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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

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stop banning tor you retards


Fun fact: Janny translates to wage earner in Arabic.
<Janny in an Arabic sentence: "My father is a janny, he works really hard to feed us."


Let's face it; leftypol and all other side boards have become more retarded ever since the theoryposters were given the ability to seclude themselves in their little book club of a board. They don't crosspost and they don't debunk jack shit because they're too busy circlejerking eachother on /edu/ to give a fuck. This is clearly one of the biggest problems with the website. Although i used to believe that /edu/ should be left alone as a repository of information, a digital library for people on leftypol.org to view once in a while to read things, while promoting crossposting using the overboard feature, the jannies have no willpower to overhaul the site. Instead i say it's time to break an egg to make an omelette by forcing /edu/ out of their little gooncave so that everybody else can be forced to get browbeaten by theoryposters. For the purposes of this thread ill admit im a theorylet myself, but if you're an /edu/ poster youre just as useless as i am theoretically if you dont DEBOONK. It's time to crack the whip on these uyghurs
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>merge the active boards and keep the dead boards


>stop having so many open tabs!
>stop watching porn!
lol why are you sad fucks so neurotic


I don't care if they're dead or not, the thread discussions there are different enough compared to other boards.


Are you familiar with the psychology term 'projection'?


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Am I familiar with it? Why, I think I invented it


I haven't been here in years. How have things been?

Oh apparently I need 150 characters. I remember that lel. Well I'll just say despite not hanging out here I'm still a Marxist, I've just been hanging out in other places.
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"I should add, it's entirely possible to make 6 figures in some markets. Don't just assume someone is lying about it. Between car repairs, having to buy a "new" used car when mine finally crapped out and just taking a steady supply of Fuckitol (tm), I was off for at least a total of 3 months or would have been over 100k easily. Seems like a lot at the time til expenses and that dreaded tax bill comes. Probably closer to minimum wage."


reminder that the Americans were considered better and more humane than the British Empire and that the British Empire was also once considered a humane alternative to the Spanish


Such is the circumstance of most of the petite-bourgeoisie. Just as how a capitalist with shittier machinery makes less profit, a door dash capitalist who can invest in a brand new AI battery car reduces his costs and maximizes his profit.


calling uber drivers petit bourgeois is just a rampant misuse of the term, but what else is new from you


Don't dissociate now

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>Fascists shitting up every board
>Chinafags shitting up every thread
>Anarchopiggers shitting up every reply
>Class collaboration and lesser evil nationalism everywhere
>Retards who haven't even skimmed Marx 101 acting like authorities on topics
>On the other side of the table morons who uncritically uphold low-level slop text and poorly interpreted Marx like scripture
>Communism reduced to spirituality and great man worship
>Constant disguised idpol threads
>General ruin of any sign of a competent, rational left

Perscription: we need to ban all the /pol/yps, and clamp down on /bunker/fags and /GET/fugees. Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels. Would weed out retards in a snap.
33 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Maybe the very idea of leftypol is actually outdated. When was the original leftypol founded? 10 years ago? I've joined leftypol in the 8chan era and I have the feeling, the idea of leftism is dissolving more and more with every passing year. In the beginning, there were stirnerites, tankies, anarkiddies. Then came an ideological split in the question of Rojava. Later contemporary China was considered to be leftist, Dugin became somehow an ally of leftism and antiimperialism. Then Genghis Khan was considered to be a communist and Wagner Group are based antiimperialists. Let's face it: We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes. Leftism, socialism, etc. these words have on this site no meaning. I have no clue what this site is about and I don't even know if I would consider myself to be a leftist in any way. (Just for clarification, I also don't consider my self to be a rightoid). I identify myself more with /dead/ than with /leftypol/.


>That's exactly what this placed used to be
No, it was not, you're the blatant newfag you Chaya-wannabe
>o we don't need another 4chan
Strawman false-equivalency fallacy
>The site is decaying in real time because of your stupid bullshit.
No anon, the site post numbers have remained stable, you're the retard with the stupid bullshit that wants to make this a subreddit
>Everyone is noticeable dumber
<But not me, I'm totally intelligent
Get off your high-horse. The reason posts are worse isn't for the reasons you listed
>there's Nazis everywhere
No, there isn't. I and many others criticize the mods for over-moderating in areas they really don't need to, but if there's one thing they've consistently been heavy on banning is Nazi-shit. So yes, it's a boogieman and yes you're a faggot for projecting it.
>hen there are unironic Nazis posting in almost every single thread
And this is yet again proof that you're baiting. Most threads do not have anything APPROACHING right-wing takes, let alone nazi ones and any actual nazis get immense pushback from a majority of users. This is called discussion on a free forum, which allows people to form debates, arguments and to learn all while having some fun.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>The worst part is mods not clamping down on Nazis like they used to. I think the site has been compromised
Leftychin wreckers go back


>We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes.
Good, lol


Your point falls apart when you retardedly chose to go after anarchists as well, as if this board is only meant for Marxists and Stalinists fucking each other in the butt till they knock out

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<IPs last hour 33
I feel like this site has been dying over the last few weeks
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Great post.
>Liberalism must pretend to be serious and realistic, to be the "adult in the room", leftism allows you to show off that you care about others while still having fun by grabbing some lib's post and telling them Stalin would've had them all shot. It lets you play culture wars without being fucking boring (liberals) or fucking lame (rightists), with an added little bonus of letting you be as intellectual or anti-intellectual as you like.
It might not be noticeable to a lot of us, but the majority of people are apolitical, whether it's on the internet or in real life most recognize that liberals and other rightists are usually quite incoherent and artificial in their thoughts, a leftist can have a lot of fun and thoughtful conversations with others thanks to this fact as our worldviews are closer to humanity's in general. Even when we have to spend time with an open liberal/rightist, as long as they are more moderate you can usually choose and agree on atleast one thing with them and discuss something, perhaps poke fun at each other and the like, it kind of makes one feel like a centrist despite being a commie, quite ironic.


