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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.211384[Last 50 Posts]


They are quite literally already in BRICS


and yet, it seems their interests are much more involved in serving the US economy then to become a rival of them.
China and Russia have been targets of economic war for years, sanction, protectionist policys, etc. The same cannot be said about India.



Indians are playing both sides; i.e, they cooperate with China when their interests converge, and suck up to the United States to get factories moved to India.

From the Chinese perspective, the Chinese can get always use the Islamic world to flank them over Kashmir, and the OIC is actually a stronger economic unit than India (17 trillion PPP GDP vs 10 trillion).

So, um, relax, India is quasi-aligned and effectively neutral. Their military spending has been dropping as a percentage of GDP as of late, they have a nuke shortage relative to China, and are really embryonic at this stage.


What are your perspectives on Taiwan? Although rightwing reactionaries often proclaim "Free Taiwan" I can't help but agree with them on this particular issues, although for different reasons. As with many geopolitical issues, its a complex and multifaceted affair, that cannot be emphasized enough.

Even though Taiwan being free is a geopolitical advantage for the US, allowing them to have control over a certain area in asia, I feel Taiwan still deserves the right to self determination. Every country and every people deserves so.

Doesn't mean I think the US is any better than the state capitalist China, and on a cultural level I can appreciate the non political aspects of both countries.


My perspective is that taiwan isnt a country until the left kuomintang takes over and the western militaries stop pretending the island is an excuse to prevent china's navy, the second largest in the world if not the largest by now, from becoming anything more than a glorified coast guard flotilla. The status quo is not only untenable but in fact antagonistic towards the PRC. Here's hoping china can build bridges with the island and depose the puppet regime.


>I feel Taiwan still deserves the right to self determination. Every country and every people deserves so.
>I feel I feel my feelz

Shut the fuck up you dumb neocon. Taiwan doesn't 'deserve' shit. It's a rogue province that was forcibly amputated under brutal colonial regimes and fascist dictatorship. Yes I am calling you a neocon, because even a liberal (one who is not a hypocrite and actually believe in international relations) who subscribes to the principle of self-determination under the UN charta is aware that unilateral secessions and declarations of independence are illegal.


some are claiming that foreigners asking us to "free korea" which is not even under our administration, taiwan? we have never exploited them and they still hate and look down on us, and they have like a large gusano community outside taiwan like reddit city, and the those are from reddit city also look down on those are from reddit island


>reddit city
>reddit island
lol does their air force base happen to be named "Elgin"?


Unilateral secessions could be based if they happened to western countries though


That was the unfortunate creation of the state. But what about all the citizens who aren't fascist unlike the KMT during the split, and instead are normal milquetoast liberals who have a hard on for America for some reason? That last part is kind of bad, but I find myself agreeing with them on this issue. The sad thing is that they want protection from the US, and the US wants them to be able to compete with their economic rival and threaten China.

North Korea is an unfortunate victim of circumstance. It ended up extremely repressive as a result of US foreign policy and I think a power vacuum filled by dictatorially minded people. South Korea isn't innocent either and is very very unregulated capitalism I think there. I also think that their beginning and creation had something to do with fascists as well, which sullies them even further.


>there were unfortunate circumstances, the events were unfortunate

Lol, this is sickening apologia and banalization for the totality of colonialist and imperialist terror that led to the creation of those polities.


They claim that the foreigners they met think the Korean peninsula is part of china for some reason, I have not yet any foreigner asked me to free korea thus I can't say for sure if they were telling the truth


>15 million chinese e-celebs yearn for freedom, mr biden please send the F-35s…
do people really buy this shit? who cares about streamers?


Westoid propaganda is strong


>Although rightwing reactionaries often proclaim "Free Taiwan" I can't help but agree with them on this particular issues,
Of course you agree with neocons. Next youe going to be saying free East Turkestan and Free Tibet in the same of self-determination
>Doesn't mean I think the US is any better than the state capitalist China,
>state capitalist China
Well looking forward to you justifying the US in the Sino-American war thread saying state capitalist dictator China is destroying democratic and free Taiwan.


>South Korea isn't innocent either
It was officially a military dictatorship for most if it's history. And now it's a fake democracy which is controlled by a small number of oligarchical families (Chaebols) who originally got their power with the military dictatorship's support.
Currently, if you're a communist you will be arrested and it's illegal for Koreans to advocate for leftist politics or vote for leftist parties.
America also keeps up to 30,000 troops there. Funny thing for a supposedly independent country.


Indian economy is growing due to population growth. Same as USA, largely


>South Korea isn't innocent either
Well duh. It's the korean version of a Nazi state


Taiwan, which is a province of China, is occupied by seccessionists with the help of foreign forces. China gave their compatriots all possible graces and exemptions to mend the rift and make peaceful reintegration easy and unharmful. Taiwan's clique's efforts to sabotage peace and reintegration are therefore an act of aggression against China



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>I told you, dog. I warned you


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Taiwan isn't a country and its government" is a CIA puppet. This is a black and white issue.

>Even though Taiwan being free is a geopolitical advantage for the US

US doesn't want "free" Taiwan you braindead retard. They want another cannon fodder like Ukraine.


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Olaf Sholz is parroting the overcapacity meme to the Chinese yet the western (American) media is still lynching his bald ass lol


>>1825227 Endless discourse from pro-capitalist countries and regions, along with ethnic separatist right-wing movements in some Chinese regions, and anti-communism, have led to many pages being… 'filled with distinct political biases.'While Chinese Wikipedia does indeed have some sections worth reading, which are likely written by some commendable editors,however, these pages are likely to be edited by "glowists" at any time.Nowadays, Chinese Wikipedia is no longer like it was more than ten years ago.



Mao Zedong, even if I don't agree with a lot of his ideas, I believe had good intentions at first in the 1920s and 1930s, but absolute power corrupts everyone in the end. This is why Marxist Leninism / Maoism will never work. Democracy and Socialism must coexist.


Thank you, Reddit.


He's right you know. Vanguardism is just aristocracy by another name


Are the Social Democrats appearing here? Are you Olaf Scholz who just arrived in China? Don't even think about attacking Qingdao again.



I read online that Mao is growing in popularity among Chinese zoomers. Is that true or just new red-scare hysteria?



Okay, I'm still 驭浪, I was using Edge just now. Edge's translation doesn't need VPN, forgot to add the name.

Mao Zedong has always been a banner of Chinese socialists. Regardless of the type of socialist, most will respect him.



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It seems they watch Ben Norton at Fidesz HQ.


What is this channel? I don't know what's Fideaz.


Dunno who Fidesz is but Ben Norton is great. Really comprehensive coverage.


How can America call it dumping of EVs and solar panels by China and yet still push for carbon neutrality and an emissions free future? Does it not realize "overproduction" is necessary for the latter?


That's exactly why Burgers stopped pushing it. That and the fact they can't afford to build battery changing stations because lol USA infrastructure.


The hungarian ruling party


im pretty sure there is a chinese equivalent of glowie, sadly these editors are mostly not actual glowies, but there was a coup for chinese wikipedia
real, you had seen a footage on this thread


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>German Chancellor Olaf Scholz gets off the plane at Chongqing Airport in China and is greeted by Zhang Guozhi, Vice Mayor of Chongqing City.


>President Xi Jinping holds a welcoming ceremony on Tuesday in Beijing for President of the Federated States of Micronesia Wesley W. Simina



The last year of "China is collapsing" cope has seemed particularly desperate. Westoids know their time is running out.



Has there been a coup? I heard about the Wikipedia banning seven mainland Chinese editors. Is that what you're referring to?



Do Western elites see all that and still don't think it would be a better idea to quit this whole capitalism imperialism bullshit?


Capitalism is one big contradiction made of smaller contradictions controlled by bloodthirsty buffoons so they won't stop until their empire crumbles and then blame the commies for everything.


They just keep collapsing upwards.


So when are they going to house their homeless. That should be a number 1 concern in the socialist agenda


Their number 1 concern is not getting destroyed in a world still dominated by capitalism.


Is anyone here particularly well read on chinese history in the 1800s? I want to know what role the compradors of China played in the nation's century of humiliation.



Im looking for detailed sources btw


You can do that while also not letting your people die in the streets


Good to know that you have such insight into the finances and numerous concerns and priorities the Chinese government has to deal with.


They will fix the issue eventually, like all other issue that came before, be patient and don't worry about it.


>the lumpen are the numba one issue for socialists


January 1st, 1814, saw the birth of Hong Xiuquan, the younger brother of Jesus, the second son of God.
The death toll resulting from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement he led and its confrontation with the Qing Dynasty is said to have approached that of World War I.



The Heavenly Father kills his Heavenly Brother, the country remains unsettled, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is not the rightful ruler, yet Xianfeng remains in power.



You write about history yet it reads like a fantasy story


And then you had the Nian and Du Wenxiu rebellions that happened contemporaneously




Ya gotta have the Records of AND the Romance of the Three kingdoms to really understand the impact


Did I scare you a little? Haha

The 19th century was a painful memory for China, marked by two Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion, and ultimately culminating in the invasion by the Eight-Nation Alliance, where foreign generals sat on the Dragon Throne. However, amidst this, the peak of peasant warfare in China's feudal era—the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom—had a profound impact and catalyzed revolutionary spirit, driving societal development. The Qing dynasty's efforts at self-rescue through the "Self-Strengthening Movement," and the reformist movements of the late Qing era led by figures like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, who advocated for learning from the West during the "Hundred Days' Reform" under the Guangxu Emperor, laid the groundwork for breaking China free from feudal constraints.




The final sentence should be translated more accurately as 'The throne still belongs to Xianfeng.' I couldn't find a translation of this folk song in English. If you have time, you can explore the story behind this folk song. Even now, some might still use this poem to mock the leader who killed his confidant.

“The throne still belongs to Xianfeng.”


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Influencer bros… h-how the fuck we finna parasite off of society if CHOYNA sets a precedent like this??


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Already did 3 years ago.


…that can't be real


I think most people would be frightened if the government shuts down someone's social media accounts


I was hearing some guy talk about the crisis of overproduction in Chinese solar panels kek. I guess that's what Yellen was talking about. She was getting Marxist with it.


Americans treat markets as belonging to them, and if Chinese are taking over those markets it must mean that consumers have chosen poorly. If Americans invested into solar panels and such, and then get no return on investment, it's not because their product is shit that can't compete with Chinese product, it's just that Chinese have flooded the market and distorted it and they have "overcapacity". It's quite frankly a hilarious cope


>I think most people would be frightened if the government shuts down someone's social media accounts
What is the difference ultimately if the state is shutting down your social media account or if the social media company is shutting down your social media account on the states either explicit or implicit demand?


would you be fine if your country's government shut down your social media for lying?


Why did you lie, then?


Communist China is the only thing sparing westoids from crushing inflation

Yellen and the rest of the democrats explicitly want all westoids to be crushed by inflation.


Honestly, just look at American Dream - the supermarkets. Without societal trust, everybody just steals from there, and as a result there's either no supermarkets anymore as they close or you have draconian retardation of locking up meat in glass cases so that it doesn't get stolen. Upholding societal contract - such as "social media must not lie" - is as important as police preventing petty crimes such as shoplifting


The federal reserve blackrock vanguard imf worldbank wall st shadow banking system NATOyghurs are class conscious, that's why they talk about consumer price inflation and act like taxation is how governments make money, while they rake it in off protecting their hoard of ever-inflating real estate, debt, and financial assets. That's the real inflation they care about. Everything Yellen says is out there to misguide burgeroids


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Yes. Lying is a harmful crime.


Search the term "pyramid" on youtube.


Or go in Instagram and search the tag #starseed or #lightworker or #ashtarcommand or #galacticfederation lmao these people need rehabilitation



If a ruler could just sign a law making everyone productive, capitalism wouldn't have any economic or political downturns ever


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What would they think of Posadism. I fear they would take it at face value and get angry.


Pro-CCP bros, how do you explain that under Xi the Chinese government has actively armed the enemies of Maoist insurgents in the Philippines? The CCP actively support and fund the enemies of the Maoist fighters in the Philippines, now why would a Communist country do that exactly? Smells kinda like a state capitalist thing to do.
Likewise in Myanmar, the CCP armed and supported the right wing junta against leftist insurgents for much of the conflict, but now stated working with leftists only after they started winning ground and seizing border towns.
Why do the so-called Communists of the CCP keep arming and aiding right wingers to fight against leftist militias?


