not much different to how the west has been conducting it's "interventions" these past three decades.
Utter bullshit. Western doctrine explicitly calls for destroying electrical and communication networks in the opening attack. The Russians got mocked for using the Ukrainian mobile and internet systems. It took until the end of 2022 for Russia to start hitting electrical transformers. It took until this year for them to start knocking out whole powerplants, which they were capable of doing from the start.

Russia was attempting to wage a limited operation to bring Keeeeev to the negotiating table. If they plan had been Western style regime change the SMO would have started very differently.


i get what you're trying to say. morality is a meme, we are making a dualistic christian morality of good and evil and not seeing the bigger picture, moral is historical in nature, etc. And I can see that you're not necessarily anti-smo or taking the ukrainian side.

But you do have to say that a little schadenfreude at watching the world order that overthrew the USSR collapsing under its own weight and arrogance is pleasing, specially to a political group that has been pretty much knocked out of contemporary politics. Much of this apparent one sidedness is birthed from resentment and i believe it is not sincere



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Fizzlebros … ?


>2 more days


I'm going to say that nothing will happen again.
It wouldn't be the first time Iran lets something like that go unpunished.


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>ukrainians now just shout out WORLD STAR when a missile hits, happy they got it on camera


I mean I can't lie, that probably is pretty cool to witness


Uh-oh, someone is going to the SBU bdsm dungeon


>40-million-people country
Yeah, about that…


The number of the population of Ukraine by bread consumption is 24 million people
And again, according to the proportion of flour consumed, we see that today the population of Ukraine is half of the number of people living in 2008, i.e. less than 24 million, Thus, the data on flour consumption show an even smaller number of the population – 24 million people – than the data on the consumption of ready–made bread - 24.5 million. Isn't that why, despite the global requirements for the need for a regular census, the last population census in Ukraine was held in 2001? Is it scary to face the truth? Источник: https://en.ua2.news/756-the-number-of-the-population-of-ukraine-by-bread-consumption-is-24-million-people.html





or maybe they eat less bread
do soldiers even get bread?


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it's yivir


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2ch improved it


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Good job fellow Robo-Russians. The redditor morale is at an all time low.


>The west is doing nothing and Ukraine is losing but I love Ukranians and they will win


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Ukraines is an independant woman, she don't need no west.


>russia has defeated america
oh… I thought this was about ukraine's "democracy" and that ruzzians hate freedom and that's why they attacked ukraine


MMM those sweet, sweet redditor tears. I can almost taste them.


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>Do something already
>Except the calls for peace ffs


Would be based if this was the RSFSR instead Yeltsonia.


>The west has fallen, millions of Ukrainians and Russians must die


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>And lastly. Ukrainians, you are great. You will win. I love you, guys.


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Any non-western country killing westoids is based, socialist or not


Based imperial japan


>It's about the way the war in Ukraine is being fought is not much different to how the west has been conducting it's "interventions" these past three decades. (With the exception of scale)
I didn't miss the point, I addressed this specifically. Your statements are ignorant and based on superficial similarity to Western activity, primarily based in the fact that warfare is warfare so similar weapons and tactics are used world-round.
>whether this "massacre" did or didn't happen shouldn't be relevant to whether it's desirable for Russia to win this war from a communist point of view.
What the fuck are you babbling about, by this logic, if the USSR had created concentration camps for jews instead and had different reasoning, then it wouldn't matter?
>It's instead a grand narrative about Good vs Evil
Blatant oversimplification. Moreover, this is because people do not wish to associate with and fight for a cause that they recognize as wrong, as that is irrational, its why fascists try to white-wash Germany, why they dehumanized slavs and claimed their war was a crusade against bolshevism. It's why the USSR tried to encourage keeping to the high-ground in its actions, even during the devastation of WW2, so as to be better people, to be the side that DESERVES to win.
>When someone points out similarities between NATO's wars and the SMO, it is only because they condemn Russia and want Ukraine to win…
Yes lol, because most of the similarities are superficial, Russia's actions, the way it escalated and its attitude to the war has been entirely contradictory to the actions and escalation methods of Western imperialism relative to other countries.
>They should have blown up every dam 2 years ago
You're a fucking retard with 0 military understanding.
>If you're offended at the thought that a few people belonging to a single regiment attached to a single battalion tactical group in one area of a 2000km+ long frontline may have misbehaved for a few weeks
Not instantly jumping to support accusations supported by people clearly with a political bias (at best) is resisting gaslighting.

>Kherson and Zaphorozhia were sham referendums

<Source: Your Opinion
<"but it doesn't matter anyway because methods!"
If it doesn't matter then why bother bringing it up, faggot?


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Can't lad


I agree, but low effort bait, which has been debunked a gorillion times already must not derail the thread. That's why I said it should be reported (and deleted.)


remember when you were still punished hardly for that stuff?
I guess all enforcement works in recruitment now


Imperial Japan was part of NATO retard lol


The Axis was functionally the same as NATO. It was the imperialists tool for dismantling socialism. The fact that the US and the UK fought Germany and Japan is irrelevant as the US and the UK were still on their side and indeed invented fascism for the sake of destroying socialism. If Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany were allied with the Soviet Union, as Russia is allied with China, then this might be a valid comparison, but they weren’t and this isn’t


Allies were trying to destroy USSR even during the war, ffs. Polish Anders' Army initial deployment was supposed to happen at Stalingrad, but Soviets decided against UK's suggestion


imperial japan was a versailles belligerent allied with the entente before joining the axis, which consisted entirely of states late to unification but part of capitalism becoming a global system (imperialism)


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look what i made dall-e do


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>In Donetsk on April 8, under mysterious circumstances, a military correspondent for the Russian news agency Sputnik, a former militiaman of the People's Militia of the DPR, who came to Donbass in 2014 from the United States, Bentley Russell Bonner, disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
>According to his wife Lyudmila, that day she and her husband came to the administration of the Petrovsky district to re-register documents for receiving social benefits. At this time, another shelling of the city by Ukrainian nationalists began. Seeing a column of smoke nearby from the arrival of a shell, Bentley went there, as he said, to provide assistance to possible victims. Soon after, he stopped answering calls. After the end of the shelling, in the evening, Lyudmila found only her husband’s car at the scene of the incident, in which were his baseball cap, glasses and a broken phone, after which she contacted the police.





oh scheiße :(
RIP, bold man. You lived what thousands of us could only dream of


i hope its not true. hes long been a huge name in this conflict. i remember his youtube channel with a video on recommendations for volunteers for donbass

i didnt know he got married


Bro he literally just got back on Twitter and I told him to come to /leftypol/
This can’t be real bros ;_;


It's true, the video in the link is his wife giving an interview about the situation. Considering recently a former SBU agent that defected to Russia was killed and the history with Givi and Motorola, I'm afraid he got jumped by Ukrainian terrorists.


