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Pictured: the only good cops


Wasn't it more or less implied that they're bumbling buffoons with heavy machinery and the unchecked power for massive destruction?


pretty much flat-out stated

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No balls.


Huh, wonder what the circumstances are


Nice boat.


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Yes balls.

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Is this because consequences of such cuck nation? Like why tf there's so much fucked up NTR? Idc if the NTR involving a boss with her/his subordinates gangbanged him/her.

But this kind of kinks or cults involving cannibalism & such, are really disgusting.

Unless sacrificing crapitalism worshippers like picrel.
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>Cow's Head.mp4
How do people enjoy this shit. Thats a horror story.


Because sex is everything, sex is life, we live for sex and by sex


Worst thread on this board by far. Congrats leftoids.


Ur welcome, rightoid


Whatever, weakling

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Simple question. Not asking for titles. Just for methods. MD only features manga that are anime and there's a lot of garbage/isekai that's not very good.
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Usually I just browse the MAL rankings for certain tags and look for stuff that actually has well-written reviews that articulate what's interesting about a series instead of just saying "the plot is good". Needless to say not very reliable but it's the best I've found


I make some plot up basis and see if it already exists or browse more scarce genres because less to pick from.


Learn how to use tags and how to find specific translation groups that typically work on good series. You can pretty quickly narrow down your results and cut a lot of chaff.
LovelyStrangeDark for example is a very solid group that largely works on very interesting manga.


I follow (at least) two people on twitter. One posts anime box art ranging from older series to some more recent. If the either the title or art, or even both look interesting enough to me, I add it to the list or at least bookmark it. The other posts updates and news on stuff like new official scans and distribution, with his tweets structured in a way that includes the title, a volume cover and a description of the plot and I just do the same thing. Other than that, word of mouth, places like these, looking for similar manga in the same genre (usually after finishing something)


Follow Japanese artists on twitter?

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Hey! I just scanned and uploaded a collection of Genpei Akasegawa's left wing political cartoons from the 1970s. You can find it here:


It contains Concerned Theatre Japan's English translation of the special issue. Although I didn't realize it was already on mangadex:


More information about both Genpei Akasegawa's manga/illustration work as well as Concerned Theatre Japan:

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What's that second picture supposed to mean?


I wish I could tell you.


Bumping for interest.


Underrated thread IMO, bumping for interest


Another bump.

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The sliding scale between Masculine vs. Feminine anime.
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the only thing that matters is gar


Berserk is half shojo drama.


shitzo graph


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genres be spooked categories fr


Kyoani fans are far commonly male. Fangirls moved on from Free!, dudes are still super into K-On, and most of their output definitely skews towards male otaku despite the huge amount of female staff.

Lupin III what the hell, it belongs in the middle like Naruto. No idea how it's more feminine than Jojo either. Same goes for Eva, Madoka, One Piece, Gundam (yes I know the latter was mainly driven by girls at first, I mean now)

Otokojuku has far more female fans than you'd think and breaks the stereotype of "bara is for men, prettyboys are for girls".

Girls und Panzer feminine lol what the everloving fuck. There is no significant female fanbase for it. And right next to Versailles? Nonsense.

Dorohedoro ran in two magazines full of woman-targeted stuff and only moved to a more seineny one by the very end. It's pretty subtly girly.

Soul Eater & FMA being near the middle slightly but skewing a lil to women is super accurate for once.

Kaiji being way more masculine than Lupin is nuts especially the very overtly macho Lupin stuff like the Osumi & Koike anime & the manga.

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how exactly do we convert them into communism?,last time i asked this question everyone said lol no you can't they are inherntly bourgoi,but why?
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Way off topic but this rreminds me there is a live action docudrama series called Genius. First season was about Einsten and they included his politics. Then they did Picaso and also included his politics. It's a good series.


It's a completely unbelievable story
Einstein was an idiot. He thought time and space exist, like reified into substances. But space and time are nothing and if you make up spacetime you have nothing squared. They bear no relation to material realities. They are pure mental constructs. Einstein lacked even the basis of reasoning and science. Only produced mysticism. Einstein has been debunked infinite times but it doesn't really matter since he has no actual real life application at all. Plus he was a dumb racist, an eugenicist and a zionist.


>It's a completely unbelievable story
Under what metric? Good bait with the Einstein bit though. I almost fell.


Well, if we're operating on the logic of that manga, all problems are immediately solved by attending a festival, so all we need to do is host a communist festival and invite the deaf people to it.


Some character development doesn't mean the story had a satisfying conclusion.



"Yu-Gi-Oh!" creator Kazuki Takahashi was discovered dead off the coast of Nago, Okinawa on July 6 at 10:30 AM. He was found wearing snorkeling equipment.
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he hadnt retired from politics, thats exactly what he was doing when he got shot


You digging up a post from the past to imply something. Someone who isn't here to defend himself. Who may have since changed their position. Either way the statement itself was something I expect my daughter to write on some stupid school assignment. I can't believe the editor let that through.
>but the hotd guy
I don't really care that much about some uneducated opinion really. If he were to recommend a zombie movie maybe that would be more appropriate. Surprisingly watchable anime, I've seen it maybe half a dozen times and I've never even finished any of the 'of the dead' trilogy (?).
>clogged artery
that means it's working


Posting about something from, uh… 2019 that was covered by mainstream anime sites is "digging up a post from the past"? I'm not the other guy who made the deleted post, by the way.
>Surprisingly watchable anime, I've seen it maybe half a dozen times
I too love uncritically watching rightoid shit.


Basudo. I hope it puts the fear into American politicians.


>I've never even finished any of the 'of the dead' trilogy (?).
Ah so you're probably just retarded.

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Come home. White man.


if you like it so much why can you only make a shitty template thread for it


One of my favorite shows or 2014; very nostalgic for me. Wish if ran two cour.

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>get book that literally lets you end capitalism worldwide at your desk
>200 IQ
>everyone loves you
>use it to kill lumpen instead
>build a cult of personality and isolate yourself
>pretend you are retarded and sacrifice family and friends
What did he mean by this?
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Literally just kill anything standing in the way of China. Boom, socialism.


>enable capitalism
but why


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The death notes had power to not just kill people but control their actions before death. Ive found a loophole in the rules that allow indefinite control if you just cancel their death. Not sure if the loophole was intentional or just a plot hole.


Wasn't this addressed in the oneshot sequel with the kid? The Shinigami King makes and interprets the rules, the Death Note's rules aren't like laws of physics. The kid if I remember correctly ended up dying through some BS, like he executed his plan perfectly but the Shinigami King didn't like the idea of the Death Note being used for Robin Hood shit so he I think added a rule the kid wasn't aware of (or changed one) and then it retroactively affected the kid.

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