Baseless slander, and you know this. Go ahead and dig up the article you think you remember. It's Radio Free Asia nonsense.
Care to explain why Sison did an interview with RFA shortly before he died in the Netherlands, calling for guerillas to waste their energy attacking BRI projects which were also being sanctioned by the US and Philippine comprador government? https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/Philippine-communists-Chinese-firms-10142020135808.html
Makes me wonder what process of elimination led to their current dire position if they're this compromised.


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This is fucking hilarious. The Western cope has progressed from "China will collapse any day now" to "NOOOOO, CHINA IS TOO GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO, IT'S UNFAIR!".


All the CCP shills come out in force the second you violate party guidelines.
Do they just keep you all in a little box ready to spring into action the moment someone mis-acronyms your state capitalist regime?
Maybe focus on being an actual communist party before sticking a fist up your own ass in anger about English speakers using the common English acronym instead of the official acronym to rile you up. I will intentionally use CCP as much as I can now specifically because of how you responded here.


China posing as a state communist country (not like it was very good) and using the dirtiest capitalist tactics ever. Kinda worrying to see its power as an anarchist. We are talking about one of the least private and most authoritian goverments in the world


I saw worse cope, commenters under the FT article conceding that the PRC had 5.6% economic growth for Q1 2024 tried to claim that that the statistics were fake or that it wasn’t '’real'' growth because of state intervention…


It’s okay bro, everybody knows your Americas timezone.


I'm not American but pop off, I'm sure Xi will stop turning Beijing etc al into playboy cities for capitalist billionaires any day now


That doesn't sound like an argument man. Do you not have any source for your original lie about China funding military operations against Marxist guerillas? Or do you just want to remain invested in your fantasy world no matter what the facts are?


its 9pm-7am at your place, really?


>the common English acronym
it's a mistranslated version of the party's name that started to getting pushed around the 2000s in the imperialist media to emphasize it being a "chinese" party above it being "communist"
anyway go back to reddit please


The 'insurgents' called for bombing Chinese factories and killing Chinese workers, also Maoists consider anyone who isnt a Maoist to be an enemy, why would anyone support them? Dont get caught up in fetishizing 'revolutionaries' to the degree that you starting opposing Socialism in power.


Since the philippines declared cooperation with the "pivot to asia" i doubt china has anymore reason to bother supporting the government there. The NPP will mellow out once they achieve power like the taliban did.


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He also pulled the


Which is just pic related meme.

Baits used to be higher effort.


If you look at what happened with SexyCyborg, while on paper, it’s strictly controlled, they will warn you repeatedly before actually arresting you. So yes, iron fist, but lots of velvet padding.


>I fear they would take it at face value and get angry.
That just means their brainwashing is being shaken.
Humanity needs to accept the truth: Tall Greys are actually benevolent and we shouldn't believe the Nordic's deceptive propaganda!


>housing slowdown
This is another obfuscation. China could have bailed out the real estate sector but they purposefully let the bubble pop in a controlled demolition ultimately making housing cheaper for consumers.

Just remember westerners: The Landlord raising your rent is good because it "grows" the economy lol


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yes thats what i was referring to


>>1826771 I'm not an insider at Chinese Wikipedia, so I don't know how significant that issue is, but it may have some impact.

"Russian invasion of Ukraine"
"Israel–Hamas conflict"
Baidu Baike:
"2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict"
"October 2023 Israel-Palestine conflict"

Compared to Chinese Wikipedia, Baidu tends to reflect the mainland's stance more on these matters.

>>1826358“The throne still belongs to Xianfeng.”It might not be more accurate than the original… There wasn't a throne in the original Chinese… Uh, uh, uh, my perfectionism is acting up.




“The throne still belongs to Xianfeng.”不一定比原来更准确……原中文没有皇位……呃呃呃呃我的完美主义强迫症犯了


>The Landlord raising your rent is good because it "grows" the economy lol

I'm disgusted by the fact that landlords finding loopholes to evict families and elderly by law paying low rents and then either selling the property or renting it at higher rents is considered an action that grows the economy


>Good news!


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What did she say? Was it an actual lie?


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>tfw realizing why the Philippines offshore team doesn't like .cpp as suffix on the source files


>Pro-CCP bros, how do you explain
<surface contradiction, yet again
>now why would a Communist country do that exactly? Smells kinda like a state capitalist thing to do.


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Video is such brainrot that the top comment is a religious scam bot scheme lmao


this is what nafoids are busy watching all day


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clipped it


The next Great White Hope is a global North ban on Chinese high tech and high valued added goods. That’s what the NYT is pushing for. The China collapse narrative is very important to the U.S.


The thing is though that there is no overcapacity of solar panels. It’s a massively in demand good that is too expensive with too few being built installed or in use.


>Good news!
For the shareholders of the MIC, not so much for the poors that'll suffer under austerity and/or be drafted to fight China
Looks like a bad jingoistic rip-off of Clash of Clans. Wish I was good at coding games so I could sell something like this for ~20-40 dollars. I bet russophobic Reddit liberals would snap it up like conservatives and MAGA merch.



China is effectively strengthening Laos and Cambodia at the expense of Vietnam


File: 1713416355854.mp4 (14.66 MB, 720x1280, 1509983637-1-192.mp4)

> China has already been preparing for a war with the United States in advance.This is a conscription scene.

[Internet addiction treatment schools are going door-to-door to arrest people! Quickly sign up those around you who play "Genshin Impact" - Bilibili] https://b23.tv/H59PD7n

> 中国已经提前在为中美战争做准备。这是征兵画面。

【戒网瘾学校上门抓人!赶紧为身边玩原神的报名-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/H59PD7n


The background of that article. I think this Vietnam and China have a millennia-old conflict is hilarious. No they fucking don't. That shi is made up by liberals, TODAY. No-one has ancient grudges.


Laos doesnt want to be a landlocked country forever. We should be glad a marxist leninist country is gaining access to sea trade routes they didnt have before.


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>infoglowfics show


i don't use social media except for this place because it's dog shit. the fact that most jobs expect everyone to have a linked in these days makes me wanna commit homicide


imagine if Cartman lived in China


No one has ancient grudges but plenty have veterans from the '79 border war in their families


>people in china are always on time for dinner with friends
obviously fake but why is this a bad thing? lmao


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>Internet addiction treatment schools are going door-to-door to arrest people!
In Communist China, Grass Touch You


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the proposed canal in question


>no grudges
Remember Luna Oi saying that China and Vietnam can never be friends again? She's basically a zoomer with anti-China sentiments.


There was a Vietnanon here who also had a lot of ancient grudges against China.


This is what China hawking has become? Saying the country is safe and wonderful but I hate it for some fake reason I made up?


It's real. Every time you make plans with someone you have to notify the social credit app. If one party is late, the one who is on time is obligated to report it to the app otherwise their social credit will get dinged too.


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>tfw came 5 seconds late to dinner so was put into semen harvesting machine


peterson is such a facebook boomer, lmao


chinese cum party


Sad that South Korea isn't in these graphs


Last week, a Typhoon Mid-Range Capability (MRC) missile system was flown from the US to the northern island of Luzon in the Philippines, which is separated from Taiwan by the 250km-wide Luzon Strait. US Army Pacific said that the “landmark” deployment took place as part of the joint Salaknib 24 exercises with Filipino troops and showcased “the extensive reach and logistical precision” of the American military. Typhoon systems, which were first introduced in 2023, can fire both the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) and Tomahawk missiles, with the latter having a range of up to 2,500km.



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Imagine if you got an entire country hooked on opioids to more easily control them, it's just unthinkable!


total burger addiction


protracted people's narco warfare will prevail!


Yet burgers are sanctioning and putting tariffs on Chinese steel, huh


Very few people hooked on steel addiction these days in Burgerland.


speak for yourself


The solution to the gacha question.


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It's not true but I wish it was.
Get fucked up on Opium War 3: Revengeance, americlaps.

The reason why they're seething at China is because the API found in their fentanyl drugs comes from China. IGNORING THE FACT THAT LITERALLY ALL API COMES FROM CHINA LMAO.

Just SANCTION China in this department I fucking double dog dare you. You retards. Fuck fentanyl, Americans would be dying in the streets in a week from the lack of basic prescription drugs.


Everyone knows anon, they're memeing.


cool effortpost


>Opium War 3: Revengeance
this is the conservative narrative in the USA but I'm hesitant to endorse it, even in a "haha get fucked burgers" way because let's be real, the British forcing open the Indian and Chinese markets in order to sell Indian opium to Chinese peasants, and fuck up Chinese society by getting a large portion of the population addicted to opium, that China as a sovereign entity did not agree to buy, is fundamentally different from the US sovereign entity willingly purchasing fentanyl from China. The crucial difference being the issue of violation of sovereignty. China's sovereignty was violated during the opium wars. The burger reich's sovereignty is not being violated in the fentanyl addiction crisis. American govt is deliberately buying it, and American doctors are willingly over-prescribing it.


At this point China might as well sanction the US lmao


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Uh-oh, looks like America is going to fight China from the position of tech inferiority


cant wait for german fentanyl instead



Reading news like this I would think the U.S. is engaging in imperialism by leveraging its power to proscribe what trade and investment Mexico is allowed to have in its country. But that was before I learned from well-regarded leftists that the real imperialism is actually building the car factories at all. How excellent that the true socialists are here to prevent electric cars from being built in Mexico.


Another case of Chinese imperialism in Africa.


> Ministry of National Defense Holds Special Press Conference on Establishment of Information Support Force

> BEIJING, April 19th (Xinhua) – On April 19th, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Information Support Force establishment ceremony was grandly held at the Bayi Building in Beijing. Wu Qian, spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, answered questions from reporters regarding the establishment of the Information Support Force and related issues.

> The Information Support Force is a newly created strategic branch.

> When asked, "What kind of force is this Information Support Force announced at this conference?"

> Wu Qian said, "The adjustment and establishment of the Information Support Force is a major decision made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission from the overall perspective of strengthening the military. It is a strategic measure to build a new type of military structure layout and improve the Chinese-characteristic modern military force system. It holds significant and far-reaching implications for accelerating national defense and military modernization and effectively fulfilling the missions and tasks of the people's armed forces in the new era. The Information Support Force is a newly created strategic branch and a key support for coordinating the construction and application of the network information system. Its position and responsibility are crucial in promoting the high-quality development of our military and winning modern warfare."

> The PLA has formed a new type of military structure layout.

> When asked, "Just now it was mentioned about building a new type of military structure layout, could you please introduce the relevant situation?"

> Wu Qian said, "After this reform, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has overall formed a new type of military structure layout under the leadership and command of the Central Military Commission, which includes branches such as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, as well as new types of military branches such as the Military Space Force, Cyber Space Force, Information Support Force, and Joint Logistics Support Force. With the development of the situation and tasks, we will continuously improve the Chinese-characteristic military force system."

> China insists on peaceful use of outer space.

> When asked, "What tasks does the Military Space Force undertake, and does this indicate a change in China's space policy?"

> Wu Qian said, "Outer space is the common heritage of humanity. Space security is a strategic guarantee for national construction and social development. Advancing the construction of the Military Space Force is of great significance for enhancing the capability to safely access and utilize space, strengthening space crisis management and comprehensive governance, and promoting peaceful utilization of outer space. China's space policy is clear and consistent. We have always adhered to the peaceful use of outer space and are willing to work with all countries that use outer space peacefully to strengthen exchanges, deepen cooperation, and contribute to the maintenance of enduring peace and common security in outer space."

> Building a peaceful, secure, open, and cooperative cyberspace.

> When asked, "What tasks does the Cyber Space Force undertake, and does this indicate a push for militarization of cyberspace?"

> Wu Qian said, "Cybersecurity is a global challenge and a severe security threat faced by China. Advancing the construction of the Cyber Space Force and vigorously developing cybersecurity defense capabilities are of great significance for strengthening national cyber border defense, timely detecting and repelling cyber intrusions, and safeguarding national cyber sovereignty and information security. We actively advocate for building a peaceful, secure, open, and cooperative cyberspace and are committed to working with the international community to jointly construct a community with a shared future in cyberspace."

> 国防部举行信息支援部队成立专题新闻发布会


> 新华社北京4月19日电(记者李晓明)19日,中国人民解放军信息支援部队成立大会在北京八一大楼隆重举行,国防部新闻发言人吴谦就信息支援部队成立等相关问题答记者问。

  > 信息支援部队是全新打造的战略性兵种

  > 有记者问,这次大会宣布成立信息支援部队,这支部队是一支什么样的力量?