The spectaularization of warfare is a good thing


That would be typical ukronazis. Be mad you are losing so you go murder some harmless old man. These fascist fucks aren’t even human


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Correction: The SBU guy only had his car blown up but he survived.


>go murder some harmless old man
Hardly harmless, the guy put plenty of fascists into the ground, it's why they targeted him probably.



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>only MIA
i believe. he'll come back. with a vengeance.


wtf I assumed euronews was operated by the eu or something. It's everywhere and never has advertisments.


haha the ekranoplans at the end. I'm in, sign me up.


In the EU, everything is for sale.


tankies 🤝 far right retards


No offense but this was a retarded way to go out
>You see the city is getting shelled
>You decide to run TOWARDS the clouds of smoke indicating the zone of enemy attacks
>??????? something happens here
>You exit the active danger zone and come back safely home :^)
seriously WHAT was he thinking?


I don't think anyone could ever accuse him of not being a man of action


yeah but at least they could have waited for the shelling to settle a bit before heading in if it's not too unpredictable.


or maybe terrorists got him idk


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>bots son reddit
>big problem for The VVest


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imagine winning a game show where the prize is random and you get a hundred of these? wwyd?


He wasn't killed by shells, and by the time he'd reach the area the shelling would end. It's literally a few minutes of incoming and then they wait 30 minutes to try again and hit first responders, meaning that any attempted rescue of victims has to be fast and immediate.


Start a 100 day youtube or twitch maraphon where I voodoo Zelensky with various curses, checking which ones actually work


They'd ban you for that, at least from twitch. Youtube would likely just not let you appear in the searches.





Lmao, Ukraine wreckers eternally btfo.


Great. Imagine if that effort was spent on producing more shells.


>the West


sell them to dumbass liberals on ebay/etsy/etc so they can finally pay me for all the rage their retardation has given me.




oh no the lines might go down. won't someone please think of the lines?!


Iran sizzled
And if i may add, Chasiyv Yar is stalling even according to Rybar and Suriyak


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man


startin to think th its and israel are the new forever wars





today later, nothing new afaik.
at this point I'm just enjoying see all these westoids seethe in fear of an iranian attack. I'm just coping tho since iran is probably gonna cuck out


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Literal pravy sektor flags on LA times


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<They're just UHHH PATRIOTIC GUYS about their country, trust us!!!
<NOooo they're not NAZIS they're just Social-Nationalists


Can’t even enjoy tonight. Absolutely gutted by the Texas news. He was a goofy uygha but he was a true communist hero in a time when we have so few


Aye. In honor of him lets post our best memes, clips and other content of his.


These titles are so advanced cuckoldry I don't get it…


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Chynah pls


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I, Sleepy Joe-sama, JOBBER of the Free World humbly kneel to:
>Khamenei-sama, prince of all resistance and my master.
>Putin-sama, my one and only true love and other master.
>Xi-sama, who I shall never become stronger than.
>Assad-sama, who my daddy warned me about
>Houthi-sama, who easily manhandled me in his Superspeed form.
>Maduro-sama, who is literally me but better in every way and is not a complete BITCH like me.
>Kim-sama for he has nukes AS WELL AS the superior resistance genes of my jungle MASTERS


West gets ‘fantastic value’ out of Ukraine – Boris Johnson

The Ukrainians are fighting the West’s fight with Russia and do not ask for much, so the money and resources put into the country generate “fantastic value,” according to former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The politician, who reportedly personally derailed a nascent peace agreement between Moscow and Kiev in 2022, discussed his policy choices on Thursday with students of Georgetown University, one of the leading breeding grounds of American political elites.

The theme of the lecture was the superiority of democracy, a political system “by which we kick the bastards out,” as the Conservative politician phrased it. Johnson himself was forced out in 2022, after a string of scandals and accusations that his government had deceived the British public.

Arming Ukraine against Russia is part of the global fight for democracy, he told the students. And the tens of billions of dollars it requires from the West are “a fraction of US annual defense spending.”

“There could be no more effective way of investing in Western security than investing in Ukraine, because those guys without a single pair of American boots on the ground are fighting for the West,” Johnson said. The Ukrainians “are effectively fighting our own fight, fighting for our own interests.”

Early in the conflict, the US and its allies assumed a Russian victory would be swift, and such an outcome “would have been a nightmare,” Johnson suggested, painting Ukraine as a vibrant democracy.

”In Ukrainian elections you don’t know the outcome in advance,” he said. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky declined to hold elections this year, citing the state of martial law. The deadline for Ukrainians to vote in a new leader passed in March, and Zelensky’s term will expire in May.

Johnson went on to claim that “in Ukraine journalists don’t get shot.” However, there have been several high profile incidents of media workers being killed in the country. Journalists Oles Buzina and Pavel Shermet were assassinated in 2015 and 2016 respectively. No one has been brought to trial in either case.

The former prime minister also said he was skeptical of claims that Donald Trump intends to pressure Kiev into ceding territory to Moscow, if re-elected as US president.

”Think about what it might mean to a new president to have a triumph for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the humiliation of the West,” he explained.

Trump was the first US leader to send weapons to Ukraine, Johnson recalled, stressing that the Republican’s actions would not necessarily follow his rhetoric.



Another Mearsheimer interview


Rest in piece


Fuck, mean to say peace


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Anyone know where this is from?



>where this is from?
<No sound
4cuck obviously




It's trying to paint US as the promoter of peace. *snort*

>both sides tell each other to stand down

>and that it's not worth it
>nobody wants to go to war
>but neither side wants to give ground


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Another Russian propaganda KINO


I don't quite get this. Do they encourage the young people of Ukraine to join Russia?


>The main phrase in the video, which was distributed by propaganda resources on April 1, was “His son is the elite, and you are meat.”
>At the end of the video, the phrase is heard: “You know whose sons mobilization does not concern.”


These retards still don't get that K:D ratios don't matter. They can kill a lot of Russian men "cheaply" and the end result will still be the humiliation of the West.


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What is the fucking point of fighting, then? If Ukraine has lost more than Russia's seized assets, there's no goddamn point


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How can he even talk about restoration while they're losing the war? They'd have to assume Russia wouldn't want to keep going until they either get a full admittion of defeat of Ukraine with multiple concessions like total control of the government or the entire country has been annexed. Am I missing something here


They think they'll get the West Germany/South Korea deal where the West invests heavily to keep the bad guys out. But I don't think the declining Western economies can support that again.