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I wish /AKM/ was more active
4chin's /k/ board sucks ass
No threads on cool uniforms, camo and patches and army surplus…


>the insular ideological belief in not bringing in new people
its cute you believe imageboards invented this


you call others liberals and your beliefs are rooted in bullshit notions like "injustices" lol


also wtf is this shit lmao
>our worldviews are closer to humanity's in general

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Is it possible to have an option to preview or at least edit posts? I don't like having to delete and re-post after making a mistake.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I feel like making the markup commonmark markdown would be helpful for this. Hate forgetting that double * is spoiler on here, not bold.


get filtered, redditoid


Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages in existence. It's trivial to implement a flavor that doesn't use "Reddit spacing"
This is like sticking with HTML formatting for no reason. There could even be an optional checkbox to activate Vichan-flavored markdown. Idk why nobody else instantly comes up with perfect software ideas like me. I guess we can't all be perfect and wise in the ways of the world and humble like me, sadly.


I didn't even know reddit used markdown, thanks to having never used reddit.


When you copy the text on almost any article on the entire internet, it will be copied as Markdown.

 No.32507[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How different is contemporary /leftypol/ from its past iterations so to speak? Be it on back on 8ch or the splits in the past few years. Are people more or less retarded than back then?
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>but I honestly don't even know how we would go about recruiting new users since you have the slim ass venn diagram overlap of communist and uses imageboard.
The /leftypol/ way has always been to convert and retain tourists and raiders.

Provoke a raid?


u wat, it's an old 4chan filter


Well the 8ch days were a long time ago so I'm going off memory but it's about the same with less focus on e-drama and more 'multipolarist' garbage


After Max set himself on fire, the board could pick up the few stupidpol participants who were committed to the Marxist critique of essentialism. The risk is that those trying to wheedle Marx into sparing or supporting their rustic superstitions would come along, and those elements are best added dropwise lest they take over.


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The old Leftypol was called LeftcomPol and it was founded in secrecy on June 8th, 632 after the Judeo-Christian-Islamic coalition of anti-materialist Stalinist-Hitlerites decided to assault the anarchists of the neo-Akkadian kleptocratic regime. Bordigists killed and beheaded over 15 trillion of these Hitlerist-Liberal Zionist Maoist cunts and got tired of it. They have been resting asleep or sitting waiting for the endgame of apocalyptic kabbalist right hand path satanists while enjoying recreational substances to cope with the mental witches sent forth by the psyochoattack attempts of brainrot ultra-sadist memory deterioration. An order older than Plato and Aristotle. The order of secret knights who stabbed LaRouche to death. Bordigists. Bordiga is but a collective image in our minds. Bordiga lived to die. He rests in the shadow so you may die in the light. Revisionist-oppurtunism is what Religion is. Ultra-Rightism stands with the fear of Herbert Marcuse who cried every night before bed in the fear of what Bordigism will do to the World once awakened in its full potential. Council Pannekoekist parallel-civilizations living alongside us as we walk through our daily lives. Everytime you had an UnBordigist and AntiBoridigist thought you were stabbed a thousand times by advanced scientific socialism of the future. To experience the same suffering as now forever and in future is the horror of criticizing the eternal flame. The struggle comes in the suffering of mortalist anti-lasagnaist rhetoric. Forever's gonna start tonight.

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 No.23574[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

it's been up for over 20 min on /siberia/
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sometimes a mod might see this thread first


It’s back up please take it down


it looks like they're posting it on /games/ now with an OP image trying to seem less suspicious


the game controller in the pic made me grin


Reminder to hit the hide button when you see it so you don't see it anymore.

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 No.29736[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

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Why is Tor image-posting suddenly removed for siberia? I don't recall a ton of spammers recently.


If you are loaded it would explain your emotional incontinence and other pathologies actually.


>Arguing with Nazis refines the arguments of socialists
Most people aren’t sympathetic to Nazism, they’re sympathetic to liberalism
Most people already see bolshevik style communism as better than Nazism
Few see any type of communism as better than liberalism
You need to refine your arguments against liberals that can actually present compelling arguments to people that aren’t brain poisoned by racism and inceldom
Liberals promote freedom and liberty, Nazis promote race wars, one is far more compelling to the average person than the other


Following up on this; Mods please undo the Tor image posting block. There's no spammers at the moment and it barely hinders spammers who just VPN hop instead.


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 No.3973[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT retrieve old and currently-missing /leftypol/ flags that would be good to add back.
I found the Technocrat and snibetti snab flags. I know the Anarcho-Transhumanism flag is missing and I want to find it and have it added back if possible (t. anarcho transhumanist anon). Pics related

P.S. the "Athiesm" flag is misspelled, it's spelled Atheism.
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As a fellow Greek i want this flag as well!


Great idea


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thoughts? also requesting any feedback on the morrowind flag >>28052


Add the burger already. To siberia at least.


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Add this Ba'athist flag

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