  > 吴谦说,调整组建信息支援部队,是党中央和中央军委从强军事业全局出发作出的重大决策,是构建新型军兵种结构布局、完善中国特色现代军事力量体系的战略举措,对加快国防和军队现代化、有效履行新时代人民军队使命任务具有重大而深远的意义。信息支援部队是全新打造的战略性兵种,是统筹网络信息体系建设运用的关键支撑,在推动我军高质量发展和打赢现代战争中地位重要、责任重大。

  > 中国人民解放军形成新型军兵种结构布局

  > 有记者问,刚才提到构建新型军兵种结构布局,请介绍一下有关情况。

  > 吴谦说,这次改革后,中国人民解放军总体形成中央军委领导指挥下的陆军、海军、空军、火箭军等军种,军事航天部队、网络空间部队、信息支援部队、联勤保障部队等兵种的新型军兵种结构布局。随着形势任务的发展,我们将不断完善中国特色军事力量体系。

  > 中方坚持和平利用太空

  > 有记者问,军事航天部队担负什么任务,是否说明中国的太空政策发生变化?

  > 吴谦说,太空是人类共同的财富。太空安全是国家建设和社会发展的战略保障。推进军事航天部队建设,对提高安全进出和开放利用太空能力、增强太空危机管控和综合治理效能、更好和平利用太空具有重要意义。中方的太空政策清晰明确,我们一向坚持和平利用太空,愿同所有和平利用太空的国家一道,加强交流、深化合作、为维护太空持久和平与共同安全作出贡献。

  > 建设和平、安全、开放、合作的网络空间

  > 有记者问,网络空间部队担负什么任务,是否说明要推动网络空间军事化?

  > 吴谦说,网络安全是全球性挑战,也是中国面临的严峻安全威胁。推进网络空间部队建设,大力发展网络安全防御手段,对筑牢国家网络边防,及时发现和抵御网络入侵,捍卫国家网络主权和信息安全具有重要意义。我们积极倡导建设和平、安全、开放、合作的网络空间,致力于同国际社会一道共同构建网络命运共同体。


Is this translation tool's fault that the text is maximum copywriter's nonsense, or it's this bad in Chinese as well?


You can discuss with ChatGPT3.5 or the Chinese Ministry of National Defense to see if what they say is accurate or not.


Looks as though it’s bureaucratese. It sounds like the SSF isn’t sufficient on its own and that the Chinese want their NSA equivalent.


Perhaps ">" in the original Chinese text didn't function properly due to spacing issues. If that's the case you mentioned, I'll take note.



Given macrocorruption at the PLARF, is it possible the PLARF is getting reorganized into a Chinese Space Force with the PLASSF’s cyberwar duties being split off into PLASSF?


>Given macrocorruption at the PLARF

Dude, their military owns all the goddamn military factories. What corruption are you talking about?


Sacking of Li Shangfu, officially for corruption. There are rumors going around they filled missiles with water, not sure if true, or to what extent it happened.


>if they sack someone for corruption, it means that they are so corrupt they can't keep it under wraps anymore

Westoid brain is a mystery to mankind


One of the most interesting things about these loans is they serve as insurance against Westoid coups, as debt forgiveness requires ongoing smooth relations with China. This is also a hidden part of many of these agreements, they have publicly undisclosed bits to them. So instead of trying to create a vampiric debt system of finance imperialism, China builds a network of trading partners by using loans to just throw bales of cash at countries without getting "cucked" as the kids say.


I haven't seen countries try to default on specifically Chinese loans YET, but I assume there is an urge to go this direction by escalating Westoids and gusanos. Thing is though, there's either predatory IMF or China and practically nothing inbetween as a source of loans, so even the most cucked countries don't YET try this strat


>There are rumors going around they filled missiles with water
How do you picture it in the garden of your mind, anon?
>Corrupt techs throwing buckets of water into missiles
>entire missiles being pumped full of water in the dead of night
>something else


>How do you picture it in the garden of your mind, anon?
He personally siphoned the jet fuel out (with his mouth) like a tweaker stealing gas from an RV in the IHOP parking lot.


Anyone who looks at the history of and the states which control the whole nato+ imf world bank shadow banking whatever you know the Global Financial System ™️ has to eventually see it keeps you undeveloped and butchers you at will and reinforces your neighbors against you and tries to balkanize you and enclose your spare parts.
And I think what the libs call "polycrisis" makes the process so aggressive and self-destructive it would be hard to feel secure without having any alternative even as a really selfish comprador bourg. So as Chinese lending secures a lot of trust it will extend that out from this crisis period and reinforce against future crisis which are most assuredly coming from the US & allies


The PLARF supposedly had a lot of its senior personnel sacked, meaning that there's a paucity of senior officers. Makes sense to merge PLARF with relevant PLASSF assets (satellite launch and control) and splinter the cyberwar to a separate group.




Prelude to the End of the Era of Fuel-Powered Cars? Penetration Rate of New Energy Vehicles in China Soars to 50%

> The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers recently released data for the automotive market from April 1st to 14th. The data shows that the retail sales of new energy vehicles reached 260,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 32% compared to the same period last year, and a 2% increase from the previous month. Meanwhile, the retail sales of passenger vehicles amounted to 516,000 units. This means that during the statistical period from April 1st to 14th, the proportion of retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China officially surpassed 50%, reaching 50.39%! With this, the Chinese new energy vehicle market has reached a historic milestone—the penetration rate of new energy has crossed the threshold of 50% for the first time.

— Yangzi Evening News
[Source: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1796771337232662291&wfr=spider&for=pc]

Buyers of Fuel-Powered Cars Officially Become the Minority

> Witnessing History!

> Penetration Rate of New Energy Vehicles Exceeds 50% in April
> Buyers of fuel-powered cars officially become the minority.
— China Trade Union Network
[Source: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1796815283048625775&wfr=spider&for=pc]

Penetration Rate Exceeds 50%! New Energy Vehicles Are Breaking Through the "Backbone" of Fuel-Powered Car Dominance

> According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the retail sales of new energy vehicles from April 1st to 14th amounted to 260,000 units, a 32% year-on-year increase compared to the same period last year, and a 2% increase from the previous month. In comparison, the retail sales of passenger vehicles reached 516,000 units. This means that the proportion of new energy vehicles has surpassed 50%, reaching 50.39%, achieving the 50% national planning target 11 years ahead of schedule.

[Source: https://app.myzaker.com/news/article.php?pk=662257f98e9f094418723bbe]

> 乘联会日前发布了4月1日-14日车市数据,数据显示,新能源汽车市场零售26万辆,同比去年同期增长32%,较上月同期增长2%,而乘用车市场零售为51.6万辆。这意味着,在4月1日-14日这个统计周期内,中国新能源乘用车零售占比正式突破50%,达到了50.39%!至此,中国新能源汽车市场迎来了一个历史性的里程碑——新能源渗透率首次跨越了50%的门槛。

> 见证历史!
> 4月新能源汽车渗透率超50%
> 买燃油车的人正式成了少数派

> 据乘联会数据,4 月 1-14 日新能源汽车市场零售 26 万辆,同比去年同期增长 32%,较上月同期增长 2%。对比来看,乘用车市场零售为 51.6 万辆,也就是说,新能源占比已突破 50%,达 50.39%,提前 11 年完成 50% 的国家规划目标。




My main opinion is that you should stop being autistic.


The western leftoid has downplayed and avoided the issue of anti-sintic racism so much that it’s now become so overwhelming powerful it is now able to do anything. It just issued a global ban on a social media platform 100 million Americans use because it was too pro-Gaza. Good work everyone.


A whole day without /prc/ posters?
Where are the people man, what happened


The hypocrisy of liberals provides a bit of amusement. I see people say shit like "they're a culture of scammers" then "I'm not racist look at the good ones in taiwan". People who'd balk at any other racial stereotype are happy to guzzle down perfidious oriental propaganda.


Blaming western leftoids for this? Come on, they are too small and weak a group. They accepted the larger cultural attitudes and thinly rolled it into their philosophy but they have no power.


People expect western leftist to subdue the power that kept China subdued until relatively recently. Realistic marxist academics have been saying that change in the west will come from without.


>filled missiles with water, not sure if true
Do you seriously believe that laughable schizophrenic shit? It's laughable how deep the brainrot goes in western news outlets and people that consoom it.


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The dogshit trifecta


It's weekend. Well adjusted chad bing chilling posters have no time for shenanigans.


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i looked into the ship and its between museum exhibits right now and will be renovated in a few years


I don't get it, every day people here celebrate how China is becoming the dominant world power and are shocked when people react to the fact that China is becoming the dominant world power? What have you done to personally to stop "anti-sinitic racism"?


They voted for Biden real hard and bought a Dark Brandon mug. The hardest thing a liberal will ever do.


This is just depressing

>In 1995 Minsk was sold for scrap to a South Korean company. Due to protests from South Korean environmentalists, the ship was resold to the Chinese state-owned Guangdong Ship Dismantling Company. The ship was again saved from the scrapyard when a group of Chinese video-game arcade owners formed the Shenzhen Minsk Investment Company to buy the ship for $4.3 million.[6]

>Minsk became the centerpiece of a military theme park in Yantian district, Shatoujiao (沙头角) sub-district, Shenzhen called Minsk World. However, the Shenzhen Minsk company went bankrupt in 2006, and the carrier was put up for auction on 22 March 2006. On 31 May 2006, the carrier was sold in Shenzhen for 128 million RMB to CITIC Shenzhen.

>The ship was again sold to Dalian Yongjia Group, a real estate company in Dalian in North China, on 1 January 2013.[7] On 3 April 2016, Chinese news reported the aircraft carrier had been towed to a new destination, Zhoushan for refit,[8] because of the decline of the number of tourists after 2006.

>After the refit is completed, the ship is to be taken to Nantong on the Yangtse River in Jiangsu Province and moored to the west of Sutong Yangtze River Bridge as part of a new theme park which was planned to open in 2017.[9][10] As of 2018, the project is delayed.[11]


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La Niña, la Pinta, y la Santa María


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Maaan. South Korea bought half the Soviet fleet for scrap, it seems, and Chinese bought or re-bought it to turn into museums


as opposed to posting, the hardest thing non-voters do


Expecting much /k/opium this year


>On January 2, 2024, the state-owned Central China Television revealed in a segment of its nightly news program Xinwen Lianbo an aerial footage of Fujian, with its three catapult tracks clearly visible.[48][49][50] A mockup of a carrier-based aircraft could also be seen parked on the stern deck. In January 2024, the Fujian was carrying out mooring tests in preparation for its maiden voyage, with "multiple sea trials planned for 2024", according to Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert.[51]


Speak for yourself, shitlib


my bad, what are you doing to stop anti-sinitic racism?


I support local Chinese restaurants


Do you remember me saying I was in Jiangsu Province? The location of this aircraft carrier is within a 3-hour drive.



There are no important classes tomorrow. If you want, I can consider taking a day off to go there.


>Go there
>Post pic w leftypol
>Collect 1000 (you)s


< ok
< I can look around, but it's probably not possible to go up alone. It's on the water and not open to the public.
< Can't collect that much.

< ok

< 可以在周围看看,但是一个人恐怕上不去,它在水上而且不对外开放
< 收集不了那么多


Is that even legal to take picture of aircraft carriers where you live?


That's not a military aircraft carrier. It's an abandoned one sold to a company. You might have to deal with the local security.


I might not be able to go up, so I'll just take a few photos around.


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funny as fuck Chinese cartoon #1


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For eight fucking years, I saw almost nobody care about Donbass but come Feb. 2022, almost everybody on the Western "Left" had solidarity with literal fucking Neo-Nazis. This should tell you what people you're dealing with.
Vote for who?


File: 1713725409811-1.jpg (2.75 MB, 2480x3508, PLA Poster.jpg)

Reposting these from the sinophobic thread at >>1831170

I wish I were a PLA anime girl!


I remember seeing this years ago



if only we were to show myazaki the future


bro took a kick to the dick which must've been hard and stayed standing, respect


gpt4 powered microshit copilot was still free last time i checked


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I am in position.


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Who left this thing here?


very nice 🫡


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The last one, sorry, I have to go back because my phone is out of battery, and I don't know how to row over. The journey back by car would waste a lot of time.


It makes me sad for the USSR… Thanks for the pics!


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I asked the security guard for his charging cable; there's construction going on inside.


This is the closest place I can get to; further ahead, the security wouldn't let me in


That's all for now.


Here’s something amazing I just discovered.