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if you dont give us 700 billion we will lose the war, and if we dont win the war after the 700 billion we will lose the war because it wasnt 701 billion


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Mobilization law is ‘point of no return’ for Zelensky – Ukrainian MP

A new conscription law will drive a wedge between officials in Kiev and ordinary Ukrainians, lawmaker Aleksandr Dubinsky has said. He described the legislation as a point of no return for President Vladimir Zelensky and his government.

On Thursday, the Ukrainian parliament passed a long-debated law which simplifies procedures for the draft and forces all men aged 18 to 60 – including those residing abroad – to register with the military authorities. Earlier this month, after several weeks of deliberation, Zelensky signed a law lowering the age of conscription for men from 27 to 25.

The new draft rules were approved without a demobilization clause that would have allowed troops to return home after three years on the front lines. As things currently stand, everyone who is drafted will have to serve until the end of the conflict with Russia.

Ukrainian troops feel betrayed by the new rules, Western media outlets reported earlier this week, citing soldiers who say they feel “fooled and used” and are being used as “slaves.”

The mobilization law “will be the watershed, after which there will be no turning back,” Dubinsky wrote on Telegram on Thursday. He compared Kiev’s policies to ‘Oprichnina’ – a massive repression campaign launched by Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century and implemented by special troops called ‘Oprichniki’ who enjoyed the monarch’s trust and were spared his wrath.

“The presidential administration and its Oprichniki, including MPs, state officials, the police and [security services] are on one side,” while “everyone else is on the other,” Dubinsky said. According to the MP, the goal of this policy is to help Zelensky hold on to power by “forcing everyone into the army.”

“That is a very bad basis for a social consensus,” the lawmaker added. In another post, he noted that MPs, police officers, some state officials, and local authorities are exempted from mobilization under the new draft rules, and “are by no means preparing to go to war.”

Dubinsky is currently in custody in Ukraine. He was expelled from Zelensky’s ‘Servant of the People’ party in 2021. He faced treason charges in November 2023 after the Ukrainian domestic security service (SBU) accused him of working for Russia. Dubinsky dismissed the accusations as politically motivated and claimed that he was persecuted for criticizing Zelensky.

Kiev’s troops feel betrayed by new conscription rules – media

[…]“It’s a disaster,” AFP quoted a 46-year-old artilleryman on the Donetsk front, identified only as Alexander.

“When a person knows when he is going to be demobilized he will have a different attitude. If he is like a slave then it will not lead to anything good,” he added.

Soldier Yegor Firsov posted a rant about the new law on Facebook, arguing that the troops already in service have been “demotivated” by the last-minute change and feel “fooled and used.”

“It says our efforts are not appreciated,” Firsov wrote, according to Politico’s EU edition, which noted the discontent among “war-weary troops.”

[…]On Friday, Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Dmitry Lazutkin confirmed that demobilization was excluded at Syrsky’s request and endorsed his judgment because he “understands the operational situation” and “the threats and risks facing the state,” the New York Times reported.

Lazutkin has previously admitted that the troops fighting since 2022 “are getting tired and exhausted,” but said that now was not the time for “hasty” decisions. The government will draft a separate bill on rotation and demobilization, he added, but this could take up to eight months.

If and when Zelensky signs the bill into law, it will force all men aged 18-60, including Ukrainian nationals residing outside the country, to register for conscription. Summons for mobilization would become automated and the punishments for defying them more severe, while local governments would be required to help with the process.

Kiev has not made public how many troops it intends to raise through the new measures. The Washington Post noted that the “unpopular” mobilization of hundreds of thousands “risks stoking panic.”


so much was said about the russian intervention cementing ukrainian nationalism and unifying the nation. all it took was a failed counter offensive and mobilization law plus lagging western aid to show this was built on a bubble


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The former commander of the UK's Joint Forces Command has warned that Ukraine could face defeat by Russia in 2024.

General Sir Richard Barrons has told the BBC there is "a serious risk" of Ukraine losing the war this year.
The reason, he says, is "because Ukraine may come to feel it can't win".
"And when it gets to that point, why will people want to fight and die any longer, just to defend the indefensible?"
Ukraine is not yet at that point.
But its forces are running critically low on ammunition, troops and air defences. Its much-heralded counter-offensive last year failed to dislodge the Russians from ground they had seized and now Moscow is gearing up for a summer offensive.
So what will that look like and what are its likely strategic objectives?

"The shape of the Russian offensive that's going to come is pretty clear," says Gen Barrons.
"We are seeing Russia batter away at the front line, employing a five-to-one advantage in artillery, ammunition, and a surplus of people reinforced by the use of newish weapons."
Ukraine is now desperately short of ammunition, in part because of political wrangling in Western nations
These include the FAB glide bomb, an adapted Soviet-era "dumb bomb" fitted with fins, GPS guidance and 1500kg of high explosive, that is wreaking havoc on Ukrainian defences.
"At some point this summer," says Gen Barrons, "we expect to see a major Russian offensive, with the intent of doing more than smash forward with small gains to perhaps try and break through the Ukrainian lines.
"And if that happens we would run the risk of Russian forces breaking through and then exploiting into areas of Ukraine where the Ukrainian armed forces cannot stop them."

But where?
Last year the Russians knew exactly where Ukraine was likely to attack - from the direction of Zaporizhzhia south towards the Sea of Azov. They planned accordingly and successfully blunted Ukraine's advance.
Now the boot is on the other foot as Russia masses its troops and keeps Kyiv guessing where it is going to attack next.
"One of the challenges the Ukrainians have," says Dr Jack Watling, senior research fellow in land warfare at the Whitehall thinktank the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), "is that the Russians can choose where they commit their forces.
"It's a very long front line and the Ukrainians need to be able to defend all of it."
Which, of course, they cannot.
"The Ukrainian military will lose ground," says Dr Watling. "The question is: how much and which population centres are going to be affected?"

It is quite possible that Russia's General Staff have yet to go firm on which direction to designate as their main effort. But it is possible to broadly break down their various options into three broad locations.
"Kharkiv," says Dr Watling, "is certainly vulnerable."
As Ukraine's second city, situated perilously close to the Russian border, Kharkiv is a tempting goal for Moscow.
It is currently being pummelled daily with Russian missile strikes, with Ukraine unable to field sufficient air defences to ward off the lethal mix of drones, cruise and ballistic missiles aimed in its direction.
Russia hits Kharkiv daily with drones, missiles and shelling
"I think the offensive this year will have breaking out of the Donbas as its first objective," adds Gen Barrons, "and their eye will be on Kharkiv which is 29km [18 miles] or so from the Russian border, a major prize."