You know how DoD pays around 60% of its budget in personnel costs? China has a military pay rate one fourth of the DoD’s. Or in other words, the DoD has a military budget that’s only 55% in real capabilities as a consequence.

And you know how China hides its military spending so it can toot a 1.3% of GDP defense budget? China’s real military spending, according to SIPRI, was 291 billion last year. Apply PPP multiplier to it, it’s about 550 billion in real terms.

The US spent 817 billion on the DoD budget last year. Multiply it by .55, and you get about 450 billion.

In other words, China is outspending the United States militarily by about 20% in terms of cost efficiency.


Even if you go by SIPRI figures, the US is only spending a real 500 billion a year on actual military equipment. On a three to one ratio, the US can’t really move anymore against China.


Now we need to find a cost multiplier for American munitions, make a big post about it, and throw it at /k/opers for reactions


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They said the line!


The reason I didn’t try that is because it varies substantially. The J-20 at between 70 and 110 million is only competitive with the F-35, but the Type 055s and Type 052Ds cost between 60 and 80% of the latest Arleigh Burkes, after PPP is factored in and considering that the Type 055s are more capable and the Type 052Ds are less capable.

When it comes to naval craft, the Chinese are substantially cheaper even after PPP is adjusted, but in aircraft they tend to be behind. Missiles are more of an unknown—how much do the CJ-100s really cost? How about the DH-10, which is a better analogue for the Tomahawk?


>cost efficiency


"China is crashing every day and every minute" is just Business Basics, son.


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Whats up with the tofu-dreg buildings americans are constantly taking and seething about? Is it blown out of proportion or does it have any merit?


We have a thread 4 this



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At the entrance of my school, I tried this method and it doesn't seem to work.

> [Quick Cyberpunk Crack - Bilibili] https://b23.tv/65Xu64V


>【赛博朋克之快速破解-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/65Xu64V


Haha, nice. I prefer the Demolition Man solution, however, where you have eyeballs scanned


looks sick, thank you anon. good to hear there is work being done inside


>chinese anon
>posts on leftypol for 2 months
<he starts photographing military objects and tries to hack his school's security
we created a monster


May Marx judge us for what we have done.



Two more weeks!


Im not sure if this is safe to post but very cool pic.


It's a museum piece, not a military installation



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It's okay, taking these photos won't bring any legal issues. Security says it's okay to film within permitted areas. Many have filmed it before me (so I didn't film much; there are similar ones online). The interior is off-limits, but many have tried to sneak a peek inside, and there are videos online.

I once asked the security there if they mind the abandoned ships over there; he seems to think outsiders can't use them to reach the aircraft carrier.



>. The interior is off-limits, but many have tried to sneak a peek inside, and there are videos online.
The vid right above the guy goes aboard:


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Science lady just cancelled China.


>EVs are the future
>Renewable energy is the best thing ever
<wait china is leading EV and PV production?
Remember when eco-libs were sucking Musks dick?


Well electric cars are kind of bad, but unless the message of the video is that we should ban cars and create universal public transport she can go to gulag


Yes, I asked the security guard if they had caught anyone trying to go onto the aircraft carrier before, but he said he's new and hasn't seen it happen yet.
The security guards here also look quite old. Actually, this place isn't strictly guarded, to be honest, there's nothing particularly worth guarding inside.


Isn't China also investing in its infrastructure, not just electric cars?


i thought infrastructure were the future. I changed my mind


EVs are the future, if recharging stations are accessible. EVs use universal power source and maintanence is cheaper because there's no mini-explosions inside the engine.

EVs are not the future for rural areas. Internal combustion engines are here to stay for century or two


😍 I love cost-plus military contracting


Well yes it is, I'm just reacting to the title of the video though.

It's not surprising a Germ will happily jump on the imperialism train though.


Lithium batteries suck ass. No maintenance is possible. They just degrade and there is nothing you can do about it but replace them for basically the price of the car.

>After 15 years the price of Tesla batteries has escalated alongside advancements in technology.1 Buying a completely new battery for a 15-year-old car can cost $22,000 or more


Hey what's the problem? Planned obsolescence baby, cars should be scrapped within 5 years anyways


That I agree with. But it's not a permanent state of affairs


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Hit the nail on the head.




I thought this was about Laseranon at first and I had to look up what his reral name was. So what's this about then?


prolly one of the european spies that got caught leaking military laser tech to china


Mass popularity of EVs will make investments in better batteries skyrocket. It's a problem now but not in the future


They are getting cheaper and last longer very fast. Remember the batteries of a decade ago? Imagine the batteries of next decade.


Making current EVs easily compatible with near future battery and capacitor technology would be the real game changer.


>Lithium batteries
It's sodium now, no?


magical thinking


why? even with current tech modular quick-change batteries would make EVs much more popular
>quick charging low capacity capacitor-like batteries for urban use
>lithium batteries for mixed use
>slow charge, bulky sodium salt batteries for long distance use, maybe even in trailers.


I'm really sceptical about the ability of drivers to do small repairs on EVs like it's possible in case of internal combustion cars, and that's a big part of what a rural car is required to be like. I don't see how cheap EVs can compete in the "Rest of the World" because of this, at least for the foreseeable future


Repairability would depend on how easily one can swap in replacement parts. That's a question of how much we can coerce EV manufacturers to adopt user friendly designs.


The cheapest form of battery storage for a solar installation, ironically, is a BYD Seagull, at 333 USD per kWh.

Compare the Powerwall at 500 USD per kWh.


I'll have to go to China soon and I wanted to ask, how does China actually handle TOR and VPNs? I use TOR for casual browsing, and VPNs for piracy. I always assumed the perceived censorship they apparently do to be highly exaggerated and easily bypassable, but I'd like to make sure.


<The great firewall of China (It’s real!)

<With more than 700 million internet users, China has the largest online population in the world. While strict censorship is common in China, online restrictions have increased since the arrival of the internet there in 1996. These regulations mean people in China are blocked from using social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

<The easiest way to access western websites, such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter, is by installing a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. A VPN can be used to access restricted websites in China by shielding your browser activity.

<The key to a VPN is that it lends you a temporary IP address and hides the actual IP address from every website or email you connect with.



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You know the "Russians are orcs" meme? The othering and dehumanization war propaganda? Yeah, they're expanding it to include China now. Wonder if China will be as humorous as the Russians and just roll with it.

Either way, Bloomberg is now just an absolute disgrace. Just another tabloid slop.


Tor works fine, my vpn works as well (but it’s a niche one), I’ve heard from others that the more mainstream ones basically don’t work


my uni vpn works without issues


Orcs are already Russians. What race should be China? Goblins (small stature)? Ents (ancient civ)?


Dwarves, obviously


Tolkien already made a canon race representing Chinese/"Oriental" peoples in the LOTR saga, the Easterlings of Rhun.
Man i love Tolkien but his book really was the original Jungle vs Garden shit. That's what happened when your country used to be a literal gargantuan colonial empire.


Like, if a Chinese or an Arab make a novel where the main plot is about his own civilization engaged in an existential struggle with a bunch of blue eyed blonde barbarians people would rightfully lampoon them as some sort of crazy ethnonationalist. But in Western entertainment making IRL foreign civilizations as your big bads is literally just the normal fantasy trope


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Yep. We grew up on orientalist slop. ALL of it.


Wholesome friends arrested for sharing laser shows with Chinese comrades.


>Arab make a novel where the main plot is about his own civilization engaged in an existential struggle with a bunch of blue eyed blonde barbarians
It would be based on factual history

Since inmemorable times eur*ids have been pillaging, raping, genociding and colonizing swana folk


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In Lord of the Rings the Dunleding show parallels with the Russians, Men that were invaded and genocided by Rohan so they team up with Saruman, and after the defeat were pardoned only after getting genocided again and the remnants allowed to be a vassal under the boot of Rohan.
<first pic
>there are also human steppe nomads in Tolkien's work, they fight alongside the orcs.

Also the LOTR wiki for the Dunleding origins:
>In the years of the Second Age before the Númenóreans settled in Middle-earth, these tribal Hill-men, kinsmen of the Men of the Mountains, inhabited the lands west and south of the Misty Mountains, as far down as the valleys surrounding the White Mountains. Wary of the Men who came out of the West, they came to fear and hate them. They came to congregate in the valleys of the White Mountains and the grassy plains of Dunland, which lay west of the Misty Mountains between Moria and Isengard; a few went north, and became the ancestors of the Men of Bree. Dunland then became the area most populated by these men, who came to be called "Dunlendings".

So getting colonized by "Men of the West" good, and if you try to decolonize you're literally Mordor.

Orcs is now chosen for Russians because it's the first theater of war in the coming World War, and Westoids needed a good dehumanizing nickname in 2022.
There were also many anti-Russian memes about Russia being Mordor before the war.

It's really funny how Tolkien unironically put in the concept of "race traitors" into his lore, when you think about it.

You can ignore this part because I have no evidence for it, but Tolkien knew his geography, the Western coast of Middle Earth looks like somebody copied the elevation map of the North Sea and Northern Atlantic. Straight up.
So, if Tolkien was a geography nerd and liked to get his inspiration from real life on many topics, and his original inspiration for world building his fantasy was to create a mythos for England taking from Norse mythology, and also considering that he was a reactionary who hated industrialization, caused by him moving from the countryside to living quarters right next to heavy industry when he was little.
Need I remind you about the "Long Defeat" constantly mentioned by the Elves (Blond and Blue eyed Aryan Übermensch), a viewpoint frequently spouted by reactionaries?
And back then the theories were widespread that Slavs actually hail from the Northern Urals and migrated Southwards towards the Eurasian Steppe.
Considering all that, how high are chances that Mordor is how he saw the USSR? If you read the origins of the Dunleding, hill men that migrated into a steppe, it's very close to 19th century Slavic origin theories. And at that time the USSR pulled the former Russian Empire from a backwards serf state to one of the biggest industrial powers at that time, at the same time Saruman is bad because he cuts down trees and industrializes his realm. Dunlendings bad because they help non-Whites, oh sorry, I meant the forces of Mordor.
Maybe I'm just trying to see a connection when there isn't one, but c'mon.

Search up Tolkien's letter to his son about either the US or Nazi Germany winning WW2.
Oh, and all the /pol/ memes about orcs mass migrating and doing le hecking great replacement.
I'm sorry, but at this point it's an open secret.


Let me guess.
>muh wiggers
>muh lithium


in another timeline Miyazaki let his wife pursue her animation career and became an eternally-pissed-off JCP op-ed columnist, banging out such hits as "I want to kill JRR Tolkien with a shovel" and "Mamoru Oshii slept with my wife"


Based Miyazaki


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He really is.


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I don't understand why the legendary psyop and meme masters of nato and ukraine chose to associate themselves with the most made fun of fantasy race and their enemy with guys everyone likes at least ironically


Ironically, I thought that EVs and renewables were a meme when westerners were the ones doing it. She can probably feel the reason why when her electricity bills come in.


I think at first it was more about the significance it holds for the Ukrainian nationalists, their fantasy LARP obsession, defending Galicia, like a lot of the Ukraine propaganda it's tuned for a hardliner audience, the people who have to die and pressgang their neighbors to die. Mania levels of morale at all times like for the Zionist settlers.
He's right, not to mention Tolkien explicitly said he wrote it to popularize Christian themes. It's a Christian wignat race war extravaganza. Not to mention at one point he has a character start complaining about coffee not being served black. Brits are such joyless freaks.


Oh, I think get it now why they all are suddenly hate China for "overcapacity" (apart from the usual reasons, that is)


>The Inflation Reduction Act

>A major purpose of the Inflation Reduction Act is to foster the growth of renewable energy sources and uses, notably the electric vehicle sector. The major method is tax credits for business investment in renewables, and a tax rebate ($7,500) for purchases of electric cars, as well as for appliances, batteries, and solar panels. The benefits from these measures are limited to firms conducting a large share of their activities in North America, especially the final assembly of cars. Healthcare provisions were also included in the law, including measures to reduce the price of pharmaceutical products; these are not an element of industrial policy.

>The tax subsidies have fostered an expansion of solar and wind electricity generation and the construction of new factories for electric cars in the United States. Advocates for clean power claim 83 new manufacturing plants have been announced; up to 170 either new or expanded (The Economist, 2023). The White House claims many new renewable energy projects, large and small, especially off-shore power generation (White House, 2023a).

China is murdering their Inflation Reduction Act without lifting a finger. US political class has invested heavily - money and politics wise - into an economic program, and there will be no dividends from that program


Yeah figured this was probably the case. Corpos wanted their new incentives scam and China just castrated them with competition.


TSMC’s debacle in the American desert

"Missed deadlines and tension among Taiwanese and American coworkers are plaguing the chip giant’s Phoenix expansion."
Looks like China is going to lap the burgers lmao.


Useable via snowflake
Not suitable for videos etc
Deprecated for domestic protocols
Check clash or sing-box for general usage and surge or quantumultx or loon if you use apple products
If you can't find any domestic airports(a term heavily derived from shadowsocks that with a paper plane as logo, meant for these service providers) try neko warp, it's basically free cloudflare warp


None that I know of. Tesla uses lithium, byd uses lithium. Don't feel like looking up every car manufacturer to confirm.

Well that part is easy. Motors just need electricity, it doesn't matter where it is coming from.


>free gibs to US petit-bourg directly goes to Chinese SOEs
do nothing, win


>An ex-TSMC engineer said the company once sent an email reminding staff that the commonly used Mandarin term “nei ge” — which means “that” — could sound like the N-word.


I didn't try Tor, I assume it would work with obfs proxy. My VPN worked in most cases but some apps will stop functioning if you use a VPN. If you use an international sim card you can bypass the usual geofencing restrictions but you'll need a Chinese sim card and phone number to access wifi; I recommend China Mobile.


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Savages. Bandits. They were always thieves and rapists. Nothing changed. Every day the "garden" is ousting itself as a real jungle.


>tiktok ban passed in burgerreich
>eu raiding offices
We are so going to war with China bros….
Normies I talk to are all very sinophobic.


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<Whayyy :O Ya :]]

Meanwhile FISA "Reform" and Reauthorization Act goes ignored…



nooooooo, not the hecking companies!!!!11!!!1 what about the right to property???? nOOOOOoOOOoOOOoOOOoOOo



>Germany arrests aide to far-right MEP on suspicion of spying for China



>The most racist man alive and his Chinese handler.




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Yep. It's in the blood of every normalfag I came across. Yesterday I watched a video about hyperloop startups going bankrupt and in the comments one guy said "This was never going to work. We should just build High Speed Rail instead. I mean look at JAPAN!" lol. And in the replies someone added "Or China" which is fair and should be the first thought when talking about HSR development and mass national adoption and immediately that one guy got SWARMED with rabid dogs seething and screeching "FUCK CHINA THEIR HSR FINNA BANKRUPT THEM IT'S NOT PROFITABLE IT'S TRASH IT'S GONNA FALL APART LIKE EVERYTHING DIRTY CHINESE COMMUNIST MADE! I'D BET ON THEM JAPANESE EVERY TIME! THEIR RAILWAYS ALREADY STARTED COLLAPSING LOL". Just pure vitriol and seethe and the entire reply chain got derailed at seething at Chinese trains. It was fucking insane.

Anyway, the moment they ship me off to Philippines or whatever I'm either deflecting to China or friendly-firing.


It's not only normalfags, it's even leftists and pro-Chinese people. Take local government financing vehicles, for example: every leftist economist is crying about how those are corrupt, inefficient, and will damage China any day now


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I'm glad they wear their golem flags on their sleeve.


>soy and chad in username
This guy's gonna jerk himself off to death by 29


Anyone promoting this view with an Israeli flag in their name should be instantly ignored. A complete juxtaposition.


this person probably is a racist, wait for the day that they will talk to anyone opposing war as a uyghur lover who is destroying the western liberal society (aryan race) by opposing war (enslavement of other peoples)


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Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age or SoyChadHrill what happened to the Jews in Lithuania.


>Germany's AfD under fire again: Maximilian Krah's aide arrested for spying in China


Remember when Mao said, he likes rightists? Now I know what he meant.


These fascoids are fucking schizo. No fucking sense in their actions but then again they are helping China so I shouldnt complain.


Those are people who traded with China and "moved" industries there. Aren't they natural allies with a vested interest in continuing good relationships with China?


Right wing fascoids schizos have nothing to do with moving industries to China. Thats just capital doing its magic by forcing porkies to relocate industry because competition is doing it too.


You know what would be nice? If the CPC would stop supporting fascist-libertarian parties! I think this would benefit the working class.


And who was doing the competiting and had the participation/pity prize?


They are way too pragmatic to not use opportunities like this just like Russia.


marxism = leninism = maoism = dengism = pragmatism = opportunism


It seems that you demand China do what you think is morally correct for socialists to do.

As a thought experiment: If I somehow proved to you that "funding fascist parties in X place" was mathematically certain to shorten the timespan for world socialism, would you still condemn it?

Now, China is a huge immense political economic apparatus. It's impossible to accurately plan everything, just like any large company of 1-3k workers has chaos going on all the time, imagine the Chinese govt apparatus. For the sake of argument, let's say that there is a large number of Marxists, economists, strategists, working specifically on the foreign relations with X country. They present to you a large, thorough, and assume it is done in earnestness and is also convincing. In this report, they conclude that they must fund X fascist party for the reasons presented in the report.

Quite contrived, but I ask you again, would you still condemn them for doing so?

And connecting this to reality, are you confident enough in the Chinese project in multiple levels, and confident you're knowledgeable about geopolitics, so that you can make a certain judgement on the character of China and its policies abroad?

Thank you for your answers.


Stfu and watch uygha kino


>trust the plan


Westiods will be le ebin based chadjak schizos, might as well use their derangement against them.


Americans hate China so much. They trashed their 1st amendment and it wasn’t even a debate. Just based on Fuck China vibes.


What plan?


1st ammendment gets cancelled every war.


Fucking idiot website this is


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Clearly marxism is an inferior form of dengism


LMAO not a good idea


china single handedly converting the neoliberal hegemony into a protectionist one


Why. They want war and “decoupling”. They hate Chinese people. They hate Chinese companies. They want them out of the garden.


If China was a good capitalist pet they wouldn't be as racist. They are just unleashing and encouraging the racism because they bourgeoisie necks will be on the chopping block sooner or later.
Ultimately it's a good thing Westerners are isolating themselves.


The average rightoid in the Western world now believes that UFO-chemtrails-5Gkillerwaves-flatearth-moonprojection-crystalenergie-Q is real and they need to infight with the rightoids in their government and start a civil war (against their far-right governments) to save their nation from the transsexualBLMHAMASantifaCulturalMarxistFEMINAZI.

Total Communist victory.


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Some of them hate the west too


Anyone has written any article on the "Third Red Scare" already?


Tor works fine, just select to use a tor bridge in tor browser when connecting. It's not much slower than tor is normally, you wont be streaming porn though.


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Papa Mao smiling from heaven.


From iron rice bowl to the ironclad apartment, unreal.


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China has long had (and continutes to have) a state monopoly on critical sectors like banking, steel, nuclear energy, rail, heavy equipment, aviation, forestry, telecoms, oil, ocean shipping, utilities, etc., but as Michael Roberts have said, previous Chinese governments in the 90's made a big mistake in trying to meet the housing needs of its burgeoning urban population by creating a housing for sale market, with mortgages and private developers being left to deliver. Xi corrected this with the Three Red lines policy. China's property sector is effectively being nationalized, with the market share of private developers plunging "from 70% before the crisis to somewhere between 10% to 20% over the next three years."


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This list is a massive redpill. Of the top 15 countries, 14 of them are (or were) Communist.



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what's this k word up to?


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Set up your own VPN with V2ray on a rental VPS (get two for 40 USD a month). There are mobile clients, Linux clients, Windows clients, OSX clients.

Good enough for counter GFW, but probably transparent.


Delivering threats like usual.


China just makes the precursor chemicals for it which has legimate uses. India also produces a lot of these precursor chemicals that also gets exported to Mexico. Interestingly enough this is mainly a problem for the US and not other countries which begs two simple questions:

Did the US have an opioid problem before Fentanyl? Yes.

Will the US stop having an opioid problem if Fentanyl disappears tomorrow? No.

What's happening is a result of decades of failed drug policies instead of fentanyl. We had a crack epidemic in the 80s, heroin addiction in the 90s, meth addiction in the 2000s. China and India are producing the precursor chemicals which have legitmate uses all around the world for medical application. Very few countries have a problems with fentanyl. Mexican cartels who manufactures the fentanyl are just going where the demand is. But that demand also comes from a symptom of the failed drug war policies starting in the 80s and compounded by the malaise of late capitalism.


By exponential extrapolation, the current socialist project will last for 27500 years? Based.


Honestly surprised they would show that vibrant of a cityscape behind him. They won't do that in the near future as the west gets worse and it needs to pretend China is even worse off.


It's so disgusting hearing the endless lies from shitbag westoid politicians claiming "there's no easy solution" to their housing crises.


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Wow, no smog/BBC filter.


USA has a mafia problem on top of a CIA secret funding issues. Basically, people who do not consider themselves American are selling drugs to Americans, and Americans themselves instead of actually doing something about it want to just like legalize all the drugs, for some reason trusting academics over their own common sense that drug legalization will decrease drug use


This guy is such a soulless automaton. His acting is so robotic, it's almost as insufferable as Pig Pompeo's verbal diarrhea.


>I'll be talking to students, academics, business leaders

Remember when Gorby came to China and talked to the same groups of people?


Yeah don't it make him look like a clown? Like with any influencer, you should be getting access to top tier locations, this uygha is just taking a video on the board walk like any other pleb. He looks like a tourist.



That's a purposeful PR move to make a millionaire elite "relatable."


He's missing the tie for his suit also.


Like with Victoria Nuland's interview in the Ukraine at a cheap table on the street?


>This list is a massive redpill. Of the top 15 countries, 14 of them are (or were) Communist.
The home ownership rates are so high only because they privatized their social housing… Give it more time for the inequality to set in. Home ownership was trending downwards in China especially in T1 cities. We will see if Xi Jinping thought reverses course on that >>1835212. I do send these graphs to normies though because if there's one fracture point in gen z's liberal brainwashing it's the fact they won't own a home. See also: >>1835192


1991 was the worst event in the history of mankind


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When the U.S. sanctions Chinese banks war will happen within 150 days maybe. That’s on the outside.


those banks own the second largest pile of american treasury bonds, yellen blowing smoke per usual



this was the whole reason blinken visited china, to try and scare them to turn on russia or sanctions.

they have been double mega super sanctioning russia for years now and they just shrug it off. wonder how china will handle it


It’s just more signaling that they hate China profoundly, there will be no diplomacy and war is a certainty.


American deindustrialization, deskilling, and policy of just in time shipping means that the country can't last out a month without Chinese products.


>instead of actually doing something about it want to just like legalize all the drugs
Black markets give power to violent cartels and obscure the realities of the product. Legalizing drugs, even in a in a limited capacity, defunds cartels and brings the product consumption and production into the light so you can deal with it on some level beyond throwing people in prison.

Under socialism you can just eliminate it completely because all resources are publicly managed and there is limited capacity to hide large scale drug production. Until then, legalization is a step to deal with it.

Not more sanctions! That's so scary!


>Legalizing drugs, even in a in a limited capacity, defunds cartels

it doesn't. Mafia doesn't get defunded even if there's a wide-spread acceptance of a nationality which mafia parasites on. And that's talking about legal labor! Drugs and prostitution are the same. Mafia will just laugh at cops now being unable to threaten their "protected" businesses, and that will be all legalization achieves


Are there any good youtube channels for China in the style of DPRK Explained?


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>the recreational marijuana market is run by foreign violent cartels
Closest I got is maybe some kind of mutual fund in cannabis businesses, and with interstate commerce effectively banned they're keeping several small supply chains made of a few hundred petit-bourgeoisie afloat.
Anti-scientific leather-daddy discipline fetishist reactionaries get the wall too, and workers who don't want bureaucratic autophilia to pattern their whole lives will be the vanguard doing it.


First, we were talking about fentanyl, second, how is legalizing marijuana decreased marijuana consumption?


>Mafia doesn't get defunded
Drug markets supercharge criminal organizations. You get rid of black market drugs and transfer it to the formal state, criminal organizations get kneecapped.Most haute bourgeoisie would rather just control people through the formal state. Why deal with unaccountable gangsters when you can just use police?
>Drugs and prostitution are the same.
Prostitution is a different enterprise and has different dynamics from drugs. Only reason they are put on the same side is because they are both in the black market. Prostitution isn't even close to drugs when it comes to money.
>Mafia will just laugh at cops now being unable to threaten their "protected" businesses
Mafia would have to compete with the haute bourgeoisie and multinational corporations on the open market. Most would fail as their organizations are specifically designed to compete with other criminal organizations. A few will join the official Bourgeoisie sure but they are no longer in the black market.