Could Ukraine still function as a viable entity if Kharkiv were to fall? Yes, say analysts, but it would be a catastrophic blow to both its morale and its economy.

The Donbas
The area of eastern Ukraine known collectively as the Donbas has been at war since 2014, when Moscow-backed separatists declared themselves "people's republics".
In 2022 Russia illegally annexed the two Donbas oblasts, or provinces, of Donetsk and Luhansk. This is where most of the fighting on land has been taking place over the past 18 months.
Ukraine has, controversially, expended enormous efforts, in both manpower and resources, in trying to hold on to first the town of Bakhmut, and then Avdiivka.
It has lost both, as well as some of its best fighting troops, in the attempt.
Kyiv has countered that its resistance has inflicted disproportionately high casualties on the Russians.
That is true, with the battlefield in these places being dubbed "the meat grinder".
But Moscow has plenty more troops to throw into the fight - and Ukraine does not.
The Commander of US Forces in Europe, General Christopher Cavoli, has warned that unless the US rushes significantly more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine then its forces will be outgunned on the battlefield by ten to one.

Mass matters. The Russian army's tactics, leadership and equipment may be inferior to Ukraine's, but it has such superiority in numbers, especially artillery, that if it does nothing else this year, its default option will be to keep pushing Ukraine's forces back in a westward direction, taking village after village.


This, too, is a tempting prize for Moscow.

The southern Ukrainian city of more than 700,000 (in peacetime) sits dangerously close to the Russian front lines.

It is also something of a thorn in Russia's side given that it is the capital of an oblast of the same name that Russia has illegally annexed, and yet the city is still living freely in Ukrainian hands.

But the formidable defences that Russia built south of Zaporizhzhia last year, in the correct expectation of a Ukrainian attack, would now complicate a Russian advance from there.

The so-called Surovikin Line, consisting of triple layers of defences, is laced with the largest, most densely packed minefield in the world. Russia could partially dismantle this but its preparations would probably be detected.

Ukraine is now one of the most heavily mined places in the world
Russia's strategic objective this year may not even be territorial. It could simply be to crush Ukraine's fighting spirit and convince its Western backers that this war is a lost cause.

Dr Jack Watling believes the Russian objective is "to try to generate a sense of hopelessness".

"This [Russian] offensive will not decisively end the conflict, irrespective of how it goes for either side," he says.

Gen Barrons is also sceptical that, despite the dire situation Ukraine now finds itself in, Russia will automatically drive home its advantage with a decisive advance.

"I think the most likely outcome is that Russia will have made gains, but will not have managed to break through.

"It will not have forces that are big enough or good enough to punch all the way through to the river [Dnipro]… but the war will have turned in Russia's favour."

One thing is certain: Russia's President Vladimir Putin has no intention of giving up on his assault on Ukraine.

He is like a poker player gambling all his chips on a win. He is counting on the West failing to supply Ukraine with the sufficient means to defend itself.

Despite all the Nato summits, all the conferences and all the stirring speeches, there is a chance he may be right.



The F-16s aren't good enough to do the job, considering that they're 4th generation jets when in the worst case scenario, the Su-57s would come out to play.

I mean, it's obvious the West set up Ukraine to fail; i.e, it's just an enormous grinder that eats up Ukrainian and Russian lives, while absorbing Cold War era materiel.

If the West really wanted to, they could very well have sent the Ukrainians 3k Abrams, a couple of hundred F-35s totally-not-flown-by-Americans, and gone to town on the Russian Armed Forces.

Instead, they let the Ukrainians bleed themselves to death bleeding the Russians.

I think, in truth, the West simply didn't want to lose the equipment they were preparing for a war in East Asia to a war in Europe. And now there's a war in the Middle East brewing, waiting eagerly to absorb Western munitions and equipment, except that Israeli lives are more valuable than American lives.


>Ukranians were set up to fail
Horseshit narrative.

The Europeans and by extension NATO set itself up to fail when they thought throwing cash at the problem would translate into success on the battlefield, among one of their countless delusions which they, and the population of Ukraine, are now paying the price for.

This war has been prosecuted by criminals who bandy terms such as 'investment' to describe social murder. Pigs who should be strapped up in armour and sent on demining missions.



Glowies were always amongst you. What the hell were you thinking that you weren't infiltrated?

That's why I keep on saying, go dormant, go dormant, go dormant.


>"And when it gets to that point, why will people want to fight and die any longer, just to defend the indefensible?"
they've been defending the indefensible all along


another day another banger by sleepy joe


>they've been defending the indefensible all along
Western Capitalism?


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I think I figured out the future of warfare. The only way to counter the drone menace is to become the drone. Future wars will be spent in the air with every soldier having his own personal drones to fly around with and shoot others. This way nobody gets bombed by drones but we can still have good wars. This future war method will also make counting casualties simple. You just count the number of bangs from bodies falling from the sky. 5 floor bangs = 5 dead soldiers. After the concept is proven we can start dronefying the tanks. This way all the warfare can be conducted in the air and the civilian population who don't live in the sky on drones can be secured.

There. Less casualties, more efficient and rational battles.



I think the fundamental NATO mistake was completely misunderstanding the nature of the Russian state, which was way more robust than its outside appearance.

Yes, it was highly corrupt, but Putin had made himself sincerely popular and built a competent government around himself.

The Western belief was that Ukraine could easily be turned into another Afghanistan, when contrary to economic predictions, the increased state spending substantially bolstered the Russian economy.


The thing is, with Russian government debt so low, the increased spending is actually good for the Russian economy and the best possible outcome for Russia would be for this war to drag on for 3-4 years longer. Barring that, intervene in Iran and keep military spending at this level.


American think tank "Russia experts" are all Russian liberal gusanos and butthurt beltoids who spent decades getting handsomely paid for putting out conspiracy theory nonsense about how Putin's rule hinges on le siloviki deep state, vranyo and maskirovka, and will randomly collapse at the slightest unrest. No wonder this is where it led them.


Curb your reddit
>3K abrams
LOL no, they don't have that number available without literally draining their own army dry because most Abrams that aren't decommissioned, in service or sold are stored in poor conditions requiring a long maintenance time to restore. The Abrams has 0 advantages and many disadvantages, including immense size and targetability. The Bradley proves it.
>considering that they're 4th generation jets
That's not why they're useless, 4th generation jets are not slouches or useless by far when even older jets are still in use and good at what they do.
> a couple of hundred F-35s
AHAHAHA you mean the same F-35s that literally have over 800 defects that they're STILL fixing? The plane that entered production while still not being combat ready according to the military flying it? The expensive fucking 5th generation parody being sold to a broke state like Ukraine for nothing? HAHAHAHAHA. The F-35 is trash and US pilots wouldn't change that fact, that's if they could even get the stupid thing to fly for over a week.
>gone to town on the Russian Armed Forces.
*Laughs again in ATGM and SAM* You've gotta be trolling.


i read it in their voices


The title of Mercouris' latest vid is ominous - Putin Ultimatum: West Accepts No NATO, No Ukr Army, 4 Regions⧸Crimea Or Rus Imposes Kiev Surrender


Based Pirate Bentley. I mostly knew him from the Grayzone interviews, anything I saw online about him showed that he was involved with Communist orgs in Donbass. He couldn't have just disappeared.


I hope its not just dooming for gibs


>If the West really wanted to, they could very well have sent the Ukrainians 3k Abrams, a couple of hundred F-35s totally-not-flown-by-Americans, and gone to town on the Russian Armed Forces.

Totally delusional.


extremely impressed that he lasted this long if true, rip to a real one


>They'd have to assume Russia wouldn't want to keep going until they either get a full admittion of defeat of Ukraine with multiple concessions like total control of the government or the entire country has been annexed. Am I missing something here



>During yesterday's UN Security Council meeting Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, said:

< "This is how it will go down in history - as an inhuman and hateful regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interest of their people and sacrificed it for Western money and for Zelenski and his closest circle.

< In these conditions, attempts by the head of the Kiev regime to promote his formula and convene summits in support of the Kiev regime cause only confusion.

< Very soon the only topic for any international meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional capitulation of the Kiev regime.

< I advise you all to prepare for this in advance."

We maximalist now.


Ice cold G, calling it out for what it is.


>former militiaman of the People's Militia of the DPR, who came to Donbass
Good riddance.


no offense but he probably has done more opposing war and oppression than you ever will kek


>opposing war and oppression
>pro russian
Some posts on this board remind me of /pol/ by the sheer retardation dosplayed in a short amount of text


Don't mind me, I just wanted to remind you the "nuclear option"


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I thought they already kicked Russia out of swift and it was a big wet fart


Psst. Check the date.


yea, his volunteering for the militia when Euromaidan wanted to complete its revolution in alliance with the far right and Western intelligence is pretty anti-imperialist. donbass was blatantly targeted on the basis of a nationality labeled an obstruction to international capitalism and therefore the completion of the 1989 counter revolution


>/pol/ is when you violently oppose fascism, racism and nationalism
I don't know why you bother responding to such a blatant CIA uighur.


Yes, its two years old but I can't keep laughing thinking about it. It also makes me ponder about what else we have been told and believe for years but actually being bullshit…


>If the West really wanted to, they could very well have sent the Ukrainians 3k Abrams, a couple of hundred F-35s totally-not-flown-by-Americans, and gone to town on the Russian Armed Forces.
Can't do that and maintain the fiction that the west isn't participating, babybrain.


When in doubt, CIA out


Deswifting Russia might have been the biggest mistake of the war. Now there's a swift alternative that is completely out of American control, and trying to "nuke" anyone else is just going to drive them right into Russian arms. gg Biden



Wish I'd saved the post, but whoever wrote it was correct.

The militaries of the 21st century are so sclerotic that they're unable to wage war.



French Foreign Legion deployed to Slaviyansk


>The first units of the French Foreign Legion have been deployed to Slavyansk.

>According to the Military Chronicles, representatives of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the French Foreign Legion arrived at the location of the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Slavyansk yesterday.

>Preliminary information suggests that the first group of 100 people consists of artillery reconnaissance specialists and an engineering group specializing in fortification and field fortification construction.

>Apparently, the French, who move around the city only with the accompaniment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, will assist the Ukrainian army in defending Slavyansk when the front line shifts towards this city.


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as a french, Id love to see them getting bombed to pieces, with video proof preferably


also foreign legion has a long tradition of welcoming nazis in its ranks, so things dont change clearly


In the future, all soldiers will be drones.


the man came to donbass way before russia got involved, he wasnt pro russian but pro communist separatists, you should go suck the barrel of a gun and press the trigger


*flies over your maginot line*


uh oh spaghettios


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*pulls out comically large matamoscas*


Great, now Cucktin will have another excuse to pussy out from bombing



Dien Bien Phu redux, eh? Doctrinally, cities like Slovyansk should be bypassed and encircled, and let out to starve. I'm surprised that didn't happen to Ugledar / Vuhledar, which should simply have gotten surrounded and killed.


Also, via Western mainstream media:


Thing is, the Russians have a debt to GDP of about 18% right now, and debt to GDP seems to grow at about 2% a year. Even with the full military spending being covered by debt, it'd only go up to 7% of GDP a year, meaning that the Russians can last at least another 6 years on deficit spending.

Meanwhile, the more NATO throws ammo at the Russians, the more the Russian economy grows through military Keynesianism, so…


>Iranian drones are now being spotted over Jurf al-Sakhar, southern Baghdad


Dude, those cities like Vuhledar are held by artillery, drones in the rear and infantry rotations. Those cities are not supplied in the traditional sense, they all have skeleton crews compared to previous wars, but those skeleton crews rotate back and forth like crazy


Most of this money is going towards their own people and industries, aren't they? It's Russian steel being turned into tanks, Russian workers getting the big wages, and since they're cut out of Western markets now, those wages are going to be spent on Russian goods.

I don't understand how this is a problem for Russia.


And I have to imagine rebuilding Ukraine when Russia takes control is going to be a big economic driver too. Even if the spending for it doesn't come from Russia, I'd expect it's going to be Russian companies providing the materials going into it.


The only problem about "military keynesianism" is that after the war military industries have to be scaled down, but private industry that grew due to state buying military goods will cry about getting bankrupt


>after the war
There will be no "after the war" in the upcoming multipolar world.


I should buy some appartements in Mariupol or Melitopol, they gonna sell like crazy after the war. I wonder how hard it is to buy land in Novorussia


I guess that is a problem, true. I think that even in that case though you could make an argument for all the skilled up workers coming out of this conflict providing Russia with more human capital as a basis for potential economic growth.

As American desperation and aggression increases, there's probably going to be an increased market for Russian goods, especially in the face of sanctions. This might be the beginning of a Russian economic boom like the US experienced after ww2.


All those skilled men returning to the economy will murder the wages, and on top of that the state will fear the veterans and try to give them doles to pacify. There's a reason why USSR was demobilizing soldiers until 1950 - you can't just dump so many people back into the economy in one go, you have to do it gradually. But that's a socialist state we are talking about, with people in charge who knew what they were doing


Come to think of it, USSR might have saved West Germany from Weimar 2.0 kinds of economic woes by keeping so many German POWs in Siberia


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>Drones were also launched from Yemen towards Israel per Iran state TV


Then hez launches too.