>You get rid of black market drugs and transfer it to the formal state

Good luck with that, lmao

>Mafia would have to compete

It's the other way around, "haute bourgeoisie and multinational corporations" will have to compete with mafia. And we have seen how they manage to compete against Jewish lobby, or Irish mafia, or Russian mafia, or Mexican cartels, in any fucking industry where there's mafia.

>A few will join

They are already official bourgeoisie, lmao, they are just under mafia's protection.

This idiocy about legalization annoys me to no end. Even if you do legalization, you'll have to fucking fight mafia to the tooth and nail, and at that point the legalization wouldn't have mattered in the slightest.

This or that ethnic mafia in charge of drugs or prostitution is historically transient, there's ALWAYS mafia because there are ALWAYS oppressed minorities in there somewhere under capitalism, and even more so under insane immigration pressure. Mafia is there not because they get profits from drugs, mafia is there because THERE ARE HUGE SWATHES OF PEOPLE WHO ARE FOREIGNERS IN THIS SOCIETY. They speak different language, they don't have education for a proper job, they have ties to foreigner countries, they cannot apply for credit or healthcare or education properly, and it all creates connections between those foreigners which evolve into mafia one way or another. And then this mafia takes over corrupt underbelly of a capitalist society, drugs, prostitution, bad labor, corrupt politicians and
police, debt and casinos, fucking everything.

Legalization won't fucking save your dreams of a clean prosperous capitalist society because none such can exist. So, shut up and fuck off to reddit already


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>being this misinformed about a country AFTER you MARRY somebody from there
inhuman levels of racism tbh


>skip to 5:15
wtf how can you be this racist towards someone you love


>Good luck with that, lmao
It's already happening…
>"haute bourgeoisie and multinational corporations" will have to compete with mafia.
You seriously think the Mafia can compete against all the police, the FBI, CIA and even the Military? What Hollywood movies gave you this impression?
> Even if you do legalization, you'll have to fucking fight mafia to the tooth and nail
It's already started happening for marijuana. Where is the tooth and nail part?
>They speak different language, they don't have education for a proper job, they have ties to foreigner countries,
That's why you can so easily rout them if you want. They are marginalized and barely a step above the underclass. The State could eliminate them if they wanted but currently the Bourgeoisie would rather let gangsters live on the margins instead of investing all the resources it would take to get rid of them.
>And then this mafia takes over corrupt underbelly of a capitalist society,
The Bourgeoisie is already taking over those markets and will continue as the rate of profit decreases.
Casinos? Las Vegas's biggest Casinos are already controlled by corporations and billionaires.
Remember when sports betting was controlled by bookies and gangsters but now giant sports gambling companies are being advertised at the Superbowl.
Corrupt politicians? Capitalists can already pay off legally through campaign donations and give them cushy no-show jobs and speaking gigs.
Everything you listed is either already controlled legally or on it's way to being controlled legally by the Bourgeoisie squeezing out the low level mafia types.
>Legalization won't fucking save your dreams of a clean prosperous capitalist society because none such can exist.
That was never my argument just that legalizing drugs does get rid of black markets and mafia control.


if it ever happens i would immediately gain rights to pirate any media that does not accept my debit card


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>Why deal with unaccountable gangsters when you can just use police?
Sometimes you can't use police, especially against popular political movements. Courts, maybe, but sometimes there are horses that must not be spooked, and acts of discipline that must not be precedented, lest the proletariat get ideas.
Organized criminals are hardly unaccountable. Shock troops or lone actors of some kind have proved themselves useful to ruling classes in crisis or with private scores to settle, throughout history. States could quash them if they were so inclined, but instead they create demand for them with vice laws, maldistribution, and so on. There's a symbiotic relationship.

>>You get rid of black market drugs and transfer it to the formal state
>Good luck with that, lmao
*laughs in adult-use recreational marijuana in 24 out of 50 states*

Cool, can you fail to buy me a copy of Synopsys and leave it on a cyberlocker somewhere


Report Glowing Green Light, Receive Substantial Reward!

> A resident named Mr. Li in a coastal city noticed an eerie phenomenon in a house he rented out: a room bathed in a strange, glowing green light every night. Sensing potential national security implications, Mr. Li promptly dialed 12339 to report it.

>"I've leased my property to foreigners, yet no one has ever occupied it. Nevertheless, this unnerving green glow persists within," Mr. Li expressed.

> Following an investigation by national security authorities, it was uncovered that beyond offering breathtaking coastal vistas, this neighborhood harbored a clandestine view of a nearby naval base. This base annually hosted pivotal military exercises, showcasing a variety of cutting-edge weaponry.

> The luminous green emanations were revealed to be surveillance devices clandestinely deployed by foreign intelligence agencies. Their aim? To surreptitiously capture footage of our state-of-the-art military equipment. Swift action by national security forces successfully neutralized this threat.

> Mr. Li's report proved pivotal in thwarting illegal espionage activities targeting our nation's vital military assets. In recognition of his significant contribution, Mr. Li was awarded a substantial reward under the 'Citizen Reporting of National Security Threats Reward Regulations.'

The excerpted segment is from https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_25809580.

Similar news:

The original article originates from the Ministry of State Security.


> 某海滨城市的市民李某发现,自己租出去的房子,半夜总有个房间闪着诡异的绿光。

> 李某觉得可能涉及国家安全,于是拨打12339举报。




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>A resident named Mr. Li in a coastal city noticed an eerie phenomenon in a house he rented out: a room bathed in a strange, glowing green light every night.
YFW glowies literally glow


>It's already happening…
>It's already started happening for marijuana.

Nah, fentanyl stuff is just more lucrative

>Mafia can compete against all the police, the FBI, CIA and even the Military?

Have you heard about corruption, lmao?

>That's why you can so easily rout them if you want.

You can't. This idea about "easily" got broken by numerous examples of national revolts and ethnic mafias persevering in spite of everyinth

>Everything you listed is either already controlled legally or on it's way to being controlled legally

Riiiiight. Next thing you will say is that because megachurches or mormons are legal it means there isn't a mafia-like structure attached to their teat. Or that lobbyism is not bribery and that there's no blackmail involved in first while a lot of blackmail in second

>just that legalizing drugs does get rid of black markets and mafia control

And I answered your retardation with
<Legalization won't fucking save your dreams of a clean prosperous capitalist society


File: 1714107271142-1.mp4 (6.53 MB, 720x1280, 1426464534-1-192.mp4)

Well, I initially found out about this from the comments under the video.

It's more like a 'Hey guys, I found a video posted by a lunatic, come take a look' kind of thing.

Let me translate the comments section.





Forgot to include the link. [What does the strange green light coming from the next room mean? - Bilibili] https://b23.tv/4ZisIzb

忘记链接了 【隔壁的房间里总是冒着诡异的绿光,到底是什么意思呢?-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/4ZisIzb


Although I did a search and indeed found this thing.


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>but the enemy is not a fool

The only foolish thing here is that the authorites have not yet created a register of properties facing important objects and didn't make special rules for leasing, buying or living in such properties, vetting of foreigners there, for example


>fentanyl stuff is just more lucrative
It can only thrive because better drugs got cut with fentanyl and then it crowded out the market because of how cheap it is. It wouldn't have happened if the other drugs were just legal
>Have you heard about corruption
Imagine being an entire Ruling Class and just letting some low level upstart thugs corrupt your State. Obviously "corruption" exists but there are many mechanisms to fight it and take control of them instead. In America the FBI is involved with and controls national criminal organizations and CIA is involved with and controls international crime organizations.
Pretending that an ethnic criminal organization like the Mafia is what secretly controls the whole of America is pure fantasy and ignores larger social structures. Maybe it would be more entertaining if you talk about the Illuminati or Reptilians instead? You can recreate the Anti-Masonic Party or the Know Nothing Party while your at it.
>You can't. This idea about "easily" got broken by numerous examples of national revolts and ethnic mafias persevering in spite of everyinth
I said "easily rout" as in take their market positions in the drug markets. If completely getting rid of gangs was a true goal you could just be like El Salvador make mass arrests and use them for slave labor in for-profit enterprises. It's already written into the 13th Amendment if the US ever wanted to.
>Or that lobbyism is not bribery
It is no longer "bribery" in the American legal definition of the word. Bourgeoisie effectively legalized bribery of politicians so they don't need to compete with mafia on that level. It's illegal to "bribe" politicians except when corporations and the rich do it. Mafia types get squeezed out once again.
>and that there's no blackmail involved in first while a lot of blackmail in second
Sure there is. But you don't even need it if you just get money hungry politicians and give them money legally.
>dreams of a clean prosperous capitalist society
If we are talking reforms then legalizing drugs is one that would help. But you are right it doesn't solve fundamental problems with the capitalist system it just helps treats a few symptoms.




life imitates memes


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America really wants to make it seem like China is doing Opium War 2: Revenge Against The Angloids lmfao.


Anglo MSM pushing hard to muster up some plausible justification for war in SCS rn. Took them a couple years to roll out the bogus "semiconductor" thing in Taiwan. Guess things are heating up there too fast due to anti-sinitic racism getting out of control so they have to rush out the predatory framework



>Imagine being an entire Ruling Class and just letting some low level upstart thugs corrupt your State

More likely than you think. Have you forgotten all those times high and mighty empires got humiliated?

>Mafia is what secretly controls the whole of America


>In America the FBI is involved with and controls national criminal organizations and CIA is involved with and controls international crime organizations.

You clearly don't understand how this works. You claim I'm doing conspiracy theories, but then you turn around and say that American ruling class are the ones who control narcotraffic and migration and what else

>If completely getting rid of gangs was a true goal

This is a level of politics understanding of a 4 yo. You do not what you want but what is possible, and open fucking cartel war is a thing to consider

>Bourgeoisie effectively legalized bribery of politicians so they don't need to compete with mafia on that level

Mafia's businesses aren't illegal, though, they are mostly legal with a side of everything. People they are working with will lobby on their behalf, that's how it works ala "politician with a rumored connection to mafia types" and such in the press

>But you don't even need it if you just get money hungry politicians and give them money legally.

Are you pretending to be an idiot or what? Do you think that there's no blackmailing happening even with legal bribes? Do you remember Eppstein, and how his whole mess was fully coopted by various intelligence services? That was a fucking blackmail farm

>If we are talking reforms then legalizing drugs is one that would help

No, in case of America, what would prevent fentanyl epidemic is actually controlling the borders and rounding up gangs and shit in "reeducation camps". Break up mafia links by moving population away from bandits and counter-brainwash them and give them proper jobs, as always.

Legalization will do fucking nothing, if anything you are talking about creating a legal class of people who get into entryway drugs even more easily. Gee, I wonder what would happen if we give unrestricted access to vulnerable people by "interested groups" :^) I mean, it works so fucking well when casino ads get shown to potential addicts, or when tobacco companies were preaching in schools :^)


SCS has Philippines on US side now, so they now can troll about some shoal where Philippines have intentionally crashed a ship.


Eh the actual causes belli is incredibly weak. It’s not Philippines territory. The U.S. is just determined for war for any reason and will get it in any way, so they’ve just extended the mutual defense treaty to include the SCS because why not. It’s not about “international law” it’s about the “rules based order”. The right is desperate for war. The left fabricated a damn genocide. Literally made one up. Every American hopes to save their hegemony by asserting western supremacy against the yellow peril.