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So it begins? There are some drone videos on Twitter too


>All those skilled men returning to the economy will murder the wages

But isn't that also a benefit as far as foreign investment is concerned?


Foreign investments would never save a major developedd economy. You need an actual industrial policy of the country itself to utilize all the labor


I believe once the war is over russia will be building new oil pipelines through bessarabia and ukraine into hungary and therefore into europe. Central europe will get a massive trade boost once the western aligned governments are ousted by disgruntled consoomers. Western and central europe will be the new center of neutrality after eastern europe falls in line with a pro russian "orthodox eurasianism" ideology.


>such a blatant CIA uighur.
How is it that his shitposts get deleted here but remain shitting up the site everywhere else?


Now tell me why the gulag wouldn't be justified and necessary for certain "journalists"?

"Europe" needs to be completely dismantled. No one needs a continent that cucks in unison to Burgerland and to Zion-central. Fuck it now and forever.

Maybe if that cunt concentrates his activity here, it's just simpler to keep track of him on this thread, while elsewhere he may be more discrete and less in-your-face.


>Reports of missiles observed in the sky over Wasit province, Iraq


>Dozens of rockets were launched from southern Lebanon towards the Galilee and the Golan Heights


>There will be no "after the war" in the upcoming multipolar world.
There's gonna be a lot of western backed entities to be dealt with in LatAm and Africa in the near future. Russia is perfectly configured now to supply governments globally in reclaiming their sovereignty.


Welcome back Shay, did you see the news about Russell Bentley?


Complete nothing burger


Iran handed over all its missiles and drones to Russia. The ones bombing Israel must be ancient Persian Zoroastrian magic.


yeah i did. maybe in martyrdom people will finally start realizing he was right.


By the power of God and Incest we shall bomb the Non-believers for not fucking their sibling enough. But anyways I am just waiting to see what Bibi does since he is fucking foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog he is.


"SWIFT" was never a thing in itself. Banks don't need SWIFT to conduct transactions. It was a voluntary bank co-op established by the banks themselves to improve communication between them. Being "banned from SWIFT" is primarily a US clout thing, not a Belgian banking barrier - if you deal with Russia, you will face consequences from the capitalist hegemon.


Tejas got recruited by Prigo. Trust the plan. No body, no death


was desperately browsing steam for something to play and saw this game where you apparently run a bunker to make wunderwaffles to save the nazi war effort, and see that they're planning to release a DLC where you play as Ukraine… you really can't make this up


Glad to see you return my uygha.
I hope he survives but if not, may his sacrifice be immortalized like so many communists before him.


>"Europe" needs to be completely dismantled. No one needs a continent that cucks in unison to Burgerland and to Zion-central. Fuck it now and forever.
This. Fuck "Europe".


How the fuck is you gonna dismantle a continent uygha? Is you gonna give it back?


Remind me what happens to communists in Ukraine, please.


you mean russian collaborating TANKIES? those aren't real communists, real communists are behind ukraine, israel, taiwan and guyana against RussianArabChineseVenezuelan islamoimperialism


Kek this isn't a bad impression tbh


Building tanks for domestic use will never enrich a country. And Russia had to import lots of tooling. Dont mistake the motions with the real results.


You are thinking like a liberal. No, military spending doesn't enrich a country. Nothing but actual production of goods and means of production does.



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The pick me country.


This just sounds like technical specialists which have been helping Ukraine since before the war started.

But WTF do NATO armies know about mass artillery and entrenchments? Lmao. They've already clowned themselves with the way they trained Ukraine for the big offensyiv.


* Upgrades 50 a year. AFAIK not a single new Abrams hull has been made since the earky '90s.


Aren't Egyptians the only ones making new Abrams now?


AFAIK they are building from "kits". ie the US ships the major components (old refurbed hulls and turrets, engines, guns) and the Egyptians do assembly and the wiring and plumbing.


They already lost the battle and no one poor from the EU got something out of it but higher costs for electricity, oil and gas. Fighting for american interests is just shooting yourself in the leg


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Leg Status: Origins


It's extremely black humour but I laugh at these NATO retards teaching Ukrainians to tourniquet on the assumption that the wounded will reach a sophisticated field hospital within an hour.


More like whokraine amirite


>only thing they taight them was tourniquets
These are mine sweepers they're training.



>>1824028 (me)
rest in peace soldier


Do we actually know if he is dead or getting CBT in an SBU dungeon?


He allegedly went missing after rushing in to help people after an AFU shelling in the middle of Donetsk.


Yeah just wondering if there had been an update.


Lol the bit about the dipshit American who thought in the Maidan and the ATO to "stop oligarchs".


No idea. Him being MIA means he's either hidden under some rubble yet to be cleared out or he hot kidnapped by Ukrop agents.


There was one Ukronazi that said, they'd demine with their legs, so it checks out.


A fate worse than death. He doesn't deserve this. Hopefully, they'll find him soon, dead or alive.


Buy 100 jars and get to work



I think the fundamental issue was that the Russians were preparing for the worst, and thus the Russian state kept its debt extremely low.

Now the worst has sort of happened, and the Russian state can now spend on stimulus. Another 40% of GDP in government debt can be healthy, and even in the worst case scenario, the Russians can keep the war going for another 6-7 years.

Even if the war ends, the Russians can switch to social spending instead, or just replenish their stockpile to continue to constitute a threat both to the West and to East Asia.

And as the war continues, the RuGF is basically being trained by NATO, insofar as the RuGF is discovering what works against NATO equipment being fielded by a much weaker force than NATO itself.


I really suspect that America wanted a confrontation but not a war


Sorry, but the Donetsk People's Republic is never getting liberated from the Nazi regime.


From 3:30 to 7:30 is interesting

>dissenting in Colin Powell's office about Condoleezza Rice declaring that the national security strategy is global dominance, warning it'll turn the world against us

>saying we don't represent democracy in the world but predatory oligarchic capitalism
>later saying that we are as democratic as Athens, democracy with a lot of slaves underneath (hello Lenin)


This guy was the chief of staff in the Bush era and is apparently so disillusioned with Iraq he's disowning US foreign policy altogether kek


Why are nazi flags always like this?
It can't break the bank to buy better material and failing that one can iron the creases out…
For people obsessed with aesthetics it's very slovenly.


>"Europe" needs to be completely dismantled.
A hot take: EU at it's inceptions was the first step towards multipolarity despite being a bourgeoisie construct from the very start. Also how Euro was the precarious step towards dedollarization. Everything was sabotaged by the US from the very start and it never really was in any ways independent from the US and also EU never had any autonomy because it still relied on US for security.


Read imperialism the highest stage of capitalism uygha


No. Read Super Imperialism by Michael Hudson



Read Ultraimperialism by Karl Kautsky


the infamous rand report pretty much spell it out iirc : ukraine is a great place to fuck with russia, but in case of a full scale war they would have a big advantage



What imperialisms are left out? Giga?



nah, EU at it's inception is the integration of the europeans countries into the US empire as subservient vassal states politically to form the imperial core of the global porkies.

>Also how Euro was the precarious step towards dedollarization

baffled some people still buy those pro EU talking points after they have been demonstrated completely out of touch.

>Everything was sabotaged by the US

on the contrary the US pushed for the EU integration, it was not sabotaged, it was their project from the start, it's the civilian and economic counterpart to nato in europe, all for the benefit of the financial bourgeois.


interesting, I do know that america wanted europe dependant on America's agrobusiness in the early 1940s and 50s. But it didnt work out after europeans fought back against america's efforts. Why did America pursue a European common market then


One of the only American heroes of the 21st century



>A hot take: EU at it's inceptions was the first step towards multipolarity despite being a bourgeoisie construct from the very start
I agree with this, it had the possibility of European independence


can you remind me? i forgot about this report


The first step away from American unipolarity, but not Western unipolarity.


true, but i think europe could've had a different relationship to russia, iran, and china. the european continent has some distance from the atlantic, and people like brzezinski fear asia's pull on europe dividing it from the atlantic. in particular, ties between germany and russia


I remember reading a couple years ago that the Pentagon said that going forward the assumption that American/nato troops would have access to "golden hour" care wasn't a guarantee.


I'm sure if Ukraine is responsible they can't keep a lid on it forever. They love crowing about this shit since it's the only victory they can get.


it's movie night fellas, time to watch this based on a true story tm movie that came out in the same year putler started his military operation, how efficent from the directors



>It is currently under development.

then why talk about it now instead of keeping it a high secret?


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>every nazi flag is just "thing with a swastika in the middle"
no wonder the art schools didn't want hitler



>In mid-February, Berlin’s Junge Welt revealed how Centuria, an ultra-violent Ukrainian Neo-Nazi faction, has since the war in Ukraine cemented itself in six cities across Germany, and is seeking to expand its activities across Europe, influencing populations and governments to adopt their horrendous worldview. Disturbingly, they’re not the only fascist militants from Kiev with major political and societal ambitions, going under the name of Centuria. As we shall see, there are strong indications the latter is the monstrous offspring of British intelligence.

>Centuria’s activities are outlined in a detailed report from George Washington University’s Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES). It notes that the group’s parent organisation is a “self-described order of ‘European traditionalist’ military officers that has the stated goals of reshaping the country’s military along right-wing ideological lines, and defending the ‘cultural and ethnic identity’ of European peoples against ‘Brussels’ politicos and bureaucrats’”:

>“[Centuria] envisions a future where ‘European right forces are consolidated and national traditionalism is established as the disciplining ideological basis for the European peoples.’”

>IERES reported that Centuria’s military wing began training in 2018 in Ukraine’s Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy (NAA), Kiev’s “premier military education institution and a major hub for Western military assistance to the country.” From there, many of the group’s members were drilled by top Western military institutions alongside British, Canadian and American special forces officers. In turn, its operatives traveled to Western military training centres, spreading Neo-Nazism every step of the way.

>In March 2018, major controversy over Azov’s unabashed Neo-Nazism prompted US Congress to prohibit provision of “arms, training, or other assistance” to Azov, which has been formally integrated into Ukraine’s National Guard since 2014. Yet, while activists and some lawmakers have since urged Washington to designate Azov a terrorist organisation, Washington refuses to do so. And no Western government has demanded that Kiev purge the fascist movement from its Armed Forces, or otherwise disassociate from Azov.

>It may be the case Centuria was explicitly created as a means of circumventing legal barriers and avoiding public outcry associated with direct backing of Azov Battalion, described by The Guardian in September 2014 as at once “Ukraine’s greatest weapon” and “greatest threat”. Another complementary explanation is Centuria was intended to universalize the ultranationalist politics and perspectives widely held by Western-sponsored Maidan activists, and popularise their far-right views among Ukraine’s general population. After all, Ukrainian fascists’ preponderance at Maidan’s forefront did not translate to electoral success and formal political power subsequently.


Because it's such a game changer that it won't matter.

No, for real this time.


Lmao are you for real? Ukraine will likely have collapsed by then. Anyone who thinks this war of attrition won't speed up given sufficient time is a fool.


Wondering at what point Ukrainian neo nazis in Europe and America will commit a hate crime attack so that Western governments are forced to take respinsibility for them.


>Western governments
>take responsibility


this tbh. it will just be memory holes.


What year do you think Ukraine will collapse by?


always has been :(


>that's Russian propaganda
>putun is actually the one funding them
>you've been banned for spreading misinformation


It will be lucky to last out the year


Crocus makes me think they will just be hitting Russia for a while.

Afghan–Soviet War -> 1979 - 1989 -> 9/11/2001

Also consider that they never admit they lost to Assad.


Given the msm dooming that's happening I give it by 2026 the latest.


I said respinsibility, ie rationalize to their citizens why they exist and why they're not at all representative of Ukraine.


>Fascist ukrops establishing a network of stromtrooper terrorists across Europe to serve as dirty police against proles.

Truly, empire always returns to roost. The euro proles will be forced to live through a farcical version of the 20s 30s and 40s of the XXth century, but in the XXist


Shut the fuck up.


>Providing lethal aid to Ukraine would exploit Russia’s greatest point of external vulnerability. But any increase in U.S. military arms and advice to Ukraine would need to be carefully calibrated to increase the costs to Russia of sustaining its existing commitment without provoking a much wider conflict in which Russia, by reason of proximity, would have significant advantages.


Is russian slop as appetizing as it looks?



Yes, especially the bread. It looks like nothing but is so sick that I've seen a lib who moved to America blog about missing it)))


File: 1713142023681.png (492.11 KB, 1200x800, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me


I wouldn't be surprised if Russian food was some of the best in the world next to maybe latin foods like mexican and other south american stuff I don't remember right now.


We're not *that* good. Our cooking is pretty solid tho, especially in the soups and slop department. Every time I visit my parents I gain a few kilos)))


Russian environment doesn't allow much in the way of exotic foods or spices or year-round availability, so most stuff is a bit bland, with preference for long storage.