Yeah. I mean they really are trying to evoke this specific thing. Ithe only thing they are vaguely aware of from Chinese history and Biden et al want to use that to impute this idea that China is secretly seeking to destroy anerican society because this reinforces the negative racial stereotype of inscrutable, lying Asians.


opium fields forever…



>the first minute


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Why is whitey like this…


>Have you forgotten all those times high and mighty empires got humiliated?
Right, by barbarian armies and civil wars. But has an empire ever fallen to some random criminal organization? Serious question, I never heard of this happening.
>>Mafia is what secretly controls the whole of America
Don't pretend to be surprised. You said here:
<"haute bourgeoisie and multinational corporations" will have to compete with mafia.
<They are already official bourgeoisie, lmao, they are just under mafia's protection.
<And then this mafia takes over corrupt underbelly of a capitalist society, drugs, prostitution, bad labor, corrupt politicians and police, debt and casinos, fucking everything.
They are not boogieman. You overestimate the power, cohesion and abilities of criminal organization in the imperial core.
Sure cartels can be powerful especially in periphery countries but they pale in comparison to the Federal Government and the US. Corruption happens but United States intelligence budget was about 100 billion last year. How much does the mafia spend on intelligence in year?
>say that American ruling class are the ones who control narcotraffic and migration and what else
They don't control everything but there is no way they don't control large amounts. Obviously current evidence is limited but we do know about what they've done in the past and can extrapolate that into the present.
>This is a level of politics understanding of a 4 yo
I'm just reporting the facts. El Salvador has a mass arrest of gangs starting about 2 years ago year of about 70,000 people.
>Do you think that there's no blackmailing happening even with legal bribes?
I specifically said there is blackmail… but that ultimately capitalists don't need it to get politicians to do what they want.
>controlling the borders and rounding up gangs and shit in "reeducation camps". Break up mafia links by moving population away from bandits and counter-brainwash them and give them proper jobs
That would be fine under socialism. But under capitalism would be a disaster. Imagine just letting capitalists remold the working class because of drugs of all things
>Legalization will do fucking nothing,
Wrong. It would eliminate the black market, allow regulations and stop imprisonment of drug users.
>class of people who get into entryway drugs even more easily.
Like Alcohol and marijuana already is?
>I wonder what would happen if we give unrestricted access to vulnerable people by "interested groups"
They already are. The point is to regulate the worst of it and treat people beyond throwing them into jail.
>it works so fucking well when casino ads get shown to potential addicts, or when tobacco companies were preaching in schools :^)
You can just regulate advertisements.


Drop the racialism retard.


More sanctions incoming


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Oh no! How will the chinese live with that


It’s joever


It just goes to show you that, if even this "progressive liberal" type who is willing to marry a person from the propagandized country could still hold such blissfully deceived views on an entire nation, you can only IMAGINE just how horrific the more conservative, nationalistic western types are, when it comes to zeal and hatred towards China.

And with that angle you can see why the war is not only plausible but expected.


Do it faggot.

Also I forgot where I read but someone accurately said that this whole "S-STOP SUPPLYING RUSSIA!" is just PR reason for actually sanctioning China. Because the western world (slaves) would agree with the US to sanction China if it is to protect the poor Ukrainians.

In reality they're doing this because their car companies are getting brutally beat in the ass.


>this scares the American


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Xi Jinping of China to US Secretary of State: Countries should be partners, not competitors.

<US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting China for the second time in less than a year.

<Chinese President Xi Jinping told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday that China and the United States should be partners, not competitors. This was reported by China's state-owned television company CCTV.

<Xi said that there are still several problems between the two countries that should be resolved. However, Xi stated that there has been progress in the relationship between the two countries since he met with US President Joe Biden last year.

<Xi expressed hope that the United States could view China's development positively. "When this fundamental issue is resolved, relations can truly stabilize, improve, and move forward," Xi said.

>Earlier on Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned Blinken after Blinken expressed concerns about, among other things, China's support for Russia. Wang said that US pressure could drive US-China relations into a downward spiral.

>Wang also stated that the Taiwan issue is a "red line" that the United States should not cross in its relations with China.

>The US Secretary of State described his over five-hour conversation with Wang as comprehensive and constructive.

>This is Blinken's second visit to China in less than a year.




Optics matter. Even if the US doesn't listen the rest of the world sees pragmatic and calm China, handling relentless western seethe with the patience of saints.


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BRI vs Build Back Better World status? AMERICA is almost done building a railway in Angola. Checkmate chicoms!


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Angloids will literally make up words to kvetch at China.


Yanis Varoufakis recently mentioned some internal power struggle in the central committee. To what extent is that true and how much is known about wtf is going on


presumably it's the militarist faction against the more economic-oriented communist party membership, although i wouldn't be surprised if there's a secondary dispute about the best methods of navigating current global market instability via protectionism or through more free trade. xi jinping is firmly within the protectionist camp while the shanghai clique is firmly within the bourgeois multinational free trade camp.


dictionaries can't lie


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How funny that Trump's admin originated the tik tok ban. They already got byte dance to agree to sell to oracle. Biden comes in and cancels the deal. Now they pass the ban in congress and byte dance doesn't want to sell anymore.

Sleepy joe what is you doin?

Was the usa really respected more internationally under Trump?


How would he know? Dude loves himself talk.

>xi jinping is firmly within the protectionist camp while the shanghai clique is firmly within the bourgeois multinational free trade camp.
The Shanghai Party chapter honestly fucking sucks. They got subverted by Western liberals, so much that their outlets even published stuff about the Uyghur camps and Chinese influence on Joe Biden. The dude who wrote that is fired now, but still, the fact that this happened is still concerning.


>newscaster looks like my ex
I should have moved with her to China after graduation bros…


Every admin is more schizophrenic than the last one. I'm glad ByteDance is not selling out and I'm glad people are going "Just pull out of the US, TikTok is global".


Well as an actual dotp china should have no problem purging them right


99.99% of TikTok users around the world access TikTok as an app from Apple App Store or Google Play. The hypothetical TikTok ban would force US companies like Apple and Google to ban it internationally. China fucked up by not coming up with an international Linux/BSD-based competitor to the Apple iOS and Google Android mobile operating systems to protect their business interests for situations like this. HarmonyOS is no good because it's Huawei-only, doesn't run on other Chinese smartphones like OnePlus, Xiaomi, Redmi, Lenovo Moto, ZTE, Meizu and so on, let alone on non-Chinese smartphones. It's not enough to produce your own hardware, you need your own mobile universally-installable operating system, but as usual China never plans ahead, they always react at the last moment with half-assed measures like HarmonyOS and Kylin.


We will see USA getting humiliated soon by people circumventing ban by installing tiktok in any way possible. The dealbreaker is going to be the advertisers and users equilibrium, i.e. whether or not userbase remains high enough that advertisers will be unwilling to drop tiktok


The response to this is maximum schizophrenia. The partners thing was just part of the bigger speech and more of a friendly warning but both the Trumpanzees and Brandon fans are going nuts with their own retarded perspectives to it.

Trumpanzees immediately spamming "CHYNA JOE" and Hunter Biden big guy shit.
And Bidet retards thinking China is cowering in fear of the might US sanctions and how they shouldn't have done le genocide and thigh one oppression first if they want to back down now.

Please just fucking nuke this mentally ill shithole already, Comrade Xi.


>but as usual China never plans ahead, they always react at the last moment with half-assed measures like HarmonyOS and Kylin.
Whoa Raimondo. God bless your retardation.

Anyway what you're referring to is cloud capital. And in the future this stranglehold will also be broken since it's the very last bit of American industry left in the world. And westerners can't compete.


Did "China is capitalist" bros got too cocky?


This law affects all companies in the country, regardless of size. It will be effective in July 1st 2024, and there are 3 key points which someone has summarized.

Thera is a new organ present in each company called the Employee Assembly. This organ is for employees to exercise their power of democratic governance of the company. There are two types, one is an assembly for all employees or an assembly for employee representatives. In general, companies with more than 100 employees will have an assembly for employee representatives, while less than 100 will have an assembly for all employees. The number of employee representatives must not be less than 5% of the total number of employees and also not be less than 30, while the number of managers and executives must not be greater than 20% the number of representatives. The trade union acts as the executive organ of the Employee Assembly.

The Employee Assembly has access to basically all the information a company stores, which can be used to affect the worker benefits of employees. It also seeks to make sure the company is always following the labor laws present at the local and national level. When a company considers dissolution or applying for bankruptcy, it is required to listen to the opinions of its trade union and employees through the Employee Assembly or by other forms.

All companies with at least 300 employees must have employee representatives at the board of directors, unless it already has a board of supervisors with employee supervisors elected by the Employee Assembly in it.


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>China Scans ‘World’s Largest Naval Base’ In USA; US Navy’s Norfolk Naval Station ‘Unmasked’ By Spy Satellite
>In a display of its growing space prowess and surveillance capabilities, radar images of a US Navy base taken by a Chinese satellite are circulating online. Appearing first on China’s domestic social media platform Weibo, defense analysts later identified the spacecraft as the Taijing-4 03 “flat-plate radar imaging satellite” and identified the naval facility as the Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia.
>The radar image showed three aircraft carriers, what appeared to be two Arleigh Burke-class warships. Four other vessels in the image, however, cannot be identified.


So Germany is socialist


Heh, if socialist thing socialist, then how come X capitalist country also has it, heh I'm very smart.


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Show me Germany liftings hundreds of millions of people out of poverty then we will talk with you


i want someone to make a guerilla style documentary about these employee assemblies. with lots of private interviews with the members where they candidly share whether they think the body is effective for anything at all or just a big bureaucratic circlejerk done for the sake of ticking a box. i'd like to be a fly on the wall in the meetings the hold. that'd be cool i think.


Yea, that would be cool


>please please please any sign that it doesn't work

95% of Chinese like their government and trust it. What else do you want to see, crack open their heads to scan their brains?


>please please please any sign that it doesn't work
who are you quoting


>China isn't capitalism because of (labor laws)
lol this thread is hilarious


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Well most of Germans before Germany was a thing were very poor, and now they are out of poverty, so Germany really is socialist

>Companies with more than 500 employees are required to include employee representatives on the supervisory board. In particular:

>Companies with a number of employees ranging from 500 to 1,999 must ensure that one-third of the supervisory board seats are held by employee representatives, according to Article 4(1) of the German Law on One-Third Participation (Gesetz über die Drittelbeteiligung der Arbeitnehmer im Aufsichtsrat, or “DrittelbG”);
>Companies with more than 2,000 employees must ensure that half of the supervisory board seats are held by employee representatives, according to the German Co-Determination Act (Mitbestimmungsgesetz or “MitbestG”) of 1976.

They even have soviets but you ultras will claim Germany is capitalist

>In addition to board representation, German employees are able to participate in the company’s life through the works council (“Betriebsrat”), which shares many of its functions—and often its members—with traditional trade unions.


>employee representatives
>share functions and members with traditional trade unions
>yet no mention of worker democracy

Ah, so this shit serves for stuff like diversity hiring. Capitalist China certainly can't compete with socialist Germany


>Well most of Germans before Germany was a thing were very poor, and now they are out of poverty, so Germany really is socialist

What type of argument is that


reductio ad absurdum


It's just the tired "socialist and capitalist countries have superficial similarities therefore socialist countries are actually capitalist draped in red" kind of argument

Like what, are they going to say that employees can actually realistically alter company's decisions in favor of proletarian interests in Germany? Block weapons to Israel? Force company to continue trading with Russia? Come on, we all know that "trade unions" and "employee participation" are just tools of imperialism, just like anything else


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Beijing beer made with American hops, to highlight the trade relationship between the two countries. Tibetan food, to send a human rights message. Mushrooms with possible hallucinogenic properties, just because they taste good.


China is a vital military partner for Israel defense industry but I never heard anything about chinese proles striking over that… eh maybe after the new law that will make them more like socialist Gernany


>China is a vital military partner for Israel defense industry

again with this nonsense?


I think people understand it backwards, they hear Israel helped China’s military technology, and then get confused and think China built the Iron Dome. Only way I can figure it.

I’ve also notice that as Chinese diplomacy has become more stridently pro-Palestinian statehood, mentions of Chinese Gaza policy have vanished from Anglo MSM. Support of Israel is becoming increasingly unpopular even among the gardeners and so they just issue a kill-notice on all China-Gaza stuff. The last thing the Sinophobic left wants is to ever acknowledge any area where China is correct.


>China fucked up by not coming up with an international Linux/BSD-based competitor to the Apple iOS and Google Android
It was a misstep and TikTok might suffer for it but China already won half the tech battle just by cutting out amazon, google, and facebook from it's domestic market and having the firewall.
>HarmonyOS is no good because it's Huawei-only, doesn't run on other Chinese smartphones
I don't know much about phones but why couldn't they just install the OS or any other OS on new phones? Phones are just portable computers so there should be no real hardware reasons they can't do it.


There is a port China either helped build or invested into, and there's usual international trade. There was a similar fake story about China helping building military bases in Philippines to destroy local communist party, which in reality turned out to be China selling construction equipment such as forklifts


These people also never mention the defense trade relationship between Pissrael and smol bean Vietnam or news like this:



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I'm not going to look this up and give them clicks.
Who are these new regional allies America picked up? Guessing it's the same old ones.


>Guessing it's the same old ones.
Basically yes; Japan, India and the Philippines are the countries mentioned. Here's an archived version of the article: https://archive.ph/yhCuY


stunning and brave


It is distrubing that the US has allied with hitlerism because they hate China so much.


Anyway Blinken came back from his perfunctory act of fake diplomacy to announce that Russia sanctions will be placed on China in a short order. Probably 6 months I'm guessing. Before the election most likely.


>to announce that Russia sanctions will be placed on China in a short order. Probably 6 months I'm guessing.



Blinken's speech returning from China where he says they are doing gencoide in Ukraine or whatever and they are getting sanctioned if they don't stop. The US state department has no interest whatsoever in coming to some kind of diplomatic agreement or deal with China, they have a pathological hatred of them, and so visits are purely farcical performances that always are proceeded and followed by intense sanctions.


At least they told him to fuck off. Again.



Tidal way over anit-sinitic propaganda and lawfare against China this week in the EU. Tightly concerted across multiple countries and many domains. The Tiktok ban will be global, and we'll see economy wide "decoupling" i.e. it will be illegal for any EU country to do trade with China within a few years.


>The Tiktok ban will be global


They just banned Tiktok Lite in the EU and will trivially expand it to the full app. I mean it won't be banned outside of the International Community, true. But it will eventually be edged out and overtaken when it is made seriously unprofitable and weakened.


>it won't be banned outside of the International Community
There we go. Please don't push the US+slaves as "global". They aren't. They are increasingly irrelevant.
Be clear. At the very least I don't want to listen to the same angloid schizophrenia on leftypol as I do on twitter.

>overtaken when it is made seriously unprofitable



>it will be illegal for any EU country to do trade with China within a few years.



They hate Pakistan more. Funny it's also a US puppet. They've been trying to redirect the hatred towards China but it's way less intense than Hindu hate towards Muslims. Most anti-Chinese aggression come form Tibetan nationalists living in India. The rest comes from low level border clashes but it's nothing compared to Kashmir.
America is trying to herd cats.


It's slightly hyperbolic but they will have to go through extremely expensive processes to vet them for everything from "human rights abuses in the supply chain" to "illegal subsidies" and there is a clear understand than any EU investigation that is opened will automatically be found against China and the regulators in charge here are quite open about the end goal being to shutter Chinese business in the EU, end tenders to Chinese firms and reverse/revoke business agreements. Both European and Chinese businesspeople will know that they cannot participate in the single market.


It's mostly that Indian foreign policy correctly reads the fact that the US will give India anything to keep them onside "against China". They aren't just avoiding scrutiny for obvious fascism, they are getting HUGE concessions and tons and tons of $$$. The US basically does not say no them and has made it clear as long as they are aligned against China they will not say "no" to India on anything.


This is just the EU and US shooting themselves in the foot. EU and US could have motivated China to cut off Russia if they opened their markets more but they didn't. Why would they expect China to cut themselves from Russia when they are already being cut from EU and US markets? It would be stupid for China to take that deal.

>they are getting HUGE concessions and tons and tons of $$$
India is incredibly disorganized and divided they can't replace Chinese manufacturing or be a cohesive threat against China. What does the the US get out of it?
>they will not say "no" to India on anything.
What was the US saying "no" to previously?


Just create another thread screeching about Chyna and be done with it, baby.


how many of you anons here post in r sino


>Well most of Germans before Germany was a thing were very poor
So fucking wrong LMAO, the territory of modern day Germany in the HRE was a major manufacturing hub, Nuremberg for example was well-renowned for their artisans, painters and inventors, and thats just one of the hundreds of free cities. There were even socdem policies like the Fuggerei public housing or guilds. And thats just inside the HRE.

There were also multiple communist uprising in Northern Italy, and the HRE.

Did you even read Marx? Things have been getting worse since the industrial revolution, only communist countries have improved the conditions of workers beyond what was before.



I haven't been on reddit for 5 years.


come back to reddit, there are good subreddits i promise


Yikes, US will lobby to institutionalize ban on cooperation with Chinese over this



Fairly accurate description of your average western trot ngl lol.


File: 1714207274735.mp4 (2.13 MB, 720x1280, 1521693955-1-192.mp4)

China's First Sora-level Video Megamodel Released

> Vidu Makes Its Debut!

> China's First Sora-level Video Megamodel Released
> Capable of Understanding Chinese Elements' Performance
> Fully Benchmarking International Top Standards

> On the morning of April 27th, at the Future Artificial Intelligence Pioneer Forum of the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Meeting, LifeMath Technology, in collaboration with Tsinghua University, unveiled China's first long-duration, high-consistency, high-dynamism video megamodel—Vidu.

> Vidu not only can simulate the real physical world but also possesses rich imagination, featuring characteristics such as multi-camera generation and high spatiotemporal consistency. This is also the first significant breakthrough in video megamodels globally since the release of Sora, with performance fully benchmarking international top standards and continuously improving through accelerated iterations.

> It is understood that the model adopts the team's original architecture U-ViT, which integrates Diffusion and Transformer, supporting one-click generation of high-definition video content up to 16 seconds long and with a resolution of up to 1080P.

> As a domestically developed video megamodel in China, Vidu can also understand Chinese elements and generate unique Chinese elements such as pandas and dragons in videos.

[【Vidu Makes Its Debut! China's First Sora-level Video Megamodel Released, Capable of Understanding Chinese Elements, Fully Benchmarking International Top Standards - Bilibili】https://b23.tv/oi75JJd]


> Vidu登场!

> 中国首个Sora级视频大模型发布
> 能理解中国元素性能
> 全面对标国际顶尖水平

> 4月27日上午,在2024中关村论坛年会未来人工智能先锋论坛上,生数科技联合清华大学发布中国首个长时长、高一致性、高动态性视频大模型—Vidu。

> Vidu不仅能够模拟真实物理世界,还拥有丰富想象力,具备多镜头生成、时空一致性高等特点,这也是自Sora发布之后全球率先取得重大突破的视频大模型,性能全面对标国际顶尖水平,并在加速迭代提升中。

> 据了解,该模型采用团队原创的Diffusion与Transformer融合的架构U-ViT,支持一键生成长达16秒、分辨率高达1080P的高清视频内容。

> 作为中国自研视频大模型,Vidu还能理解中国元素,能够在视频中生成例如熊猫、龙等特有的中国元素。

【Vidu登场!中国首个Sora级视频大模型发布,能理解中国元素,性能全面对标国际顶尖水平-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/oi75JJd


Getting fighter jet engines, assassinating Sikhs in North America


Capitalists countries can have socialist elements. Their government however, does not steer or control its economy in a way that is meant for the betterment of their people. (Although this can occur at times)
You are the Anglo Box


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China makes a map of the moon.
Not USA, but China.


CALGARY (Chinese Academic Lunar Globe and Atlas on Rats Year) has released the highest-resolution geological maps of the Moon yet.

It took more than 100 Chinese persons and over a decade to compile, reveals a total of 12,341 craters, 81 basins and 17 rock types, along with other basic geological information about the lunar surface.

The maps were made at the unprecedented scale of 1:2,500,000. They also released a book called GAMMA (Geologic Atlas of Moon a Map of quadrAngles) consisting 33 sector diagrams which together form a visualization of the whole Moon.

China will use the maps to support its lunar ambitions and Liu Kang says that the maps will be beneficial to other countries as they undertake their own Moon missions. Three spacecraft have launched aiming for the Moon so far this year, and in May, China intends to send a craft to collect rocks from the Moon's far side.

China will then in the coming years give moon rocks as a gift to some friendly nations without a moon program of their own.


That's not much. Especially compared to what countries like Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and Israel get.
India being 100% in America's pocket is overblown. They are a weak country who are trying to get as much as they can from all sides. They clearly lean American but they couldn't commit to going against China when Modi's wannabe fascist project is to unstable. They are too threatened by Pakistan, Muslims, Dalit and every other minority they oppress. Most of the resources they get from America will just go into keeping the Hindus on top of India. They are not a true threat.


Want to make a friend in China, Anon? If you're up for it, around July or August when I'm on summer break, I'll ask my family if they can get me a train ticket to Beijing. They might not agree though, train tickets from Jiangsu to Beijing aren't cheap.



Does it has the resolution to show us American moon landings, though?


that plushie is awesome


狼, 你不要去那么远 !我现在住在上海,只来北京几天玩。


My first-born son


If you want to go to Jiangsu, Nanjing is an option. It was once another capital of China during many historical periods, including being the capital of the Republic of China, where the founding father Sun Yat-sen is buried. It's a center in southern China and the capital of Jiangsu province.

Beijing - "Bei" means "north," and "jing" means "capital" .
Nanjing - "Nan" means "south," and "jing" carries the same meaning.
Of course, Shanghai is also a good place to visit, being one of the most developed cities in China.



>eggplant supremacy
Tomatofags coping



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The Duran covered his shitty visit. It was pointless. The general consensus is that he should've been outright rejected after Yellen started threatening and shitting herself a week prior.

Really there is no point in hosting US clowns anymore. It's just a disgrace to have them literally dictate to the Chinese populace like some elementary school teachers.


Burgersisters… How do we respond?


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How does the new Chinese Company law differ from European Worker's councils?


I mean in legalspeak. what is the difference. because everyone is going wild over it saying all companies will leave now but to me it seems like a worker's council in some EU states


Well, reading the article it reads as mere suggestions to the shareholders and the administration of your own oppression by elected workforce managers.
This certainly isn't DotP and more like the cringe I read from the pages of my bureaucrat-reformist trade union in [Nordic country].


Weird because he is the least soulless in the current government at least imo


was that tibetan food part real? ive only heard about the mushrooms part
we are no longer making customized roms and basically no one is doing that rooting or bootloader unlocking stuff
imagine being redditoid
jokes aside, just some subs are basically untouchable
anon in chinese shoulda been 肥肥
one chinese name of tomato was literally foreign eggplant


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Back at Tiananmen, in the queue to see Mao’s embalmed corpse, but we’ve been standing still for close to an hour now. Wind is starting to pick up, and lots of people have quit the queue. (You have to book ahead to even get in the queue and it’s not easy to get the ticket). Staff are saying there’s some VIPs inside right now so we can’t enter, but won’t say who. Probably these damn South Americans. The whole building closes in an hour and a half as well, hope I get a chance to see the Chairman’s corpse 😢


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Here's a biweekly dose of schizophrenia. Just the usual "China is using TikTok to promote antizionism" narrative. They aren't (unfortunately) since TikTok is actually cucked and bans stuff that offends the burgers since they had to agree to that in order to stay active in the US.

With that being said however, TikTok algorithm is just boosting popular topics and unsurprisingly, zoomers are mostly pro-Palestine which TikTok merely reveals and doesn't censor.
Laying the "blame" of Palestine support onto TikTok and China will just make the zoomers like TikTok and China lol. It's literally a do nothing-win case again.

Zionist boomer position is so bad, so unpopular that when they go "IF YOU'RE CRITICIZING ME COMMITTING GENOCIDE THEN YOU ARE A CHINK PINKO COMMIE TRAITOR SPY!" you are only baiting "Yes sir, glory to the People's Republic of China" as a response from zoomers, ironic or not is irrelevant. They are clumping Chinese influence with anti-genocide movement and letting them score a fat W that way. Accusing their enemies of being heroes. They are helping China score PR victories among the younger population like this. I'm not sure if these soulless fucks are aware of that.

Bonus Chinese fanart of an arrested actress protestor that went viral when Carl Zha retweeted it.



Alright I got in, but I’ve bad news. Mao glows. Bright orange. Quite literally: the way they light up his face, combined with the wax that’s been used to preserve him, makes his face positively emit orange light. It’s very bizarre. Obviously didn’t take a pic, the vibe in the place is quite reverent and you only get 5 seconds or so to see the corpse


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>orange glow



I mean from what i read on Wikipedia (I know, Reliable but that was like the only source i could find on this) European workers councils appear to have like zero actual power over corporations they are located within.

Again that isn't to say the chinese equivlent would be the same as the european one (far from it in all honesty) but still i don't think its nessericly helpful to compare the two considering that a (european EWC's are only applicable to corporations that have operations within two or more EEA states, and a corporation only needs a worker council if its got more than 1000 employees.)

Basically Tl,Dr, European workers councils basically exist to allow for streamlined transnational corporate communication and strategizing between a companies branch in seperate EEA companies, unlike the new draft chinese law which does seem to be far more than just simply a advisory board (again we are literally talking about 30% of a companies executive board being made up of Workers council representatives here so yeah, i don't think saying that this is just a European workers council is even remotely close to the truth.)

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