Do you like pearl barley, buckwheat or potatoes with meat? What about a cold cut of fatback?


so since forced conscription is now streamlined in ukraine, are we just going to see thousands of people die who dont even want to fight and lack the motivation and ideological basis necessary to fight in a war?


we've been seeing that for a while now anon…


Anyone been reading and watching pro-Ukraine doomer articles and videos? Very refreshing to see what we've been discussing online this whole time finally out of the bag in the msm.




well, in terms of health I hear its pretty good, at least better than… whatever the fuck Americans are eating.


it was at least hush hush with those forced conscriptions, now its people that REALLY dont want to fight


its funny to see them still spread propaganda despite saying things we've been saying online. Like yeah Ukraine is losing, but its because the west isnt supplying weapons. Yeah Russia is picking up speed despite what we said about them being an army of thieving peasants, but they lost like a billion soldiers so Ukraine kind of won anyway.

they just can't help themselves, it's like they're afraid to look at this war realistically and just repeat some military strategist who is himself nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece.


Most seem to have lost all interest in Ukraine. You only see some social democrats still argue for how they can totally still win a bit if their Nato sugar daddies would give Zelensky a trillion more


its funny how they keep repeating the lie that ukraine is only losing because the west stopped supplying ukraine, when america needs that money to run its own military, theres nothing left to give


Most people i knew lost interest in Ukraine after just a few months. The ones still deep into it are ethnically from the butthurt belt. At this point I think even the most optimistic ukrops want nato to go all in with troops and literally all their best equipmenr.


There are still true believers regularly on German TV, like that Marcus Keupp.


I don't want to argue that they are completely gone. Just the majority of them.


listening to polchinlets argue schizo theories like how zelensky wants to repopulate ukraine with jews is so tiresome


They're not wrong though


Selling citizenships to rich people for various legal protections is something a lot of third world countries do. Why not Ukraine? What else can they offer?


he did once say he wants to make ukraine into a 'greater israel'


No way lmao


You shouldn't be surprised, rightoids who are not outright antisemitic love the shit out of Israel.


wrong site /pol/schizo


zelensky wants money and power in a country torn apart between various groups fighting for money and power, he's not a jew supremacist


Yes, he want to become essentially a comprador top dog, the comprador top dog of a militarized ethnostate.


this, its why people like zelensky allow ethnonationalism amd fascism, he realizes its power when establishing ukraine as an independent state, which will greatly benefit him personally
ukrainiane has been punishing and strongarming people to adopt this narrow view of ukraine for years, people like zelensky dont care if its dangerous and nonsensical, he doesnt actively support it either, they ubderstand its benefits

they embolster neonazis and fascists, and neonazis and fascists understand this and allow people like Zelensky to help them grow after losing the political game against him


Well he can die happy and see what a future Israel will look like after Russia's invasion on Ukraine is finished.


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its crazy and funny how many people don't know about this. jewish neo nazis are real and very much in ukraine.


>Do you like pearl barley, buckwheat or potatoes with meat? What about a cold cut of fatback?
Yes, but I prefer soups


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Hohol admin of Wikipedia have died near Bakhmut
He was editing Russian articles and banning people if something was pro Russian

>His death in the defense of Ukraine is told on the pages of the encyclopedia itself

>Yuri Vladimirovich Lushchai was born on February 10, 1982 in Kramatorsk in a family of workers of Novokramatorsk machine-building plant. From early years
>Yuri Lushchai is the author dozens of articles, the last of which was devoted to Marco Polo's information about Rus'.
>In "Wikipedia" Lushchai since 2009 has made more than 100 thousand edits and created 179 articles, mostly dedicated to Russia and Russian historians.
>Even in the last month of his life, Lushchai remained in 122nd place among all contributors to the Russian-language section.


Was that recently?



poljak if he grew a beard


which articles was he fighting in?


No idea but he has his own wiki page now (lol)


The unholy fusion between soy and /pol/jack.


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>"I make most of the edits in hospitals, and if I don't make edits for a long time, then I don't have such an opportunity. If there are no edits within a month, then I am no more," he wrote in December last year.

>It turns out that even now the Russian-language Wiki is filled with content and edited by people, some of whom are fighting against the Russian army with weapons in their hands. On the other hand, well, what you wanted is just directly follows from the fact that Russian is the native language for millions of Ukrainians. These are the costs of a common cultural and linguistic space in which people with completely different views coexist. Language, contrary to ideological myths about it, is just a means of communication, and not at all a marker of "friend or foe".

He doesn't seem to be an actively malicious person. You'd need to look through the talks on articles, but it seems pretty neutral at a first glance. Some Marco Polo (with trying to use him as a source on Rus), Western sources on Rus as sources, something Byzantinian, then Novgorodian genealogies in conjunction with foreigners in Novgorod. I suspect Normannism (i.e. the idiotic idea that Rus was conquered by Normans and civilized - yeah, when Rus had a centralized state earlier than Scandinavia, sure) through the ignoring of local sources in favor of Westoid ones, but oh well


Lol the fucking Russian Wikipedia describes him as "defending his country from the full-scale Russian invasion". That place is more glowtarded and ukrop-infested than the English one nowadays.


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>ayy gurrrll, wanna see my memory stick? it has the best fashwave you ever saw


Well, it's simple canteen food, but for a soldier who's spent a while eating only MREs - yes, yes it is. Salo on bread with some onion, garlic and pickles cannot be beat.

Russian cuisine is either "take everything you have in the pantry and toss with 1 kg of mayo" or "do these 20 steps in the exact order or you'll get a mini elephant's foot on a plate" with no inbetween. It's not totally bland thanks to borrowings from Central Asian cuisine, but not dissimilar to the usual northern European fare - soups, stews, cold cuts, pickles etc.

There's an actual schizo conspiracy theory about how Ukraine is the successor of the Khazar Khaganate and the """elites""" want to turn it into a second Israel centered around the tomb of the Hasidic Messiah they have in Uman. I've heard it from some Russian schizos.


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>take everything you have in the pantry and toss with 1 kg of mayo
and western chauvinists still try to claim russians aren't white…


Iirc Russia is the single largest per capita consumer of mayo in the world, ahead of even the US. I used to love the shit as a kid, but nowadays I can only tolerate it in grandma's New Years salads.


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Okroshka gang rise up


Guess the glow rate of the Chinese Wikipedia.


skin-melting radiation levels


Roughly 99%? Russian one is really bad, though. All admins are liberals or ukrainians who purge everything that doesn't adhere to authoritative sources like BBC or Unian (even if pictorial or otherwise incontrovertible proof exists, like how an edit about the Azovets IFV being unearthed by Russia was rejected because no Western source wrote about it, though there are photos). It's come to the point where the English Wikipedia is MORE neutral and unbiased on the conflict.


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